Access state in one redux saga file from other redux saga file - javascript

I am using react redux saga to implement something in a calendar application. This calendar application has multiple settings/params. One of them is the currentAccountId, which is in the initalState of a redux file and I want to render it dynamically.
const initialState = {
currentAccountId: ''
However, in order to do this, I need access to the state object on a different redux saga file. How do I access this? Because when I try to do something along the lines of const state = yield select(); outside of a generator function to access state, it tells me something like not accessible outside of a generator function. Is there some way I can access state?


React Hooks with Redux persisting the App state

I just started learning react hooks and react-redux hooks and as far I understood everything. But one thing is keep drilling my brain, so I would like to ask more experienced developers here.
If I have more robust app, where I intend to have Redux taking care of whole state and wanna use React hooks fro side effects, do I really need React Hooks?
I have separate functional layer (containers => where all the decisions are being made with redux) and displaying layer (components => where components are dumb and obtain just data they are suppose to render)
Whats bugging me is I make a API call in initial page loading and I would like to use useEffect hook, but im not conviced I should do that when I can useSelector from redux and useDispatch.
here is the code I would like to update into hook style:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
const fetchForUpdate = (cities) => {
return => {
return dispatch({ type: FETCH_START, payload: })
return {
fetchForUpdate: fetchForUpdate,
const WeatherListContainer = (props) => {
const { cities } = props
const cityData = => {
return (
return <WeatherList item={cityData} />
const enhance: Function = compose(
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps),
componentDidMount() {
console.log(this.props.cities, 'this.props.cities')
export default enhance(WeatherListContainer)
how can I fetch with redux hooks or react hooks? Or can I combine it? like use useEffect and then save it from local store to global store? Isnt it a bit ineffective?
Redux requires a middleware such as redux-thunk to dispatch asynchronous actions (an API call). If you plan on calling an API multiple times throughout your app, it makes sense to use redux-thunk and dispatch an asynchronous action, though this dispatch might still need to occur within useEffect/componentDidMount. If you only plan on a single API call, or if a specific side effect is unique to one component, there is no need to implement the middleware. For a single API call, you can send your request within useEffect/componentDidMount and then dispatch the result with a synchronous action to the redux store, without having to ever store it in component state.
I think there are some confusions. React hooks are used for sideEffects where redux hooks are for using the store more efficientl. Lets consider a scenario like bellow.
You are fetching a todo list from API and wanna use it all over the app. You have multiple components and you are gonna need the todo list in every component. In that case, you will call the api either using a middleware like redux-thunk or by other means like caling it in a useEffect( which is not a good practice) and save it to redux store using redux hooks. And whenever you redux store is updated, you will need to show the data in components. How will we do that? we will use react hooks to apply the sideEffects.
Here we will get the data from redux store using redux hooks. Than in a reactHooks like useEffect we will update a state of the component using useState. So here you can see, both reactHooks and reduxHooks are completely different in terms of functionality. one is storing and serving data which is reduxHooks and another one is showing the data when ever its added or updated which is reactHooks.
Hope you will find it understandable.

React + Redux + Redux Saga - best way to handle loading flag

I have a basic component which displays list of users, when component is mounted I am using useEffect to make an API call which will load the data, while data is loading I want to show loader in the UI.
My understanding is that the loader flag should remain in react component's state as it represents state of that component and not in redux store because redux store represents/saves state of entire application so like logged in user, list of users, etc. and not each possible state of a react component, is this kind of thinking wrong or incorrect from application's architecture point of view ?
My reasoning is that if we are going to store loading flags in redux store then why bother with using react component's state at all and not just use redux store?
If no, then what's the easiest way to achieve this ?
React Component
function List(props) {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const reduxData = useSelector((store) => {
return {
users: store.users.list,
useEffect(() => {
//show loader
//wait until data is loaded
// hide loader
}, []);
if (loading) {
return (
<Loader />
return (
<Table users={reduxData.users} />
This is more of an opinion question, and it depends how you structure your data loading operations, but in my opinion, if you are offloading your data fetching into something like redux & redux saga then you would offload your loading flags as well.
The reason for this is you are keeping all related concerns together. It doesn't make sense to keep data loading & data loading flags in separate parts of your application. Not only is it more work, but if you keep them together it is much easier to switch out what data gets loaded by what component; it is all one unit.
With that said, what I would do is for every data fetching operation I would have 3 redux actions:
LOAD_DATA_REQUEST // triggers saga and sets redux loading flag to true
// both of the following actions are called by your saga and simultaneously set
// loading flag to false and either set received data in redux or set an error state
Now, from any component that you want, you can just call one single action and the rest is handled from that action.
This is just my opinion and there are multiple "correct" answers, but this is normally how I do it and it has worked well.

Functional component props/state/store not updated in function - what's a viable alternative?

First off some description of what I need to achieve. I show information in front-end (React) that mostly corresponds to database rows and the user can do regular CRUD operations on those objects. However, I also add some dummy rows into the JSON that I send to front-end because there are some objects that are "defaults" and should not be inserted into the database unless the user actually wants to modify them. So what I need to do is once a user wants to modify a "default" object in front-end, I first have to POST that object to a specific endpoint that copies it from constants to the database and only then follow that up with the request to modify that row.
Secondly, the architecture around this. For storing the state of the rows in front-end I'm using Redux via easy-peasy and I have a thunk for doing the first saving before modifying. Once a user wants to edit a "default" object anywhere in the UI (there are about 20 different ways of editing an object), the flow of the program looks something like this:
User edits something and presses "save"
Thunk is called in the save function and awaited
Thunk POSTs to backend to insert the object into database and return the corresponding row
Backend responds with the ID-s of the rows
Thunk calls action and updates these objects in store with correct ID-s
Thunk returns and the function pointer moves back to the modifying function
The modifying function makes another request with the correct ID-s
The modifying function updates the store with the modified values
Now, the problem I run into is from step 5 to 7, because the component looks basically like this:
const Foo = () => {
const insertToDatabaseIfNecessary = useStoreActions((actions) => actions.baz.insertIfNecessary)
const items = useStoreState((state) => state.baz.items);
const onSave = async () => {
await insertToDatabaseIfNecessary();
// do the actual modifying thing here;
return (
<button onClick={onSave}>Save!</button>
If you know functional components better than I do, then you know that in onSave() the insertToDatabaseIfNecessary() will update the values in Redux store, but when we get to the actual modifying and post(...items) then the values that are POSTed are not updated because they will be updated in the next time the component is called. They would be updated if this was a class-based component, but easy-peasy has no support for class-based components. I guess one way would be to use class-based components and Redux directly but I have feeling there might be a different pattern that I could use to solve my issue without resorting to class-based components.
The question: Is there a sane way of doing this with functional components?
Thunks in easy-peasy can handle asynchronous events, so you should put your axios post in there e.g.
insertToDatabaseIfNecessary : thunk(async (actions, payload) => {
// First update the data on the server
// Assuming that the post succeeds, now dispatch and action to update your store.
// (You'd want to check your post succeeded before doing this...)
This easy-peasy thunk will wait for the async post to finish, so you can use the action as follows in your Foo component:
You will not need to await it or use the onSave function in your Foo component.

In React components, where to store unchanging data returned from api so that component methods can have access to it?

My understanding of state variables in React is that only data that changes as a result of user interaction or asynchronous data flow should be stored in state. What if I need to request list data from several APIs and then combine these to make a new master list to serve as a constant source of truth that may need to be used by various component methods during phases of user interaction? What is the correct place to store unchanging data like this? It's tempting to put this data in state for easy access but that doesn't seem right. Thanks.
You don't need to use redux, in this case. It's OK to save your API data call to state, even though the data won't change. If you don't want to save it to state you can save it to a static or global variable.
class App extends React.Component {
API_DATA = []; // save data here
state = {
api_data: [] // it's ok too
componentDidMount = () => {
// call to api
// save data to API_DATA
this.API_DATA = data;
This is where something like React hooks or Redux would come in handy. If you're unfamiliar, both can be used to globally store state. Redux would be better for high frequency changes but it sounds like hooks would be best for your situation.
There are plenty of tutorials out there for this on Youtube, the React subreddit, etc.

React change react component state from global JS function file?

So let's say I have this global JS function file that other components use to make rest calls, if the response is unauthorized I want it to change the state of a React component to loggedIn:false. Is this possible?
Looks like a use case of redux. You will maintain loggedIn in your store and connect whichever component requires this info with the store.
Else there are two other ways not that good which I will call hacks.
1) Maintain this in url query params and read the params in component.
2) Maintain this in sessionStorage or localStorage.
3) Maintain it in window.isLoggedIn
But since this is login related info I would avoid using these ways. For some other global, you can use above mentioned ways.
Take a look at redux here
class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
async getData() {
await response = fnToGetData();
if (response.unauthorized) {
// or if you want to set authorization only in this component
// this.setState(() => ({authorized: false}));
} else {
// do sth with the data
Where setAuthorizationStatus lives somewhere on top of your app and is passed down through props (you can also use context to pass it down conveniently).

