Implementing kind of a delegation pattern in Javascript - javascript

I have two classes, A and B. What I am trying to do is to pass data from A to B after receiving a message from sockets.
This is simplified look of how classes are defined:
class A:
export default class A {
constructor() {
this.callbacks = {
open: () => this.client.logger.debug('open'),
close: () => this.client.logger.debug('closed'),
message: (data) => {this.client.logger.log(data)}, //I want to pass this data object to class B
this.client = new Spot(constants.apiKey, constants.apiSecret, {
baseURL: constants.baseURL,
wsURL: constants.wsURL,
this.client.userData(listenKey, this.callbacks);
I already have a property of A in class definition of B:
export default class B {
constructor() {
this.account = new A();
What would be a correct/standard way to connect these two so I get a 'data' object from class A every time the socket message callback from class A is triggered?
I am a bit new with JS, but on iOS we would use a delegation pattern, with a protocol, that says:
class A will have a delegate property.
A delegate (class B) must implement a protocol (in this case it would be a requirement to implement method called didReceiveMessage(data).
After that, when a message is received in class A, we would just do(in socket message callback shown above) something like this.delegate.didReceiveMessage(data).
Protocol usage here is not important generally, but it is a plus, cause from A class, we can only access didReceiveData(data) method trough a delegate property, and nothing else (other properties / methods of class B are not visible). At least that is how it works in Swift/Obj-C. I just mentioned it, cause I am curious is this how it is done in JS too.
I guess there is some similar mechanism in Javascript, or some more standard/better way to achieve this kind of data sending between objects?

on iOS we would use a delegation pattern, with a protocol
You can do it exactly as you described:
export default class A {
constructor(delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.client = new Spot(constants.apiKey, constants.apiSecret, {
baseURL: constants.baseURL,
wsURL: constants.wsURL,
const callbacks = {
open: () => this.client.logger.debug('open'),
close: () => this.client.logger.debug('closed'),
message: (data) => this.delegate.didReceiveMessage(data),
this.client.userData(listenKey, callbacks);
export default class B {
constructor() {
this.account = new A(this);
didReceiveMessage(data) {
console.log(data); // or whatever
There is no interface (protocol) declaration that would tell A which properties and methods it may access on the passed delegate, but the contract exists of course. You should document it in prose. (Or use TypeScript).
Notice also how your class A interacts with the Spot client, it uses very much the same pattern of passing an object with event handler methods.
A simpler pattern in JavaScript, if you just need a single method in your protocol, is to pass a callable function only:
export default class A {
constructor(onMessage) {
this.client = new Spot(constants.apiKey, constants.apiSecret, {
baseURL: constants.baseURL,
wsURL: constants.wsURL,
this.client.userData(listenKey, {
open: () => this.client.logger.debug('open'),
close: () => this.client.logger.debug('closed'),
message: onMessage,
export default class B {
constructor() {
this.account = new A(this.didReceiveMessage.bind(this));
// or inline:
this.account = new A(data => {
console.log(data); // or whatever
didReceiveMessage(data) {
console.log(data); // or whatever

I am not an expert on NodeJs, but you can use something like an emitter plugin.
In javascript, it would look like this:
function A() {
this.action = function() {
console.log("something happened");
this.emit("action", { prop: "value" });
function B(a_instance) {
// subscribe to "action" event
a.on("action", function(data) {
console.log(data.prop); // "value"
var myA = new A();
var myB = new B(myA);


Working of a Autobind Decorator in typescript?

Hello I am curious about the working of the decorator in Typescript for binding 'this' to functions in Typescript.
function autoBind(
console.log("Calling Decorator");
const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
const adjustableDescriptor: PropertyDescriptor = {
configurable : true,
console.log("Calling get");
const boundFn = originalMethod.bind(this);
return boundFn;
return adjustableDescriptor;
class ProjectInput {
private submitHandler(event: Event){
console.log("Calling submit handler");
console.log("Submitting data ...");
private configure() {
const projInput = new ProjectInput();
What I did :
I created a Class ProjectInput and in the constructor i am calling the configure method so that i can add EventListeners and handle user submit data and for binding 'this' so that it reference the right object.
I created a Decorator in typescript that will call automatically as soon as the class declared
Everything is fine but I want to know the behind the scenes of the decorator how it binds the this to the function.
I came here, hoping I'd get a more thorough answer than what I'd be able to find, but at least it encouraged me to dig a little further.
Taken directly from React & Autobinding:
Autobind Decorator is an NPM package which binds methods of a class to the correct instance of this, even when the methods are detached. The package uses #autobind before methods to bind this to the correct reference to the component's context.
import autobind from 'autobind-decorator'
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
/* ... */
addTask(task) {
/* ... */
this.setState({ task });
myMethod2(task) {
/* ... */
render() {
return (
/* ... */
his seems like a simple solution, but I'd rather not have to add a line above each individual method inside each of my React components. Not to worry, Autobind Decorator is smart enough to let us bind all methods inside a component class at once. Like so:
import autobind from 'autobind-decorator'
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
/* ... */
addTask(task) {
/* ... */
this.setState({ task });
/* ... */
And just like that, this issue is resolved.
Anyway, hope that helps. Reading it a couple times, helped me. Cheers.
Be careful cause in your code getter returns a new function each time is called and this can potentially lead to memory leaks. This happen cause .bind returns a new function.
So for example if you do .addEventListener('click', this.submitHandler) you're adding a new function each time. .removeEventListener('click', this.submitHandler) will not remove nothing cause will not match any listener
You can easily test this is truth like this
const projectInput = new ProjectInput();
projectInput.submitHandler === projectInput.submitHandler; // false
So an easy fix to your code could be this one
function autobindFunction(
console.log("Calling Decorator");
if(typeof descriptor.value !== 'function') {throw new TypeError("cannot decorate prop that is not a function")}
const bound = descriptor.value
const adjustableDescriptor: PropertyDescriptor = {
configurable : true,
value: function (...args: any[]) {
return bound.apply(this, args)
return adjustableDescriptor;
class Test {
hi() {
const a = new Test()
console.log(a.hi === a.hi) // true
In this way the reference of the function is stable and the function will be always the same

Class composition in TypeScript

I want to build a class that can compose multiple objects and use any of their interfaces.
Class A can use any of the interfaces of Class B and C
B can use any of the interfaces of C
C can use any of the interfaces of B
I have the above functionality written in JavaScript and I was wondering what's the best and correct way to achieve the same using TypeScript:
import { findLast, isFunction } from "lodash";
class Composite {
constructor(behavior) {
this.behaviors = [];
if (behavior) {
add(behavior) {
return this;
getMethod(method) {
const b = findLast(this.behaviors, (behavior) =>
return b[method].bind(b);
class Behavior1 {
foo() {
console.log("B1: foo");
foo2() {
console.log("B1: foo2");
setClient(client) {
this.client = client;
getMethod(method) {
return this.client.getMethod(method);
class Behavior2 {
foo() {
console.log("B2: foo");
bar() {
console.log("B2: bar");
setClient(client) {
this.client = client;
getMethod(method) {
return this.client.getMethod(method).bind(this);
const c = new Composite();
c.add(new Behavior1());
c.add(new Behavior2());
// Output:
// B2: foo
// B1: foo2
// B2: bar
// B2: bar
Link to codesandbox:
You can review my other answer to see some of the issues and concerns with the previous approach. Here I've created a completely different version from the ground up. There is less code repetition and less tight coupling between the classes.
Behaviors no longer call methods directly and no longer store a reference to the client. Instead, they receive the client (or any object which call get and call methods) as an argument of their register method.
We define any object which can lookup and call methods as a MethodAccessor
interface MethodAccessor {
getMethod(name: string): () => void;
safeCallMethod(name: string): boolean;
We define any object that provides behaviors through a register method as a BehaviorWrapper. These objects can call functions from other objects by calling getMethod or safeCallMethod on the helper argument.
type KeyedBehaviors = Record<string, () => void>;
interface BehaviorWrapper {
register(helper: MethodAccessor): KeyedBehaviors;
A behavior which does not need instance variables could be a pure function rather than a class.
const functionBehavior = {
register(composite: MethodAccessor) {
return {
foo: () => console.log("B1: foo"),
foo2: () => {
console.log("B1: foo2");
Class behaviors can make use of instance variables in their methods.
class ClassBehavior {
name: string;
constructor(name: string) { = name;
bar = () => {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}`);
register() {
return {
There is some redundancy here when defining a method like bar separately rather than inline as an arrow function within the return object. The reason that I am having the methods come from register rather than using all class methods is so that I can have stricter typing on them. You could have methods in your class which do require args and as long as they aren't part of the register returned object then it's not a problem.
Our class Composite now stores its behaviors in a keyed object rather than an array. Newly added behaviors of the same name will overwrite older ones. Our getMethod is typed such that it always returns a method, and will throw an Error if none was found. I've added a new method safeCallMethod to call a method by name. If a method was found, it calls it and returns true. If no method was found, it catches the error and returns false.
class Composite implements MethodAccessor {
behaviors: KeyedBehaviors = {};
constructor(behavior?: BehaviorWrapper) {
if (behavior) {
// add all behaviors from a behavior class instance
add(behavior: BehaviorWrapper): this {
this.behaviors = {
return this;
// lookup a method by name and return it
// throws error on not found
getMethod(method: string): () => void {
const b = this.behaviors[method];
if (!b) {
throw new Error(`behavior ${method} not found`);
return b;
// calls a method by name, if it exists
// returns true if called or false if not found
safeCallMethod(method: string): boolean {
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
There's a lot that's not ideal about your setup. I might post a separate answer with an alternate setup, but for now I just want to show you how to convert your code to typescript.
Keep in mind that typescript errors exist to help you prevent runtime errors, and there are some genuine potential runtime errors that we need to avoid. If a Behavior calls getMethod before calling setClient to set this.client that will be a fatal error. If you try to call the returned method from getMethod on a Composite or a Behavior where the name didn't match a method that's another fatal error. And so on.
You choose to handle certain situations by throwing an Error with the expectation that it will be caught later on. Here I am preferring to "fail gracefully" and just do nothing or return undefined if we can't do what we want. The optional chaining ?. helps.
When defining an interface for a function argument, it's best to keep it to the minimum necessities and not require any extraneous properties.
The only thing that a Behavior requires of its Client is a getMethod method.
interface CanGetMethod {
getMethod(name: string): MaybeMethod;
We use the union of undefined and a void function in a few places, so I am saving it to an alias name for convenience.
type MaybeMethod = (() => void) | undefined;
The Composite calls setClient on its behaviors, so they must implement this interface.
interface CanSetClient {
setClient(client: CanGetMethod): void;
It also expects that its methods take zero arguments, but we can't really declare this with the current setup. It is possible to add a string index to a class, but that would conflict with our getMethod and setClient arguments which do require arguments.
One of the typescript errors that you get a bunch is `Cannot invoke an object which is possibly 'undefined', so I created a helper method to wrap a function call.
const maybeCall = (method: MaybeMethod): void => {
if (method) {
In typescript, classes need to declare the types for their properties. Composite gets an array of behaviors behaviors: CanSetClient[]; while the behaviors get a client client?: CanGetMethod;. Note that the client must be typed as optional because it is not present when calling new().
After that, it's mostly just a matter of annotating argument and return types.
I have declared the interfaces that each class implements, ie. class Behavior1 implements CanGetMethod, CanSetClient, but this is not required. Any object fits the interface CanGetMethod if it has a getMethod property with the right types, whether it explicitly declares CanGetMethod in its type or not.
class Composite implements CanGetMethod {
behaviors: CanSetClient[];
constructor(behavior?: CanSetClient) {
this.behaviors = [];
if (behavior) {
add(behavior: CanSetClient): this {
return this;
getMethod(method: string): MaybeMethod {
const b = findLast(this.behaviors, (behavior) =>
return b ? b[method].bind(b) : undefined;
class Behavior1 implements CanGetMethod, CanSetClient {
client?: CanGetMethod;
foo() {
console.log("B1: foo");
foo2() {
console.log("B1: foo2");
setClient(client: CanGetMethod): void {
this.client = client;
getMethod(method: string): MaybeMethod {
return this.client?.getMethod(method);
class Behavior2 implements CanGetMethod, CanSetClient {
client?: CanGetMethod;
foo() {
console.log("B2: foo");
bar() {
console.log("B2: bar");
setClient(client: CanGetMethod) {
this.client = client;
getMethod(method: string): MaybeMethod {
return this.client?.getMethod(method)?.bind(this);
const c = new Composite();
c.add(new Behavior1());
c.add(new Behavior2());

Error when delegating class method in ES6

I have this UseCase class:
class UseCase {
constructor(repository) {
this.repository = repository;
execute() {
//do stuff
module.exports = UseCase;
and this Service class:
class Service {
constructor(repository) {
this.useCase = new UseCase(repository);
doWork = this.useCase.execute;
module.exports = Service;
What I want is delegate service.doWork() call to useCase.execute(), but when I execute it, I get this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'execute' of undefined
However, if I change my Service code to this:
class Service {
constructor(repository) {
this.repository = repository;
doWork = new UseCase(this.repository).execute;
module.exports = Service;
it works properly! Why is that? What am I missing?
Class fields run as soon after the constructor they can, right after any super calls, if any. Your code is equivalent to:
class Service {
constructor(repository) {
this.doWork = this.useCase.execute;
this.useCase = new UseCase(repository);
It's not defined in time.
Put doWork in the constructor instead, after the assignment to useCase.
You also need to make sure that .execute is called with the proper calling context - just passing this.useCase.execute loses the calling context of useCase.
class Service {
constructor(repository) {
this.useCase = new UseCase(repository);
this.doWork = () => this.useCase.execute();
You could also use a class field which calls .execute when called:
class Service {
constructor(repository) {
this.useCase = new UseCase(repository);
doWork = () => this.useCase.execute();

Clarification on typeof class

So I am writing few test cases. I have one class as follows.
export default class DateProcessor {
requestHandler = (req, res) => {
Now I am writing one unit test to see if the typeof DateProcessor is class
import {default as processor} from './getDatesProcessor';
describe('Date Processor', () => {
it('should be a class', () => {
expect(typeof processor).toBe('class');
But the test case is failing because I am getting the type as a function and not a class.
I want to know if this is the expected behavior or I am not doing something right.
The answer to your question is: yes, it is expected behavior
In JavaScript, there's no such thing as class. The class keyword is just a syntax which makes it easier to create prototypes according to best practices. In fact, all those classes are actually functions. You can check it using typeof keyword which will return function when applied to a class. Also, this is also possible in JavaScript:
function Person(name) { = name;
Person.prototype.getName = function () {
class Student extends Person {
constructor(name, studies) {
this.studies = studies;
getStudies() {
return this.studies;
const s = new Student('John', 'Maths');
console.log(s.getName(), s.getStudies());
More on classes in JS, here
Before JavaScript had classes, you had to emulate classes using functions (with some special syntax new/this).
export default class DateProcessor {
requestHandler = (req, res) => {
Your code is (roughly) equivalent to:
export default function DateProcessor() {
this.requestHandler = (req, res) => {
Even though there's a dedicated class keyword these days, they're still implemented as functions that must be called with the new keyword, therefore typeof still regards them as functions.
It's worth reading the MDN docs for typeof to see that there aren't many possible return values.

Run chained method before anything in constructor?

I have this simple class:
class Foo {
constructor() {
return this;
init() {
onInit(callback) {
this.onInit = () => callback();
return this;
new Foo().onInit(() => console.log('baz'));
It's obviously flawed, because it will call init before the onInit method is able to define the onInit property/callback.
How can I make this work without change the interface?
How can I make this work without change the interface?
You can't, the interface is inherently flawed. That's really the answer to your question.
Continuing, though, with "what can I do instead":
If you need to have a callback called during initialization, you need to pass it to the constructor, not separately to the onInit method.
class Foo {
constructor(callback) {
this.onInit = () => {
callback(); // Call the callback
return this; // Chaining seemed important in your code, so...
// Note: Constructors don't return anything
new Foo(() => console.log('baz'));
In a comment you've said:
I see your point, the fact is that my library is new Something().onCreate().onUpdate()
It sounds like you might want to adopt the builder pattern instead:
class Foo {
constructor(callbacks) {
// ...use the callbacks here...
// ...
Foo.Builder = class {
constructor() {
this.callbacks = {};
onCreate(callback) {
this.callbacks.onCreate = callback;
onUpdate(callback) {
this.callbacks.onUpdate = callback;
// ...
build() {
// Validity checks here, do we have all necessary callbacks?
// Then:
return new Foo(this.callbacks);
let f = new Foo.Builder().onCreate(() => { /*...*/}).onUpdate(() => { /*... */}).build();
...although to be fair, a lot of the advantages (though not all) of the builder pattern can be realized in JavaScript by just passing an object into constructor directly and doing your validation there, e.g.:
let f = new Foo({
onCreate: () => { /*...*/},
onUpdate: () => { /*...*/}
Assuming that onInit is supposed to be some sort of hook to be called synchronously whenever an object is instantiated, you can't solve this on the instance level.
You can make onInit a static function, like so:
class Foo {
constructor() {
// whatever
static onInit() {} // empty default
Foo.onInit = () => console.log('baz'); // Override default with your own function
const f = new Foo();
const f2 = new Foo();

