Multiple Progress Bars on Splide.js sliders - javascript

I am having 3 Splide.Js sliders on a single page and I would like to add the progress bar as mentioned here -> under Slider Progress:
This my code so far (which works for the splide itself):
var splides = $('.highlights');
function slider1() {
for ( let i = 0, splideLength = splides.length; i < splideLength; i++ ) {
var splide = new Splide( splides[ i ], {
// Desktop on down
gap: '2.4em', // space between slides
autoWidth: true, // for cards with differing widths
waitForTransition: true,
breakpoints: {
991: {
// Tablet
767: {
// Mobile Landscape
destroy: true,
479: {
// Mobile Portrait
destroy: 'completely',
var bar = splide.root.querySelector( '.my-slider-progress-bar' );
Where do I put this piece of code to make the bar works with each slide? I am currently getting the error "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'style')"
Progress Bar code:
// Update the bar width:
splide.on( 'mounted move', function () {
var end = splide.Components.Controller.getEnd() + 1; = String( 100 * ( splide.index + 1 ) / end ) + '%';
} );
Thanks for any tips

var bar = splide.root.querySelector( '.my-slider-progress-bar' );
such as:
var bar = splide.root.querySelector( '.my-slider-progress-bar' );
splide.on( 'mounted move', function () {
var end = splide.Components.Controller.getEnd() + 1; = String( 100 * ( splide.index + 1 ) / end ) + '%';
} );


Auto Scaling Image Annotation

Scalize is a jQuery plugin used for adding custom markers (hotspots) with custom popovers and animations to containers or images.
But now When I click one by one on pointer it show all one by one But I am trying to show only one so when click another pointer will close the other which already opened.
Here is my EXAMPLE
(function(jQuery) {
"use strict";
// Variable
var variable = {
width : 0,
height : 0,
selector : '.item-point',
styleSelector : 'circle',
animationSelector : 'pulse2',
animationPopoverIn : 'flipInY',
animationPopoverOut : 'flipOutY',
onInit : null,
getSelectorElement : null,
getValueRemove : null
// Scaling
var scaling = {
settings : null,
// Initialize
init: function(el, options){
this.settings = jQuery.extend(variable, options);
jQuery(window).on('load', function(){
jQuery(el).find('.target').on('load', function(){
jQuery(window).on('resize', function(){
// Event
event : function(elem){
// Set Style Selector
if ( this.settings.styleSelector ) {
jQuery(this.settings.selector).addClass( this.settings.styleSelector );
// Set Animation
if ( this.settings.animationSelector ) {
if( this.settings.animationSelector == 'marker' ){
jQuery(this.settings.selector).addClass( this.settings.animationSelector );
jQuery(this.settings.selector).append('<div class="pin"></div>')
jQuery(this.settings.selector).append('<div class="pulse"></div>')
jQuery(this.settings.selector).addClass( this.settings.animationSelector );
// Event On Initialize
if ( jQuery.isFunction( this.settings.onInit ) ) {
// Content add class animated element
// Wrapper selector
jQuery(this.settings.selector).wrapAll( "<div class='wrap-selector' />");
// Event Selector
// Toggle
jQuery('.toggle', this).on('click', function(e){
// Selector Click
var content = jQuery(this).closest(scaling.settings.selector).data('popover'),
id = jQuery(content);
if(jQuery(this).closest(scaling.settings.selector).hasClass('active') && !jQuery(this).closest(scaling.settings.selector).hasClass('disabled')){
if ( jQuery.isFunction( scaling.settings.getSelectorElement ) ) {
if( getBrowserName() == "Safari" ){
if(jQuery.isFunction( scaling.settings.getValueRemove )){
// Exit
var target = jQuery(this).data('popover'),
idTarget = jQuery(target);
idTarget.find('.exit').on('click', function(e){
// selector.removeClass('active');
jQuery('[data-popover="'+ target +'"]').removeClass('active');
// Layout
layout : function(elem){
// Get Original Image
var image = new Image();
image.src = elem.find('.target').attr("src");
// Variable
var width = image.naturalWidth,
height = image.naturalHeight,
getWidthLess = jQuery(elem).width(),
setPersenWidth = getWidthLess/width * 100,
setHeight = height * setPersenWidth / 100;
// Set Heigh Element
jQuery(elem).css("height", setHeight);
// Resize Width
if( jQuery(window).width() < width ){
// Set Position Selector
if( jQuery(window).width() < width ){
var getTop = jQuery(this).data("top") * setPersenWidth / 100,
getLeft = jQuery(this).data("left") * setPersenWidth / 100;
var getTop = jQuery(this).data("top"),
getLeft = jQuery(this).data("left");
jQuery(this).css("top", getTop + "px");
jQuery(this).css("left", getLeft + "px");
// Target Position
var target = jQuery(this).data('popover'),
allSize = jQuery(target).find('.head').outerHeight() + jQuery(target).find('.body').outerHeight() + jQuery(target).find('.footer').outerHeight();
jQuery(target).css("left", getLeft + "px");
jQuery(target).css("height", allSize + "px");
var getHeight = jQuery(target).outerHeight(),
getTopBottom = getTop - getHeight;
jQuery(target).css("top", getTopBottom + "px");
}else if(jQuery(target).hasClass('center')){
var getHeight = jQuery(target).outerHeight() * 0.50,
getTopBottom = getTop - getHeight;
jQuery(target).css("top", getTopBottom + "px");
jQuery(target).css("top", getTop + "px");
jQuery('.toggle', this).css('width', jQuery(this).outerWidth());
jQuery('.toggle', this).css('height', jQuery(this).outerHeight());
// Toggle Size
var widthThis = jQuery('.pin', this).outerWidth(),
heightThis = jQuery('.pin', this).outerHeight();
jQuery('.toggle', this).css('width', widthThis);
jQuery('.toggle', this).css('height', heightThis);
// Scalize Plugin
jQuery.fn.scalize = function(options){
return scaling.init(this, options);
function getBrowserName() {
var name = "Unknown";
name = "MSIE";
else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1){
name = "Firefox";
else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")!=-1){
name = "Opera";
else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1){
name = "Chrome";
else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari")!=-1){
name = "Safari";
return name;
Add this to your initialisation:
getSelectorElement: function(el) {
This hooks into the getSelectorElement method in the Scalize plugin and triggers a click on any active (open) elements that don't match the most recently clicked item.
Add it like so:
styleSelector: 'circle',
animationPopoverIn: 'fadeIn',
animationPopoverOut: 'fadeOut',
animationSelector: 'pulse2',
getSelectorElement: function(el) {
Note, because this is hooking into existing methods in the plugin it's a little safer (no unpredictable side effects, plus you get the intended transition out on the disappearing elements). Fiddle.
I've modified your jsFiddle to work.
TL;DR: Anytime an point is clicked, if there are other active siblings, loop over them and hide their popups.
It isn't a pretty way of doing it but it is working in the Fiddle.
$('.scalize').on('click', '.item-point', (function() {
$(this).siblings('').each(function() {
var popover = $(this).data('popover');
'display': 'none'

Showing Progress while Child row loads

Coming again with another question :)
This time I had a requirement to show some progress while Child rows are being loaded. Since there is an Api call which relatively takes little time to return data, I do want to show the some progress unless the user who clicks the parent row is totally unaware whether there is a call done to see its child rows.
What I have done:
I wrote a style sheet class which has a
image as this:
tr.loading td.details-control {
background: url('/Images/loader-small.gif') no-repeat center center;
and applied like this:
$('#accountManagerEarningsDataTable tbody').on('click', 'td.details-control', function () {
var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
var row = table.row(tr);
try {
if (row.child.isShown()) {
// This row is already open - close it
else {
//Calling the loading Class ------>
// Open this row
var arrForTable1 = [];
var arrForTable2 = [];
totalBrokerage = 0;
totalRetailBrokerage = 0;
totalSelfServiceBrokerage = 0;
console.log('You selected: ' +;
var settings = {
"columnDefs": [
{ targets: 1, align: "right", decimals: 0 },
{ targets: 2, align: "right", decimals: 0 },
{ targets: 3, align: "right", decimals: 0 },
{ targets: 4, align: "right", decimals: 2 },
{ targets: 5, align: "right", decimals: 2 }
//problems with asynchoronus call back
var response = organization_GetAccountManagerDetailEarningsAccountData(, purl2, pcontext);
if (response.success === "true") {
for (var i = 0; i < response.value.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < response.value[i].Securities.length; j++) {
var itemRow2 = {};
itemRow2["Security ID"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].SecurityId;
itemRow2["Trades"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].Trades;
itemRow2["Buy Qty"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].BuyQuantity;
itemRow2["Sell Qty"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].SellQuantity;
itemRow2["Total Brkg"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].Effective_Brokerage;
itemRow2["Online Brkg"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].Online_Brokerage;
totalBrokerage = totalBrokerage + parseFloat(response.value[i].Securities[j].Effective_Brokerage);
totalSelfServiceBrokerage = totalSelfServiceBrokerage + parseFloat(response.value[i].Securities[j].Online_Brokerage);
totalBrokerage = Math.round(totalBrokerage * 100) / 100;
totalSelfServiceBrokerage = Math.round(totalSelfServiceBrokerage * 100) / 100;
totalRetailBrokerage = Math.round(totalRetailBrokerage * 100) / 100;
var itemRow1 = {};
itemRow1["Account ID"] = response.value[i].AccountId;
itemRow1["Account Name"] = response.value[i].AccountName;
itemRow1["..."] = '<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">' + buildHtmlTable(arrForTable2, 'table2x' + j, settings) + '<p>Total Brokerage ' + numberWithCommas(totalBrokerage) + '</p></div>';
arrForTable2 = [];
totalBrokerage = 0;
totalRetailBrokerage = 0;
totalSelfServiceBrokerage = 0;
htmlTable1 = buildHtmlTable(arrForTable1, 'table1x' + i);
else {
row.child('<table><tr><td>' + response.value[0].AccountId + '</td></tr></table>').show();
} catch (e) {
The Problem:
Firefox nicely shows the Progress image after the user clicks it, but Edge and Chrome does not show. Both browsers crossed this piece of code when I was debugging from developer tools of the respective browser.
Its browser compatible problem? Is there a solution for it? Help me please.
In case of chrome there is such an issue while showing the loading bar while making a server call. Please make the following changes where you are making the service call. First add the class loading to the table
After that make the service call by giving a timeout function
var response = organization_GetAccountManagerDetailEarningsAccountData(, purl2, pcontext);
//Your service calls and response call backs
On providing a timeout (say 1ms), Chrome will get the time to bind the loading bar to DOM, In other case the DOM Object is not available to show the spinner.

Make a slider responsive (jQuery)

I have a slider, I want to make them responsive the problem is the size of slider is into the jQuery file
sow how I can edit the code ?
code of jQuery
(function( window, $, undefined ) {
var $event = $.event, resizeTimeout;
$event.special.smartresize = {
setup: function() {
$(this).bind( "resize", $event.special.smartresize.handler );
teardown: function() {
$(this).unbind( "resize", $event.special.smartresize.handler );
handler: function( event, execAsap ) {
// Save the context
var context = this,
args = arguments;
// set correct event type
event.type = "smartresize";
if ( resizeTimeout ) { clearTimeout( resizeTimeout ); }
resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
jQuery.event.handle.apply( context, args );
}, execAsap === "execAsap"? 0 : 100 );
$.fn.smartresize = function( fn ) {
return fn ? this.bind( "smartresize", fn ) : this.trigger( "smartresize", ["execAsap"] );
$.Slideshow = function( options, element ) {
this.$el = $( element );
/***** images ****/
// list of image items
this.$list = this.$el.find('ul.ei-slider-large');
// image items
this.$imgItems = this.$list.children('li');
// total number of items
this.itemsCount = this.$imgItems.length;
// images
this.$images = this.$imgItems.find('img:first');
/***** thumbs ****/
// thumbs wrapper
this.$sliderthumbs = this.$el.find('ul.ei-slider-thumbs').hide();
// slider elements
this.$sliderElems = this.$sliderthumbs.children('li');
// sliding div
this.$sliderElem = this.$sliderthumbs.children('li.ei-slider-element');
// thumbs
this.$thumbs = this.$sliderElems.not('.ei-slider-element');
// initialize slideshow
this._init( options );
$.Slideshow.defaults = {
// animation types:
// "sides" : new slides will slide in from left / right
// "center": new slides will appear in the center
animation : 'center', // sides || center
// if true the slider will automatically slide, and it will only stop if the user clicks on a thumb
autoplay : false,
// interval for the slideshow
slideshow_interval : 3000,
// speed for the sliding animation
speed : 800,
// easing for the sliding animation
easing : '',
// percentage of speed for the titles animation. Speed will be speed * titlesFactor
titlesFactor : 0.60,
// titles animation speed
titlespeed : 800,
// titles animation easing
titleeasing : '',
$.Slideshow.prototype = {
_init : function( options ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.Slideshow.defaults, options );
// set the opacity of the title elements and the image items
this.$imgItems.css( 'opacity', 0 );
this.$imgItems.find('div.ei-title > *').css( 'opacity', 0 );
// index of current visible slider
this.current = 0;
var _self = this;
// preload images
// add loading status
this.$loading = $('<div class="ei-slider-loading">Loading</div>').prependTo( _self.$el );
$.when( this._preloadImages() ).done( function() {
// hide loading status
// calculate size and position for each image
// configure thumbs container
// show first
_self.$imgItems.eq( _self.current ).css({
'opacity' : 1,
'z-index' : 10
}).show().find('div.ei-title > *').css( 'opacity', 1 );
// if autoplay is true
if( _self.options.autoplay ) {
// initialize the events
_preloadImages : function() {
// preloads all the large images
var _self = this,
loaded = 0;
return $.Deferred(
function(dfd) {
_self.$images.each( function( i ) {
$('<img/>').load( function() {
if( ++loaded === _self.itemsCount ) {
}).attr( 'src', $(this).attr('src') );
_setImagesSize : function() {
// save ei-slider's width
this.elWidth = this.$el.width();
var _self = this;
this.$images.each( function( i ) {
var $img = $(this);
imgDim = _self._getImageDim( $img.attr('src') );
width : imgDim.width,
height : imgDim.height,
marginLeft : imgDim.left,
marginTop :
_getImageDim : function( src ) {
var $img = new Image();
$img.src = src;
var c_w = this.elWidth,
c_h = this.$el.height(),
r_w = c_h / c_w,
i_w = $img.width,
i_h = $img.height,
r_i = i_h / i_w,
new_w, new_h, new_left, new_top;
if( r_w > r_i ) {
new_h = c_h;
new_w = c_h / r_i;
else {
new_h = c_w * r_i;
new_w = c_w;
return {
width : new_w,
height : new_h,
left : ( c_w - new_w ) / 2,
top : ( c_h - new_h ) / 2
_initThumbs : function() {
// set the max-width of the slider elements to the one set in the plugin's options
// also, the width of each slider element will be 100% / total number of elements
'width' : 100 / this.itemsCount + '%'
// set the max-width of the slider and show it
this.$sliderthumbs.css( 'width', this.options.thumbMaxWidth * this.itemsCount + 'px' ).show();
_startSlideshow : function() {
var _self = this;
this.slideshow = setTimeout( function() {
var pos;
( _self.current === _self.itemsCount - 1 ) ? pos = 0 : pos = _self.current + 1;
_self._slideTo( pos );
if( _self.options.autoplay ) {
}, this.options.slideshow_interval);
// shows the clicked thumb's slide
_slideTo : function( pos ) {
// return if clicking the same element or if currently animating
if( pos === this.current || this.isAnimating )
return false;
this.isAnimating = true;
var $currentSlide = this.$imgItems.eq( this.current ),
$nextSlide = this.$imgItems.eq( pos ),
_self = this,
preCSS = {zIndex : 10},
animCSS = {opacity : 1};
// new slide will slide in from left or right side
if( this.options.animation === 'sides' ) {
preCSS.left = ( pos > this.current ) ? -1 * this.elWidth : this.elWidth;
animCSS.left = 0;
// titles animation
$nextSlide.find('div.ei-title > h2')
.css( 'margin-right', 50 + 'px' )
.delay( this.options.speed * this.options.titlesFactor )
.animate({ marginRight : 0 + 'px', opacity : 1 }, this.options.titlespeed, this.options.titleeasing )
.find('div.ei-title > h3')
.css( 'margin-right', -50 + 'px' )
.delay( this.options.speed * this.options.titlesFactor )
.animate({ marginRight : 0 + 'px', opacity : 1 }, this.options.titlespeed, this.options.titleeasing )
// fade out current titles
$currentSlide.css( 'z-index' , 1 ).find('div.ei-title > *').stop().fadeOut( this.options.speed / 2, function() {
// reset style
$(this).show().css( 'opacity', 0 );
// animate next slide in
$nextSlide.css( preCSS ).stop().animate( animCSS, this.options.speed, this.options.easing ),
// "sliding div" moves to new position
left : this.$thumbs.eq( pos ).position().left
}, this.options.speed )
).done( function() {
// reset values
$currentSlide.css( 'opacity' , 0 ).find('div.ei-title > *').css( 'opacity', 0 );
_self.current = pos;
_self.isAnimating = false;
_initEvents : function() {
var _self = this;
// window resize
$(window).on( 'smartresize.eislideshow', function( event ) {
// resize the images
// reset position of thumbs sliding div
_self.$sliderElem.css( 'left', _self.$thumbs.eq( _self.current ).position().left );
// click the thumbs
this.$thumbs.on( 'click.eislideshow', function( event ) {
if( _self.options.autoplay ) {
clearTimeout( _self.slideshow );
_self.options.autoplay = false;
var $thumb = $(this),
idx = $thumb.index() - 1; // exclude sliding div
_self._slideTo( idx );
return false;
var logError = function( message ) {
if ( this.console ) {
console.error( message );
$.fn.eislideshow = function( options ) {
if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {
var args = arguments, 1 );
this.each(function() {
var instance = $.data( this, 'eislideshow' );
if ( !instance ) {
logError( "cannot call methods on eislideshow prior to initialization; " +
"attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );
if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) {
logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for eislideshow instance" );
instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );
else {
this.each(function() {
var instance = $.data( this, 'eislideshow' );
if ( !instance ) {
$.data( this, 'eislideshow', new $.Slideshow( options, this ) );
return this;
})( window, jQuery );
How I can edit that to make them responsive ? can you give an example ?
I suggest you use something more simple (only 3 steps) instead of review this code.
Step 1: Link required files
First and most important, the jQuery library needs to be included (no need to download - link directly from Google). Next, download the package from this site and link the bxSlider CSS file (for the theme) and the bxSlider Javascript file.
<!-- jQuery library (served from Google) -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- bxSlider Javascript file -->
<script src="/js/jquery.bxslider.min.js"></script>
<!-- bxSlider CSS file -->
<link href="/lib/jquery.bxslider.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Step 2: Create HTML markup
Create a <ul class="bxslider"> element, with a <li> for each slide. Slides can contain images, video, or any other HTML content!
<ul class="bxslider">
<li><img src="/images/pic1.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="/images/pic2.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="/images/pic3.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="/images/pic4.jpg" /></li>
Step 3: Call the bxSlider
Call .bxslider() on <ul class="bxslider">. Note that the call must be made inside of a $(document).ready() call, or the plugin will not work!
I really believe, this will be more helpful and simple.
Different configurations
mode: 'fade',
captions: true,
pagerCustom: '#bx-pager',
adaptiveHeight: true,
slideWidth: 150
Don't forget to read this:

Making a plane seat chart

I'm trying to use a plane seat map generator. What it does is really simple. You insert the passengers for first, business and economy on html inputs. And automatically a chart should appear. This work is perform by javascript. I'm trying to run it but something is going wrong. It just does not work. It shows the table where you should put the inputs and a number 7 under it. I guess that's happening because I am missing some javascript. When you fill the input nothing happens.
To make it easier I put the code on jsfiddle.
Because I have to paste code here you have my javascript. I think the problem is somewhere here:
makeRequest(request, id, false);
$('#'+id).dialog({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto', modal: true, resizable: false });
var AircraftConfigCheck = {
capacity : 200,
business : 0,
economy: 0,
first: 0,
businessFree : 0,
economyFree : 0,
firstFree: 0,
total : function() {
return (parseInt( || 0) * 2 + (parseInt(this.economy) || 0) + (parseInt(this.first) || 0) * 4;
checkBusiness : function() {
if( > this.capacity ) { = Math.floor( ( this.capacity - this.economy - this.first * 4 ) / 2 );
checkEconomy : function() {
if( > this.capacity ) {
this.economy = this.capacity - * 2 - this.first * 4;
checkFirst : function() {
if( > this.capacity ) {
this.first = Math.floor( ( this.capacity - this.economy - * 2 ) / 4 );
updateCapacity : function() {
this.businessFree = Math.max( 0, Math.floor( ( this.capacity - ) / 2 ) );
this.firstFree = Math.max( 0, Math.floor( ( this.capacity - ) / 4 ) );
this.economyFree = Math.max( 0, this.capacity - );
setValues : function() {
$("#business").val( );
$("#economy").val( this.economy );
$("#first").val( this.first );
$("#businessFree").html( this.businessFree );
$("#economyFree").html( this.economyFree );
$("#firstFree").html( this.firstFree );
/*$("#first").val( ); */
render : function() {
$(function() {
$(".seatInput").keyup(function() {
switch( $(this).attr("id") ) {
case "economy":
AircraftConfigCheck.economy = $("#economy").val();
case "business": = $("#business").val();
case "first":
AircraftConfigCheck.first = $("#first").val();
Thanks in advance!
You have quite a few syntax errors in your code which is why it isn't running.
This part of the code doesn't make any sense:
makeRequest(request, id, false);
$('#'+id).dialog({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto', modal: true, resizable: false });
The makeRequest() function doesn't exist so you can't call it. And, there's an extraneous } at the end of this block.
Then, later inside the render function, you try to call makeRequest() again, but it doesn't exist.
The very first thing you should do when running any Javascript code that you've just written is to check the error console or debug console in the browser for errors. Then, anytime that something isn't working properly check the console again. Then, when you're testing your code, check the error console again.

Make JavaScript/jQuery tabs return to position on mouse out

This post is about the 3 green tabs at the top of the page (link is below). I have almost got these moving tabs how I want them, but I am not able to get the tabs to return to original position on mouse out or on a click elsewhere. Instead they move back to position after a set amount of time. How difficult is it to have them move back on mouse out?
Site is here
var sliding = 0;
var slideTime = '';
// Set is sliding value
function setSliding(a_ISliding){
sliding = a_ISliding;
// Get is sliding value
function getSliding(){
return sliding;
// Carry out accordian styled effect
function accordion(evt) {
el = Event.element(evt);
var eldown = getNextSibling(el);
// If element is visible do nothing
if ($('visible') == el) {
if ($('visible')) {
if( getSliding() == 1 ){
return false;
var elup = getNextSibling($('visible'));
setSliding( 1 );
parellelSlide( elup, eldown );
$('visible').id = '';
setSliding( 1 );
singleSlide( eldown );
} = 'visible';
// Setup accordian initial state
function init() {
var bodyPanels = document.getElementsByClassName('panel_body');
var panels = document.getElementsByClassName('panel');
var noPanels = panels.length;
var percentageWidth = 100 / noPanels;
var position = 0;
// Loop through body panels and panels applying required styles and adding event listeners
for (i = 0; i < bodyPanels.length; i++) {
panels[i].style.width = percentageWidth + '%';
panels[i].style.position = 'absolute';
panels[i].style.left = position + '%';
Event.observe(panels[i].getElementsByTagName('h3')[0], 'mouseover', accordion, false);
Event.observe(panels[i].getElementsByTagName('h3')[0], 'mousemove', accordion, false);
Event.observe(document.body, 'mousemove', resetIdle, false);
position += percentageWidth;
if( $('visible') ){
// Set panel with id of visible to be initial displayed
var vis = $('visible')'-body';
// Next sibling method to work around firefox issues
function getNextSibling(startBrother){
var endBrother=startBrother.nextSibling;
endBrother = endBrother.nextSibling;
return endBrother;
function parellelSlide( elup, eldown ){
new Effect.Parallel(
new Effect.SlideUp(elup),
new Effect.SlideDown(eldown)
], {
duration: 0.3,
afterFinish: function() { setSliding( 0 );}
function singleSlide( eldown ){
new Effect.Parallel(
new Effect.SlideDown(eldown)
], {
duration: 0.3,
afterFinish: function() { setSliding( 0 );}
function resetTabs(){
var resetEl = getNextSibling( $('visible') );
setSliding( 1 );
new Effect.Parallel(
new Effect.SlideUp( resetEl )
], {
duration: 0.3,
afterFinish: function() { setSliding( 0 );}
$('visible').id = '';
function resetIdle(){
if( $('visible') ){
window.clearTimeout( slideTime );
slideTime = window.setTimeout( "resetTabs()", 1000 );
function setIdle(){
if( $('visible') ){
slideTime = window.setTimeout( "resetTabs()", 1000 );
Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);

