VueJS this.progress is undefined inside window function - javascript

I'm using a Facebook login and I'm showing progress loading for the user until I get a response back from Facebook for authentication.
But I used to hide the progress bar like this.progress = false but this variable is undefined inside the window function.
My code :
initFacebook() {
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId: "MY-APP-ID", //You will need to change this
cookie: true, // This is important, it's not enabled by default
version: "v2.6",
status: false,
window.FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.status === 'connected'){
window.FB.api('/me?fields=id,name,email', function(response) {
console.log( response) // it will not be null ;)
} else {
console.log("User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.")
{scope: 'public_profile,email'}
this.progress = false
I'm unable to set this.progress = false after getting all responses from Facebook.
I get an error while I console.log(this.progress) variable.
Error :
Login.vue?7463:175 undefined
How can I set this.progress variable to false once the authentication checks are complete?

Try converting all function() calls into arrow function calls () =>
The problem is that a function() will break the global vue scope. So vue this is not available within a function() call, but it is available within an arrow function () => {}
In a block scope (function() { syntax), this is bound to the nested scope and not vue's this instance. If you want to keep vues this inside of a function, use an arrow function (ES6) or you can have const that = this and defer the global this to that in a regular function() { if you prefer it this way.
Try using this code converted with arrow functions and see if it works:
initFacebook() {
window.fbAsyncInit = () => {
appId: "MY-APP-ID", //You will need to change this
cookie: true, // This is important, it's not enabled by default
version: "v2.6",
status: false,
window.FB.login((response) => {
if (response.status === 'connected'){
window.FB.api('/me?fields=id,name,email', (response) => {
console.log( response) // it will not be null ;)
} else {
console.log("User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.")
{scope: 'public_profile,email'});
this.progress = false
I know this because I just had the same problem :-) see here:
Nuxt plugin cannot access Vue's 'this' instance in function blocks


Having issues understanding flow - HTML form data handling by vue and axios

I am new to Vue and Axios and trying to use it in Salesforce Marketing Cloud - Cloud pages. Basically there are 3 parts,
HTML + vue page : this is a form page, where the user is asked to input the automation name and click on send button
App.js : this is build using axios and Vue.
Form-hander.js (backend) : SSJS code that runs the automation.
I referred this document to build this setup - I understand the Form-hander.js (ssjs) code and this can be skipped.
What I am not able to understand is the flow of App.js, could anyone please explain me what is happening here.
I understand that on click of send button, the function in App.js - validateForm is called. Here after I don’t understand the flow of the code.
From App.js is the form-handler code called ? OR the post method used in the HTML page is directly called the form-handler page and staring the automation?
Here is the code of app.js. Can some explain to me in simple terms the flow of this code, would be really helpful.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
status: 100,
form: {
name: 'My Test Automation',
context: 'perform'
endpoint: '',
message: ''
watch: {
status: function () {
if(this.status == 201 || this.status == 102) {
this.form.context = 'check';
} else {
this.form.context = 'perform';
mounted: function() {
this.endpoint = this.$refs.form.getAttribute('action');
methods: {
sendFormData: function() {
this.status = 101;
var $this = this;
method: 'POST',
url: $this.endpoint,
data: $this.form,
validateStatus: function() { return true }
}).then(function(result) {
$this.status =;
$this.message =;
}).catch(function(error) {
checkStatus: function() {
var $this = this;
var intervalID = setInterval(function() {
method: 'POST',
url: $this.endpoint,
data: $this.form,
validateStatus: function() { return true }
}).then(function(result) {
$this.status =;
$this.message =;
if($this.status == 200 || $this.status == 500) {
}).catch(function(error) {
}, 10000);
validateForm: function() {
if (this.$refs.form.checkValidity() !== false) {
Let me explain you the flow of the code you posted :
Once component mounted, The first method which is getting called is mounted(). In this method you are fetching the endopint binded to the action attribute in your form html element and binding that in a data variable via this.endpoint.
Now, you are calling validateForm() method on click of submit button to validate the input fields. If validation pass, you are calling sendFormData() method to make an POST API call.
After getting the response, you added a watcher on status to update the form.context value based on the status code you received from an API response.
At the end, you are calling a checkStatus() method on success of axios call and in this checkStatus() method you are again making an POST API call after every 10 seconds and following step 3.
When the components is mounted, you run the form binded action on (submit?)
The action is probably binded to the sendFormData function(in methods)
Inside sendFormData, there is the setup of the axios request, followed be a then callback which handles the response from the request
The checkStatus function is called inside the "then" block
Sends the same data back to the server every 10 seconds if the previous response
doesn't have status code other than 200 or 500.
ValidateForm is may binded to some onInput or onChange event on the template
** The watcher is always looking for the status code and updates a form context

Calling VueJS Components after login from an external script

I have a VueJS Program where I want to provide a login. Thus this login is used one multiple platforms, it is loaded via an external server (See: mounted). It is loaded, puts elements into the mainlogin-div creating a login view and when the user clicks Login it performs a http login request to another server. When the login is successful, the external script calls done(result) or error(result) whether the login was a success or not.
But now of course how can I go back to calling Vue-stuff from there? I cant just do like this.$router.push("/coolPath") or call a defined method like loggedIn to make a toast or what not... How is this implemented?
<div id="main">
<div id="mainlogin"></div>
<script type="application/javascript">
function done(result){
loggedIn(result, true)
function error(result) {
loggedIn(result, false)
const Toast = require("#/toast/toast")
export default {
name: "Login",
components: {},
data() {
return {
isAuthenticated: false
beforeMount() {
let loginScript = document.createElement('script')
loginScript .setAttribute('src', 'http://**.***.***.***/index_krass.js')
document.body.appendChild(loginScript )
methods: {
loggedIn: function (result, success){
Toast.toast(result.message, success)
Error is always "this." is not defined or loggedIn(...) is not defined...
Maybe its some race condition where VueJS needs to be loaded first or the other way around?
Instead of the <script> block in the template, just set the global functions up on window as arrow functions to capture the Vue instance context:
export default {
beforeMount() {
window.done = result => this.loggedIn(result, true)
window.error = result => this.loggedIn(result, false)
let loginScript = document.createElement("script")
loginScript.setAttribute("src", ".../index_krass.js")
destroyed() {
window.done = window.error = undefined

VueJS access to a variable from another method [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to access the correct `this` inside a callback
(13 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm using Vuejs and i would i have two methods one is to make a call and another one is to hangup
i would like to access to device variable that i have in makeCall methods from hangup
error : Cannot set property 'device' of undefined at eval
this is my code :
export default {
components: {Modal},
data: () => ({
device: '',
showModal: false,
output: ''
collection: {
methods: {
this.showModal = true
this.form.output += `${digit}`
let screen = document.getElementById('output').value
this.form.output = screen.slice(0, -1)
console.log("Requesting Access Token...");
// Using a relative link to access the Voice Token function
.then(function (response) {
console.log("Got a token.");
console.log("Token: " +;
// Setup Twilio.Device
this.device = new Twilio.Device(, {
// Set Opus as our preferred codec. Opus generally performs better, requiring less bandwidth and
// providing better audio quality in restrained network conditions. Opus will be default in 2.0.
codecPreferences: ["opus", "pcmu"],
// Use fake DTMF tones client-side. Real tones are still sent to the other end of the call,
// but the client-side DTMF tones are fake. This prevents the local mic capturing the DTMF tone
// a second time and sending the tone twice. This will be default in 2.0.
fakeLocalDTMF: true,
// Use `enableRingingState` to enable the device to emit the `ringing`
// state. The TwiML backend also needs to have the attribute
// `answerOnBridge` also set to true in the `Dial` verb. This option
// changes the behavior of the SDK to consider a call `ringing` starting
// from the connection to the TwiML backend to when the recipient of
// the `Dial` verb answers.
enableRingingState: true,
debug: true,
this.device.on("ready", function (device) {
console.log("Twilio.Device Ready!");
this.device.on("error", function (error) {
console.log("Twilio.Device Error: " + error.message);
this.device.on("connect", function (conn) {
console.log('Successfully established call ! ');
// $('#modal-call-in-progress').modal('show')
this.device.on("disconnect", function (conn) {
console.log("Call ended.");
// $('.modal').modal('hide')
var params = {
To: document.getElementById('output').value
console.log("Calling me " + document.getElementById('output').value + "...");
if (this.device) {
var outgoingConnection = this.device.connect(params);
outgoingConnection.on("ringing", function () {
.catch(function (err) {
console.log("Could not get a token from server!");
The error was due to how this works in JS. The function declaration in the promise was creating a different this context than the main function. The function keyword sets this based on where it is called, whereas arrow functions set this based on where it is defined in the code.
All you need to do is replace the function(response){} declaration in the getAPI promise .then with an arrow function, and it will work fine.
console.log("Requesting Access Token...");
// Using a relative link to access the Voice Token function
.then((response) => {
Try replacing these lines - to use an arrow function in the .then

Vue - check if user is offline and then show div for a second once they come back online

I currently am using a function on a timed loop to check if a user goes offline:
created() {
setInterval(() => {
}, 30000);
this.onLine = navigator.onLine ? true : false;
Is there a way I can detect this without using the timer?
I am trying to show an 1 second alert to tell the user they are back online. When this.onLine is true, the div should be hidden. When it is false it should also be hidden, but when it goes from false to true I want to show the div for a second or so and then hide it again. I have tried this with a settimeout and using a watcher but neither give the desired effect.
So one method that gets me there is:
data() {
return {
onLine: navigator.onLine ? true : false,
then a watcher to show the back online message
watch: {
onLine: function (val) {
if(this.onLine === true){
this.showBackOnline = true;
setTimeout(()=>{ this.showBackOnline = false; }, 1000);
Is there a better way than a watcher to achieve this, other than using a dedicated notify plugin?
Is there a way I can detect this without using the timer? Yes. By using the online offline event.
Is there a better way than a watcher to achieve this, other than using a dedicated notify plugin? I think the watcher is the most suitable method here.
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
onLine: navigator.onLine,
showBackOnline: false
methods: {
updateOnlineStatus(e) {
const {
} = e;
this.onLine = type === 'online';
watch: {
onLine(v) {
if (v) {
this.showBackOnline = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.showBackOnline = false;
}, 1000);
mounted() {
window.addEventListener('online', this.updateOnlineStatus);
window.addEventListener('offline', this.updateOnlineStatus);
beforeDestroy() {
window.removeEventListener('online', this.updateOnlineStatus);
window.removeEventListener('offline', this.updateOnlineStatus);
you can handle this (update onLine status), just by set arrow function in event listener and set that varible true/false by listener.
window object has online/offline events and you don't need to watch for value or set interval to check it. you can just set event listener for it and do something on callback method.
in below code i just change value of my 'isOnLine' variable value and in template show message by v-if directive to user about online/offline.
data() {
return {
mounted() {
window.addEventListener('online', ()=>{this.isOnLine=true});
window.addEventListener('offline', ()=>{this.isOnLine=false});

Async operations in modal callback

I'm using the semantic-ui modal to allow users to insert data. It has an onApprove callback which allows you to return false to keep the modal open if there are any problems. My data is inserted into a DB, which returns false if there's any error. What's the best way of keeping the modal open if there's an error during this async operation?
Here's my code (coffeescript):
.modal('setting', {
detachable: false,
onApprove: validateVerificationForm
closable: false
validateVerificationForm = () ->
formData = $('.form').serializeArray()
formatted = format($formData);
ID_Details.insert(formatted, (errs, id) ->
if errs
Obviously the anonymous function is returning true/false into the context of the function. What's the best way to return it to the modal?
You can use a local reactive variable:
var data = new ReactiveDict();
Template.modalTemplate.created = function() {
data.set('isError', false);
isError: function() {
return data.get('isError');
var yourMethodWithAsync = function() {
async(..., function(error) {
if(error) {
data.set('isError', true);

