how to unit test if handler function is called when using middy - javascript

im using an http request function as the handler function in middy and then use the ssm middleware to fetch some ssm parameters before initiating the http request.
like this:
const makeThirdPartyServiceRequest = middy(async ({ params }) => {`SENDING Request to ${endpoint} API`)
const url = `https://someurltoathirdpartyservice`
const options = {
method: 'POST',
body: params
return helpers.makeRequest(url, options)
However in my jest unit test Im trying to mock makeThirdPartyServiceRequest and explicitly say it should resolve to a value:
jest.mock('../src/thirdPartyService', () => ({
__esModule: true,
default: {
...(jest.requireActual('../src/thirdPartyService') as { default: {} }).default,
makeThirdPartyServiceRequest: jest.fn()
export {}
import thirdPartyService from '../src/thirdPartyService'
And then in the test i say:
describe('makeThirdPartyServiceRequest()', () => {
it('should makeThirdPartyServiceRequest', async () => {
// Given
// })
const mockedThirdPartyServiceRequest = mocked(thirdPartyService.makeThirdPartyServiceRequest).mockResolvedValue({})
// When
const result = await thirdPartyService.makeThirdPartyServiceRequest(something)
// Then
However for some reason the middy middleware is still being invoked, which i clearly dont want and i have tried to mock away... what am i doing wrong?

You need to mock middy instead, to make it becomes a useless function. That function recipe a function as a parameter and return that parameter.
import thirdPartyService from '../src/thirdPartyService'
jest.mock('#middy/core', () => {
return (handler) => {
return {
use: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(handler), // ...use(ssm()) will return handler function
describe('thirdPartyService()', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(helpers, 'makeRequest') // spy on helpers unit
describe('makeThirdPartyServiceRequest', () => {
it('should make a request with correct parameters', async () => {
// Given
const url = `https://someurltoathirdpartyservice`
const params = 'any params'
const apiResponse = 'any response'
// When
const actual = await thirdPartyService.makeThirdPartyServiceRequest(params)
// Then
method: 'POST',
body: params

hoangdv answer is also valid, but i will answer as well how i continued.
if you completely want to mock middy you mock like following:
jest.mock('#middy/core', () => {
return (handler) => {
return {
use: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
// ...use(ssm()) will return handler function
return {
before: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(handler)
However if you dont want to completely mock middy, you can instead mock the async getInternal function from middy/util called in before like this:
jest.doMock('#middy/util', () => ({
...(jest.requireActual('#middy/util') as {}),
getInternal: jest.fn()
import { getInternal } from '#middy/util'
and then in the test
describe('thirdPartyService()', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(helpers, 'makeRequest') // spy on helpers unit
describe('makeThirdPartyServiceRequest', () => {
it('should make a request with correct parameters', async () => {
// Given
const url = `https://someurltoathirdpartyservice`
const params = 'any params'
const apiResponse = 'any response'
twilioSecrets: { accountSid: 'someSID', serviceId:
'someServiceID', token: 'someToken' }
// When
const actual = await thirdPartyService.makeThirdPartyServiceRequest(params)
// Then
method: 'POST',
body: params
this will mock the async part of middy.


Testing a fetch.catch in custom hook

I've got this custom hook:
import React from 'react';
import { useMessageError } from 'components/Message/UseMessage';
export interface Country {
code: string;
name: string;
export default function useCountry(): Array<Country> {
const [countries, setCountries] = React.useState<Country[]>([]);
const { showErrorMessage } = useMessageError();
React.useEffect(() => {
fetch('/api/countries', {
method: 'GET',
.then(data => data.json())
.then(function(data) {
// ..
.catch(() => showErrorMessage());
}, []);
return countries;
I want to test catching an error if there will be invalid response. With that, error message should appear thanks to showErrorMessage(). And I've got this test:
const showErrorMessage = jest.fn();
jest.mock('components/Message/UseMessage', () => ({
useMessageError: () => ({
showErrorMessage: showErrorMessage,
import useCountry from 'components/Country/useCountry';
import { renderHook } from '#testing-library/react-hooks';
import { enableFetchMocks } from 'jest-fetch-mock';
describe('The useCountry hook', () => {
it('should show error message', async () => {
jest.spyOn(global, 'fetch').mockImplementation(() =>
json: () => Promise.reject(),
} as Response),
const { result, waitForNextUpdate } = renderHook(() => useCountry());
await waitForNextUpdate();
But with that, I'm getting an error:
Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Error
What I'm doing wrong in here? I assume it is somehow related with await waitForNextUpdate();, but I really don't know for sure and how to manage with it.
waitForNextUpdate() waits for next update but your hook does not trigger it since it only calls showErrorMessage(). Take a look at this sandbox
As a straightforward solution something that triggers an update can be added:
React.useEffect(() => {
fetch('/api/countries', {
method: 'GET',
.then(data => data.json())
.then(function(data) {
// ..
.catch(() => {
// trigger update in any suitable way, for example:
}, []);
But it may be better to refactor it in some way. For example, you could use a separate hook and state for errors:
export default function useCountry(): Array<Country> {
const [countries, setCountries] = React.useState<Country[]>([]);
const [error, setError] = React.useState(null);
const { showErrorMessage } = useMessageError();
React.useEffect(() => {
fetch('/api/countries', {
method: 'GET',
.then(data => data.json())
.then(function(data) {
// ..
.catch(() => setError(true));
}, []);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (error) {
}, [error]);
return countries;

how to check function is called or not in react js?

I am trying to test my service which have one function saveWithoutSubmit
export const saveWithoutSubmit = async (
) => {
var obj = {
remarks: values.remarks,
requestedBy: localStorage.getItem("msisdn")
try {
const response = await sendPostRequest(`${API_TASK_URL}closeSr`, {
saveWithoutSubmit: true
if (response && && !== "200") {
} else {
} catch (e) {
if (e.response && {
I want to check success or error method is called or not ? or updateTaskListAfterFilter is called or not?
I tried like this
describe("remark service test", () => {
const fakeAxios = {
get: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: { greeting: "hello there" } }))
it("save without sumit", () => {
const updateTaskListAfterFilter = () => {};
saveWithoutSubmit({}, updateTaskListAfterFilter);
can you please suggest how i will test async methods or post request (using mook data)??
so that my test cases will be passed.
I want to check if I got success from promise my success method will be called else error
any update ?..!!
it("save without sumit", async () => {
const sendPostRequest = jest.fn(() =>
Promise.resolve({ data: { greeting: "hello there" } })
const updateTaskListAfterFilter = () => {};
saveWithoutSubmit({}, updateTaskListAfterFilter);
it("save without sumit", async () => {
const sendPostRequest = jest.fn(() =>
Promise.resolve({ data: { greeting: "hello there" } })
const mockUpdateTaskListAfterFilter = jest.fn();
const updateTaskListAfterFilter = () => {};
saveWithoutSubmit({}, updateTaskListAfterFilter);
await wait(() => {
You should change it("save without sumit", () => { to it("save without sumit", async () => {.
Then you usually use jest.fn() to create a mock function that you will give to another function or component.
Finally, await the mock function to be called:
await wait(() => {
Alternatively, you can await some other event that you know will occur before your mock is called, like some other mock getting called or something appearing on the page, and then check that your mock was called.

JS: How to mock a nested function in a jestJS unit test?

How do I mock a nested console.error in a jest unit test?
With my attempt (see below) I do get the error jest.fn() value must be a mock function or spy. Received: undefined
_onSubmit = (event) => {
const { username, password } = this.state
return this.props.createUserMutation({
variables: { username, password }
}).then(response => {
const token =
if (token) {
// do something
} else {
console.error('No token recieved')
it('_onSubmit() should log error, if no token is recieved', (done) => {
console['error'] = jest.fn()
const createUserMutation = () => {
return Promise.resolve({
data: {
createUser: { token: undefined }
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount
.onSubmit({ preventDefault: () => {} })
.then(() => {
expect(console.error()).toHaveBeenCalledWith('No token recieved')
In this line, you're calling the function console.error instead of passing the function to expect, that's why you get undefined, since this fn won't return anything:
expect(console.error()).toHaveBeenCalledWith('No token recieved')
Instead of the result, you want to pass the function itself like so:
expect(console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith('No token recieved')
Also, since you're trying to mock the global console function, you'll probably have to change your mock setup to something along the lines of:
global.console.error = jest.fn()

fetch-mock with jasmine not triggering then

I have this constant:
export const clientData = fetch(`${process.env.SERVER_HOST}clientData.json`)
.then(response => response.json());
Which works properly, and Now I'm working on the test of this, with Jasmine and fetch-mock
This is my test:
import { clientData } from '../../../src/js/services/client-data.fetch';
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
describe('test', () => {
const exampleResponse = {
clientData: 'test'
beforeAll(() => {
fetchMock.mock('*', exampleResponse);
it('ooo', () => {
console.log('here', clientData);
var a = clientData;
a.then(b=> console.log(b))
The console.log of clientData returns a Promise (Which is fine), but the then is never triggered.
Not seeing why, what is wrong with my code?
This happens because the test execution is synchronous in nature and it doesn't wait for the assertion to happen, so you have to pass a done callback and call it from your test inside the then callback
Like this:
import { clientData } from '../../../src/js/services/client-data.fetch';
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
describe('test', () => {
const exampleResponse = {
clientData: 'test'
beforeAll(() => {
fetchMock.mock('*', exampleResponse);
it('ooo', (done) => {
console.log('here', clientData);
var a = clientData;
a.then(b=> {

Unit testing nested promises fails with timeout

I've got a wrapper around the Axios XHR library, and I'm trying to write some unit tests for my code. However, when I run my tests, they all fail telling me that the timeout exceeded. How do I need to structure my tests in order to run my assertions?
Here's the wrapper code:
export const clientRequest = (xhrClient, endpoint, params = {}) => {
const method = params.method || 'get'
const {config, data, noOrg, unrestricted} = params
let reqParams = data
if (!isNil(data) && method === 'get') {
reqParams = {params: data}
const authConfig = unrestricted ? {...config, withCredentials: false} :
{...config, withCredentials: true}
const concatEndpoint = noOrg ? endpoint :
`${Cookies.get('organization') || 'default' }${endpoint}`
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
xhrClient[method](concatEndpoint, reqParams, authConfig)
.then(response => resolve(response))
.catch(err => reject(err))
And the test in question:
describe('clientRequest()', () => {
const resolveSpy = sinon.spy()
const fakeClient = {
get: () => new Promise(resolveSpy),
it.only('should make a call to the supplied method', (done) => {
const result = xhr.clientRequest(fakeClient, '/foobar', {method: 'get'})
result.then(() => {
expect(resolveSpy).to.have.beenCalledWith('/foobar', undefined, {withCredentials: true})
It seems that fakeClient.get is never resolving.
Since it is the method that should be spied upon, I would suggest to change fakeClient this way:
const fakeClient = {
get: () => Promise.resolve()
sinon.spy(fakeClient, 'get');
It is also vital to add a catch call in order to handle errors in the promise chain:
result.then(() => {
expect(resolveSpy).to.have.beenCalledWith('/foobar', undefined, {withCredentials: true})
I ended up following #MarcoL's suggestion and returned the expectation.
it('should make a call to the supplied method', () => {
const result = xhr.clientRequest(fakeClient, '/foobar', {method: 'get'})
return result.then(() => (
expect(resolveSpy).to.have.been.calledWith('/foobar', undefined, {withCredentials: true})

