react state is not updating the UI - javascript

I have a Form Component where it contains a state that should be updated (on input change) and it looks like this:
import { useState } from 'react';
export const Test = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState({
name: 'khaled',
age: 18
const handleInputChange = (e) => {
let stateCopy = state
for(let key in stateCopy) {
if(key === 'name') {
stateCopy[key] =;
<input onChange={ handleInputChange } />
and it imported in the app component
import { Test } from '../../components/Test';
function App() {
return (
<Test />
export default App;
and whenever i try to change the name inout it not update the ui

To make the input a controlled component, both value and onChange props should be assigned.
<input value={} onChange={handleInputChange} />
handleInputChange function can be improved to make sure that the state is updated immutably:
const handleInputChange = ({ target: { value } }) => {
setState(prevState => ({...prevState, name: value}));

This does not work because your "stateCopy" object isn't actually a copy, its the actual state object. you are setting the state to the same object which causes react to think the state didn't change at all.
instead you should copy the state like this
const handleInputChange = (e) => {
let stateCopy = {...state} =
You should also note that unless there is a good reason for your choice of state in my opinion you should use a seperate useState for each element in the state which results in the much simpler
import { useState } from 'react';
export const Test = () => {
const [name, setName] = useState('khalad')
const [age, setAge] = useState(18)
const handleInputChange = (e) => {
<input onChange={ handleInputChange } />

simply do it like this, it will work
const handleInputChange = (e) => {
setState({...state, name:})


How to update state of parent component with a lifted up props?

I have a problem with updating the state of parent component with a props from child component. It seems the following code is not working, however it looks fine
setUsersList(prevState => {
return [...prevState, data];
My parent component receives an object. Console.log(data) outputs the object received from child component. However, when console logging updated state (console.log(usersList)) it returns an empty array
Parent component:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import AddUser from "./components/Users/AddUser";
import UsersList from "./components/Users/UsersList";
function App() {
const [usersList, setUsersList] = useState([]);
const addUserHandler = data => {
setUsersList(prevState => {
return [...prevState, data];
return (
<AddUser onAddUser={addUserHandler}></AddUser>
<UsersList users={usersList}></UsersList>
export default App;
Child component:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import Button from "../UI/Button";
import Card from "../UI/Card";
import styles from "./AddUser.module.css";
const AddUser = props => {
const [inputData, setInputData] = useState({ name: "", age: "" });
const addUserHandler = event => {
if (
inputData.age.trim().length === 0 || === 0
) {
if (+inputData.age < 1) {
console.log(, inputData.age);
setInputData({ name: "", age: "" });
const usernameChangeHandler = event => {
setInputData({ ...inputData, name: });
const ageChangeHandler = event => {
setInputData({ ...inputData, age: });
return (
<Card className={styles.input}>
<form onSubmit={addUserHandler}>
<label htmlFor="username">Username</label>
<label htmlFor="age">Age (Years)</label>
<Button type="submit">Add User</Button>
export default AddUser;
Due to the way react re-renders components, your console may not log with the expected state change. Instead you can use useEffect for debugging purposes:
parent component
useEffect(() => {
console.log("usersList", usersList);
}, [usersList])
alternatively, having a console.log statement in the body of your functional component should log the correct 'usersList'.
const [usersList, setUsersList] = useState([]);
console.log("usersList", usersList);
The state variable won't change right away when you call setState function from the useState hook. Since it is an asynchronous event.
So you might need to write your code like this to see the right console.log
const addUserHandler = data => {
setUsersList(prevState => {
const temp = [...prevState, data];
console.log(temp); // like this
return temp;
If the state is not updating in the UI. Please paste the error or the warning message.
Since setUserList is async function, you can not see the changes on console in the addUserHandler function.
function App() {
const [usersList, setUsersList] = useState([]);
const addUserHandler = data => {
setUsersList(prevState => {
return [...prevState, data];
return (
<AddUser onAddUser={addUserHandler}></AddUser>
<UsersList users={usersList}></UsersList>
export default App;
This will work. Thanks.

How to write value to localStorage and display it in input on reload?

I have an input on the page, initially it is empty. I need to implement the following functionality: on page load, the component App fetches from localStorage a value of key appData and puts it in the input. That is, so that in the localStorage I write the value to the input and when reloading it is displayed in the input. How can i do this?
I need to use useEffect
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
export default function App() {
const [userData, setUserData] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem("Userdata", JSON.stringify(userData));
}, [userData]);
return (
<input value={userData} onChange={(e) => setUserData(}></input>
Use the change event to write to the localStorage, then use an init function in the useState hook.
import { useState } from 'react';
const loadUserData = () => localStorage.getItem('UserData') || '';
const saveUserData = (userData) => localStorage.setItem('UserData', userData);
export default const Application = () => {
const [ userData, setUserData ] = useState(loadUserData);
const handleUserDataUpdate = e => {
const userData =;
return <div>
<label htmlFor="testInput">Test Input</label>
<input id="testInput" value={ userData } onChange={ handleUserDataUpdate } />
If you need an example using uncontrolled inputs, here is one using useEffect :
import { useEffect } from 'react';
const loadUserData = () => localStorage.getItem('UserData') || '';
const saveUserData = (userData) => localStorage.setItem('UserData', userData);
export default const Application = () => {
const inputRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
inputRef.current.value = loadUserData();
}, []); // initial load
const handleUpdateUserData = () => {
return <div>
<label htmlFor="testInput">Test Input</label>
<input ref={ inputRef } id="testInput" onChange={ handleUpdateUserData } />
You can set a default value for the input inside state.
const [userData, setUserData] =
useState(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('Userdata')) || '');
So when the component mounts (after reload), the initial userData value is taken directly from the localStorage. If it's empty, the fallback value will be set ('').
Note: Make sure to add also the onChange handler to the input.

React: Child State isn't updating after Parent state gets Updated

I am beginner in Reactjs. I was building an form application using the same. There I was asked to set value of input field from the server, which can be updated by user i.e. an controlled input component.
I fetched the value in parent state then I passed the value to the child state and from there I set value of input field. Now the problem arises when I update the value in parent state then the value isn't getting updated in the child state.
See the code below -
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Child } from "./child";
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
const [details, setDetails] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) => setDetails(data));
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("data of details", details?.data);
}, [details]);
return (
<div className="App">
<Child details={details} setDetails={setDetails} val={details?.data} />
import { useState } from "react";
export const Child = ({ details, setDetails, val }) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState({
save: true,
const handleChange = (e) => {
setValue({ ...value, email: });
const handleSave = () => {
data: {, email: }
const handleDelete = () => {
setDetails({ ...details, data: {, email: "" } });
return (
<div className="cont">
<input type="text" value={} onChange={handleChange} />
{ && <button onClick={handleSave}>save</button>}
<button onClick={handleDelete}>Delete</button>
Codesandbox Link:
N.B. I have googled for solution I saw one stackoverflow question also but that wasn't helpful for me as I am using functional way of react.
Any other method of accomplishing this would be appreciated.
Try this in child component:
}, [val])

React Hooks: How to handle multiple onChange and onClick events in map [duplicate]

I have a question, if I can use useState generic in React Hooks, just like I can do this in React Components while managing multiple states?
state = {
input1: "",
input2: "",
input3: ""
// .. more states
handleChange = (event) => {
const { name, value } =;
[name]: value,
Yes, with hooks you can manage complex state (without 3rd party library) in three ways, where the main reasoning is managing state ids and their corresponding elements.
Manage a single object with multiple states (notice that an array is an object).
Use useReducer if (1) is too complex.
Use multiple useState for every key-value pair (consider the readability and maintenance of it).
Check out this:
// Ids-values pairs.
const complexStateInitial = {
input1: "",
input2: "",
input3: ""
// .. more states
function reducer(state, action) {
return { ...state, [action.type]: action.value };
export default function App() {
const [fromUseState, setState] = useState(complexStateInitial);
// handle generic state from useState
const onChangeUseState = (e) => {
const { name, value } =;
setState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, [name]: value }));
const [fromReducer, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, complexStateInitial);
// handle generic state from useReducer
const onChangeUseReducer = (e) => {
const { name, value } =;
dispatch({ type: name, value });
return (
{Object.entries(fromUseState).map(([key, value]) => (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(fromUseState, null, 2)}</pre>
{Object.entries(fromReducer).map(([key, value]) => (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(fromReducer, null, 2)}</pre>
Unlike the setState method found in class components, useState does not automatically merge update objects. You can replicate this behavior by combining the function updater form with object spread syntax:
setState(prevState => {
// Object.assign would also work
return {...prevState, ...updatedValues};
Refer to React Docs.
The correct way to do what you're trying to do is to create your own hook that uses useState internally.
Here is an example:
// This is your generic reusable hook.
const useHandleChange = (initial) => {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(initial);
const handleChange = React.useCallback(
(event) => setValue(, // This is the meaty part.
return [value, handleChange];
const App = () => {
// Here we use the hook 3 times to show it's reusable.
const [value1, handle1] = useHandleChange('one');
const [value2, handle2] = useHandleChange('two');
const [value3, handle3] = useHandleChange('three');
return <div>
<input onChange={handle1} value={value1} />
<input onChange={handle2} value={value2} />
<input onChange={handle3} value={value3} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#app"))
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>
Note the use of React.useCallback to stop your hook from returning a new handler function on every render. (We don't need to specify setValue as a dependency because React guarantees that it will never change)
I didn't actually test this, but it should work.
See for more info.
import React, {useState} from 'react';
const MyComponent = () => {
const [name, setName] = useState('Default value for name');
return (<div><button onClick={()=>setName('John Doe')}}>Set Name</button></div>);
export default MyComponent;

How to access the latest state value in the functional component in React

import React, { useState } from "react";
import Child from "./Child";
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
let [state, setState] = useState({
value: ""
let handleChange = input => {
setState(prevValue => {
return { value: input };
return (
<div className="App">
<Child handleChange={handleChange} value={state.value} />
import React from "react";
function Child(props) {
return (
onChange={e => {
let newValue =;
export default Child;
Here I am passing the data from the input field to the parent component. However, while displaying it on the page with the h1 tag, I am able to see the latest state. But while using console.log() the output is the previous state. How do I solve this in the functional React component?
React state updates are asynchronous, i.e. queued up for the next render, so the log is displaying the state value from the current render cycle. You can use an effect to log the value when it updates. This way you log the same state.value as is being rendered, in the same render cycle.
export default function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState({
value: ""
useEffect(() => {
}, [state.value]);
let handleChange = input => {
setState(prevValue => {
return { value: input };
return (
<div className="App">
<Child handleChange={handleChange} value={state.value} />
Two solution for you:
- use input value in the handleChange function
let handleChange = input => {
setState(prevValue => {
return { value: input };
use a useEffect on the state
Maybe it is helpful for others I found this way...
I want all updated projects in my state as soon as I added them
so that I use use effect hook like this.
useEffect(() => {
[temp_variable] = projects //projects get from useSelector
let newFormValues = {}; //data from useState
newFormValues.Projects = pro; //update my data object
setData(newFormValues); //set data using useState

