Knex RAW MySQL query adding new lines - javascript

I am new to MySQL and previously used PSQL the same way as I am using MySQL but the below code is erroring.
return await db
`INSERT INTO users(firstName,
SELECT * from users WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID()`,
.then(() => ...)
Returning the below error.
errno: 1064,
sqlState: '42000',
sqlMessage: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT * from users WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID()' at line 24",
sql: 'INSERT INTO users(firstName, \n' +
' lastName, \n' +
' email, \n' +
' password, \n' +
' type,\n' +
' addressLine1, \n' +
' addressLine2, \n' +
' addressLine3, \n' +
' mobileNumber,\n' +
' townCity, \n' +
' postcode)\n' +
' VALUES (\n' +
" 'Jane',\n" +
" 'Doe',\n" +
" '',\n" +
" 'password', \n" +
" '07123456789',\n" +
' 100, \n' +
" '1', \n" +
" 'Test road', \n" +
" 'Westminster', \n" +
" 'London', \n" +
" 'L1 1TG'); \n" +
' SELECT * from users WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID()'
I suspect it is related to the template literals but not sure of the best way to go about resolving this, it worked fine in PSQL (excluding the last line). Is there any better ways of using raw SQL, I am not interested in all the high-level ORM commands.

You need to enable multipleStatements
const mysql = require('mysql')
connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: 'localhost',
user: 'youruser',
password: 'yourpassword',
database: 'yourdb',
multipleStatements: true
connection.query('INSERT INTO users(firstName,
SELECT * from users WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID();', function(err, results) {
if (err) {
throw err

Looks like you can't do too much in one query. Extracting SELECT * from users WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID() into it's own query after the insert worked fine

Try to execute first query seperately. If it didnt execute, check youre table structure. Seems like structure missing primary key settings or something on youre migration


mysql parse error shows when query has 3 conditions

i have a select query to a local database and for some reason the following error shows up:
ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM site WHERE name = OCC AND date_start = 2018-07-30 08:00:00 AND date_end = '' at line 1
here's my query:
connection.query("SELECT *, FROM shop WHERE name = " + shop_name + " AND date_start = " + myDate + " AND date_end = " + myDate2, function (err, result)
if (err)
console.log("Error Is:" + err);
console.log('DATA EXISTING IS =' + JSON.stringify(result));
am i missing something?
The usual mantra: use parameterized queries. They will prevent SQL injections and make your service more secure. Furthermore they will take care of the usual pitfalls when building a query using string concatenation.
Let's have a look at your query
"SELECT *, FROM shop WHERE name = " + shop_name + " AND date_start = " + myDate + " AND date_end = " + myDate2
Which spells out to something like
SELECT *, FROM shop WHERE name = myshop AND date_start = 2018-07-30 AND date_end = 2018-08-10
There are at least 3 errors
The , behind the SELECT * this is also the one the error tells you about. I suppose you had a column list and replaced it with *
The shop name column is most certainly some char column. So you have to enclose your values with quotes
Also the dates must be used with quotes, so the SQL engine will parse it to a date and do the comparison. For some SQL engines there is also a special annotation for dates. Have a look in the documentation.
This query should work
"SELECT * FROM shop WHERE name = '" + shop_name + "' AND date_start = '" + myDate + "' AND date_end = '" + myDate2 +"'"
depending on what myDate and myDate2 are.
At least problems 2 and 3 would not happen if you use parameterized queries. Consult the documentation of the library you are using.

How to debug the MongoDB error "order.addresses.setup is undefined"?

function(order){ print(
"invoice addresses: " + + "," +
" delivery addresses: "+","+
" setup addresses: "+","); }) ;
when I run the above question
Failed to execute script.
TypeError: order.addresses.setup is undefined :
I'm getting an error.
How can I write a query if the installation address is null?
It seems that you are trying to access an non existing field (setup) that's why you are getting error, You may want to use $exists operator if you want to exclude documents that do not contain the setup field, here is an example:
bundleProducts: {
$elemMatch: { id: "5720a0ce7709" }
"addresses.setup": { $exists: true }
}).forEach( function(order){ print(
"invoice addresses: " + + "," +
" delivery addresses: " + + ","+
" setup addresses: " + + ",");

adding to a value in a database not replacing it

So i am storing my users 'freinds' in a database and i am currently using this to add there freind to it
socket.on('addFreind', function(username, freind) {
console.log("ADD FREIND " + freind + "TO " + username)
let query = 'update users set freinds="' + freind + '" where username = "' + username + '"';
connection.query(query, function(err) {
but that just replaces the original value with the new one how can i add to the original value
i have tried querying the original value and adding it to an array and then adding the new value to that array then putting it in my database but that failed horribly and i was wondering if there was just a simple way to do this

SQL Parse Error when using node-mysql

I'm getting parse errors when I try to use node-mysql to invoke a query on a MYSQL database. I'm pretty sure that the query works. It runs without doubt via phpmyadmin. = function(message, callback){
db.query("INSERT INTO e_message (chatid, message, userid) VALUES(" + message.chatid + ", '" + message.message +"', " + message.userid + "); SELECT * FROM e_message WHERE chatid = " + message.chatid + " ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 0, 1;",
function(err, rows, fields){
callback(err, new Message(rows[0]));
I'm getting the follwing error:
{ [Error: ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT * FROM e_message WHERE chatid = 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 0, 1' at line 1]
errno: 1064,
sqlState: '42000',
index: 0 }
The query looks like this via console.log():
INSERT INTO e_message (chatid, message, userid) VALUES(1, 'test123', 1);
SELECT * FROM e_message WHERE chatid = 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 0, 1;
I don't know whats wrong with this...
If I split it into two queries, I get the result I wanted: = function(message, callback){
db.query("INSERT INTO e_message (chatid, message, userid) VALUES(" + message.chatid + ", '" + message.message +"', " + message.userid + ");", function(err, rows, fields){
db.query("SELECT * FROM e_message WHERE userid = " + message.userid + " AND chatid = " + message.chatid + " ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 0, 1;", function(err, rows, filds){
callback(err, new Message(rows[0]));
Thank you!
node-mysql won't by default allow you to issue multiple SQL statements in a single query.
To allow that, you will need to set the multipleStatements connection option when creating the connection.
Note that allowing this may/will put you at risk of SQL injection, particularly if building the statements as strings. For example, if your message.userid was set to the string 1);drop database production;SELECT (, you'd be in trouble.
In this case what you really want may be to do the insert and a second SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() to get the id the latest record was inserted with. It will return the latest inserted auto increment key for the session, that is, it will not be affected by other inserts by other connections/sessions.

Save XML To Database using Javascript

I'm trying to save content to an XML data type to Microsoft SQL Server,
using Javascript code.
var sql = "INSERT INTO Screen_Template(template_xml, template_name, OpCo, env, language, id, title, role, UID) VALUES (N'" + XMLText + "',N'" + templateName + "',N'" + opco + "',N'" + env + "'" + ",N'eng'," + maxID + ",N'Hermes SMS message composer'," + "N'manag', N'10')";
But, I'm getting an error, what can be the problem?

