Remove a URL search parameter when there is duplicate names? - javascript

I am trying to manipulate my URL using URLSearchParams. However URLSearchParams.delete() expects the name of the param. If I have params with the same name, (from what I've tested in chrome) It will delete all params with that name. Is there a way to delete by both name and value?
My query looks something like this:
So when I call .delete("color[]") it will remove both color[]= params, but what if I want to only remove a specific one?
The reason for the duplicate names is the backend (PHP) is leveraging this functionallity to auto parse the parameters into arrays...which requires the syntax above.
Big picture is- I'm trying to add/remove "filters" from this array-to-be. Also, some filter categories could have matching values so I don't want remove by value either. I am open to considering an entirely new approach...just trying to do it in the least hacky way.
-- Edit --
For any Laravel users, I recommend not using the index-less syntax. Just use color[0]=, color[1]= etc. I didn't realize laravel supports both syntaxes.

To remove a specific key/value pair, loop over the entries, filter out the unwanted one(s) and create a new URLSearchParams:
function deleteParamsEntry(params, key, value) {
const newEntries = Array.from(params.entries()).filter(
([k, v]) => !(k === key && v === value)
return new URLSearchParams(newEntries);
const query = "?color[]=Black&color[]=Green&material[]=Steel";
const params = new URLSearchParams(query);
const newParams = deleteParamsEntry(params, "color[]", "Green");

Try this approach:
const deleteURLParamsByNameAndValue = (urlString, paramName, paramValue) => {
const url = new URL(urlString)
const params = url.searchParams
const newParamArray = []
for (var kvPair of params.entries()) {
const k = kvPair[0]
const v = kvPair[1]
if (k!==paramName || v!==paramValue) {
const newSearch = new URLSearchParams(newParamArray)
return decodeURI(`${url.origin}${url.pathname}?${newSearch}`)
const urlString = '[]=Black&color[]=Green&material[]=Steel'
// returns '[]=Green&material[]=Steel'


Regex using array.filter in javascript

I'm trying to use a regular expression to filter the name column in a csv file that has be put into an object array. Everything works fine if I type the exact value.
values I want "king" to match are below:
kingkong, king kong, king-kong, king_kong, king11, kongking, kong-king, kong_king, kong king, 11king
I've tried using filter and find methods but I want to use filter to return multiple values if they exist. I have tried the following regex but can't figure out the proper sytax if it is even correct.
const CSVToJSON = require('csvtojson');
const user = "king";
CSVToJSON().fromFile("./locations.csv").then(source => {
var found = source.filter(function(v, i){
return ((v["name"]== /\bking.*/g));
You can use the following approach.
const CSVToJSON = require('csvtojson');
CSVToJSON().fromFile("./locations.csv").then(source => {
var found = source.filter(function(v, i){
return ((v["name"].match(/king/g)));
return statement could be something like
return ((/king/g).test(v["name"]));
return ((v["name"].match(/king/g)));
Both should work
However, your sample patterns show that king might stand either at the beginning or at the end of the target (bot can't have both prefix and suffix). If I am right, that means you don't need regex for that.
const CSVToJSON = require('csvtojson');
const user = "king";
CSVToJSON().fromFile("./locations.csv").then(source => {
var found = source.filter((v, i) => v.startsWith(user) || v.endsWith(user))
/*rest of the code */
If king can stand anywhere, you can simply use includes instead.
This is what worked, I'm totally new to JavaScript:
const user = args;
var regex = new RegExp(user, "g");
CSVToJSON().fromFile("./locations.csv").then(source => {
var found = source.filter(function(v, i){
return ((v["name"].match(regex)));

How can I map a concatenated value for this state, without it being passed as a string?

I'm new to Javascript.
I'm building this drumpad and I want to be able to switch between different soundpacks.
The sounds are imported from a separate file and the state is written like this:
import * as Sample from '../audiofiles/soundfiles'
const drumpadData = [
// other stuff
soundfile: Sample.sound1a
If I want to load a different soundpack, I have to change the state so the last letter (a,b,c) gets changed, so instead of Sample.sound1a, it would have to be Sample.sound1b. this is the function i wrote (on App.js):
changeSamples(id) {
let choice = document.getElementById("select-samplepack").value
this.setState(prevState => {
const updatedData = => {
let newSoundfile = "Sample.sound" + + choice
item.soundfile = newSoundfile
return item
return {
data: updatedData
It works, as in the value gets changed, but instead of react interpreting that and finding the correct import, the value of soundfile just stays as a string like "Sample.soundb1", so I get a load of media resource errors. heres the website, you can check the console to see the error, you have to load a different soundpack to reproduce the error. and here are the files:
I've thought of some ways of cheesing it, but I want the code to stay as clean as I can make it be.
Well that's because it is in fact a string. When you do:
"Sample.Sound" + + choice you are doing type coersion. In JavaScript, that means you are converting the value of all data-types so that they share a common one. In this case your output resolves into a string. This will not be effective in finding the right sound in your dictionary.
Instead, what you need is bracket notation: Object[property]
Within the brackets we can define logic to identify the designated key belonging to the Object.
For example: Sample["sound" + + choice] would evaluate to Sample["sound1b"] which is the same as Sample.sound1b
changeSamples(id) {
let choice = document.getElementById("select-samplepack").value
this.setState(prevState => {
const updatedData = => {
item.soundfile = Sample["sound" + + choice]
return item
return {
data: updatedData
I can think of two approaches here.
import Sample in App.jsx. and update sound file.
import * as Sample from '../audiofiles/soundfiles'
changeSamples(id) {
let choice = document.getElementById("select-samplepack").value
this.setState(prevState => {
const updatedData = => {
let newSoundfile = Sample[`sound${}${choice}`]
item.soundfile = newSoundfile
return item
return {
data: updatedData
You should save mapping of files in other object and update mapping and use mapping in drumpadData soundfile key.
Your problem comes from this line :
let newSoundfile = "Sample.sound" + + choice
Here you are concatening your values and choice with a string, so the result is a string and Sample is not interpreted as your imported object.
What you need is to wright something like
const sampleItem = "sound" + + choice
let newSoundfile = Sample[sampleItem]
When you access an object property with the notation myObject[something], what's inside the bracket get interpreted. So in my example sample (which is a string because I concatenated a string "sound" with the variables) will be replaced with its string value (ex: "sound1a"), and newSoundFile will have as value the result of Sample["sound1a"].
I hope it make sens.

Steam API, different json format

Recently i integrated CSGO stats in my discord bot, but today i saw that for almost every player the API sends a different json data.
Here 2 examples:
My question was how to request the data properly so a win is really a win and not a kill.
.addField('**Wins:**', `${object.playerstats.stats[5].value}`, true)
.addField('**Time played:**', `${object.playerstats.stats[2].value}` + ' minutes', true)
.addField('**Kills:**', `${object.playerstats.stats[0].value}`, true)
.addField('**Deaths:**', `${object.playerstats.stats[1].value}`, true)
.addField('**Bombs planted:**',`${object.playerstats.stats[3].value}`, true)
.addField('**Money earned:**',`${object.playerstats.stats[7].value}`, true)
.addField('**Knife kills:**',`${object.playerstats.stats[9].value}`, true)
.addField('**Headshot kills:**',`${object.playerstats.stats[24].value}`, true)
.addField('**Dominations:**',`${object.playerstats.stats[39].value}`, true)
.addField('**Rounds played:**',`${object.playerstats.stats[44].value}`, true)
The name property of stats items appear to be unique enough to find. You can use array.find to look for the correct stat by name.
const stats = object.playerstats.stats
const totalKills = stats.find(s => === 'total_kills').value
const totalDeaths = stats.find(s => === 'total_deaths').value
Taking it further, you can use array.reduce to generate an object whose key is name and value is value for each item in the array. This way, you access it like an object.
const stats = object.playerstats.stats
const statsObj = stats.reduce((c, e) => (c[] = e.value, c), {})
const totalKills = statsObj.total_kills
const totalDeaths = statsObj.total_deaths
Rather than trying to reference the array indexes, why not convert the API response into an easier-to-parse format?
// do this once...
let playerStats = {};
object.playerstats.stats.forEach(s => playerStats[] = s.value);
// ...then you can use the playerStats variable however you need:
.addField('**Kills:**', `${playerStats.total_kills}`, true)
.addField('**Wins:**', `${playerStats.total_wins}`, true)
The stats array is just not sorted. you can use .find() to get the correct entry from the stats.
for example
const totalWins = object.playerstats.stats.find(stat => {
return === 'total_wins';
.addField('**Wins:**', `${totalWins.value}`, true)
You are approching this problem the wrong way.
JSON is not a format that is ordered. What that means is that there is no guarantee that the JSON data will return in the same order everytime. It is not a default of the API.
There is one way you could still use your way: by sorting the 'stats' array by name. but it is a long operation and not a very good idea.
The way do to this is to do a lookup by name.
For example, if you want to find the wins, you do this :
object.playerstats.stats.find(elem => === 'total_wins').value;
The find function does a lookup and returns the first element matching the predicate ( === 'total_wins'). It returns null if not element matched the predicate (so be careful here).
You could do a function that returns a value for you :
findValue(statsArray, name) {
const entry = statsArray.find(elem => === name);
return entry ? entry.value : '?';
And then your code would look like this :
.addField('**Wins:**', findValue(object.playerstats.stats, 'total_wins'), true)
The main thing here is : never assume fields in a JSON will return the same every time. Always use lookup, and not indexes (unless it is sorted).

How to use R.pipe with multiple arguments?

I am learning Ramda and I am trying to use pipe. To this effect I made this simple example that doesn't work:
var getSQLQuery = ( { lang } ) => `My query is ${lang}`;
var addAnd = str => str + " and";
var getMarket = country => data => `${data} my country is ${country}`;
var comp = ( country, queryParams ) => R.pipe(
getSQLQuery( queryParams ),
getMarket( country ),
R.tap( console.log )
)(country, queryParams);
comp("Spain", {lang: "uk"}); //Blows Up!?
The error I get is
First argument to _arity must be a non-negative integer no greater
than ten
​I don't know how to fix this. How can I do it?
You can see it live here.
There are many ways one could write such a function. I know your goal is to learn how to use pipe, but let me first show a technique that starts with something similar to your functions:
const getSQLQuery = ( { lang } ) => `My query is ${lang}`;
const getMarket = country => `my country is ${country}`;
const flipAndJoin = pipe(reverse, join(' and '))
const comp = useWith(unapply(flipAndJoin), [getMarket, getSQLQuery])
comp("Spain", {lang: "uk"}); //=> ""My query is uk and my country is Spain"
Now the questions are:
Why does your function not work?
How can you make it work?
How do you make pipe work as desired?
Why does your function not work?
It's simple: pipe takes a number of functions as parameters, with at least one required. The first argument you supply is getSQLQuery( queryParams ), which is the result of calling getSQLQuery with an argument. That is a string, not a function. So when you try to wrap this in pipe, it fails. (The note about 'arity' has to do with the internals of Ramda: it uses the first function to pipe in order to determine how many parameters the resulting function should take.)
How can you make it work?
I gave an answer up above. The answer from MarioF does so with minimal change to your initial functions.
But none of these are as simple as
const comp2 = (country, queryParams) =>
`My query is ${queryParams.lang} and my country is ${country}`
comp2("Spain", {lang: "uk"}); //=> ""My query is uk and my country is Spain"
How do you make pipe work as desired?
You need to realize what pipe does.
Think of a function like this:
const getUpperAddr(userName, collection) {
const configStr = getUserConfig(userName, collection);
const config = JSON.parse(configStr);
const address = prop('address')(config);
const addrLine1 = prop('addrLine1')(address);
const upperAddr = toUpper(addrLine1);
return upperAddr;
Forgetting the details, especially of how getUserConfig works, and forgetting any potential errors, we can see one interesting feature of this function: each successive local variable is created by applying a function to the one before. The only exception to this is the first one, which uses the parameters to the function. The result is the final local variable.
pipe is simply a way to make this more declarative, and remove the need for all the local variables (and even the parameter names.) This is equivalent:
const getUpperAddr = pipe(
This has the same signature as the above and returns the same result for the same input. If you can write your function in the first format, you can mechanically change to pipe. After a while, this becomes second nature, and you can skip the first step.
It is quite arguable whether this makes the code more readable than just using a single function, but this way you get what you are looking for:
var getSQLQuery = (_, {lang}) => `My query is ${lang}`;
var addAnd = str => str + " and";
var getMarket = country => data => `${data} my country is ${country}`;
var comp = ( country, queryParams ) => R.pipe(
getMarket( country ),
R.tap( console.log )
)(country, queryParams);
comp("Spain", {lang: "uk"});
In answer to the core question "how to use x with multiple arguments", technically you can use R.nthArg, but that doesn't immediately help you pass data down the pipe.
In my opinion, it's better to pass in an array - or use rest parameters. This works:
//Kept as original
var getSQLQuery = ( { lang } ) => `My query is ${lang}`;
var addAnd = str => str + " and";
var getMarket = country => data => `${data} my country is ${country}`;
//only modified this function
const comp = (...args) =>
getMarket(args[0]) (
R.compose(addAnd, getSQLQuery)(args[1])
comp("Spain", {lang: "uk"});
Repl here
Though I don't think R.compose really makes that any easier to reason about. Maybe if it's separated out into a named function like this?
const enhanceQuery = R.compose(addAnd, getSQLQuery)
const comp = (...args) =>
getMarket(args[0]) (enhanceQuery(args[1]));
Repl here

how to print a javascript object's elements

i am new to javascript and i currently have an object printed to console when i use the following code:
clickEvents: {
click:function(target) {
when i view console i can see the following object:
i am banging my head against a wall to write code that takes the object and prints it to a div using the .append() method. i am extermely new to working with javascript objects, and would appreciate any help trying to tease out an object and/or print the object data.
is events the object name? would i tease out the eventDate using something like events->eventDate?
I've made this over ~15 minutes so it's imperfect; there are types and edge cases surely unaccounted for and the design of the function could be better - not to mention that performing all of this as a giant string and then setting that as HTML is likely bad practice (I'm used to React now, ha!). Regardless, this will iterate over any array or object you pass to it and print it all in a big <ul> recursively.
const targetEl = document.querySelector('.js-target')
if (!targetEl) return
// Small helper functions
const isObj = data => typeof data === 'object' && !Array.isArray(data) && data !== null
const isArr = data => Array.isArray(data)
const dataToHTML = (data, noNode = false) => {
if (isObj(data)) {
const accumulator = Object.entries(data).reduce((acc, set) => acc + `<li><strong>${set[0]}</strong>: ${dataToHTML(set[1], true)}</li>`, '')
return `<ul>${accumulator}</ul>`
else if (isArr(data)) {
const accumulator = data.reduce((acc, item) => acc + dataToHTML(item), '')
return `<ul>${accumulator}</ul>`
else return noNode ? data : `<li>${data}</li>`
const logHTML = dataToHTML(exampleData)
targetEl.innerHTML = logHTML
Assuming that your data/variable is named exampleData.
Any questions pop them in the comments :-)
I'm not sure if you have a div that you want to append to already, but you would do something like this ->
document.getElementById("toBeAppendedTo").innerHTML =[0].eventDate; where toBeAppendedTo is the id of the div you're trying to add this text to.
append() is a jquery function, not a javascript function.
That won't have any formatting and will just be the string value 07-28-2017 in a div.

