Dropdown menu of a select element is changing the background of the page (JS, MUI) - javascript

I have kind of a weird problem in my website, but which seems to be a problem of the UI library I'm using.
Every time I click a select element in my page the background is slightly changing, in width, which flickers the background image.
At first I though this is a problem in my code, but after checking, I see that in the UI library docs it also happens.
My site : https://dinsangun.github.io/crypto-converter/
The lib docs: https://mui.com/components/selects/
(In the lib docs, when you click a select element, pay attention to the slider on the right side, it disappears when the dropdown menu of the select items is clicked)
Is there a way to overcome this little bug?

Your problem comes from the scrollbar, when you click on the select it dissapears and so the background extends to cover all the screen.
It's the same problem for MUI website.
One of the solution I can propose would be to put on your body or root div height:100vh;overflow:hidden;


Bootstrap 4 - how does automatic Popover re-positioning work?

I like letting my popovers stay open until the user explicitly closes them.
One of the nice features of the new Bootstrap Popovers is that they automatically re-position when the user changes device orientation, scroll or resize the window. They even follow along as the content re-flows - e.g. as a paragraph is wrapped and the element grows or shrinks in length while you resize the window - all the popovers on the screen will keep re-positioning to be near their target.
How does the Popover plugin know that the page is being re-flowed so that it triggers the popover re-positioning?
My webapp is dynamic, user actions cause elements to grow/shrink, toggle on/off, etc. At the moment, when I change the page via code, the popovers get left behind - they don't get re-positioned near their target.
One workaround to this, as a user, is to just scroll the screen a little bit and Bootstrap will re-position the popovers and everything looks right again.
I'm trying to figure out a way to re-position the popovers when I change the page layout via code.
Hence the question: how does Popover re-positioning work (and can I hook into it so I can trigger it automatically).
EDIT: I've just noticed that the popovers will re-position just fine if the "dynamic" content happens to be the Bootstrap navbar collapsing/expanding because of a tap on the navbar-toggler.
There's two parts to this question.
How does popper.js know when to update the popovers?
How does the popover change position?
Answering these backwards:
2: How does the popover change position?
You need the update method of the popover:
I've done a quick demo here:
First, click the green button to open the popover. Then use button 2 to move the popover toggle. Now the toggle and the popover no longer line up. So finally use button 3 to reposition the popover by its toggle.
The docs for this are tucked under the popover methods section here:
If you wanted to update every popover on your page and not just a specific one, then you could do:
How does popper.js know when to update the popovers?
Popper will be subscribing to events like window.scroll and window.resize. You can see this in a bit of their source code:
The update method won't be called immediately in that event handler - there'll be something that gets passed back to the Boostrap widget, which in turn will call the popover update method.
I am fairly sure Popper & the Popover widget will not be looking at the position of the individual toggles. This is partly because unless the toggles are positioned, their left/top properties will always be 'auto' so it will be hard to work out if they are moving. Or to put it another way, when the window scrolls, the toggle has not moved within the document, but the popover (which is absolutely positioned) needs updating. So this is a bit of a broad brush - they are looking out for the entire window changing, assuming the popovers are out of position, then triggering more events to update them.
If anyone knows more about this, though, please tell me in the comments!
You have a bit of an advantage in that you know when you change your UI, so you can call 'update' on all the Popovers at will. This to me seems like the ideal approach.
However, if your toggles are absolutely positioned, you could do this a bit more automatically by watching their position. Here's an example with an absolutely-positioned toggle and in this example, the popover moves automatically without the third button click.
I don't know how the logic work behind that because on Bootstrap we use Popper.js to handle that so if you want to understand the logic behind that you can browser this : https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js

select2 modal opens on mouse cursor and immediately selects item on mouseup

I'm using select2.full.min.js in my Ruby on Rails project in order to give one of my select tags search functionality. I'm initializing it in the most vanilla way possible: $( 'select.select2' ).select2();.
The select2-ified tag seems to work fine, except for one issue - the "modal" when the select is clicked opens over the select element under my mouse cursor as soon as the select is clicked. The problem is, an object is immediately selected and on mouse release, committed to the select tag.
I've seen plenty of examples where the modal always pops up below the select tag, and I'm trying to achieve this functionality, but I'm not really sure what I need to do in order to make that happen. I'm following the examples at the Select2 web site, but don't really see what's wrong here.
Can anyone tell me how I might achieve this? Thank you!
[EDIT] After some investigation, it looks like the problem happens when the viewport is beyond a certain vertical size. If I shrink the browser window enough, the select2 modal pops up above the element. Expanding the viewport size again does not cause the problem to resurface until I refresh the page.
[EDIT2] This appears to have something to do with the calculation select2 uses to decide how to position the modal. It's placed with the following style:
position: absolute;
top: 350px;
left: 472px;
Dragging the bottom of the viewport up to the bottom of the modal moves it up above the select2 element, and the top value changes accordingly. I can override this with my own CSS to fix it.

Change CSS based on scroll position/anchor points

On my site I'm currently having users click on a set of navigation links that will, onclick, highlight their backgrounds yellow.
I remember seeing a similar effect on this site at http://docs.meteor.com/
Here, when user scrolls to a specific anchor in the document, the navigation element that links to it is highlighted. How does this work? How do I begin to implement something like this on my page?
Any brief pieces of example code would be greatly appreciated. I've been working with some JavaScript for a while now and haven't been able to recreate anything.
EDIT: To clarify the effect I'm looking at on the Meteor site, when you scroll in the right column, the associated menu element on the left column changes font color to red. NOT, the on hover effect.
There is ready thing for that in bootstrap called scrollspy

high z-index on element within jquery ui dialog fails to appear above dialog

I'm trying to put a custom dropdown into a div that I use as a jquery UI modal. The problem is that when the dropdown is revealed, it appears inside the modal—overflowing the modals height, giving the modal a scrollbar and not showing the entire contents of the dropdown as I would expect (with the z-index set to a very high number) outside the modal.
It will make more sense when you see it: I've made a simplified ugly version at JSBIN. Why is the z-index no good here? Thanks!

How to highlight part of a webpage by blurring the rest?

I have a website where I want to achieve the following behavior:
if someone clicks on a particular item (image or swf) everything else on the page would either disappear or blur out.
this way the only thing left on the page that is visible is the thing that was just clicked
Is this possible to make everything change except this one div?
Generally speaking, this effect is achieved by setting the z-index of the 'selected' item to a very high value, then adding a position:fixed div to the page that covers the entire page and has a z-index just lower than the selected item. It's generally referred to as a 'modal div'. Searching for 'modal' along with your JS framework of choice will return you a number of usable solutions almost out of the box.
I think you want a modal. Check out the jqueryui dialog widget's modal option:

