websocket server/client only works on LAN - javascript

I'm trying to make a chat server with a web client and python backend. Everything works fine on the local network (both localhost and different computers under the same router). However, when I try to connect with my external IP it doesn't work. (this is true for both a JavaScript and Python client). The external port is forwarded on TCP.
Backend server content is the basic server shown on the documentation for the Python websockets library.
Client is a JS oneliner that is only trying to connect: var client = new WebSocket("ws://ip:port");
EDIT: I'm actually stupid. I thought you could access the external IP on the local network and it would have the same effect. I believed this because ssh works that way.


neo4j server side javascript

I have a neo4j desktop (1.4.3) database on my Windows PC. in an html code, I am connectecting to the DB using
const driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://IP_ADDRESS:7687", neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j", "PASSWORD"));
After that I query the DB and display the results on the web page (I use leafletjs maps, but this is not the issue)
var session = driver.session();
.run(`MATCH....etc.... return ....
...... etc
Everything is fine so far. I run the page on my PC or from another PC in my home network, everything is fine. The setting of neo4j is (dbms.default_listen_address= no issues there.
The question is how do I expose this page to the colleagues outside my network?
Using noip.com, I got a temporary domain mapped to my external IP.
I also configured the router to forward port 80.
But when the page Javascript gets loaded on an external client, it tries to connect to neo4j on that client. When I put the external IP addtess in "const driver ..." the connection does not work.
How do I make the connection to the DB from my server, but the queries to the DB come from the client who loaded the Javascript?
Edit: Forgot to mention that I am also using Apache Web Server (Xampp) to serve the page to remote users.
A simple architecture that does what you want, plus mitigates the risk of opening up your database to everyone uses a HTTP server + API that are accessible via your noip provider.
Your public facing frontend (HTML + JavaScript (for making API calls etc)) makes the HTTP(s) calls to your publicly accessible API (for example a nodejs server) to make the database calls. Cypher/a direct database connection to neo has no place in your users' browsers.
You can also use a starter like the GRANDstack.

Communicating between cordova and a python server

I've been trying to make a cordova app get information from a python server. I am relatively new to JavaScript but I've been trying to connect using sockets, but I couldn't get them to communicate and I can't use API since cordova blocks cross domain APIs.
How can I get them to communicate?
First, run two servers in the same domain. And use proxy server.
Here's an example case.
If your major app is one of Python, set proxy as:
yourdomain.com/ -> Python server
yourdomain.com/elsewhere/ -> Cordova server
Or you could set cordova app as the major app.
Second, communicate between them via HTTP or socket. It also can be done sharing a temp file or database.
The issue is that your API Server does not respond using CORS. If you can setup your python server to respond using CORS (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS). There would be no issues. If it will work with the chrome developer Console then it works with cordova.
If it you can not make that, I would suggest writing a Firebase Functions that becomes a man in the middle to the story.

How to create separate projects for server and client? (express and js)

My backend is built in express with socket.io and my frontend in plain js.
How is it possible to have them in different projects (in different repos on github) but still have them work together (that the client knows where the server is so to say)?
Do I have to sync them somehow?
You can put them in different repositories. The client will communicate with the server using its url.
When you run the server it is on a specific host (any address like localhost or any ip or domain plus a port). The client just need to know this hostname and port.

Local node.js server connect to http website

I currently own a website, which will be used for global access and a database. I am also building devices that run a local node.js server, that forms a connection to this website.
So I guess this would be a reverse websocket? I don't own the webserver, it's hosted, so I'd assume I would use php.
I'm needing a 2 way connection that can push or request updates from both ends... Maybe websockets isn't the answer in this case?

Node.js server to webapp connections

I'm running a game which contains a server.js backend (which is hosted and run on my localhost), and the frontend is on a github website. The github page connects to the server on my localhost through the config which points to I realize that I will be able to play this from my localhost this way, but will other people be able to?
Basically the index.html connects to the visitor's localhost to look for the running server.
A visual representation (sort of):
[nullwalker.github.io/index.html] ----> [localhost(]
What should I do to allow myself to play from the computer that's hosting the server backend as well as others being able to play?
You would need to host it in a live environment. There are ways via port forwarding to use your computers ip (gateway) to allow others to connect, however typically ISP's will try to stop you from using your dynamic IP statically. Safest bet is to launch a cheap VPS and host it there.
This article seems to explain port forwarding well enough.
As for the VPS, you can find extremely cheap ones really easily, if you do not expect a lot of players it should be fine, if you expect more then using your own connection is dangerous.
unless they have the same server running on their localhost, no. And they almost surely don't. You should get a host (digitalocean.com is very popular and good, but there are many others), and then run it there and connect to that instead of localhost

