Sortable Multi Column Drag and Drop without Library - javascript

I am looking to implement a sortable (ordering) drag and drop between columns as well as in column. I looked all over internet to find any example that does not use a library for it. I'd love to implement it in VueJS, however, any examples are welcome.
It should basically function like JIRA, where you have TODO and IN PROGRESS columns for example, you can order them by priority in the column itself, or move it to another column.
The reason, why I do not want to use any library is because I want to build my own complex functionalities. I also do not wanna fork existing github libraries to modify them. I'd love any suggestions!

Doing a simple search with the following keywords: creating drag and drop feature "without" library javascript pure I was able to find this links:
Building drag and drop feature in react for react applications
Building drag and drop feature with pure javascript
Useful tip
If you don't know surrounding some keyword in a google search with quotes forces google to only show results with that word in specific


Vue drag and drop with a ruler (alignment lines)

I am building a page builder tool using Vuejs 2.6.11 and Vuetify 2.3.10.
One of the concepts of this tool is that the elements can be dragged and dropped anywhere and can overlap each other.
Now, I want to give an extra feature to this drag-and-drop concept when elements are being dragged, alignments lines (basically an alignment ruler) should be displayed so the user can know the alignment between elements like this- is an example to see this kind of feature in behavior.
I found many good libraries of drag-and-drop in vuejs but no one is providing the alignment lines or ruler when dragging the elements.
Libraries I looked into it-
If anyone can suggest a suitable solution either a library or a custom way to implement this, would be a great help.

HTML5 Webpack Dynamic Drag & Drop

We are having a webrtc call solution where multiple people on a webinar call. we have used a third party WebRTC provider (Agora) with HTML webpack Build code they have shared.
We want to drag , drop and switch the users who are joining the channel . Its a complete HTML5 WebPack code.
Git Code :
Front End :
We used JQUERY Draggable and Droppable in the code which we have. But whenever a NEW user is added to the WEBRTC call a new DIV is generated and that is not DRAGABLE or DROPPABLE.
I would appreciate any good drag and drop library which can be used in dynamic users for HTML5 WEBPACK
It seems like you shared Agora code rather than your own code which contains the drag/drop logic. Can you share your code with your drag/drop implementation? It would make it easier to provide a relevant answer as to what might be going wrong.
Regarding drag and drop libraries, I really don't think a library is likely to help you until you know what's going wrong with your current implementation, but here are some options:
Draggable - Originally written by Shopify but now with other maintainers
InteractJS - Looks interesting but have not tried this one myself
(Not a library) Native HTML drag and drop API - What I've used when implementing similar features in the past, though with Daily rather than Agora (not that this should make a difference for the drag/drop features)

How to create graph in an HTML file using the jOrgChart?

Is it possible to draw a graph in an HTML file using the jOrgChart jQuery plugin, as in the example below?
If that's not possible then what are other options are available for drawing such chart, without using Drupal?
Assuming that this question is about the jOrgChart jQuery plugin, and assuming that Drupal is an option to consider, then for sure it's worth considering the jOrgChart sandbox ... at least that's where I'll start from if some day I want to start using jOrgChart in Drupal.
For other Drupal based alternatives for charting, checkout the Comparison of charting modules I created (note to myself: add this jOrgChart plugin and sandbox project to that comparison).
Curious to hear to what extend this attempt is an answer to this charting question ...
PS: Checkout my profile for more details about my charting background, etc.
Very easy to use given a nested unordered list element.
Drag-and-drop functionality allows reordering of the tree and
underlying structure.
Showing/hiding a particular branch of the tree by clicking on the
respective node.
Nodes can contain any amount of HTML except and . Easy to
You can specify that sub-trees should start collapsed, which is
useful for very large trees
for html

wijmo wijtree child node re-ordering

I am facing difficulty reordering the child node of wijtree. I used drag and drop feature to apply order. The drag and drop is not that much efficient. Sometimes it fails to drag the item in to right place. can anyone provide an efficient way to implement drag and drop feature and reorder using wijtree.
i have seen an example of third party js plugin which provides a drag and drop solution. I need a similar or better solution using wij tree.
Thanks much.
Here is the link of that third party plugin:
Can you elaborate more on the exact error/issue you are facing on using drag n drop feature of WijTree. I tried the following demo and it works properly at my end:
Moreover, is there any specific browser in which this issue occurs ?

Radiobutton Tree Control

I am developing a search form which displays a number of categories and sub-categories. The client has requested that I do not use cascading dropdowns but to display radiobuttons instead so that the user can see the top level categories at a glance.
I had a bit of a look around for any javascript plugins that might give me a head start and save me from having to write all of the code from scratch but didnt come up with too much.
Can anyone suggest a good plugin that will allow me to display a radio button list in a hierarchical collapsible tree structure?
I ended up using this plugin and adapting it to my own needs ->
There is a great jQuery plugin called jsTree.
I personalize it for my needs as well.

