How do I use 'click' and 'dbclick' events on one element? - javascript

I have a tag element for a web page. when clicking once, one logic is executed, when clicking twice, another. However, the DOM only responds to one click and fires immediately, no matter how quickly you try to fire a double click event.
How do I use these two events on one element?
export const createTag = (name) => {
const tag = document.createElement('span');
tag.innerHTML = name;
tag.addEventListener('dblclick', () => {
storeTags.splice(storeTags.indexOf(name), 1);
tag.addEventListener('click', () => {
search.value = tag.innerHTML;
const keyboardEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keypress', {
code: 'Enter',
key: 'Enter',
charCode: 13,
keyCode: 13,
view: window,
bubbles: true,
storeTags.splice(storeTags.indexOf(name), 1);
return tag;

The basic idea to achieve this would be to add some small delay to the click operation, and cancel that if a dblclick is received. This does lead to reduced responsiveness of your UI, as your application is now having to explicitly distinguish between single and double clicks in a kind of "wait and see" approach. This can also be unreliable as the user may set any length of time as their double-click threshold in their device's Accessibility settings.
However, if these issues are deemed not to be enough of a concern, the "best of the worst" way to do this would be to manually implement double-click checks.
export const createTag = (name) => {
const tag = document.createElement('span');
tag.innerHTML = name;
const clickHander = () => {
search.value = tag.innerHTML;
const keyboardEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keypress', {
code: 'Enter',
key: 'Enter',
charCode: 13,
keyCode: 13,
view: window,
bubbles: true,
storeTags.splice(storeTags.indexOf(name), 1);
const dblClickHandler = () => {
storeTags.splice(storeTags.indexOf(name), 1);
let clickTimer;
tag.addEventListener('click', () => {
if( clickTimer) {
clickTimer = null;
else {
clickTimer = setTimeout(() => {
clickTimer = null;
}, 500);
return tag;
Adjust the timer as you feel appropriate. Smaller numbers will lead to more responsive clicks, but will make double-clicking harder for people with reduced mobility.
I would really strongly recommend using a different UI here. Overloading clicks in this way is a really bad idea in general.


this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = () => false;

this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = () => false;
I have applied this sort of line in order to make the component UI updated everytime. But in some other cases it start to refreshing the page event if it should reuse the route.
How can we overcome this issue?
Actually in my application there are three tabs in left panel. In each tab there are some listings clicking on list items opens the content on right panel. But in one of the listing there is a common UI that is getting open on some list item, but the problem is that when we don't apply above sort of code then the UI is not getting updated. But if we apply the code then the UI is updated everytime we click on other list item. But the problem is that when we apply this code it start to refresh the page everytime we click on other list in different tabs also, that should not be the case.
If we apply this code this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = () => false; then how can we revert this functionality under this.router?
To take less risks I'm just reverting it back to what it was once the reload is done:
refresh() {
const prev = this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute;
const prevOSN = this.router.onSameUrlNavigation;
this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = () => false;
this.router.onSameUrlNavigation = 'reload';
setTimeout(() => {
this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = prev;
this.router.onSameUrlNavigation = prevOSN;
}, 0);
I have the same issue, I changed that line for this:
// override the route reuse strategy
this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = function () {
return false;
}; => {
if (evt instanceof NavigationEnd) {
// trick the Router into believing it's last link wasn't previously loaded
this.router.navigated = false;
// if you need to scroll back to top, here is the right place
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
I don't even know if this works well or do the same thing.
private saveRouterStrategyReuseLogic: any;
ngOnInit() {
// Save logic
this.saveRouterStrategyReuseLogic = this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute;
this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = (future, curr) => { return false; };
ngOnDestroy() {
this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute =

Chrome memory leak on dispatchEvent

const focusEvent = new FocusEvent('focus', {
bubbles: true
// Trigger the input value in the search box
const inputEvent = new InputEvent('input', {
bubbles: true
// Send enter
const keyEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
code: 'Enter',
key: 'Enter',
keyCode: 13,
view: window,
bubbles: true
let search = document.querySelector('#side > div._1Ra05 > div > label > div > div._1awRl.copyable-text.selectable-text');
function searchList(name = "") {
try {
search.textContent = name;
search.removeEventListener('focus', focusEvent);
search.removeEventListener('input', inputEvent);
search.removeEventListener('keydown', keyEvent);
} catch { console.log(error); };
I'm using puppeteer and inside await page.evaluate(async ({ i have a loop that calls the function searchList on each 100 ms, the problem is the browser mem usage is growing constantly, after 30min its over 1GB of ram.
I discovered that whos causing it is the search.dispatchEvent lines, when i comment they the mem does not increase.
I "tried" to solve it adding:
search.removeEventListener('focus', focusEvent);
search.removeEventListener('input', inputEvent);
search.removeEventListener('keydown', keyEvent);
But it did not change anything in relation to the memory increasing over time, does someone have any idea what else i could try to stop or release the memory growing?

How to make ondblclick event works on phone?

I want to achieve the double click event on a specific div like this:
<div id="divID" ondblclick = 'alert("double click!!");' >
it worked on the google chrome browser but when I open it with phone it didn't work, by the way the single click worked.
ps: i added this two things
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial scale=1,user-scalable=no">
and this
body {
-ms-touch-action: manipulation;
touch-action: manipulation;}
but it didnt work!
I got the same issue. On touch devices, if you want to detect a double-tap gesture and you use the ondblclick event in most cases it will not work and also the problem is it will also fire an onclick. One of the solution is to implement a double tap detection pattern using the following code sample:
var doubletapDeltaTime_ = 700;
var doubletap1Function_ = null;
var doubletap2Function_ = null;
var doubletapTimer = null;
function tap(singleTapFunc, doubleTapFunc) {
if (doubletapTimer==null) {
// First tap, we wait X ms to the second tap
doubletapTimer_ = setTimeout(doubletapTimeout_, doubletapDeltaTime_);
doubletap1Function_ = singleTapFunc;
doubletap2Function_ = doubleTapFunc;
} else {
// Second tap
doubletapTimer_ = null;
function doubletapTimeout() {
// Wait for second tap timeout
doubleTapTimer_ = null;
And you can call it like
<div id="divID" onclick="tap(tapOnce, tapTwice)" >
tapOnce and tapTwice are your functions which will be called in respective cases. This solution will work on browsers too.
Here is the external function 'doubletap' which can be helpful:
* jQuery Double Tap
* Developer: Sergey Margaritov (
* Date: 22.10.2013
* Based on jquery documentation
$.event.special.doubletap = {
bindType: 'touchend',
delegateType: 'touchend',
handle: function(event) {
var handleObj = event.handleObj,
targetData =,
now = new Date().getTime(),
delta = targetData.lastTouch ? now - targetData.lastTouch : 0,
delay = delay == null ? 300 : delay;
if (delta < delay && delta > 30) {
targetData.lastTouch = null;
event.type = handleObj.origType;
['clientX', 'clientY', 'pageX', 'pageY'].forEach(function(property) {
event[property] = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0][property];
// let jQuery handle the triggering of "doubletap" event handlers
handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
targetData.lastTouch = now;
Load jQuery Mobile into your project and try using taphold or some of the other mobile specific touch events that are available to you through that API.
Here's the jQuery Mobile documentation with all the events you can use:
Here is the snippet for TS React users. Pass in the click event, so that double click is only invoked if the same element is clicked twice
import React from "react";
type CallBack = () => any;
type TapParams = { onSingleTap?: CallBack; onDoubleTap?: CallBack };
var timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null;
var target: EventTarget;
export function tap(
e: React.MouseEvent,
{ onSingleTap, onDoubleTap }: TapParams
) {
if (timer == null) {
// First tap
timer = setTimeout(() => {
timer = null;
} else {
// Second tap
if ( === target) {
timer = null;
target =;
onClick={(e) => tap(e, { onSingleTap, onDoubleTap })}
>Tap or doubletap</div>
Using only JavaScript
You can use "touchstart" event for a single touch,
but with calculating the time when he should click again
I used 400 (0.4s) as it's the longer duration between two touches
It's only an estimate, but it's still a reasonable time
let expired
let doubleClick = function () {
console.log('double click')
let doubleTouch = function (e) {
if (e.touches.length === 1) {
if (!expired) {
expired = e.timeStamp + 400
} else if (e.timeStamp <= expired) {
// remove the default of this event ( Zoom )
// then reset the variable for other "double Touches" event
expired = null
} else {
// if the second touch was expired, make it as it's the first
expired = e.timeStamp + 400
let element = document.getElementById('btn')
element.addEventListener('touchstart', doubleTouch)
element.addEventListener('dblclick', doubleClick)
In case of this error :
Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive.
event.preventDefault( ) not working if element = "document" or "document.body"
So the solution of that, you should have a full page div container :
let element = document.getElementById('container') = '100vw' = '100vh' = '0px'
element.addEventListener('touchstart', elementTouch)
element.addEventListener('dblclick', doubleClick)

Detect when input box filled by keyboard and when by barcode scanner.

How I can programmatically detect when text input filled by typing on keyboard and when it filled automatically by bar-code scanner?
I wrote this answer, because my Barcode Scanner Motorola LS1203 generated keypress event, so I can't use Utkanos's solution.
My solution is:
var BarcodeScanerEvents = function() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
BarcodeScanerEvents.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
keyup: $.proxy(this._keyup, this)
_timeoutHandler: 0,
_inputString: '',
_keyup: function (e) {
if (this._timeoutHandler) {
this._inputString += String.fromCharCode(e.which);
this._timeoutHandler = setTimeout($.proxy(function () {
if (this._inputString.length <= 3) {
this._inputString = '';
$(document).trigger('onbarcodescaned', this._inputString);
this._inputString = '';
}, this), 20);
Adapted the super useful Vitall answer above to utilize an IIFE instead of prototyping, in case anyone just seeing this now is into that.
This also uses the 'keypress' event instead of keyup, which allowed me to reliably use KeyboardEvent.key, since KeyboardEvent.which is deprecated now. I found this to work for barcode scanning as well as magnetic-strip card swipes.
In my experience, handling card swipes with keyup caused me to do extra work handling 'Shift' keycodes e.g. a Shift code would be followed by the code representing '/', with the intended character being '?'. Using 'keypress' solved this as well.
(function($) {
var _timeoutHandler = 0,
_inputString = '',
_onKeypress = function(e) {
if (_timeoutHandler) {
_inputString += e.key;
_timeoutHandler = setTimeout(function () {
if (_inputString.length <= 3) {
_inputString = '';
$('altdeviceinput', _inputString);
_inputString = '';
}, 20);
keypress: _onKeypress
Well a barcode won't fire any key events so you could do something like:
keypress: function() { typed_into = true; },
change: function() {
if (typed_into) {
typed_into = false; //reset type listener
} else {
alert('not type');
Depending on when you want to evaluate this, you may want to do this check not on change but on submit, or whatever.
you can try following example, using jQuery plugin
Its highly configurable, time based scanner detector. It can be used as solution for prefix/postfix based, time based barcode scanner.
Tutorial for usage and best practices, as well discussed about various Barcode Scanner Models and how to deal with it.
console.log('all is well');
console.log('complete '+data.string);
console.log('detection error '+data.string);
<input id='bCode'type='text' value='barcode appears here'/>
For ES6 2019 version of Vitall answer.
const events = mitt()
class BarcodeScaner {
initialize = () => {
document.addEventListener('keypress', this.keyup)
if (this.timeoutHandler) {
this.timeoutHandler = setTimeout(() => {
this.inputString = ''
}, 10)
close = () => {
document.removeEventListener('keypress', this.keyup)
timeoutHandler = 0
inputString = ''
keyup = (e) => {
if (this.timeoutHandler) {
this.inputString += String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)
this.timeoutHandler = setTimeout(() => {
if (this.inputString.length <= 3) {
this.inputString = ''
events.emit('onbarcodescaned', this.inputString)
this.inputString = ''
}, 10)
Can be used with react hooks like so:
const ScanComponent = (props) => {
const [scanned, setScanned] = useState('')
useEffect(() => {
const barcode = new BarcodeScaner()
return () => {
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
const scanHandler = code => {
events.on('onbarcodescaned', scanHandler)
return () => {'onbarcodescaned', scanHandler)
}, [/* here put dependencies for your scanHandler ;) */])
return <div>{scanned}</div>
I use mitt from npm for events, but you can use whatever you prefer ;)
Tested on Zebra DS4208
The solution from Vitall only works fine if you already hit at least one key. If you don't the first character will be ignored (if(this._timeoutHandler) returns false and the char will not be appended).
If you want to begin scanning immediately you can use the following code:
var BarcodeScanerEvents = function() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
BarcodeScanerEvents.prototype = {
initialize : function() {
keyup : $.proxy(this._keyup, this)
_timeoutHandler : 0,
_inputString : '',
_keyup : function(e) {
if (this._timeoutHandler) {
this._inputString += String.fromCharCode(e.which);
this._timeoutHandler = setTimeout($.proxy(function() {
if (this._inputString.length <= 3) {
this._inputString = '';
$(document).trigger('onbarcodescaned', this._inputString);
this._inputString = '';
}, this), 20);
If you can set a prefix to your barcode scanner I suggests this (I changed a bit the Vitall code):
var BarcodeScanner = function(options) {, options);
BarcodeScanner.prototype = {
initialize: function(options) {
if(this._options.debug) console.log("BarcodeScanner: Initializing");
keydown: $.proxy(this._keydown, this),
destroy: function() {
fire: function(str){
if(this._options.debug) console.log("BarcodeScanner: Firing barcode event with string: "+str);
isReading: function(){
return this._isReading;
checkEvent: function(e){
return this._isReading || (this._options.isShiftPrefix?e.shiftKey:!e.shiftKey) && e.which==this._options.prefixCode;
_options: {timeout: 600, prefixCode: 36, suffixCode: 13, minCode: 32, maxCode: 126, isShiftPrefix: false, debug: false, eventObj: document, fireObj: document},
_isReading: false,
_timeoutHandler: false,
_inputString: '',
_keydown: function (e) {
return false;
_input: function (e) {
//read end
if(this._options.debug) console.log("BarcodeScanner: Read END");
if (this._timeoutHandler)
//char reading
if(this._options.debug) console.log("BarcodeScanner: Char reading "+(e.which));
if(e.which>=this._options.minCode && e.which<=this._options.maxCode)
this._inputString += String.fromCharCode(e.which);
return true;
if((this._options.isShiftPrefix?e.shiftKey:!e.shiftKey) && e.which==this._options.prefixCode){
//start reading
if(this._options.debug) console.log("BarcodeScanner: Start reading");
this._timeoutHandler = setTimeout($.proxy(function () {
//read timeout
if(this._options.debug) console.log("BarcodeScanner: Read timeout");
}, this), this._options.timeout);
return true;
return false;
If you need you customize timeout, suffix, prefix, min/max ascii code readed:
new BarcodeScanner({timeout: 600, prefixKeyCode: 36, suffixKeyCode: 13, minKeyCode: 32, maxKeyCode: 126});
I also added the isShiftPrefix option to use for example the $ char as prefix with these options: new BarcodeScanner({prefixKeyCode: 52, isShiftPrefix: true});
This is a fiddle:
You can use a "onkeyup" event on that input box. If the event has triggered then you can called it "Input from Keyboard".
console.log('all is well');
console.log('complete '+data.string);
console.log('detection error '+data.string);
<input id='bCode'type='text' value='barcode appears here'/>
Hi I have and alternative solution for evaluate a result of the bar code scanner without use of jQuery, first you need and input text that have a focus the moment that the barcode scanner is works
<input id="input_resultado" type="text" />
The code in JavaScript is:
var elmInputScan = document.getElementById('input_resultado');
elmInputScan.addEventListener('keypress', function (e){
clearInterval( timer_response );
timer_response = setTimeout( "onInputChange()", 10);
When the barcode scanner input the text call serveral times to the keypress event, but only I interested to the final result, for this reason I use the timer. That's all, you can process the value into the onInputChange function.
function onInputChange() {
console.log( document.getElementById('input_resultado').value );
document.addEventListener("keypress", function (e) {
if ( !== "INPUT") {
// it's your scanner
None of the solutions worked for me because I don't want to focus on an input. I want the result page(item details page) to keep listening for the scanner to scan next item. My scanner fires the keypress event so this worked like a charm for me.
var inputTemp = '';
var inputTempInterval = setInterval(function() {
// change 5 as minimum length of the scan code
if (inputTemp.length >= 5) {
var detected = inputTemp;
inputTemp = '';
clearInterval(inputTempInterval); // stop listening if you don't need anymore
} else {
inputTemp = '';
}, 100);
inputTemp += String.fromCharCode(e.which);
function onScannerTrigger(scannedCode) {
// do your stuff
I have published a lightweight JS package which doesn't rely on jQuery or input fields. It simple looks at the timing of the keyPress-events to determine wether it was a barcode scanner or regular input.
import {BarcodeScanner} from "#itexperts/barcode-scanner";
let options = {
timeOut: 130,
characterCount: 13
let barcodeScanner = new BarcodeScanner(options);
barcodeScanner.addEventListener('scan', function(e){
let barcode = e.detail;
I highly recommend this js plugin
It's easy to use and has tones of options to meet your need.
<script src="path-to-onScan.js"></script>
// Initialize with options
onScan.attachTo(document, {
suffixKeyCodes: [13], // enter-key expected at the end of a scan
reactToPaste: true, // Compatibility to built-in scanners in paste-mode (as opposed to keyboard-mode)
onScan: function(sCode, iQty) { // Alternative to document.addEventListener('scan')
console.log('Scanned: ' + iQty + 'x ' + sCode);
onKeyDetect: function(iKeyCode){ // output all potentially relevant key events - great for debugging!
console.log('Pressed: ' + iKeyCode);

How do you log all events fired by an element in jQuery?

I'd like to see all the events fired by an input field as a user interacts with it. This includes stuff like:
Clicking on it.
Clicking off it.
Tabbing into it.
Tabbing away from it.
Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V on the keyboard.
Right click -> Paste.
Right click -> Cut.
Right click -> Copy.
Dragging and dropping text from another application.
Modifying it with Javascript.
Modifying it with a debug tool, like Firebug.
I'd like to display it using console.log. Is this possible in Javascript/jQuery, and if so, how do I do it?
I have no idea why no-one uses this... (maybe because it's only a webkit thing)
Open console:
monitorEvents(document.body); // logs all events on the body
monitorEvents(document.body, 'mouse'); // logs mouse events on the body
monitorEvents(document.body.querySelectorAll('input')); // logs all events on inputs
$(element).on("click mousedown mouseup focus blur keydown change",function(e){
That will get you a lot (but not all) of the information on if an event is fired... other than manually coding it like this, I can't think of any other way to do that.
There is a nice generic way using the .data('events') collection:
function getEventsList($obj) {
var ev = new Array(),
events = $'events'),
for(i in events) { ev.push(i); }
return ev.join(' ');
$obj.on(getEventsList($obj), function(e) {
This logs every event that has been already bound to the element by jQuery the moment this specific event gets fired. This code was pretty damn helpful for me many times.
Btw: If you want to see every possible event being fired on an object use firebug: just right click on the DOM element in html tab and check "Log Events". Every event then gets logged to the console (this is sometimes a bit annoying because it logs every mouse movement...).
$('body').on("click mousedown mouseup focus blur keydown change mouseup click dblclick mousemove mouseover mouseout mousewheel keydown keyup keypress textInput touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel resize scroll zoom focus blur select change submit reset",function(e){
I know the answer has already been accepted to this, but I think there might be a slightly more reliable way where you don't necessarily have to know the name of the event beforehand. This only works for native events though as far as I know, not custom ones that have been created by plugins. I opted to omit the use of jQuery to simplify things a little.
let input = document.getElementById('inputId');
.filter(key => key.slice(0, 2) === 'on')
.map(key => key.slice(2))
.forEach(eventName => {
input.addEventListener(eventName, event => {
I hope this helps anyone who reads this.
So I saw another question here that was similar, so another suggestion would be to do the following:
Old thread, I know. I needed also something to monitor events and wrote this very handy (excellent) solution. You can monitor all events with this hook (in windows programming this is called a hook). This hook does not affects the operation of your software/program.
In the console log you can see something like this:
Explanation of what you see:
In the console log you will see all events you select (see below "how to use") and shows the object-type, classname(s), id, <:name of function>, <:eventname>.
The formatting of the objects is css-like.
When you click a button or whatever binded event, you will see it in the console log.
The code I wrote:
function setJQueryEventHandlersDebugHooks(bMonTrigger, bMonOn, bMonOff)
jQuery.fn.___getHookName___ = function()
// First, get object name
var sName = new String( this[0].constructor ),
i = sName.indexOf(' ');
sName = sName.substr( i, sName.indexOf('(')-i );
// Classname can be more than one, add class points to all
if( typeof this[0].className === 'string' )
var sClasses = this[0].className.split(' ');
sClasses = sClasses.join('.');
// Get id if there is one
return sName;
var bTrigger = (typeof bMonTrigger !== "undefined")?bMonTrigger:true,
bOn = (typeof bMonOn !== "undefined")?bMonOn:true,
bOff = (typeof bMonOff !== "undefined")?bMonOff:true,
fTriggerInherited = jQuery.fn.trigger,
fOnInherited = jQuery.fn.on,
fOffInherited =;
if( bTrigger )
jQuery.fn.trigger = function()
console.log( this.___getHookName___()+':trigger('+arguments[0]+')' );
return fTriggerInherited.apply(this,arguments);
if( bOn )
jQuery.fn.on = function()
if( !this[0].__hooked__ )
this[0].__hooked__ = true; // avoids infinite loop!
console.log( this.___getHookName___()+':on('+arguments[0]+') - binded' );
$(this).on( arguments[0], function(e)
console.log( $(this).___getHookName___()+':'+e.type );
var uResult = fOnInherited.apply(this,arguments);
this[0].__hooked__ = false; // reset for another event
return uResult;
if( bOff )
{ = function()
if( !this[0].__unhooked__ )
this[0].__unhooked__ = true; // avoids infinite loop!
console.log( this.___getHookName___()+':off('+arguments[0]+') - unbinded' );
$(this).off( arguments[0] );
var uResult = fOffInherited.apply(this,arguments);
this[0].__unhooked__ = false; // reset for another event
return uResult;
Examples how to use it:
Monitor all events:
Monitor all triggers only:
Monitor all ON events only:
Monitor all OFF unbinds only:
Use this for debugging only, turn it off when using in product final
If you want to see all events, you have to call this function
directly after jQuery is loaded
If you want to see only less events, you can call the function on the time you need it
If you want to auto execute it, place ( )(); around function
Hope it helps! ;-)
new Wiretap({
add: function() {
//fire when an event is bound to element
before: function() {
//fire just before an event executes, arguments are automatic
after: function() {
//fire just after an event executes, arguments are automatic
Just add this to the page and no other worries, will handle rest for you:
$('input').live('click mousedown mouseup focus keydown change blur', function(e) {
You can also use console.log('Input event:' + e.type) to make it easier.
STEP 1: Check the events for an HTML element on the developer console:
STEP 2: Listen to the events we want to capture:
$(document).on('ch-ui-container-closed ch-ui-container-opened', function(evt){
Good Luck...
I recently found and modified this snippet from an existing SO post that I have not been able to find again but I've found it very useful
// specify any elements you've attached listeners to here
const nodes = [document]
const logBrowserEvents = () => {
const AllEvents = {
AnimationEvent: ['animationend', 'animationiteration', 'animationstart'],
AudioProcessingEvent: ['audioprocess'],
BeforeUnloadEvent: ['beforeunload'],
CompositionEvent: [
ClipboardEvent: ['copy', 'cut', 'paste'],
DeviceLightEvent: ['devicelight'],
DeviceMotionEvent: ['devicemotion'],
DeviceOrientationEvent: ['deviceorientation'],
DeviceProximityEvent: ['deviceproximity'],
DragEvent: [
Event: [
FocusEvent: [
GamepadEvent: ['gamepadconnected', 'gamepaddisconnected'],
HashChangeEvent: ['hashchange'],
KeyboardEvent: ['keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup'],
MessageEvent: ['message'],
MouseEvent: [
MutationNameEvent: ['DOMAttributeNameChanged', 'DOMElementNameChanged'],
MutationEvent: [
OfflineAudioCompletionEvent: ['complete'],
OtherEvent: ['blocked', 'complete', 'upgradeneeded', 'versionchange'],
UIEvent: [
PageTransitionEvent: ['pagehide', 'pageshow'],
PopStateEvent: ['popstate'],
ProgressEvent: [
SensorEvent: ['compassneedscalibration', 'Unimplemented', 'userproximity'],
StorageEvent: ['storage'],
SVGEvent: [
SVGZoomEvent: ['SVGZoom'],
TimeEvent: ['beginEvent', 'endEvent', 'repeatEvent'],
TouchEvent: [
TransitionEvent: ['transitionend'],
WheelEvent: ['wheel'],
const RecentlyLoggedDOMEventTypes = {}
Object.keys(AllEvents).forEach((DOMEvent) => {
const DOMEventTypes = AllEvents[DOMEvent]
if (, DOMEvent)) {
DOMEventTypes.forEach((DOMEventType) => {
const DOMEventCategory = `${DOMEvent} ${DOMEventType}`
nodes.forEach((node) => {
(e) => {
if (RecentlyLoggedDOMEventTypes[DOMEventCategory]) return
RecentlyLoggedDOMEventTypes[DOMEventCategory] = true
// NOTE: throttle continuous events
setTimeout(() => {
RecentlyLoggedDOMEventTypes[DOMEventCategory] = false
}, 1000)
const isActive = === document.activeElement
const hasActiveElement = document.activeElement !== document.body
const msg = [
? ['active:', document.activeElement]
: []),
if (isActive) {
// export default logBrowserEvents
function bindAllEvents (el) {
for (const key in el) {
if (key.slice(0, 2) === 'on') {
el.addEventListener(key.slice(2), e => console.log(e.type));
This uses a bit of ES6 for prettiness, but can easily be translated for legacy browsers as well. In the function attached to the event listeners, it's currently just logging out what kind of event occurred but this is where you could print out additional information, or using a switch case on the e.type, you could only print information on specific events
Here is a non-jquery way to monitor events in the console with your code and without the use of monitorEvents() because that only works in Chrome Developer Console. You can also choose to not monitor certain events by editing the no_watch array.
function getEvents(obj) {
window["events_list"] = [];
var no_watch = ['mouse', 'pointer']; // Array of event types not to watch
var no_watch_reg = new RegExp(no_watch.join("|"));
for (var prop in obj) {
if (prop.indexOf("on") === 0) {
prop = prop.substring(2); // remove "on" from beginning
if (!prop.match(no_watch_reg)) {
window.addEventListener(prop, function() {
console.log(this.event); // Display fired event in console
} , false);
window["events_list"].sort(); // Alphabetical order
getEvents(document); // Put window, document or any html element here
console.log(events_list); // List every event on element
How to listen for all events on an Element (Vanilla JS)
For all native events, we can retrieve a list of supported events by iterating over the target.onevent properties and installing our listener for all of them.
for (const key in target) {
if(/^on/.test(key)) {
const eventType = key.substr(2);
target.addEventListener(eventType, listener);
The only other way that events are emitted which I know of is via EventTarget.dispatchEvent, which every Node and thefore every Element inherits.
To listen for all these manually triggered events, we can proxy the dispatchEvent method globally and install our listener just-in-time for the event whose name we just saw ✨ ^^
const dispatchEvent_original = EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent;
EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (event) {
if (!alreadyListenedEventTypes.has(event.type)) {
target.addEventListener(event.type, listener, ...otherArguments);
dispatchEvent_original.apply(this, arguments);
🔥 function snippet 🔥
function addEventListenerAll(target, listener, ...otherArguments) {
// install listeners for all natively triggered events
for (const key in target) {
if (/^on/.test(key)) {
const eventType = key.substr(2);
target.addEventListener(eventType, listener, ...otherArguments);
// dynamically install listeners for all manually triggered events, just-in-time before they're dispatched ;D
const dispatchEvent_original = EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent;
function dispatchEvent(event) {
target.addEventListener(event.type, listener, ...otherArguments); // multiple identical listeners are automatically discarded
dispatchEvent_original.apply(this, arguments);
EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = dispatchEvent;
if (EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent !== dispatchEvent) throw new Error(`Browser is smarter than you think!`);
// usage example
const input = document.querySelector('input');
addEventListenerAll(input, (evt) => {
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('omg!', { bubbles: true }));
// usage example with `useCapture`
// (also receives `bubbles: false` events, but in reverse order)
(evt) => { console.log(evt.type); },
document.body.dispatchEvent(new Event('omfggg!', { bubbles: false }));

