Mapbox GL JS: change zoom depending on search range - javascript

Maybe it is a stupid question but anyway,
On the search page in my application, I have a range input that determines search range (min 5 km, max 50 km.). Depending on set value, I'd like to change current zoom in MapBox GL map so that it displays only the area that has been set in this input (if search range is about 10 km., I should see only a map sector with a radius of 10 km.). I'm a bit weak at math, which prevents me to find this correlation.
Thanks in advance.

So you want the map area to encompass a circle of a size specified in kilometres.
One simple (but slightly bloaty) way to do this would be using Turf.
const rangeCircle) =, radius, { units: 'kilometers' });
That way you don't need to explicitly compute the zoom level - Mapbox's fitBounds() will figure that out for you.

Finally I figured out how to do that using Turf.js. Here is my solution:
function fitToRadius(radius) {
const { lng, lat } = mapbox.getCenter();
const center = [lng, lat];
const rangeCircle =
{ units: "kilometers"}
const [coordinates] = rangeCircle.geometry.coordinates;
const bounds = new mapboxgl.LngLatBounds(
/* Extend the 'LngLatBounds'
to include every coordinate in the bounds result. */
coordinates.forEach((coord) => bounds.extend(coord));
Thanks to Steve Bennett for his hint about Turf.js.


Vertical alignment of TMS tiles in Leaflet using EPSG:25832 projection

I am using Leaflet with Proj4Leaflet to work with tiles in 25832. The application is fairly simple: I am trying to overlay tiles in EPSG:25832 onto a omniscale basemap. I have copied the individual resolutions and origin from the tilemap meta information. The problem I am facing is that the map is not aligned and once I zoom in the tiles are not placed in the correct order. I'd appreciate any kind of support here (by the way, this is a working example which is using openlayers).
I guess I am doing something wrong here:
// Set resolutions
var resolutions = [156367.7919628329,78183.89598141646,39091.94799070823,19545.973995354114,9772.986997677057,4886.4934988385285,2443.2467494192642,1221.6233747096321,610.8116873548161,305.40584367740803,152.70292183870401,76.35146091935201,38.175730459676004,19.087865229838002,9.543932614919001,4.7719663074595005,2.3859831537297502,1.1929915768648751];
// Define CRS
var rs25832 = new L.Proj.CRS(
origin: [ 273211.2532533697, 6111822.37943825 ],
resolutions: resolutions
...using the tiles information from .
Afterwards I add a tile layer
var url = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
var tileLayer = L.tileLayer(
tms: true,
crs: rs25832,
continuousWorld: true,
maxZoom: resolutions.length
And add them to the map..
// Setup map
var map ='map', {
crs: rs25832,
center: [ 50.8805, 7.3389 ],
maxZoom: resolutions.length,
layers: [ baseWms, tileLayer ]
The bare minimum of code can be found here:
This boils down to how the Y coordinate of TMS tiles is inverted (it becomes higher when going north, as opposed to default TileLayers, in which the Y coordinate becomes larger when going south).
Having a look on the Leaflet code that takes care of this specific feature will shed some light on the issue:
if (this._map && ! {
var invertedY = this._globalTileRange.max.y - coords.y;
if (this.options.tms) {
data['y'] = invertedY;
data['-y'] = invertedY;
There are two things critical to calculating the right Y coordinate for your tiles here:
The CRS must be finite (it must have bounds)
There must be a finite global tile range (which in Leaflet is ultimately defined by the CRS bounds and not the TileLayer bounds)
Long story short, your CRS should be defined with known bounds. For this particular case, taking information from the TMS capabilities document...
<BoundingBox minx="273211.2532533697" miny="5200000.0" maxx="961083.6232988155" maxy="6111822.37943825"/>
...and turned into a L.Bounds definition when defining the Leaflet CRS, like...
// Define CRS
var rs25832 = new L.Proj.CRS(
origin: [ 273211.2532533697, 6111822.37943825 ],
resolutions: resolutions,
bounds: [[273211.2532533697, 5200000],[961083.6232988155, 6111822.37943825]]
Stuff should just work (with no need to pass the CRS to the tilelayers, since they will all use the map's), as in this working example.

Drawn polygon does not show in openlayers

I have to draw a polygon on openlayers Map. This is my code:
draw = new Draw({
source: this.vectorSource,
type: 'Polygon'
draw.on('drawend', e => {
// sol 1, result is not as required
let coords = e.feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates()
//sol 2, give correct results, but drawn polygon gone
let coords = e..feature.getGeometry().transform('EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326').getCoordinates()
I have to store the transformed coordinates in DB, but solution #2 does not maintain the visibility of drawn poloygon.
In case of solution #1, it does not gives the required formated coordinates, if I try to transform them later using
transform(coords, 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326')
it does not return formated coordinates.
please guide me where i am wrong to maintain the visibility of polygon and get the transformed coordinates.
You need to clone the geometry
let coords = e..feature.getGeometry().clone().transform('EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326').getCoordinates();
otherwise you wil move the feature somewhere close to point [0, 0] in view cooordinates

three.js: jumpy animation (– due to float imprecision?)

I'm using three.js on a separate canvas on top of a openlayers map. the way I synchronize the view of the map and the three.js camera (which looks straight down onto the map) works fine, and looks like this:
function updateThreeCam(
group, // three.js group — has camera in it
view, // ol3 view
map // ol3 map
) {
// get visible part of map
const extent = getViewExtent(view, map);
const h = ol.extent.getHeight(extent);
const mapCenter = ol.extent.getCenter(extent);
// calculates how for away from the ground the camera has to
// be to match the currently visible part of the map
const camDist = h / (2 * Math.tan(constants.CAM_V_FOV_RAD / 2));
camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); // needed?
group.position.set(...mapCenter, camDist);
however, when I am animating the flight of an object from in front of the camera down to the ground, the movement is not smooth: the vertical movement is jumping a lot.,output
this is the animation code:
// construct a spline to animate along
const waypoints = [
const pathSpline = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3(waypoints);
// const pathSpline = new THREE.LineCurve3(...waypoints);
startTime =;
// [...]
function animate() {
const diff = - startTime;
const t = diff / aniDuration;
// sample curve at `t`
const pos = pathSpline.getPointAt(t);
// update position
renderer.render(scene, camera);
what is weird is that I don't really see the jumps in the sampled positions:
as you can see the map coordinates tend to be very big numbers. that's why I thought it might be a float precision issue. — dividing everything by 1000 indeed seems to help. there is just two new problems with that:
the foreshortening effect is way less drastic / not realistic anymore
panning does not work as expected anymore: the rectangle on the ground does not stay in its position,output

How to use 'chunky' (coarse-grained) zoom levels with Leaflet maps?

I am using Leaflet.js for desktop and mobile browser-based maps, and need to support a variety of map tile services. Some of these tile services are defined with coarse zoom levels (like 1, 5, 10, 15), and if I make a request for an unsupported zoom level, the service does not return a tile. (For example, if I request service/tiles/6/x/y when zoom level 6 is not supported).
Leaflet tile layers support minZoom and maxZoom but I'm trying to figure out if there is a best practice for doing coarse zoom levels, and if other folks have encountered this.
I found this post on GitHub that addresses tile scaling for unsupported zoom levels:
But I am not sure if this applies. (I'm not sure I want to scale or 'tween' the zoom levels... but if this makes sense and is not too difficult I am willing to try.)
I've started experimenting with this approach which gets messy because zooming can cause more zooming and I have to differentiate user-driven zooms from system-driven zooms:
// layer metadata (assumption: Levels is in ascending order of zoom)
var layerDef = { Title: 'Service lines', Levels: [10, 15, 19] };
// create Leaflet Tile Layer and show on map
var layer = L.tileLayer('://host/service/{z}/{x}/{y}');
layer.minZoom = layerDef.Levels[0];
layer.maxZoom = layerDef.Levels[layerDef.Levels-1];
// initialize lastZoom for coarse zoom management
var lastZoom = map.getZoom();
var userZoom = true;
// handle supported zoom levels when zoom changes
map.on('zoomend', function (e)
// get new zoom level
var z = || map.getZoom();
if (userZoom) // assume user initiated this zoom
// is this zoom level supported?
var zIdx = $.inArray(z, layerDef.Levels);
if (zIdx === -1)
// zoom level is not supported; zoom out or in to supported level
// delta: < 0 for zoom out, > 0 for zoom in
var zDelta = z - lastZoom;
var zLastIdx = $.inArray(lastZoom, layerDef.Levels);
var newZoom = -1;
if (zDelta > 0)
// user zoomed in to unsupported level.
// zoom in to next supported level (rely on layer.maxZoom)
newZoom = layerDef.Levels[zLastIdx + 1];
// user zoomed out to unsupported level.
// zoom out to next supported level (rely on layer.minZoom)
newZoom = layerDef.Levels[zLastIdx - 1];
if (newZoom !== -1)
userZoom = false; // set flag
setTimeout(function ()
map.setZoom(newZoom); // set zoom -- seems to not work if called from within zoomend handler
}, 100); // delay call to setZoom() to fix issue
userZoom = true; // clear flag
lastZoom = z;
(Side note: I hope the reason for coarse zoom levels is obvious: it can get expensive to create and store raster tiles at each zoom level, especially for large geographic areas, and especially when used with offline mobile devices with their own [local] tile servers, limited wireless data plans, limited storage capacity, etc. This is perhaps not something you might encounter with toy apps and Google maps, for example, but rather with domain-specific and mobile applications in which space and bandwidth are at a premium.)
UPDATE: I found that the problem I was having with this code is that map.setZoom(z) does not work right when called from within the zoomEnd handler (it does set the zoom, but causes display issue with gray/nonexistent tiles, perhaps because Leaflet is still in process of scaling / zooming). Fix was to use setTimeout to delay the call to setZoom() a bit. However, I'm still really curious if anybody else has dealt with this, and if there is a 'better way'... (I updated above code to work with setZoom fix)
There is currently a commit under review in Leaflet's repository on GitHub. It adds zoomFactor to the map's options. Maybe that's what you're looking for. At least, i think it will work just as long as your available tileset has zoomlevels which are (don't know if this is the correct technical term) multiples of the lowest available zoomlevel.
The following (no guarantees, based on this) should work with Leaflet v1.7.3 but probably not with current master.
It uses a serverZooms option to specify available zoom levels on the tile server as an ordered array.
Overrides L.TileLayer._getZoomForUrl to return a matching or the next lower available server zoom. Also overrides L.TileLayer._getTileSize to increase tile size in order to scale the tiles in between server zooms.
L.TileLayer.Overzoom = L.TileLayer.extend({
options: {
// List of available server zoom levels in ascending order. Empty means all
// client zooms are available (default). Allows to only request tiles at certain
// zooms and resizes tiles on the other zooms.
serverZooms: []
// add serverZooms (when maxNativeZoom is not defined)
// #override
_getTileSize: function() {
var map = this._map,
options = this.options,
zoom = map.getZoom() + options.zoomOffset,
zoomN = options.maxNativeZoom || this._getServerZoom(zoom);
// increase tile size when overscaling
return zoomN && zoom !== zoomN ?
Math.round(map.getZoomScale(zoom) / map.getZoomScale(zoomN) * options.tileSize) :
// #override
_getZoomForUrl: function () {
var zoom =;
return this._getServerZoom(zoom);
// Returns the appropriate server zoom to request tiles for the current zoom level.
// Next lower or equal server zoom to current zoom, or minimum server zoom if no lower
// (should be restricted by setting minZoom to avoid loading too many tiles).
_getServerZoom: function(zoom) {
var serverZooms = this.options.serverZooms || [],
result = zoom;
// expects serverZooms to be sorted ascending
for (var i = 0, len = serverZooms.length; i < len; i++) {
if (serverZooms[i] <= zoom) {
result = serverZooms[i];
} else {
if (i === 0) {
// zoom < smallest serverZoom
result = serverZooms[0];
return result;
(function () {
var map = new L.Map('map');
map.setView([50, 10], 5);
new L.TileLayer.Overzoom('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
serverZooms: [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 17],
attribution : '© <a target="_parent" href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
body {
margin: 0;
html, body, #map {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<div id="map"></div>

Get distance in pixels between 2 LonLat objects in OpenLayers

I have 2 OpenLayers.LonLat objects, and I want to determine the distance in pixels for the current zoom between the 2. I'm using OpenLayers.Layer.getViewPortPxFromLonLat() to determine the x and y of the points and then subtract to see the difference between the 2, but the values that I get are very small for points that are 2000km apart.
Here is my code:
var center_lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(geometry.lon,;
var center_px = layer.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(center_lonlat);
var radius_m = parseFloat(feature.attributes["radius"]);
var radius_lonlat = OpenLayers.Util.destinationVincenty(center_lonlat, 0, radius_m);
var radius_px = layer.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(radius_lonlat);
var radius = radius_px.y - center_px.y;
I'm trying here to draw a circle, giving that I receive a center point and a radius in meters. The LonLat object seems to be ok.
Am I doing something wrong ?
I found the issue: destinationVincenty() need and returns coordinates in wgs84 where my map was using spherical mercator projection.
I hope I got correctly the answer, because projections make me dizzy and never really understood them :(. I was looking in the console to the numbers for my coordinates and the coordinates from the map.getExtent() that is used to calculate the getViewPortPxFromLonLat() and I realised they are not in the right order of magnitude, and then it hit me.
So, the code is now:
var spherical_mercator = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
var wgs84 = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
var map =;
var geometry = feature.geometry;
var center_lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(geometry.y, geometry.x);
var center_px = map.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(center_lonlat);
var radius_m = parseFloat(feature.attributes["radius"]);
var radius_lonlat = OpenLayers.Util.destinationVincenty(center_lonlat.clone().transform(spherical_mercator, wgs84), 0, radius_m).transform(wgs84, spherical_mercator);
var radius_px = map.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(radius_lonlat);
var radius = Math.abs(radius_px.y - center_px.y);
Measured the circles with the OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine, and the size is dead on :D
You seem to be doing right. If the distance you get is too small, maybe there is a problem with OpenLayers.Util.destinationVincenty function? Have you tried to replace the bearing (0) with anything else - its value seem to be not important in your case. But frankly speaking, I wasn't able to understand how it works while browsing the source

