Improving a React Ui Component - javascript

I need suggestions on improving a UI component that receives an object that contains all data types i.e. string, int, boolean, arrays and object and displays all the data types.
example of the object. PS: this object is also provide in the codesandbox link.
const data = {
foo1: {},
foo9: true,
foo3: "some random string",
foo4: "some random string",
created_at: {
$date: 1637368143.618
sources: {
foo1: {
first_date: {
$date: 1637368143.618
download: {
status: "pending"
foo8: "some random string",
foo5: "some random string",
foo7: ["sms"],
foo10: "some random string",
foo11: {
bar5: 0,
bar3: null,
bar1: null,
bar2: 0
foo28: ["some random string", "some random string2"],
foo19: "some random string"
currently i loop through the object and display the data in a card.
Object.entries(objSorted).map(([key, value])
but first the object is sorted to the info in the following order of string, int or boolean, array and object.
this is the link to the codesandbox. here
PS: This is more of a suggestion giving than a question, i don't have any problem with the code. i only want to know if the way am currently displaying this data is good and user friendly(i don't think so that's why i am asking). and if you think there is a better way you can comment or edit the codesandbox or create a new codesandbox.

Your intuition is correct! We can make this a little easier to understand by decomposing everything in a way similar to what you mentioned. What we really want is better separation of concerns. All of this hand waves details away, but the concepts will be what you take with you.
You have data.
Sort the data.
Loop through the outputs from step 2 and render the cards.
Step 1/2. You have data. Why not digest this before rendering? There are tons of ways of doing this, but for the sake of readability lets create a hook and be conscience about our downstream consumers. We can make our ObjectExtract component way simpler if it has well formatted data... And we can memo the results so that our digested data is cached and therefor doesn't recompute ever render.
const useCardData = (data) => {
return useMemo(() => {
const entries = Object.entries(data)
.map(([key, value]) => {
let type = "unknown";
if (Array.isArray(key)) {
type = "array";
} else if (typeof value === "boolean") {
type = "boolean";
} else if { ... };
return { type, value, key, priority: getTypeSortId(type) };
.sort((x, y) => x.priority - y.priority)
return entries;
}, [data]);
We digest our data as much as we can. The key is needed later because using index as a key is almost never what you want since when the order changes, react uses keys to track how rows should be shifted. Numeric indexes from arrays really don't describe the uniqueness of the record. Imagine sorting the records, index 1 could mean completely different things before and after sort, and your data may or may not show up correctly. We use the object property name as our unique key, since objects do a good job of not allowing duplicate keys.
Step 3. Let's use the hook and render the data.
const CardRenderer = ({ data }) => {
const cards = useCardData(data);
return (
{ => {
switch (thing.type) {
case "boolean":
return <BooleanCard key={thing.key} data={thing} />;
case "string":
return <StringCard key={thing.key} data={thing} />;
case "...":
return ...;
Since our data is well formed we can simply loop over it with a switch. Instead of defining all cases and their results in one component, notice how we just create smaller card components to handle each specific case. Separation of concern. The boolean card cares about what booleans look like ect. This makes it SUPER easy to test since you can test each card individually and then test the output of our CardRenderer to make sure its output is reasonable.
Step 4. profit. We broke everything down to components. Each piece only cares about a specific responsibility and that makes it easy to glue things together. It makes it composable. We can test each piece by itself and make sure its doing the right thing. We can make some really complex things like this while keeping the complexity of each individual hidden away.
What I described is SOLID. The examples in the link are in PHP but I think you'll get the gist. We can and should use the same patterns in react to build really cool things while managing the every growing complexity of cooler things.


Is this O(N) approach the only way of avoiding a while loop when walking this linked list in Javascript?

I have a data structure that is essentially a linked list stored in state. It represents a stream of changes (patches) to a base object. It is linked by key, rather than by object reference, to allow me to trivially serialise and deserialise the state.
It looks like this:
const latest = 'id4' // They're actually UUIDs, so I can't sort on them (text here for clarity)
const changes = {
id4: {patch: {}, previous: 'id3'},
id3: {patch: {}, previous: 'id2'},
id2: {patch: {}, previous: 'id1'},
id1: {patch: {}, previous: undefined},
At some times, a user chooses to run an expensive calculation and results get returned into state. We do not have results corresponding to every change but only some. So results might look like:
const results = {
id3: {performance: 83.6},
id1: {performance: 49.6},
Given the changes array, I need to get the results closest to the tip of the changes list, in this case results.id3.
I've written a while loop to do this, and it's perfectly robust at present:
let id = latest
let referenceId = undefined
while (!!id) {
if (!!results[id]) {
referenceId = id
id = undefined
} else {
id = changes[id].previous
The approach is O(N) but that's the pathological case: I expect a long changelist but with fairly frequent results updates, such that you'd only have to walk back a few steps to find a matching result.
While loops can be vulnerable
Following the great work of Gene Krantz (read his book "Failure is not an option" to understand why NASA never use recursion!) I try to avoid using while loops in code bases: They tend to be susceptible to inadvertent mistakes.
For example, all that would be required to make an infinite loop here is to do delete changes.id1.
So, I'd like to avoid that vulnerability and instead fail to retrieve any result, because not returning a performance value can be handled; but the user's app hanging is REALLY bad!
Other approaches I tried
Sorted array O(N)
To avoid the while loop, I thought about sorting the changes object into an array ordered per the linked list, then simply looping through it.
The problem is that I have to traverse the whole changes list first to get the array in a sorted order, because I don't store an ordering key (it would violate the point of a linked list, because you could no longer do O(1) insert).
It's not a heavy operation, to push an id onto an array, but is still O(N).
The question
Is there a way of traversing this linked list without using a while loop, and without an O(N) approach to convert the linked list into a normal array?
Since you only need to append at the end and possibly remove from the end, the required structure is a stack. In JavaScript the best data structure to implement a stack is an array -- using its push and pop features.
So then you could do things like this:
const changes = [];
function addChange(id, patch) {
changes.push({id, patch});
function findRecentMatch(changes, constraints) {
for (let i = changes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const {id} = changes[i];
if (constraints[id]) return id;
// Demo
addChange("id1", { data: 10 });
addChange("id2", { data: 20 });
addChange("id3", { data: 30 });
addChange("id4", { data: 40 });
const results = {
id3: {performance: 83.6},
id1: {performance: 49.6},
const referenceId = findRecentMatch(changes, results);
console.log(referenceId); // id3
Depending on what you want to do with that referenceId you might want findRecentMatch to return the index in changes instead of the change-id itself. This gives you the possibility to still retrieve the id, but also to clip the changes list to end at that "version" (i.e. as if you popped all the entries up to that point, but then in one operation).
While writing out the question, I realised that rather than avoiding a while-loop entirely, I can add an execution count and an escape hatch which should be sufficient for the purpose.
This solution uses Object.keys() which is strictly O(N) so not technically a correct answer to the question - but it is very fast.
If I needed it faster, I could restructure changes as a map instead of a general object and access changes.size as per this answer
let id = latest
let referenceId = undefined
const maxLoops = Object.keys(changes).length
let loop = 0
while (!!id && loop < maxLoops) {
if (!!results[id]) {
referenceId = id
id = undefined
} else {
id = changes[id].previous

Is it possible to have multiple keys for a single value in Javascript?

I'm writing a program that cycles through a dictionary with a list of every state's abbreviation and minimum wage, where the abbreviation is the key and the minimum wage float is the value. However, it occurred to me that many people would not know their state's abbreviation. Is there a way to have multiple keys, so that the user could input either "Delaware" or "DE" and get the same output value? I know I could just create another entry into the dictionary with the same value and the key name of the state, but I'm interested about whether I can manage complexity with this.
Pretty much all I've tried is putting commas on the key value side. I know putting 50 extra keys with the state names is always a possibility, I just wonder if I can manage complexity in a different way.
I do not understand why you have to take input from user, where you could just give a selectbox in the UI. Anyways I am assuming, thats not possible in your case. If you really need to keep all the possible state's abbreviation input in an object (dictionary), you can keep it in an array. Keep in mind that its not an optimal way of handling the situtation.
const obj = {
abbreviations: ['DE', 'Delware', 'DRE' ],
minimumWages: 10
Then you can find the wages by doing -
const userInput = 'DE'
if(obj.abbreviations.indexOf(userInput)!== -1) {
return obj.minimumWages;
You can do a simple configuration that you transform in dictionary like this
const config = {
DE : {alias:['Delaware', 'DE'], //every alias
minimunWage: 10
const dictonary = Object.entries(config).reduce((o, [k, v]) => {
v.alias.forEach(a => {o[a] = v.minimunWage})
return o
}, {})

Functional programming / Ramda: Creating a new object by picking nested properties

Functional programming newbie here. I have this object:
_id: '2014d5db-55dc-4078-ae87-382c226d0785',
_source: {
phone: '00447827434313',
In the end I want to have it in this format:
id: '2014d5db-55dc-4078-ae87-382c226d0785',
phone: '00447827434313',
Basically extracting _source, and renaming _id to id.
I created this function below which works, but I'm trying use only Ramda's functions instead of creating new objects by hand. I assume it's more "functional" way, let me know if it doesn't really matter.
const test = o => merge(o._source, { id: o._id })
Thanks very much
I don't think there's a particular built-in Ramda function for that. But it's not hard to write one on top of lensPath, view, and map:
const remap = R.curry((desc, obj) => => R.view(R.lensPath(path), obj), desc));
const myExtract = remap({
id: ['_id'],
phone: ['_source', 'phone']
//=> {"id": "2014d5db-55dc-4078-ae87-382c226d0785", "phone": "00447827434313"}
It only works this simply if your output is described as a flat list of fields (of course their properties could themselves be objects.) But one where you pulled from nested paths and pushed to nested paths would not be too much harder to write. The user API would be uglier, though, I imagine.
I don't see any clean way to make this points-free and still retain readability. Perhaps someone else might manage that, but I think this is already pretty nice.
You can see this in action on the Ramda REPL.

Trying to return a deep nested object with Lodash

I have not been able to find a solution for this on StackoverlFlow and i have been working on this issue for some time now. Its a bit difficult so please let me know if i should provide more information.
My problem:
I have a JSON object of Lands, each land has an ID and a Blocks array associated with it and that blocks array has block with ID's too.
var Lands = [{
'Blocks': [
...More Land Objects];
Note: The data is not setup the way i would have done it but this was done along time ago and i have to work with what i have for right now.
I am trying to write a lodash function that will take the blockId's that i have and match them and return the landId from the Blocks.
so the end result would be a list of LandId's that where returned from the Blocks.
I was using something like this and it was returning no results:
selectedLand = function(Lands, landIDs){
return _.filter(Lands, function(land){
return land === landIDs[index];
I know i am going about this the wrong way and would like to know the appropriate way to approach this and solve it. any help is much appreciated.
selectedLand = function(Lands, landIDs){
return _.filter(Lands, function(land){
return land === landIDs[index];
Note that index lacks any definition in this scope, so this function will essentially never return true, barring a lucky(?) accident with an externally defined index. And anytime you call _.filter(someArr,function(){return false;}) you'll get []. Undefined index aside, this does strict comparison of a land object against (maybe) a string in landIDs
I'm a bit unclear on the exact requirements of your selection, so you can tailor this filter to suit your needs. The function filters the lands array by checking if the .blocks array property has some values where the .landID property is included in the landsID array.
In closing, if you want to make the most out of lodash (or my favorite, ramda.js) I suggest you sit down and read the docs. Sounds deathly boring, but 75% of the battle with data transforms is knowing what's in your toolbox. Note how the English description of the process matches almost exactly with the example code (filter, some, includes).
var Lands = [{
'LandId': '123',
'something1': 'qwerty',
'something2': 'qwerty',
'Blocks': [{
'id': '456',
'LandId': '123'
}, {
'BlockId': '789',
'LandId': '123'
// assuming lands is like the above example
// and landIDs is an array of strings
var selectLandsWithBlocks = function(lands, landIDs) {
return _.filter(lands, function(land) {
var blocks = land.Blocks;
var blockHasALandId = function(block) {
return _.includes(landIDs,block.LandId);
return _.some(blocks, blockHasALandId);
<script src="//"></script>

Creating a filterable list with RxJS

I'm trying to get into reactive programming. I use array-functions like map, filter and reduce all the time and love that I can do array manipulation without creating state.
As an exercise, I'm trying to create a filterable list with RxJS without introducing state variables. In the end it should work similar to this:
I would know how to accomplish this with naive JavaScript or AngularJS/ReactJS but I'm trying to do this with nothing but RxJS and without creating state variables:
var list = [
Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document.querySelector('#filter'), 'keyup')
.map(function(e) { return; });
// i need to get the search value in here somehow:
Rx.Observable.from(list).filter(function() {});
Now how do I get the search value into my filter function on the observable that I created from my list?
Thanks a lot for your help!
You'll need to wrap the from(list) as it will need to restart the list observable again every time the filter is changed. Since that could happen a lot, you'll also probably want to prevent filtering when the filter is too short, or if there is another key stroke within a small time frame.
//This is a cold observable we'll go ahead and make this here
var reactiveList = Rx.Observable.from(list);
//This will actually perform our filtering
function filterList(filterValue) {
return reactiveList.filter(function(e) {
return /*do filtering with filterValue*/;
var source = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document.querySelector('#filter'), 'keyup')
.map(function(e) { return;})
//The next two operators are primarily to stop us from filtering before
//the user is done typing or if the input is too small
.filter(function(value) { return value.length > 2; })
.debounce(750 /*ms*/)
//Cancel inflight operations if a new item comes in.
//Then flatten everything into one sequence
//Nothing will happen until you've subscribed
source.subscribe(function() {/*Do something with that list*/});
This is all adapted from one of the standard examples for RxJS here
You can create a new stream, that takes the list of people and the keyups stream, merge them and scans to filter the latter.
const keyup$ = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(_input, 'keyup')
.map(ev =>
const people$ = Rx.Observable.of(people)
.scan((list, value) => people.filter(item => item.includes(value)));
This way you will have:
-L------------------ people list
------k-----k--k---- keyups stream
-L----k-----k--k---- merged stream
Then you can scan it. As docs says:
Rx.Observable.prototype.scan(accumulator, [seed])
Applies an accumulator function over an observable sequence and returns each
intermediate result.
That means you will be able to filter the list, storing the new list on the accumulator.
Once you subscribe, the data will be the new list.
people$.subscribe(data => console.log(data) ); //this will print your filtered list on console
Hope it helps/was clear enough
You can look how I did it here:
It's end to end solution, with grabbing user interactions and rendering filtered list to DOM.
You could take a look at WebRx's List-Projections as well.
Disclosure: I am the author of the Framework.

