Material UI ItemList Trying to bring Icon closer to element - javascript

Im trying to bring this - icon closer to the text but i'm not exactly sure how.
When I go into developer mode it shows me this.
I don't know what the purplish stuff means. My end goal is to try to move the icon to the upper right corner of where the "Steve First" box is but I'm not sure how to do that. This is the code where i'm building my list.
<List style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", padding: 0 }}>
zIndex: "1",
width: "15px !important",
height: "15px !important"
<RemoveCircleIcon sx={{ fontSize: "20px" }} />
<Avatar src="stuff.img" />
primary="Steve First Steve First Steve First"
zIndex: "1",
width: "15px !important",
height: "15px !important"
<RemoveCircleIcon sx={{ fontSize: "20px" }} />
<Avatar src="stuff.img" />
<ListItemText className={classes.peopleListSpacing} primary="Steve First" />
The code display this.

The purple space is available space that is not being utilized.
How about just making your ListItemAvatar a flex container and centering it? You might like to right align it, then just add some right margin.
Create a new listItemAvatar prop in your classes object.
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
<ListItemAvatar className={classes.listItemAvatar}>
<Avatar src="..." />


How to get a fixed gap between flex items using justify-content: space-between?

I have a MUI container with dynamic values in it, coming from redux state. Container has the timer, the score and the lives in it. When they change e.g timer goes to single digits, the space between them is altered. How can I have the gap between them fixed? This is what I have currently:
function gameInfo() {
return (
borderRadius: '16px',
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "row",
justifyContent: "space-between",
export default gameInfo;
It would be largely depending on the styles of the custom components like Seconds, but in general, if the goal is to keep the three components at left end, middle, and right end, consider to wrap the components for the sides in a container with flex: 1 to take the available space, and align the content to the matching side.
Demo of simplified example: stackblitz
import { Box, Stack, Typography } from "#mui/material";
function GameInfo() {
return (
<Stack direction="row" alignItems="center">
<Box sx={{ display: "flex", flex: "1", justifyContent: "flex-start" }}>
<Seconds />
<Box sx={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center" }}>
<Points />
<Box sx={{ display: "flex", flex: "1", justifyContent: "flex-end" }}>
<Lives />

How to center the text in MUI Breadcrumbs

I am using MUI Breadcrumb in my Code. I want to center the Content in Breadcrumb. I Try this code
<BreadcrumbStyle style={{marginTop:30}}>
<Card elevation={3} style={{padding:10}}>
<Breadcrumbs separator={<NavigateNextIcon fontSize="small" />} aria-label="breadcrumb" >
<Link underline="hover" color="inherit" href="/" sx={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }} ><HomeIcon sx={{ mr: 0.5 }} fontSize="inherit" /> Home </Link>
<Typography >Projects </Typography>
<Typography style={{color:"blue", fontWeight:"bold",}} noWrap >React JS Web Application</Typography>
I want to center the content in Breadcrumb. I need the expected output
The content is left-aligned by the flex container, not by text-align.
You should be able to fix it by adding this to the Breadcrumbs component:
separator={<NavigateNextIcon fontSize="small" />}
"& ol": {
justifyContent: "center",
margin: "auto"
Try style={{textAlign:"center" }} in the Card tag.

React MUI: Set fixed height for Dialog component

I am trying to create a dialog (, I have tried setting the sx value minHeight, height etc. but when the dialog renders it changes height depending on whats inside.
How can I fix the height to 80% of the window and make sure it does not shrink when there is less content to fill the space?
<Dialog onClose={handleClose} open={open} fullWidth={true} maxWidth="lg" sx={{ height: '80%' }}>
<DialogTitle sx={{ m: 0, p: 2 }}>
Search drft
position: 'absolute',
right: 8,
top: 8,
color: (theme) => theme.palette.grey[500],
<CloseIcon />
<DialogContent dividers>
{/* <DialogTitle>Search drft</DialogTitle> */}
<GlobalSearch />
Update: following some advice from a different question I made the following update and the dialog is now fixed at 80% height no matter how tall the content is!
sx: {
minHeight: '80%',
maxHeight: '80%'

How do I change the zAxis of a Paper from MUI?

Hello I want to know how do you change the zAxis of a paper from MUI
As you can see the carousel overlaps my menu and I would like my menu to be on top of everything.
This is how I have it wrapped:
<Box sx={{ background: '#272A31', flexGrow: 0, display: { xs: 'none', md: 'flex' } }}>
<StyledIconButton size="small" edge="start" color="inherit" aria-label="menu" sx={{ mr: 2 }} onClick={handleToggle} ref={anchorRef} >
<GamesIcon />
<Typography variant="h6" component="div" sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}> GAMES </Typography>
<Popper open={open} anchorEl={anchorRef.current} role={undefined} placement="bottom-start" transition disablePortal >
{({ TransitionProps, placement }) => (
<Grow {...TransitionProps}
transformOrigin: placement === 'bottom-start' ? 'left top' : 'left bottom',
<StyledPaper sx = {{zIndex: 1600}} >
<ClickAwayListener onClickAway={handleClose}>
<MenuList autoFocusItem={open} id="composition-menu" aria-labelledby="composition-button" onKeyDown={handleListKeyDown}>
<StyledMenuItem onClick={handleClose}>JUNGLE RAIDER</StyledMenuItem>
<StyledMenuItem onClick={handleClose}>MEGAMAN TEMPLATE</StyledMenuItem>
<StyledMenuItem onClick={handleClose}>TOWER DEFENSE</StyledMenuItem>
<StyledMenuItem onClick={handleClose}>BLADES AND DUNGEON</StyledMenuItem>
<StyledMenuItem onClick={handleClose}>FIXSPACE</StyledMenuItem>
While my Carousel is wraped in the following way:
<Box mb = {2} mt = {2} sx={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', zIndex: -1}}>
<Card sx={{ width: 1500, backgroundColor: "transparent"}} >
<Carousel fullHeightHover={false} navButtonsAlwaysVisible={true} duration={500} animation="slide"
style: {
backgroundColor: '#FF5917',
borderRadius: 0,
}} >
{ (item, i) => <Item key={i} item={item} />)}
Even though the paper is at z-(1600) and the carousel box at z-(-1) it still overlaps the paper for some reason check this link. tooptip has highest zindex value. you can add it to your popper

Adding a linear gradient to Material UI icon

I've tried the process described in this question Trying to add linear gradient to a martialUI icon as a comment stated it should work, but it does not for me.
Thinking that maybe the icons counted as text, I've tried several of the ways to add gradients to text such as here:
Yet I haven't gotten anything to work. The gradient either shows as a box image in the foreground, in front of the icon, or just not at all. Does anyone know how to add a gradient to Material UI icons?
EDIT: Forgot to post my code, here's the relevant snippet:
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
root: {
display: 'flex',
appBar: {
zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer + 1,
drawer: {
width: drawerWidth,
flexShrink: 0
drawerPaper: {
width: drawerWidth,
drawerContainer: {
overflow: 'auto',
content: {
flexGrow: 1,
padding: theme.spacing(3),
sideBarButton: {
fill: "#FFFFFF",
fontSize: "50px"
const SideBar = (props) => {
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<MuiThemeProvider theme={muiTheme}>
paper: classes.drawerPaper,
<Toolbar />
<div className={classes.drawerContainer}>
<Box display="flex" flexDirection="column" padding="0" margin="0" >
<ListItem button>
<ListItemIcon> <SearchIcon className={classes.sideBarButton}/> </ListItemIcon>
<ListItem button>
<ListItemIcon> <AddCircleIcon className={classes.sideBarButton}/> </ListItemIcon>
More precisely, this is the list item (which is a material icon) I'm trying to add gradient to:
<SearchIcon className{classes.sideBarButton}/>
And this is the style applied:
sideBarButton: {
background: "linear-gradient(to right, #ad5389, #3c1053)",
fontSize: "50px"
The other methods I've tried per the links above:
// Just put the style in the tag, doesn't compile
<SearchIcon className={classes.sideBarButton} style={{linear-gradient(to right bottom, #FD297B, #FF5864, #FF655B)}}/>
Another method:
background: "-webkit-linear-gradient(#eee, #333)",
WebkitBackgroundClip: "text",
WebkitTextFillColor: "transparent",
fontSize: "50px"
Yet another method via :
/* Create the gradient. */
backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(45deg, #f3ec78, #af4261)",
/* Set the background size and repeat properties. */
backgroundSize: "100%",
backgroundRepeat: "repeat",
/* Use the text as a mask for the background. */
/* This will show the gradient as a text color rather than element bg. */
WebkitBackgroundClip: "text",
WebkitTextFillColor: "transparent",
MozBackgroundClip: "text",
MozTextFillColor: "transparent",
fontSize: "50px"
P.S. I'm just now learning React, I may very well be missing something simple. Please let me know if you need more info.
Here is an example using Material UI v5.
The fill property of the icon is linked to the linear gradient's id property.
import OpenWithIcon from "#material-ui/icons/OpenWith"
const GradientOpenWithIcon = () => (
<svg width={0} height={0}>
<linearGradient id="linearColors" x1={1} y1={0} x2={1} y2={1}>
<stop offset={0} stopColor="rgba(241,184,74,1)" />
<stop offset={1} stopColor="rgba(207,113,8,1)" />
<OpenWithIcon sx={{ fill: "url(#linearColors)" }} />

