Vue Autocomplete initialDisplay is not displayed - javascript

I am using VueJS with Firebase. I am trying to update data using a form. In the form, I am able to get old data in almost all fields. There is an autocomplete field, in which I am not to display the fetched data. The data is present in initialDisplay but not display. It seems like the object is not fetched.
Here is my code
description="Select customer associated with this project"
props: {
customer: {
type: Object
data: function () {
return {
projectForm: {
customerId: '',
address: ''
} as Project
methods: {
clientSelected ({ selectedObject }) {
this.projectForm.customerId =
if (selectedObject.address) this.projectForm.address = selectedObject.address
Here is what I can from the browser console in the Vue tab.
{"id":"op234Sd3FBZHwfLpk16n","companyId":"zErEDd6jE4a0H6bY8u77","name":"Test Customer","email":""}
In data section, I can Object but no data.
I feel like I am missing something small, no idea what it is.
Thanks in advance for your help!


How can I let the list page remember some params?

I have a Vue project, but there is a issue to me,
In my router.js:
path: '/home/aftersale_physicalserver_workpanel/:use_flag/:areapartition_homeshowtext',
meta: { keepAlive: true },
icon: 'compose',
name: 'aftersale_physicalserver_workpanel',
title: 'work panel',
component: resolve => {
require(['./views/main_home/home/components/general_admin_staff_panel/physicalserver/physicalserver_workpanel.vue'], resolve);
there is the code:
v-if=" origin_data && origin_data.count"
export default {
props: {
cur_page: 1,
you see the cur_page is the page number. I want the URL append the page number.
because when I enter a detail page, when I go back, there will go to page 1 by default.
My purpose
my purpose is let the list_page remember some params. such as the upper page_number, and some search params. but in Vue I don't know how.
When I from a searched params page enter a detail page, when I go back:
<span class="go-left" #click="$router.go(-1)">
<Icon type="chevron-left"></Icon>
<span>Go back</span>
there will get a list_page without the searched data.
You would need to use either local storage or a central state, what I use is vuex like this:
onPageChange: function (pageNo) {
this.$store.dispatch(this.$mts.some.SOMETHING, pageNo);
Then you can call your store wherever you need and get the page number.
Look for the vuex docs on how to setup state management.
Like this: = this.$

Working with Vuex with Vue and displaying data

This is kind of a long explanation of an issue that I'm having on a personal project. Basically, I want to set a data property before my page loads when I read in data from a CSV file using D3.JS. I almost have it done but running into a small issue. Please read on to get more detail.
Basically, when the user comes to a page in my application, I want to display weather graphs. Like I said, I'm using D3.js to read in the data and created an action to do that. It works perfectly fine-I can console.log the data and I know its been read. However, in my vue instance I have a data property, which would hold the data set like this:
data() {
return {
name: this.$
weatherData: this.$store.state.yearData
I then want to ensure that the weatherData is filled, with data from the csv file so I display it on the page like this:
<p>{{ weatherData }}</p>
Nothing special here. When the page loads, weatherData is blank. But I have a beforeMount life cycle hook and if I comment out the only line in it then it will display the data. If I then refresh the page, fire the action to get the data and then uncomment out the line in the beforeMount hook then the data appears! So before I continue this is my full code for the store:
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
name: 'Weather Data'
yearData: []
getters: {
mutations: {
setYearData(state, data) {
state.yearData = data
actions: {
getYearData: ({commit}) => {
let yearData = []
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
let day = data[i].AKST
commit('setYearData', yearData)
Here are parts of the vue file: The template:
<p>{{ weatherData }}</p>
The Vue Intance:
export default {
name: 'Weather',
data() {
return {
name: this.$,
weatherData: this.$store.state.yearData
methods: {
this.$store.dispatch('getYearData') //(un)Commenting out this line will make my data appear
Page when it loads: Notice empty array:
Then either comment out or comment the one line in the beforeMount hook and get this: THE DATA!!!
Again, my end goal is to have the action called and the data set before the page finishes loading. Finally, I know that I don't need VUEX but this project is further helping me understand it. Any guidance on why this is happening would be great.
use mapState instead of putting your data in the data object, which sometimes being late on updating the template.
just make your Vue instance to look like:
import {mapState} from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'Weather',
data() {
return { }
name: state=>,
weatherData: state=>state.yearData
methods: {
this.$store.dispatch('getYearData') //(un)Commenting out this line will make my data appear
thats way, you work directly with one source of truth-the store, and your name and weatherData will be reactive as well.
more about mapState here:

How to dynamically add a new object to array of vue (object) data- Vue.js?

I am new to vue.js. I am working on form. I have a add button in my form, as user click on this button same form field will be added to this form. And user can add as many times he/she want. For this my data is .
data () {
return {
form: [{
fieldOne: '',
fieldTwo: '',
As user click on add buton in html my addForm fucntion is called.
addForm() {
let newObject = {
fieldOne: '',
fieldTwo: '',
this.form.push(newObject); // Gives error.
I read about Vue.set. I can easliy add single field or object. But I don't know how to add object to my form array.
Please help me out.
That works. What problem are you having?
<div id="vueRoot">
<button #click="addForm">
Click Me !
var vm = new Vue({
el : "#vueRoot",
data : {
form: [{
fieldOne: '',
fieldTwo: '',
methods : {
addForm() {
let newObject = {
fieldOne: '',
fieldTwo: ''
this.form.push(newObject); // Gives error.
Even if you're new and just looking around and trying things out, you'll have more fun if you give real names to things. "form" and "fieldOne" will quickly lead into headwreck !

Vue not updating input that depends on another

I'm building something like this, where the country I pick will dictate the phone country code automatically.
Both the country and countryCode are stored in a customer object, and when I'm changing the country's value, the trigger is correctly called and I can see the country code changing in Vue dev tools, however the related input does not update. This is my code:
data: function () {
return {
customer: {},
countries: this.$store.state.settings.countries,
created: function() {
var defaultCountry = _.find(this.countries, { default: true }); =;
this.customer.countryCode = defaultCountry.code;
methods: {
updateCountryCode: function(country) {
this.customer.countryCode = country.code;
And this is the relevant HTML:
<input type="text" disabled :value="customer.countryCode">
What am I doing wrong? Why do I see the data being updated on dev tools but it doesn't act as reactive and my country code input stays the same?
You should define your customer object like so customer:
country: null, // or some other default value
countryCode: null,
You can find more details in the documentation here
This is how you shoul do it or #Nora's method of initializing the object properties to null
updateCountryCode: function(country) {
this.$set(this.customer, 'countryCode', country.code)
And the reason is because of change detection caveats in vue reactivity

How can I make a field in a meteor Simple Schema equal to a js variable and still let the user fill out the rest of the simple schema?

I am making a meteor web app where the user will click on a html button. Once this button is clicked, the user needs to be directed to another page with some forms generated by a meteor simple schema package. The first field in the simple schema needs to automatically be given a string value of "hello" and then the rest of the fields in the simple schema will be filled out by the user with the input fields on the page. What I am unsure about is how to get the first value automatically set to this string value. Here is some of the code I have:
The simple schema declaration:
LobbySchema = new SimpleSchema({
game: {
type: String,
label: "Game"
console: {
type: String,
label: "Console"
players: {
type: Number,
label: "Players"
mic: {
type: Boolean,
label: "Mic"
note: {
type: String,
label: "Note"
gamertag: {
type: String,
label: "Gamertag"
createdAt: {
type: Date,
label: "Created At",
autoValue: function(){
return new Date()
autoform: {
type: "hidden"
The first field there in the schema "game" needs to be given the value "hello" when the html button is clicked. Right now I can assign that value to a javascript variable using the button by having an onclick function:
function getElementText(elementID){
var elementText = "hello";
The button would call the getElementText function and have the elementText variable equal "hello". Now I need to assign the the first field in the simple schema to this variable value, "hello", then have it so the user can now fill out the rest of the schema with the input fields, automatically generated into the html with this code:
{{> quickForm collection="Lobby" id="insertLobbyForm" type="insert" class="newLobbyForm"}}
If you do not feel like providing the answer (maybe it happens to be more complicated than I think) then I would be very happy to receive a link to a site that might help me with this. I am also very willing to explain anything about the question if I did not explain the situation well enough above.
You can use the AutoForm hooks like this:
app_create: {
before: {
method: function (doc) {
// Do whatever assignment you need to do here,
// like doc['game'] = "hello"; //then
return doc;
onSuccess: function (formType, result) {
onError: function (formType, error) {
Where here app_create is the id of the form you're sending with Autoform.

