check if class exists on that page javascript - javascript

I have an index page and a dashboard, on the index I'm using typewriter and particlesjs on the index only, and on the dashboard I have a sidebar.
If I have all the code as-is, I get errors as the page is still looking for typewriter and particlesjs on all pages.
So I have attempted to wrap each section around an if so the plan is if that class or id exists on that page it will only render that JS. So I've created the following code.
edited code below based on groovy_guy's answer
document.querySelector('nav .toggle').addEventListener('click', e => {
document.querySelector('nav .hidden').classList.toggle('show')
let checkTypewriter = document.getElementById('typewriter');
if (checkTypewriter.length > 0) {
new Typewriter('#typewriter', {
strings: ['Website Developer', 'Freelancer' , 'System Admin'],
autoStart: true,
loop: true
let checkParticlesjs = document.getElementsByClassName('particlesjs');
if (checkParticlesjs.length > 0) {
let particles = Particles.init({
selector: '.particlesjs',
color: ['#48F2E3', '#48F2E3', '#48F2E3'],
connectParticles: true,
maxParticles: 200
let checkSidebar = document.getElementsByClassName('sidebar');
if (checkSidebar.length > 0) {
user_wants_collapse = false;
// Fetch all the details element.
const details = document.querySelectorAll("details");
// Add the onclick listeners.
details.forEach((targetDetail) => {
targetDetail.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Close all the details that are not targetDetail.
details.forEach((detail) => {
if (detail !== targetDetail) {
document.querySelector('section').addEventListener('click', (ev) => {
// close any open details elements that this click is outside of
let target =;
let detailsClickedWithin = null;
while (target && target.tagName != 'DETAILS') {
target = target.parentNode;
if (target && target.tagName == 'DETAILS') {
detailsClickedWithin = target;
(details) => && details != detailsClickedWithin
).forEach(details => = false);
// if the sidebar collapse is true and is re-expanded by clicking a menu item then clicking on the body should re-close it
if (user_wants_collapse == true && (document.querySelectorAll('.sidebar details'))) {
// when the sidebar menu is clicked this sets the user_wants_collapse var to true or false and toggles is--expand class on body
document.querySelector('.sidebar .menu-link').addEventListener('click', () => {
user_wants_collapse = !user_wants_collapse
// show all text
document.querySelectorAll('.sidebar .title').forEach((el) => {
// changing sidebar menu items and menu collapse icons
const icon = document.querySelector('.menu-link-arrows span');
if (icon.classList.contains('fa-angle-double-left')) {
} else {
// making sure the sidebar menu items re-expands the sidebar on click
let x = document.querySelectorAll('.sidebar details');
let i;
for (i = 1; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].addEventListener('click', () => {
// changing sidebar menu items and menu collapse icons
// change menu items and menu collapse icons
const icon = document.querySelector('.sidebar-drop-parent-arrow span');
if (icon.classList.contains('fa-chevron-down')) {
} else {
if (document.querySelector('body').classList.contains('is--expand')) {
when loading the JS I'm not getting any console errors but I'm not seeing any result of the JS.

Why don't you use querySelector()? I think that's more uniform across your codebase. Besides, I see that you only care about one element and not a list of elements, so this method is ideal since it gets the first element that encounters.
const checkTypewriter = document.querySelector('#typewriter')
if (checkTypewriter) {
// Element with an ID 'typewriter' exist in the DOM.
const checkParticlesjs = document.querySelector('.particlesjs')
if (checkParticlesjs) {
// Element with a class named "particlesjs" exist in the DOM.
Also, make sure to check if an element exist before attaching an event listener:
const toggleNav = document.querySelector('nav .toggle')
if (toggleNav) {
toggleNav.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
document.querySelector('nav .hidden').classList.toggle('show')

For Javascript:
var checkTypewriter = document.getElementsByClassName('typewriter');
if (checkTypewriter.length > 0) {
// Here write your code
var checkParticlesjs = document.getElementsByClassName('particlesjs');
if (checkParticlesjs.length > 0) {
// Here write your specific code
For JQuery:
if ($("#typewriter")[0]){
// Here write your code
if ($(".particlesjs")[0]){
// Here write your specific code
This is how you can check if your classes exist,


Filtering GALERY with Multiple Selection Tags Filter in WIX

I planning to have a big database/collection of images in Wix Gallery.
I want to filter them out by using numerous tags to find a very specific image in the gallery due to user needs.
As for now, I manage to adjust the filter for just one category working.
My website: My Galery
Code example:
import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w.onReady(function () {
$w('#roomcategory').onChange(() => {
const selectedTag = $w('#roomcategory').value;
let filter = wixData.filter();
if (selectedTag.length > 0) {
filter = filter.hasSome("roomcategory", selectedTag);
* Adds an event handler that runs when the element is clicked.
[Read more]($w.ClickableMixin.html#onClick)
* #param {$w.MouseEvent} event
export function roomcategory_click(event) {
// This function was added from the Properties & Events panel. To learn more, visit
// Add your code for this event here:
* Adds an event handler that runs when an input element's value
is changed.
[Read more]($w.ValueMixin.html#onChange)
* #param {$w.Event} event
export function roomcategory_change(event) {
// This function was added from the Properties & Events panel. To learn more, visit
// Add your code for this event here:
Layout of tags
There's a video on YT I followed by this guy filtering Repeater not a gallery.
video link : Multiple Selection Tags Filter in WIX
I tried to edit his code as well but doesn't work for me.
import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w.onReady(function () {
$w("#roomcategory, #capacity, #roomrating, #colortag, #languagetag").onChange(function () {
(function search() {
let filter = wixData.filter();
let roomcategoryIdx = $w("#roomcategory").selectedIndices;
let capacityIdx = $w("#capacity").selectedIndices;
let roomratingIdx = $w("#roomrating").selectedIndices;
let colortagIdx = $w("#colortag").selectedIndices;
let languagetagIdx = $w("#languagetag").selectedIndices;
let roomcategoryVal = $w("#roomcategory").value;
let capacityVal = $w("#capacity").value;
let roomratingVal = $w("#roomrating").value;
let colortagVal = $w("#colortag").value;
let languagetagVal = $w("#languagetag").value;
if (roomcategoryIdx.length > 0 || capacityIdx.length > 0 || roomratingIdx.length > 0) || colortagIdx.length > 0) || languagetagIdx.length > 0) {
filter = filter.hasAll("roomcategory", roomcategorysVal)
.and(filter = filter.hasAll("capacity", capacityVal))
.and(filter = filter.hasAll("roomrating", roomratingVal))
.and(filter = filter.hasAll("colortag", colortagVal))
.and(filter = filter.hasAll("languagetag", languagetagVal))
} else {
$w("#resetfilters").onClick(function () {
$w("#roomcategory, #capacity, #roomrating, #colortag, #languagetag").value = undefined;
function count() {
let count = $w("#portfolioDataset").getTotalCount();
if (count > 0) {
$w("#countText").text = `${count} rooms found`;
} else { $w("#countText").text = `No rooms found`; }
return count;
$w("#portfolioDataset").onReady(function () {

Avoid numbers incrementing multiple times when calling a function multiple times

I have written a quantity selector function to display on a page. The page can open some modals, which need to have another quantity selector within each.
I am calling the function within the main page, and also within the modal (to enable the functionality once the modal is displayed.)
When I adjust the quantity in the modal, close the modal, and adjust the quantity on the main page, the quantity increments/decrements double (or 3 times if I was to call the function 3 times.)
Is there a way to "reset" each of these event listeners/functions, to only adjust for their respective elements?
I've looked into "removeEventListener" but haven't had any joy in implementing this within my code.
Example of my work so far here (you can see what I mean if you click the buttons.)
const quantitySelector = () => {
const qtyGroups = document.querySelectorAll('.qty-group');
if(qtyGroups) {
qtyGroups.forEach((qtyGroup) => {
const qtyDecrease = qtyGroup.querySelector('[data-quantity-decrease]');
const qtyIncrease = qtyGroup.querySelector('[data-quantity-increase]');
const qtyInput = qtyGroup.querySelector('[data-quantity-input]');
const disableEnableDecrease = () => {
if(qtyInput.value == 1) {
qtyDecrease.disabled = true;
} else {
qtyDecrease.disabled = false;
qtyDecrease.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if(qtyInput.value > 1) {
qtyIncrease.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
qtyInput.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
quantitySelector(); // called within main page
quantitySelector(); // called within modal
The issue at hand is that each time you're calling the function, a new event handler is added on top of the previous ones. The best way to avoid this is through Event Delegation where you add a global event handler only once.
// A global event handler
function (event) {
// Find the qty-group if clicked on it
const qtyGroup =".qty-group");
// Stop if the click was elsewhere
if (qtyGroup) {
// Get your elements
const qtyDecrease = qtyGroup.querySelector("[data-quantity-decrease]");
const qtyIncrease = qtyGroup.querySelector("[data-quantity-increase]");
const qtyInput = qtyGroup.querySelector("[data-quantity-input]");
const disableEnableDecrease = () => {
if (qtyInput.value == 1) {
qtyDecrease.disabled = true;
} else {
qtyDecrease.disabled = false;
// Match your elements against what was clicked on.
if ( == qtyDecrease) {
if (qtyInput.value > 1) {
if ( == qtyIncrease) {
Instead of listening to individual elements, you can capture all the clicks on the document, and then finding those that click on elements of interest. You can make a second event handler for the keyup event.
You can save the value of qtyInput on mousedown event and then in the increment you add or subtract one from the saved value instead of the current value of the input.
const quantitySelector = () => {
const qtyGroups = document.querySelectorAll('.qty-group');
if(qtyGroups) {
qtyGroups.forEach((qtyGroup) => {
const qtyDecrease = qtyGroup.querySelector('[data-quantity-decrease]');
const qtyIncrease = qtyGroup.querySelector('[data-quantity-increase]');
const qtyInput = qtyGroup.querySelector('[data-quantity-input]');
const disableEnableDecrease = () => {
if(qtyInput.value == 1) {
qtyDecrease.disabled = true;
} else {
qtyDecrease.disabled = false;
let savedValue = null;
const saveState = (evebt) => savedValue = Number(qtyInput.value);
qtyDecrease.addEventListener('mousedown', saveState)
qtyIncrease.addEventListener('mousedown', saveState)
qtyDecrease.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if(qtyInput.value > 1) {
qtyInput.value = savedValue - 1;
qtyIncrease.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
qtyInput.value = savedValue + 1;
qtyInput.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
There is a method called removeEventListener (MDN) but I suggest you to reshape your code such that you do not add event listener if they are already present.
Put all of your addEventListener just when you create your elements, or in a "document ready" callback if they are instantiated by HTML code. Then, when you open your modal, just update your values.
// hide/show modal function
function toggleModal() {
let modal = document.getElementById('modal'); = == 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';
// your document ready function
function onReady() {
const qtyGroups = document.querySelectorAll('.qty-group');
if(qtyGroups) {
qtyGroups.forEach((qtyGroup) => {
const qtyDecrease = qtyGroup.querySelector('[data-quantity-decrease]');
const qtyIncrease = qtyGroup.querySelector('[data-quantity-increase]');
const qtyInput = qtyGroup.querySelector('[data-quantity-input]');
const disableEnableDecrease = () => {
if(qtyInput.value == 1) {
qtyDecrease.disabled = true;
} else {
qtyDecrease.disabled = false;
qtyDecrease.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if(qtyInput.value > 1) {
qtyIncrease.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
qtyInput.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
// attach hide/show modal handler
const toggle = document.getElementById('modal_toggle');
toggle.addEventListener('click', toggleModal);
<div class="qty-group">
<button data-quantity-decrease disabled>-</button>
<input data-quantity-input value="1">
<button data-quantity-increase>+</button>
<div class="qty-group" id="modal" style="display: none;">
<button data-quantity-decrease disabled>-</button>
<input data-quantity-input value="1">
<button data-quantity-increase>+</button>
<button id="modal_toggle">Toggle Modal</button>
It is better in such cases to reason as Components. Components ensure code encapsulation, maintainability, reusage, single responsability and many other usefull principles:
// hide/show modal function
function toggleModal() {
// get the modal
let modal = document.getElementById('modal');
// hide the modal = == 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';
// reset the input of the modal
function createQuantityInput(target, initialQuantity=1, min=1, max=10, step=1) {
let quantity = 0;
// assign and check if should be disable, also bind to input value
let assign = (q) => {
quantity = Math.max(Math.min(q, max), min);
decrease.disabled = quantity <= min;
increase.disabled = quantity >= max;
input.value = quantity;
// This part is not mandatory, you can also get the elements from
// the target (document.querySelector('button.decrease') or similar)
// and then attach the listener.
// Creation is better: ensure encapsulation and single responsability
// create decrease button
let decrease = document.createElement('button');
decrease.addEventListener('click', () => { assign(quantity - step); });
decrease.innerText = '-';
// create increase button
let increase = document.createElement('button');
increase.addEventListener('click', () => { assign(quantity + step); });
increase.innerText = '+'
// create input field
let input = document.createElement('input');
input.value = quantity
input.addEventListener('change', () => { assign(parseFloat(input.value)); });
// resetting the quantity
// appending the new component to its parent
// return a reference to manipulate this component
return {
get quantity() { return quantity; },
set quantity(q) { assign(q); },
reset: () => assign(initialQuantity)
// this will be your modal reference
let modalInputReference;
function onReady() {
// inject all qty-group with a "quantityInput" component
document.querySelectorAll('.qty-group').forEach(elem => {
let input = createQuantityInput(elem);
if ( == 'modal') {
// if it is the modal I save it for later use
// this is just an hack for now,
// a full code should split this part into a "modal" component maybe
modalInputReference = input;
// emualte the modal
let toggle = document.getElementById('modal_toggle')
toggle.addEventListener('click', toggleModal)
// this function should be wrapped by a
// $(document).ready(onReady) or any other
// function that ensure that all the DOM is successfully loaded
// and the code is not executed before the browser has generated
// all the elements present in the HTML
<div class="qty-group"></div>
<div class="qty-group" id="modal" style="display: none;"></div>
<button id="modal_toggle">Toggle Modal</button>
It is shorter (without comments) and also more maintenable. Don't trust who says it is overengineered, it is just kind of time to learn to reason this way, then is much easier and faster. It is just a time investment to waste less time in the future. Try figure out why React or Angular(JS) have climbed the charts of the best frameworks so fast.

Toggling not working properly - Javascript

I have this code which sould toggle between elements, if user opens the element all other elements should close and that works, but if I click on the same element multiple times nothing happens and I cant figure out why. I need some help.
Here is my code:
const heads = [...document.querySelectorAll(".head")];
const dropdowns = [...document.querySelectorAll(".head-dropdown")];
const activate_filter = document.getElementById("filter-btn");
let isActive = false;
let isFilterActive = false;
let queue = [];
if (!isFilterActive) {
dropdowns.forEach((val, i) => {
activate_filter.addEventListener("click", e => {
dropdowns.forEach((val, i) => {
val.dataset.isActivated = false;
if (!isFilterActive) {
heads.forEach((val, i) => {
const p = val.children[0];
p.innerHTML += `<i class='eos-icons'>arrow_drop_down</i>`;
val.addEventListener("click", handleEventAll); = "pointer";
isFilterActive = true;
} else {
heads.forEach(val => {
const p = val.children[0];
const i = p.querySelector("i");
if (i) {
val.removeEventListener("click", handleEventAll); = "default";
isFilterActive = false;
function handleEventAll(e) {
const test =".head-dropdown");
if (queue.length > 3) {
dropdowns.forEach((val, i) => {
if (!val.dataset) {
val.dataset.isActivated = false;
let t = eval(queue[0].dataset.isActivated);
if (t) {
console.log("in true", queue[0]);
queue[0].dataset.isActivated = true;
} else {
console.log("in false", queue[0].dataset);
queue[0].dataset.isActivated = false;
window.addEventListener("click", e => {});
The elements are added to the queue and the queue sorts it out if previous element which was opened is properly closed and it opens a new element which is clicked. If the same element is clicked twice the queue closes the element but does not open it again until some other element is clicked.
Here is codepen for full experience:
I rewrote the handleEventAll function to make the required functionality without using a queue. check this
What I did is save the current state (is activated class exist or not) for clicked element, and then I remove all activated class from all element then add or remove the class activated depends on the old value.

Adding code to existing .js to collapse navbar when click outside menu

Currently I use .js for my sticky navbar in Bootstrap 4.1.3 which works as desired. I have tried to insert a function in the script, which makes the navbar bar collapse on mobile phones if you click outside the menu. However, without luck.
The code I am currently using is:
$(document).ready(function () {
var stickyToggle = function (sticky, stickyWrapper, scrollElement) {
var stickyHeight = sticky.outerHeight();
var stickyTop = stickyWrapper.offset().top;
if (scrollElement.scrollTop() >= stickyTop) {
else {
$('[data-toggle="sticky-onscroll"]').each(function () {
var sticky = $(this);
var stickyWrapper = $('<div>').addClass('sticky-wrapper');
$(window).on('scroll.sticky-onscroll resize.sticky-onscroll', function () {
stickyToggle(sticky, stickyWrapper, $(this));
stickyToggle(sticky, stickyWrapper, $(window));
I want to be able to implement a similar function as the following. It is not certain that this is the best solution for "collapse when you click outside the menu".
$(document).on('click', function(event){
var $clickedOn = $(,
$collapsableItems = $('.collapse'),
isToggleButton = ($clickedOn.closest('.navbar-toggle').length == 1),
isLink = ($clickedOn.closest('a').length == 1),
isOutsideNavbar = ($clickedOn.parents('.navbar').length == 0);
if( (!isToggleButton && isLink) || isOutsideNavbar ) {
Thanks in advance.
Based on your code, try this:
$(document).click(function (event) {
var clickedOn = $(,
isNavbar = clickedOn.hasClass('navbar'),
// Target only nav links not all links
isNavbarLink = clickedOn.closest('.nav-link').length == 1,
navbarCollapse = $('.navbar-collapse'),
isNavbarOpen = navbarCollapse.hasClass('show');
// if its not navbar and navbar is opened
if (!isNavbar && isNavbarOpen) {
// if the user is not cliking on the nav links
if (!isNavbarLink) {
// thes close the navbar

Custom event on fragment change in Reveal.js

What would be the right way to programmatically add fragments to a slide in Reveal.js? I have a JavaScript widget on a slide that can go through 5 states, and I would like to go through them with fragment transitions.
I tried to achieve something similar with dummy fragments, like in the representative example below. This is intended to change the src of an image on fragment change. The example has an issue, though. When approaching a slide by pressing previous a number of times, the slide should start at its last fragment state. In the example, however, the image src starts in state 1, and doesn't know how to go further back on additional previous-steps.
Any pointers would be appreciated!
<img src="img1.png" id="my-image">
<span class="fragment update-img-src" data-target="my-image" data-src="img2.svg"></span>
Reveal.addEventListener('fragmentshown', function(event) {
if (event.fragment.classList.contains('update-img-src')) {
// Find the target image by ID
var target = document.getElementById(;
// Keep a stack of previously shown images, so we can always revert back on 'fragmenthidden'
if (target.dataset.stack == null) {
target.dataset.stack = JSON.stringify([target.getAttribute('src')]);
target.dataset.stack = JSON.stringify([event.fragment.dataset.src, ...JSON.parse(target.dataset.stack)]);
// Update the image
target.setAttribute('src', event.fragment.dataset.src);
Reveal.addEventListener('fragmenthidden', function(event) {
if (event.fragment.classList.contains('update-img-src')) {
// Return to the previously shown image.
// Remove the top from the history stack
var target = document.getElementById(;
if (target.dataset.stack == null) {
console.log('Trying to hide', event.fragment.dataset.src, 'but there is no stack.');
} else {
var [_, ...tail] = JSON.parse(target.dataset.stack);
target.dataset.stack = JSON.stringify(tail);
// Set the image source to the previous value
target.setAttribute('src', tail[0]);
Here's a hacky solution that I put together. It allows you to register any number of fragments on a slide with a callback function.
function registerFakeFragments(slide, fragmentIndices, stateChangeHandler) {
const identifier = `fake-${Math.round(1000000000*Math.random())}`;
let i = 1;
for (let fragmentIndex of fragmentIndices) {
const span = document.createElement('span'); = identifier;
span.setAttribute('data-fragment-index', JSON.stringify(fragmentIndex));
span.dataset.stateIndex = JSON.stringify(i);
let currentState = null; // last reported state
const listener = () => {
const currentSlide = Reveal.getCurrentSlide();
if (currentSlide && currentSlide === slide) {
// Find the latest visible state
let state = 0;
currentSlide.querySelectorAll(`.fake-fragment.visible[data-target=${identifier}]`).forEach(f => {
const index = JSON.parse(f.dataset.stateIndex);
if (index > state) {
state = index;
// If the state changed, call the handler.
if (state != currentState) {
currentState = state;
Reveal.addEventListener('fragmentshown', listener);
Reveal.addEventListener('fragmenthidden', listener);
Reveal.addEventListener('slidechanged', listener);

