Implement JavaScript Buffer to store data - javascript

I receive these huge Strings via WebSocket:
I want to make JavaScript Buffer where I can store the data and reset it if I receive JSON with isMasterFrame = true
let payload = JSON.parse(messageString[1]);
if (payload.hasOwnProperty("isMasterFrame")) {
for (let i = 0; i < payload.pairs.length; i++) {
let currentPair =[i]
currentPair = currentPair.replace(/\0/g, ''); //Remove null chars
if (currentPair.toUpperCase() != 'KILL') {
// reset the buffer and start again to fill data
} else {
// if we receive "isMasterFrame":false just update the data without reset
What are the available options to implement this buffer?

I think this is what you are after. It caches the details until it finds isMasterFrame: true && KILL, at which time it clears the cache and starts over again.
EDIT: Stored data using BTC style string as key and data as value to enable querying cache.
let messageCache = {};
const messages = [
["BTC-31DEC21-36000-C", "{\"data\":[{\"price\":0.422,\"volume\":8.4,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"},{\"price\":0.423,\"volume\":0.0,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"}],\"isMasterFrame\":false}"],
["BTC-31DEC21-36000-D", "{\"data\":[{\"price\":0.422,\"volume\":8.4,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"},{\"price\":0.423,\"volume\":0.0,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"}],\"isMasterFrame\":false}"],
["BTC-31DEC21-60000-P", "{\"data\":[{\"price\":0.105,\"volume\":0.0,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"},{\"price\":0.1055,\"volume\":28.7,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"},{\"price\":0.106,\"volume\":7.6,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"},{\"price\":0.1065,\"volume\":43.0,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"KILL\"}],\"isMasterFrame\"\:true}"],
["BTC-31DEC21-60000-Q", "{\"data\":[{\"price\":0.105,\"volume\":0.0,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"},{\"price\":0.1055,\"volume\":28.7,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"},{\"price\":0.106,\"volume\":7.6,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"},{\"price\":0.1065,\"volume\":43.0,\"exchange\":\"DER\",\"side\":\"ASKS\"}],\"isMasterFrame\"\:false}"]
function processData(key, payload) {
if (!payload.isMasterFrame) {
messageCache[key] = payload;
for (let obj of {
Object.values(obj).forEach(item => {
item = item.toString().replace(/\0/g, ''); //Remove null chars
if (item.toUpperCase() !== 'KILL') {
messageCache = {}; // Clear the cache/buffer
function queryCache(key){
return messageCache[key];
messages.forEach(message => {
const payload = JSON.parse(message[1]);
processData(message[0], payload);
console.log("Number of cached messages: " + Object.keys(messageCache).length);
console.log('Query Cache [BTC-31DEC21-60000-Q]:');
let result = queryCache('BTC-31DEC21-60000-Q');


setValues from JSON array to spreadsheet

I'm stuck trying to copy the values from my JSON scraping script to spreadsheet.
Does anyone know how to do that?
I'm stuck trying to know how to get the "longname" values to the memory and then using setValue once at the end.
I need to paste all the values here at the column B.
First I'm trying to resolve a single column, later I will need to paste a multi dimensional array to multiple columns. But that's only if I solve this.
Just a detail, on columnWithTickers I used only a range of 5 rows for testing purposes. Later I will use a dynamic value.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var page1 = ss.getSheetByName("pag1");
let columnWithTickers = page1.getRange(2, 1, 5).getValues();
let targetColumn = page1.getRange(2, 2);
function printValuesFromJSON() {
if (!Array.isArray(columnWithTickers)) {
columnWithTickers = [[columnWithTickers]]
return => {
try {
values = tickers[0].toString().split(",");
let url = `${values}.SA/key-statistics?p=${values}.SA`;
let source = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText()
let jsonString = source.match(/root.App.main = ([\s\S\w]+?);\n/)
if (!jsonString || jsonString.length == 1) return;
let data = JSON.parse(jsonString[1].trim());
let longname = data.context.dispatcher.stores.QuoteSummaryStore.price.longName.split();
/*let resultados = =>{
return ativosResultados = vetor[0].toString();
catch (error) {
return "N/A"
You can try the below function:
function attDiarios(){
var result = =>
ativosFinais = tickersAtuais[0].toString().split(" ")
let url = `${ativosFinais}.SA/key-statistics?p=${ativosFinais}.SA`;
let source = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText()
let jsonString = source.match(/root.App.main = ([\s\S\w]+?);\n/)
if (!jsonString || jsonString.length == 1) return null;
let data = JSON.parse(jsonString[1].trim());
var longNameValue = data.context.dispatcher.stores.QuoteSummaryStore.price.longName;
var longNameValue = 'N/A';
return [[longNameValue]]
sImport.getRange(5, 2, result.length, result[0].length).setValues(result);

Parsing large CSV file in LWC

I have implemented the following code to parse a csv file, convert to a JSON array and send the JSON result to apex controller, which invokes the batch class to process the DML operation for opportunityLineItem object. The code is working fine up to a maximum of 4000 rows (files have 22 columns with values). When there are 5000 records, the process throws an error and stops (it does not call the apex server). Why does it stop if there are 4000 records? Is there any limit for parsing the csv records in LWC?
if (!this.csvFile) {
console.log("file not found");
this.showprogressbar = true;
let reader = new FileReader();
let ctx = this; // to control 'this' property in an event handler
reader.readAsText(this.csvFile, "Shift_JIS");
reader.onload = function (evt) {
let payload = ctx.CSV2JSON(, ctx.CSVToArray);
let json = null;
let error = null;
console.log("payload:" + payload);
payload: payload,
crud: crud,
.then((result) => {
json = result;
var err = json.includes("Error");
ctx.error = json;
///s/ alert('error');
console.log("apex call setJSON() ===> success: " + json);
//ctx.error = undefined;
.catch((error) => {
error =ctx.error;
console.log("error:" + error.errorCode + ', message ' + error.message);
///s/ alert('error');
if (error && error.message) {
json = "{'no':1,'status':'Error', 'msg':'" + error.message + "'}";
} else {
json = "{'no':1,'status':'Error','msg':'Unknown error'}";
reader.onerror = function (evt) {
/*ctx.mycolumns = [
{ label: "no", fieldName: "no", type: "number", initialWidth: 50 },
label: "status",
fieldName: "status",
type: "text",
initialWidth: 100
{ label: "message", fieldName: "msg", type: "text" }
ctx.mydata = [{ no: "1", status: "Error", msg: "error reading file" }];
//$A.util.toggleClass(spinner, "slds-hide"); // hide spinner
// ctx.showloader=false;
console.log("mydata:===" + ctx.mydata);
CSV2JSON(csv, csv2array) {
let array = csv2array(csv);
let objArray = [];
var headervar = oppheader;//'Name,BillingCity,Type,Industry';
let headerArray = headervar.split(',');
for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
objArray[i - 1] = {};
/*for (let k = 0; k < array[0].length && k < array[i].length; k++) {
let key = array[0][k];
if(key === 'DW予定日')
elseif(key === 'DW予定日')
elseif(key === 'DW予定日')
objArray[i - 1][key] = array[i][k];
for (let k = 0; k < headerArray.length; k++) {
let key = headerArray[k];
objArray[i - 1][key] = array[i][k];
this.rowCount = objArray.length;
//console.log("rowCount+++++++" + this.rowCount);
let json = JSON.stringify(objArray);
let str = json.replace("/},/g", "},\r\n");
return str;
CSVToArray(strData, strDelimiter) {
// Check to see if the delimiter is defined. If not,
// then default to comma.
//console.log("strDelimiter::" + strDelimiter);
strDelimiter = strDelimiter || ",";
//console.log("strDelimiter:" + strDelimiter);
// Create a regular expression to parse the CSV values.
var objPattern = new RegExp(
// Delimiters.
"(\\" +
strDelimiter +
"|\\r?\\n|\\r|^)" +
// Quoted fields.
'(?:"([^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*)"|' +
// Standard fields.
'([^"\\' +
strDelimiter +
// Create an array to hold our data. Give the array
// a default empty first row.
// console.log("objPattern:" + objPattern);
var arrData = [[]];
// Create an array to hold our individual pattern
// matching groups.
// console.log("arrData:" + arrData);
var arrMatches = null;
// Keep looping over the regular expression matches
// until we can no longer find a match.
while ((arrMatches = objPattern.exec(strData))) {
// Get the delimiter that was found.
var strMatchedDelimiter = arrMatches[1];
// Check to see if the given delimiter has a length
// (is not the start of string) and if it matches
// field delimiter. If id does not, then we know
// that this delimiter is a row delimiter.
if (strMatchedDelimiter.length && strMatchedDelimiter != strDelimiter) {
// Since we have reached a new row of data,
// add an empty row to our data array.
// Now that we have our delimiter out of the way,
// let's check to see which kind of value we
// captured (quoted or unquoted).
if (arrMatches[2]) {
// We found a quoted value. When we capture
// this value, unescape any double quotes.
var strMatchedValue = arrMatches[2].replace(new RegExp('""', "g"), '"');
} else {
// We found a non-quoted value.
var strMatchedValue = arrMatches[3];
// Now that we have our value string, let's add
// it to the data array.
arrData[arrData.length - 1].push(strMatchedValue);
// Return the parsed data.
return arrData;

Vue js send data by chunks

I would like to send the data by chunks
now what i'm sending to the server look like this
for loop - 1, 2, 3
what the server receives: 3,1,2 -> asynchronous.
and i need to send it synchronic so the server will receive as my for loop order: 1, 2, 3
How can i do it ?
const chunkSize = 1377628
let beginUpload = data;
let component = this;
let start = 0;
let startCount = 0;
let callStoreCouunt = 0;
for (start; start < zipedFile.length; start += chunkSize) {
const chunk = zipedFile.slice(start, start + chunkSize + 1)
startCount +=1;
// debugger
// var base64Image = new Buffer( zipedFile ).toString('base64');
var base64Image = new Buffer( chunk ).toString('base64');
console.log(chunk, startCount);
let uploadPackage: documentInterfaces.UploadPackage = {
transaction: {
documentId: {value: data.documentId.value},
transactionId: data.transactionId,
fileGuid: data.fileGuid
packageBuffer: base64Image
// debugger
component.$store.dispatch('documents/uploadPackage', uploadPackage)
.then(({ data, status }: { data: documentInterfaces.ReciveAttachScene , status: number }) => {
// debugger
if(status !== 200){
message: data,
type: "error"
console.log(chunk, "res" + callStoreCouunt)
if(callStoreCouunt === startCount){
let commitPackage = {
transaction: {
documentId: {value: uploadPackage.transaction.documentId.value},
transactionId: uploadPackage.transaction.transactionId,
fileGuid: uploadPackage.transaction.fileGuid
You cannot control which chunk of data reaches the server first. If there's a network problem somewhere on its way, it might go around the planet multiple times before it reaches the server.
Even if the 1st chunk was sent 5 ms earlier than the 2nd one, the 2nd chunk might reach the server earlier.
But there's a few ways you can solve this:
Method 1:
Wait for the server response before sending the next chunk:
let state = {
isPaused: false
let sentChunks = 0
let totalChunks = getTotalChunksAmount()
let chunkToSend = ...
setInterval(() => {
if (!isPaused && sentChunks < totalChunks) {
state.isPaused = true
sentChunks += 1
}, 100)
onServerReachListener(response => {
if (response === ...) {
state.isPaused = false
Method 2:
If you don't need to process chunks sequentially in real time, you can just wait for all of them to arrive on the server, then sort them before processing:
let chunks = []
onChunkReceived (chunk) {
if (chunk.isLast) {
else {
Method 3:
If you do need to process chunks sequentially in real time, give all the chunks an id property and processing them sequentially, while storing the other ones for later:
let chunksToProcess = []
let lastProcessedChunkId = -1
onChunkReceived (chunk) {
if ( === lastProcessedChunkId) {
lastProcessedChunkId += 1
else {

AudioWorklet - Set output to Float32Array to stream live audio?

I have audio data streaming from the server to the client. It starts as a Node.js buffer (which is a Uint8Array) and is then sent to the AudiWorkletProcessor via port.postMessage(), where it is converted into a Float32Array and stored in I have spent hours trying to set the output to the audio data contained in the Float32Array. Logging the Float32Array pre-processing shows accurate data, but logging it during processing shows that it is not changing when the new message is posted. This is probably a gap in my low-level audio-programming knowledge.
When data arrives in the client, the following function is called:
process = (data) => {
As an aside, (and you can let me know) maybe I should be using parameter descriptors instead of postMessage? Anyways, here's my AudioWorkletProcessor:
class BypassProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
constructor() {
this.isPlaying = true;
this.port.onmessage = this.onmessage.bind(this)
static get parameterDescriptors() {
return [{ // Maybe we should use parameters. This is not utilized at present.
name: 'stream',
defaultValue: 0.707
convertBlock = (incomingData) => { // incoming data is a UInt8Array
let i, l = incomingData.length;
let outputData = new Float32Array(incomingData.length);
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
outputData[i] = (incomingData[i] - 128) / 128.0;
return outputData;
onmessage(event) {
const { data } = event;
let ui8 = new Uint8Array(data); = this.convertBlock(ui8)
process(inputs, outputs) {
const input = inputs[0];
const output = outputs[0];
if ( {
for (let channel = 0; channel < output.length; ++channel) {
const inputChannel = input[channel]
const outputChannel = output[channel]
for (let i = 0; i < inputChannel.length; ++i) {
outputChannel[i] =[i]
return true;
registerProcessor('bypass-processor', BypassProcessor);
How can I simply set the output of the AudioWorkletProcessor to the data coming through?
The AudioWorkletProcessor process only each 128 bytes, so you need to manage your own buffers to make sure that is the case for an AudioWorklet, probably by adding a FIFO.
I resolved something like this using a RingBuffer(FIFO) implemented in WebAssembly, in my case I was receiving a buffer with 160 bytes.
Look my AudioWorkletProcessor implementation
import Module from './buffer-kernel.wasmodule.js';
import { HeapAudioBuffer, RingBuffer, ALAW_TO_LINEAR } from './audio-helper.js';
class SpeakerWorkletProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
constructor(options) {
this.payload = null;
this.bufferSize = options.processorOptions.bufferSize; // Getting buffer size from options
this.channelCount = options.processorOptions.channelCount;
this.inputRingBuffer = new RingBuffer(this.bufferSize, this.channelCount);
this.outputRingBuffer = new RingBuffer(this.bufferSize, this.channelCount);
this.heapInputBuffer = new HeapAudioBuffer(Module, this.bufferSize, this.channelCount);
this.heapOutputBuffer = new HeapAudioBuffer(Module, this.bufferSize, this.channelCount);
this.kernel = new Module.VariableBufferKernel(this.bufferSize);
this.port.onmessage = this.onmessage.bind(this);
alawToLinear(incomingData) {
const outputData = new Float32Array(incomingData.length);
for (let i = 0; i < incomingData.length; i++) {
outputData[i] = (ALAW_TO_LINEAR[incomingData[i]] * 1.0) / 32768;
return outputData;
onmessage(event) {
const { data } = event;
if (data) {
this.payload = this.alawToLinear(new Uint8Array(data)); //Receiving data from my Socket listener and in my case converting PCM alaw to linear
} else {
this.payload = null;
process(inputs, outputs) {
const output = outputs[0];
if (this.payload) {
this.inputRingBuffer.push([this.payload]); // Pushing data from my Socket
if (this.inputRingBuffer.framesAvailable >= this.bufferSize) { // if the input data size hits the buffer size, so I can "outputted"
this.outputRingBuffer.pull(output); // Retriving data from FIFO and putting our output
return true;
registerProcessor(`speaker-worklet-processor`, SpeakerWorkletProcessor);
Look the AudioContext and AudioWorklet instances
this.audioContext = new AudioContext({
latencyHint: 'interactive',
sampleRate: this.sampleRate,
sinkId: audioinput || "default"
this.audioBuffer = this.audioContext.createBuffer(1, this.audioSize, this.sampleRate);
this.audioSource = this.audioContext.createBufferSource();
this.audioSource.buffer = this.audioBuffer;
this.audioSource.loop = true;
.then(() => {
this.speakerWorklet = new AudioWorkletNode(
channelCount: 1,
processorOptions: {
bufferSize: 160, //Here I'm passing the size of my output, I'm just saying to RingBuffer what size I need
channelCount: 1,
console.log("Receiver ", err);
Look how I'm receiving and sending the data from Socket to audioWorklet
protected onMessage(e: any): void { //My Socket message listener
const { data:serverData } = e;
const socketId = e.socketId;
if (this.audioWalking && && ! && === socketId) {
const buffer = arrayBufferToBuffer(serverData);
const rtp = RTPParser.parseRtpPacket(buffer);
const sharedPayload = new Uint8Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(rtp.payload.length)); //sharing javascript buffer memory between main thread and worklet thread
sharedPayload.set(rtp.payload, 0);
this.speakerWorklet.port.postMessage(sharedPayload); //Sending data to worklet
For help people I putted on Github the piece important of this solution
I followed this example, it have the all explanation how the RingBuffer works

Node is not returning the correct JSON response

I have an object here which I want to return as a response but before that I want to add a couple of fields to it. When I add fields and print the object, it prints the new object but when I send the response, I still get old object before editing.
let applications = await ApplicationHandler.getApplicationOverview(application_id); //I want to edit this one
if (applications == null) {
applications = [];
for (let i = 0; i < applications.length; i++) {
let cube_application_id = applications[i].id;
let application_ratings = await Application_Rating.findAll({where: {cube_application_id: cube_application_id}});
let application_ratings_personal = await Application_Rating.findAll({
where: {
cube_application_id: cube_application_id,
let total_user_rating = 0;
for (let rating of application_ratings) {
let average_user_rating = (rating.personality_rating + rating.qualification_rating + rating.motivation_rating) / 3;
total_user_rating = total_user_rating + average_user_rating;
applications[i].average_rating = total_user_rating / application_ratings.length;
applications[i].recommended = application_ratings_personal.recommended;
if (i == applications.length - 1) {
console.log(applications); // this prints with those 2 fields.
let successRes = {
status: 200,
data: applications
return successRes; //however, this returns the one which I had in the first line.

