A dynamic site that does not use JavaScript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I started using the python django framework. Can I open a dynamic site without using JavaScript? I find python easy to use and for some reason I don't like JavaScript.

In order to implement dynamic elements (such as displaying messages at button click without updating the site) you need to instruct the browser to change the respective DOM elements.
Currently the only fully supported language that browsers understand for that purpose is Javascript.
There are Javascript alternatives such as Dart or Typescript, but they need to be transpiled to Javascript to work with browsers.
So, practically you cannot build a dynamic website without Javascript at the moment.


How can I make my site mobile friendly? Or write a mobile mode for it? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am creating a website with React and I couldn't find an answer anywhere. Do I need to write special css codes to make my website more mobile friendly? I tried using "%" method but that did not seem to work. Or do I need to write seperate .js and .css files just for my sites mobile mode? What would be your advice to me?
By "mobile friendly" website, you must mean responsive website. I would suggest using Bootstrap framework for this modern need: https://react-bootstrap.github.io/
You definitely need to learn about the grid system.
You could use your own CSS, but a framework is likely to regroup a whole set of tools you may need in the future.

Look for Javascript usage [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've inherited a c# .net 3.5 project which I am task with converting to .net core. This is pretty much done.
However, in this project there are A LOT!!! of third party javascript libraries and I am certain there are many of them that are not being used or not needed.
Is there a way to scan the whole project to see if any of the libraries are not used?
I know this is unlikely but thought I'd ask.
Thank you
Using Chrome (but still valid with other browsers with little changes)
press F12 and click on "sources tab"
Then you can display all Resources used from your web page, images, css, scripts...
Or you can use a third party tool like this
but personally i prefrerr to do it manually not using an automatic tool.

How does soundcloud generate their html? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Today I was inspecting the soundcloud source-html through chrome, but it only returned a basic(very small) html dom.
So I was wondering how do they generate their html?
I'm curious because soundcloud is a pretty big website and I doubt they generate all the html though javascript, but when I checked their javascript I could not find any <div tags or anything like that.
For larger dynamic websites usually a template framework is used like EJS - http://www.embeddedjs.com/
With templating you can embed JavaScript logic directly into the HTML so it changes and updates dynamically.

Why are some webpages all rendering using javascript? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I just begin to learn web design. And I want to learn some design style and I noticed that most web pages are part static html and part javasript. But why some web pages are all rendering using javascript? Is it for safe reason or for saving traffic load ? I know using javascript can save the traffic load but I don't know what's the point all using javascript.
If it's a static page, then it's usually not a great use case for all javascript. But if it has dynamic data or interactivity it can be easier to use javascript to create the views as it's rendered rather than rendering it all, and then using javascript to query the elements to make changes or interactivity

How to use angularJs in GWT? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to integrate angularJs in my existing GWT application. I am new to angularJs. How to start with it?
Take a look at
AngularGWT - This is a library that enables Authors to write components or complete apps for AngularJS in Java. This is mostly done using compiler castings for Google Web Toolkit to "compile" Java Code into Javascript.
AngularGWT is the way to go. But if you want an simple way off, include the angular.js in your *.html file and use JSNI to access Angular JS from your code.

