State Mutation detected when updating Redux Values - javascript

So I'm fairly new to React-Redux and I'm facing this problem where if i update this array with a new object in redux, i'm getting the following error
Uncaught Invariant Violation: A state mutation was detected between dispatches, in the path `settingsObject.arrayForSettings.0.updatedObject`. This may cause incorrect behavior.
The Problem only arises when i update the state in redux with new values, On previous values there is no error. The piece of code that is giving me the error is as follows.
let tempArrayForSettings = [...props.arrayForSettings];
tempArrayForSettings.forEach((element:any) => {
if(element.settingsType === "DesiredSettingType")
//modify elements of a JSON object and add it to the element
element.updatedObject = JSONUpdatedObject;
//call the action method to update the redux state
The error is pointing me to the following link : Redux Error
I know I'm not updating the object I'm getting from props instead I'm making a copy using the spread operator so I really don't know why the error is coming whenever I'm firing the updateAction function.

Well, your line element.updatedObject = JSONUpdatedObject; is modifying the object in the Redux store. element is a direct reference to your store object. You would need to do an immutable copy here - your spread above only does a shallow copy, but the items here are still the same.
Generally, you should do logic like this not in your component, but within your Reducer. (see the Style Guide on this topic) That also gives you the benefit that you don't need to care about immutability, as within createSlice reducers you can simply modify data.

You're updating the object inside the array, so the spread operator that you've created above only clones the array itself, not the objects inside the array. In Javascript, objects are passed by reference (read more here)
To fix this warning, you'd need to copy the object itself, and to do that, you'd need to find the specific object in the array that you'd like to change.
Try this:
const { arrayForSettings } = props;
const modifiedSettings = => {
if(element.settingsType === "DesiredSettingType")
//modify elements of a JSON object and add it to the element
return {
updatedObject: JSONUpdatedObject,
return element;
Also, it's recommended that this logic lives on the reducer side, not in your component.


Copy an object array to use as state - React.js

I'm having trouble understanding why, when there are objects inside the vector, it doesn't create new references to them when copying the vector.
But here's the problem.
const USERS_TYPE = [
{label:"Name",required:true,width:"200px",value:"", error:false},
{label:"ID",required:true,width:"150px",value:"", error:false},
{label:"Email",required:false,width:"150px",value:"", error:false},
I tried to pass this vector to a state in two ways.
const [users,setUsers] = useState(>({...item})))
const [users,setUsers] = useState([...USERS_TYPE])
And in both situations changing user with setUser will change USERS_TYPE.
One of the ways I change.
const changes = [...users]
const err = validation(changes[selected-1].inputs)>{
changes[selected-1].inputs[index].error = true
What solutions could I come up with, change from vector to object, another copy mechanism.
This copy doesn't make much sense as the internal object references remain intact.
Edit: Another important detail is that the USER_TYPE is outside the function component.
it doesn't create new references to them when copying the vector
Because that's not the way JS works. It doesn't deep clone stuff automagically.
const user1 = {id:1}
const user2 = {id:2}
const users = [user1,user2];
const newUsers = [...users]; // this clones users, BUT NOT the objects it contains
console.log(newUsers === users); // false, it's a new array
console.log(newUsers[0] === users[0]) // true, it's the same reference
Ultimately, you are just mutating state. First and most golden rule of react: don't mutate state.
This is the line causing the error:>{
// you are mutating an object by doing this
// yes, `changes` is a new array, but you are still mutating the object that is part of state that is nested inside of that array
changes[selected-1].inputs[index].error = true
Maybe this would work:
const idx = selected-1;
const err = validation(users[idx].inputs)
setUsers(users =>,i) => {
if(i !== idx) return user; // you aren't interested in this user, leave it unmodified
// you need to change the inputs for this user
// first, shallow clone the object using the spread operator
return {
// now inputs must be a new reference as well, so clone it using map
inputs:,index) => ({
// careful not to mutate the input object, clone it using spread
// and set the error property on the cloned object
error: !!err[index]
EDIT: Sorry for all the code edits, I had a bunch of syntax errors. The ultimate point I was trying to get across remained consistent.
EDIT #2:
Another important detail is that the USER_TYPE is outside the function component.
That doesn't really matter in this case as it serves as your initial state. Every time you update state you need to do it immutably (as I've shown you above) so as not to mutate this global object. If you actually mutate it, you'll see that by unmounting the component and re-mounting the component will result in what looks like "retained state" - but it's just that you mutated the global object that served as the template for initial state.

How to induce reactivity when updating multiple props in an object using VueJS?

I was witnessing some odd behaviour while building my app where a part of the dom wasn't reacting properly to input. The mutations were being registered, the state was changing, but the prop in the DOM wasn't. I noticed that when I went back, edited one new blank line in the html, came back and it was now displaying the new props. But I would have to edit, save, the document then return to also see any new changes to the state.
So the state was being updated, but Vue wasn't reacting to the change. Here's why I think why:
Vue cannot detect property addition or deletion. Since Vue performs the getter/setter conversion process during instance initialization, a property must be present in the data object in order for Vue to convert it and make it reactive
Sometimes you may want to assign a number of properties to an existing object, for example using Object.assign() or _.extend(). However, new properties added to the object will not trigger changes. In such cases, create a fresh object with properties from both the original object and the mixin object
The Object in my state is an instance of js-libp2p. Periodically whenever the libp2p instance does something I need to update the object in my state. I was doing this by executing a mutation
syncNode(state, libp2p) {
state.p2pNode = libp2p
Where libp2p is the current instance of the object I'm trying to get the DOM to react to by changing state.p2pNode. I can't use $set, that is for single value edits, and I think .assign or .extend will not work either as I am trying to replace the entire object tree.
Why is there this limitation and is there a solution for this particular problem?
The only thing needed to reassign a Vuex state item that way is to have declared it beforehand.
It's irrelevant whether that item is an object or any other variable type, even if overwriting the entire value. This is not the same as the reactivity caveat situations where set is required because Vue can't detect an object property mutation, despite the fact that state is an object. This is unnecessary:
Vue.set(state, 'p2pNode', libp2p);
There must be some other problem if there is a component correctly using p2pNode that is not reacting to the reassignment. Confirm that you declared/initialized it in Vuex initial state:
state: {
p2pNode: null // or whatever initialization value makes the most sense
Here is a demo for proof. It's likely that the problem is that you haven't used the Vuex value in some reactive way.
I believe your issue is more complex than the basic rules about assignment of new properties. But the first half of this answer addresses the basics rules.
And to answer why Vue has some restrictions about how to correctly assign new properties to a reactive object, it likely has to do with performance and limitations of the language. Theoretically, Vue could constantly traverse its reactive objects searching for new properties, but performance would be probably be terrible.
For what it's worth, Vue 3's new compiler will supposedly able to handle this more easily. Until then, the docs you linked to supply the correct solution (see example below) for most cases.
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
foo: {
person: {
firstName: "Evan"
methods: {
syncData() {
// Does not work
// = 'coder';
// Does work (foo is already reactive) = {
person: {
firstName: "Evan"
occupation: 'Coder'
// Also works (better when you need to supply a
// bunch of new props but keep the old props too)
// = Object.assign({},, {
// occupation: 'Coder',
// });
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
Hello {{foo.person.firstName}} {{foo.occupation}}!
<button #click="syncData">Load new data</button>
Update: Dan's answer was good - probably better than mine for most cases, since it accounts for Vuex. Given that your code is still not working when you use his solution, I suspect that p2pNode is sometimes mutating itself (Vuex expects all mutations in that object to go through an official commit). Given that it appears to have lifecycle hooks (e.g. libp2p.on('peer:connect'), I would not be surprised if this was the case. You may end up tearing your hair out trying to get perfect reactivity on a node that's quietly mutating itself in the background.
If this is the case, and libp2p provides no libp2p.on('update') hook through which you could inform Vuex of changes, then you might want to implement a sort of basic game state loop and simply tell Vue to recalculate everything every so often after a brief sleep. See and This is a bit of hack (an informed one, at least), but it might make your life a lot easier in the short run until you sort out this thorny bug, and there should be no flicker.
Just a thought, I don't know anything about libp2p but have you try to declare your variable in the data options that change on the update:
data: {
updated: ''
and then assigning it a value :
syncNode(state, libp2p) {
this.updated = state
state.p2pNode = libp2p

Mutation payload changes value by itself in vuex store mutation

I'm trying to build an Electron app with VueJS using the electron-vue boilerplate. I have a mutation which updates parts of the state based on the payload it receives.
However, somewhere between the action call and the mutation, the property changes without any intention.
The action is called by a Vue modal component:
handleModalSave() {
let payload = {
myItem: {
text: this.editLayerForm.text
this.$store.dispatch('addLayerItem', payload)
Here are said action and mutation:
// Action
addLayerItem: ({ commit }, payload) => {
commit('ADD_LAYER_ITEM', payload)
// Mutation
ADD_LAYER_ITEM: (state, payload) => {
let layer = => === payload.layerId)
if ( !== '') {
// Existing item
let itemIdx = layer.items.findIndex(item => ===
Vue.set(layer.items, itemIdx, payload.myItem)
} else {
// New item = state.cnt
Here is a screenshot of the console logs:
As far as I can see, there is no command to change between console.log('save', payload) and console.log('mutation', payload). I use strict mode, so there is no other function changing the value outside of the mutation.
I updated the console.logs() to display the property directly instead of the object reference.
As far as I can see, there is no command to change between console.log('save', payload) and console.log('mutation', payload).
It doesn't need to change between the console logging.
In the pictures you've posted you'll see a small, blue i icon next to the console logging. If you hover over that you'll get an explanation that the values shown have just been evaluated.
When you log an object to the console it grabs a reference to that object. It doesn't take a copy. There are several reasons why taking a copy is not practical so it doesn't even try.
When you expand that object by clicking in the console it grabs the contents of its properties at the moment you click. This may well differ from the values they had when the object was logged.
If you want to know the value at the moment it was logged then you could use JSON.stringify to convert the object into a string. However that assumes it can be converted safely to JSON, which is not universally true.
Another approach is to change the logging to directly target the property you care about. console.log( That will avoid the problem of the logging being live by logging just the string/number, which will be immutable.
The line that changes the id appears to be: = state.cnt
As already discussed, it is irrelevant that this occurs after the logging. The console hasn't yet grabbed the value of the property. It only has a reference to the payload object.
The only mystery for me is that the two objects you've logged to the console aren't both updated to reflect the new id. In the code they appear to be the same object so I would expect them to be identical by the time you expand them. Further, one of the objects shows evidence of reactive getters and setters whereas the other does not. I could speculate about why that might be but most likely it is caused by code that hasn't been provided.
I use strict mode, so there is no other function changing the value outside of the mutation.
Strict mode only applies to changing properties within store state. The object being considered here is not being held in store state until after the mutation. So if something were to change the id before the mutation runs it wouldn't trigger a warning about strict mode.
Okay I found the root cause for my issue. Vuex was configured to use the createPersistedState plugin which stores data in local storage. Somehow, there was an issue with that and data got mixed up between actual store and local storage. Adding a simple window.localStorage.clear() in main.js solved the problem!

Updating Object Property in Reducer without Mutation

I feel like my reducer should be working, but it keeps insisting that I'm mutating the state.
Uncaught Error: A state mutation was detected inside a dispatch, in the path: output.outputList.0.composition. Take a look at the reducer(s) handling the action {"type":"SET_OUTPUT_COMPOSITION",
I posted something similar a couple hours ago with no answers, but I figured my redux state was too complicated. This is my simplified version and I'm still getting mutate errors.. what am I doing wrong? should I not be using a class in my redux state? should i be using some sort of immutable library? please help me.
My Initial Redux State
output: {
outputList: [], //composed of Output class objects
position: 0
Output Class
class Output {
constructor(output) { =;
this.composition = output.getComposition();
this.outputObj = output; =;
this.url = output.getUrl();
export default Output;
Reducer for updating property
let outputListCopy = Object.assign([], [...state.outputList]);
outputListCopy[state.position].composition = action.composition;
return Object.assign({}, state, {outputList: outputListCopy});
export function setOutputComposition(comp) {
return { type: types.SET_OUTPUT_COMPOSITION, composition: comp}
The spread operator does not deep copy the objects in your original list:
let outputListCopy = Object.assign([], [...state.outputList]);
It is a shallow copy, therefore
outputListCopy[state.position].composition = action.composition;
You are actually mutating previous state objects, as you said in your comment there are several ways to work around this, using slice/splice to create new instance of the array, etc.
You can also take a look at using ImmutableJS, in general I would say storing classes in the redux store makes the thing a bit hard to understand, I tend to favor simple structures that can be easily inspected with redux-tools.
The error is coming from dispatch. So it not even getting as far as the reducer. I expect it does not like you using class to define output. Instead just do const output ={ ... }.

Extra fields are added to redux store because of immutable js, how to stop this?

I have a react redux application making use of immutable js.
For the most part this is working perfectly but some of the reducers in the application are adding several extra fields to my redux store.
The fields that I can see are as follows
This only happens some of the time. When I use a reducer that also merges the current state.
case ActionType.SUCCESS_GET_DATA : {
let newState = { ...state, [action.meta]: action.payload };
return state.merge(newState);
where: action.meta is the unique key/name of the data and action.payload is the data that is successfully retrieved.
So I can see that creating a new state with the spread operator is causing these extra fields to be added to my state. So is there a way to use the spread operator without adding these extra fields?
Immutable maps will always add there own 'meta'
So I have come to the conclusion that Immutable maps will always add there own meta to the state. This is because its a map merged with an object.
To get around this use the method toJS()
case ActionType.SUCCESS_GET_DATA : {
let jsState = state.toJS();
let newState = { ...jsState, [action.meta]: action.payload };
return state.merge(newState);
Now you're merging a object with an object.

