export react hook by changing its signature - javascript

I want to change a hook name and its return values while exporting them.
Here is my use case.
I want to use notistack api to show some toasts in my application. However, because I don't like the name snackbar I want to change it to toast. Here is how I start doing it:
export { SnackbarProvider as ToastProvider, useSnackbar as useToast } from 'notistack';
But I can't manage to change the name of the variables returned from the useSnackbar hook.
const { enqueueSnackbar, closeSnackbar } = useSnackbar();
should be
const { addToast, closeToast } = useToast();
how can I achieve this?
thank you.

You can define a custom hook that wraps the useSnackbar hook as follow:
import { SnackbarProvider, useSnackbar } from 'notistack';
export const useToast = () => {
const { enqueueSnackbar, closeSnackbar } = useSnackbar();
return { addToast: enqueueSnackbar, closeToast: closeSnackbar };
export const SnackbarProvider = ToastProvider;
You can learn more about building custom hooks on the documentation: https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-custom.html


How to use Redux Toolkit createListenerMiddleware with TypeScript?

I am using Redux Toolkit and TypeScript to create a Todos app. I want to create middleware that will listen for a dispatched action so I can then dispatch async actions.
What I have so far
// listenerMiddleware.ts
import { createListenerMiddleware, addListener } from '#reduxjs/toolkit'
import type { TypedStartListening, TypedAddListener } from '#reduxjs/toolkit'
import type { RootState, AppDispatch } from './store'
export const listenerMiddleware = createListenerMiddleware()
export type AppStartListening = TypedStartListening<RootState, AppDispatch>
export const startAppListening =
listenerMiddleware.startListening as AppStartListening
export const addAppListener = addListener as TypedAddListener<
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
todos: todosReducer,
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>
How do I use the startAppListening and addAppListener objects to listen for a specific action? I can't find any examples.
We do show extensive examples in the API reference page :)
Generally, it's going to look like this:
import { todoAdded } from "../features/todos/todoSlice"
actionCreator: todoAdded,
effect: (action, listenerApi) => {
// whatever logic you want here

Using Redux Toolkit, how do I access the store from a non-react file?

What am I trying to do?
Using Redux Toolkit, I'm trying to access the "store" for a value, specifically "username" which I've created a "slice" for, from a non-React file called SomeFile.js.
What is the code that currently tries to do that?
// userMetadataSlice.js
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
const initialState = {
username: "",
const userMetadataSlice = createSlice({
name: "userMetadata",
reducers: {
updateUsername: (state, action) => {
const username = action.payload;
state.username = username;
export const { updateUsername } = userMetadataSlice.actions;
export default userMetadataSlice.reducer;
export const selectUsername = (state) => {
return state.userMetadata.username;
// SomeFile.js
import { selectUsername } from "../redux/userMetadataSlice";
import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
export const displayUsername = () => {
const username = useSelector(selectUsername);
console.log("Username:", username); // Error.
What do I expect the result to be?
To be able to pull the username from the "store".
What is the actual result?
When I try to access the value via "useSelector" from the non-react file an error occurs: React Hook "useSelector" is called in function "selectUsername" which is neither a React function component or a custom React Hook function
What I think the problem could be?
SomeFile.js does not have anything React related within it because it just pulls data from the store and outputs the data.
A solution I've tried that worked was to do this:
// userMetadataSlice.js
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
const initialState = {
username: "",
const userMetadataSlice = createSlice({
name: "userMetadata",
reducers: {
updateUsername: (state, action) => {
const username = action.payload;
state.username = username;
export const { updateUsername } = userMetadataSlice.actions;
export default userMetadataSlice.reducer;
export const selectUsername = (state) => {
return state.userMetadata.username;
// New code here!
export function SelectUsername() {
const username = useSelector(selectUsername);
return username;
// SomeFile.js
import { SelectUsername } from "../redux/userMetadataSlice";
export const displayUsername = () => {
console.log("Username:", SelectUsername); // No errors, shows correct output.
The solutions I'm looking for is this:
Is my proposed solution the "proper" way to receive info from the "store" in non-React files?
Is there a custom hook solution for this?
Is my proposed solution the "proper" way to receive info from the
"store" in non-React files?
No, it's abusing the Rules of Hooks and React functions. You are directly invoking the SelectUsername React function.
Is there a custom hook solution for this?
No, React hooks work only in React functions and custom React hooks.
You can access your state from your Redux store object.
From your created store object you'll have a getState method to invoke.
Returns the current state tree of your application. It is equal to the
last value returned by the store's reducer.
(any): The current state tree of your application.
You can export your created store object for import into non-React JS files and they can invoke the getStore method.
import store from '../path/to/store';
const state = store.getState();
The useSelector React hook from react-redux won't work outside a React component, but the selectUsername state selector function will.
// SomeFile.js
import store from '../path/to/store';
import { selectUsername } from "../redux/userMetadataSlice";
export const displayUsername = () => {
const state = store.getState();
const username = selectUsername(state);
console.log("Username:", username);
return username;
See the other Store Methods for subscribing to state changes and dispatching actions to your store from outside React.

How to export a method in a functional typescript class?

In the code below I would like to know, how to export the function setFormData. In other words also I would like to know how to import setFormData from a different typescript file. Thank you
File A
import { SyntheticEvent } from 'react';
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { useStatusActions } from '../../actions';
export const StatusHelper = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
let statusActions = useStatusActions(dispatch);
const setFormData = (event: SyntheticEvent, key: any, value: any) => {
statusActions.setFormData(key, value);
File B
import {
} from './fileA';
you will need to create a custom hook if you want to export a function that relies on another hook. You can't simply export and use it outside react.
you should have a useStatusHelper hook that returns a setFormData function
check how to create custom hooks here

Using `useStore` API with vuex 4.x

Follow the official example to export your own useStore, and then use it in the component.
import { createStore, Store, useStore as baseUseStore } from 'vuex';
export const key: InjectionKey<Store<RootState>> = Symbol();
export function useStore() {
return baseUseStore(key);
use in the component
setup() {
const store = useStore();
const onClick = () => {
return {
After running, store is undefined.
It can be obtained normally when I use it in the methods attribute
methods: {
login() {
why? how to fix it
In that simplifying useStore usage tutorial, you still need to register the store and key in main.ts as they did. You will get undefined if you don't do this:
// main.ts
import { store, key } from './store'
const app = createApp({ ... })
// pass the injection key
app.use(store, key)
The reason is that baseUseStore(key) has no meaning until that's done.

How to pass route params in Context API

I'm using the context API and I have this in my context file:
useEffect(() => {
async function getSingleCountryData() {
const result = await axios(
if (props.match) getSingleCountryData();
}, [props.match]);
In the component I'm using, it doesn't work because it doesn't know what the props.match.alpha3Code is. How can I can pass the value? The alpha3Code is coming from the URL: localhost:3000/country/asa where asa is the alpha3Code, how can I get this value?
Basically, what I'm trying to do is. I have a list of countries I listed out on the home page. Now I'm trying to get more information about a single country. The route is /country/:alpha3Code where alpha3Code is gotten from the API.
FWIW, here is my full context file:
import React, { useState, createContext, useEffect } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
export const CountryContext = createContext();
export default function CountryContextProvider(props) {
const [countries, setCountries] = useState([]);
const [country, setCountry] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const getCountryData = async () => {
const result = await axios.get(
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
async function getSingleCountryData() {
const result = await axios(
if (props.match) getSingleCountryData();
}, [props.match]);
return (
<CountryContext.Provider value={{ countries, country }}>
In the component I'm using the country, I have:
const { country } = useContext(CountryContext);
I know I can do this from the component itself, but I'm learning how to use the context API, so I'm handling all API calls in my context.
The API I'm making use of is here
Codesandbox Link
Project Github link
You can update the context from a component using it by passing down a setter function which updates the context state.
export default function CountryContextProvider({ children }) {
const [countries, setCountries] = useState([]);
const [country, setCountry] = useState([]);
const [path, setPath] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
async function getSingleCountryData() {
const result = await axios(`your/request/for/${path}`);
if(path) getSingleCountryData();
}, [path]);
return (
<CountryContext.Provider value={{ countries, country, setPath }}>
Now use setPath to update the request endpoint with the route match once this component is mounted.
const Details = ({ match }) => {
const {
params: { alpha3Code }
} = match;
const { country, setPath } = useContext(CountryContext);
useEffect(() => {
}, [alpha3Code]);
return (
<main>Some JSX here</main>
export default withRouter(Details);
Linked is a working codesandbox implementation
In the component I'm using, it doesn't work because it doesn't know
what the props.match.alpha3Code is. How can I can pass the value? The
alpha3Code is coming from the URL: localhost:3000/country/asa where
asa is the alpha3Code, how can I get this value?
I guess the root of your problem is this one. You have no idea which the aplha3Code parameter comes from. I have dived into your GitHub repo to make it clearer.
First, match is one of react-router provided terms. When you use something like props.match, props.history, props.location, you must have your component wrapped by the withRouter, which is a Higher Order Component provided by react-router. Check it out at withRouter. For example, below is the withRouter usage which is provided by react-router:
// A simple component that shows the pathname of the current location
class ShowTheLocation extends React.Component {
render() {
const { match, location, history } = this.props;
return <div>You are now at {location.pathname}</div>;
const ShowTheLocationWithRouter = withRouter(ShowTheLocation);
ShowTheLocation is wrapped by the withRouter HOC, which will pass all the route props (match, history, location...) to ShowTheLocation through props. Then inside ShowTheLocation, you are able to use something like props.match. Clear enough?
So back to your problem! You have not wrapped any components by withRouter yet, have you? Stick to it and have some fun! You will figure it out soon!
Also, please be aware that you must place your component under the BrowserRouter to be able to use the react-router things
If you want to go with Hooks, please take a look at this super useful one:
It wraps all the useParams, useLocation, useHistory, and use useRouteMatch hooks up into a single useRouter that exposes just the data and methods we need. Then, for example, inside your component, do it like this:
import { useRouter } from "./myCustomHooks";
const ShowMeTheCode = () => {
const router = useRouter();
return <div>This is my alpha3Code: {router.math.params.alpha3Code}</div>;
Update 1 from Peoray's reply:
This is where the problem occurs:
You should avoid calling useContext() straightly like that. Have a look at my example below:
// CountryContext.js
import { useContext, createContext } from "react";
const CountryContext = createContext();
export const useCountryContext = () => useContext(CountryContext);
Instead, you should wrap it by a custom hook like useCountryContext above. And then, inside your Details component, import it and do like:
import React, from 'react';
import { useCountryContext } from '../contexts/CountryContext';
const Details = (props) => {
const { country } = useCountryContext();
Update 2 from Peoray's reply:
Although I have stated it in advance for you, I just feel like you did not make enough effort to go through what I said.
Also, please be aware that you must place your component under the
BrowserRouter to be able to use the react-router things
In your codesandbox, it shows the Cannot read property 'match' of undefined error. Okay, as I said above, you have not moved the ContextCountryProvider to under the BrowserRouter to get the useRouter work.
I have fixed it for you, and the screen popped out, please check it at updated codesanbox here. You will get what you need at App.js file.
Although it still throws some Axios bugs there, I think my job is done. The rest is up to you.
You might use useParams hook to get everything you need inside your context provider. Docs
Something like this:
import useParams in file where your Provider component is
in your CountryContextProvider add this at the top of the component:
const { alpha3Code } = useParams();
update useEffect which needs props.match
useEffect(() => {
async function getSingleCountryData() {
const result = await axios(
if (alpha3Code) getSingleCountryData(); // or if you need `match` - do not destructure useParams()
}, [alpha3Code]);

