Unable to understand the difference between different monaco editor packages integration - javascript

I have a react application, and I want to embed Monaco Editor into my application mainly for SQL validation and AutoComplete scenarios. I use neutrinorc.js to configure plugins or direct install using npm install plugin-name in the application.
My webpack.config.js looks like,
// Whilst the configuration object can be modified here, the recommended way of making
// changes is via the presets' options or Neutrino's API in `.neutrinorc.js` instead.
// Neutrino's inspect feature can be used to view/export the generated configuration.
const neutrino = require('neutrino');
module.exports = neutrino().webpack();
I noticed that there is,
And Microsoft ones,
I don't understand that if I want to embed a Monaco Editor into my React application which of the above packages do I need and do I need to configure them in neutrinorc.js?
It would be great if someone can explain this in detail.

I don't know neutrinorc.js, but I can explain the other aspects. Integrating Monaco in a React app requires 2 things:
A React wrapper for the Monaco editor. You can either write one yourself or use the react-monaco-editor node module.
You have to configure webpack to load the required files. This is where monaco-editor-webpack-plugin comes in.
Especially the second point is a bit tricky, depending on your app. If you created that using CRA (create-react-app) you will not have access to the webpack config file, unless you "eject" the app. This is usually not desirable, hence add another node module to the mix, called react-app-rewired. This module allows you to add another webpack config file (config-overrides.js) to the root of your project and add configuration data there. Something like:
const MonacoWebpackPlugin = require('monaco-editor-webpack-plugin');
const webpack = require("webpack");
module.exports = function override(config, env) {
config.plugins.push(new MonacoWebpackPlugin({
languages: ["typescript", "javascript", "sql", "mysql", "python", "json", "markdown", "ini", "xml"]
return config;
With that webpack plugin you can decide which language you want to support in Monaco and distribute only those files required by them (especially TS + JS require quite large files to be there).


Is webpack a suitable tool to bundle a Node.js backend code? [duplicate]

I was just wondering, I started using Webpack for a new project and so far it's working fine. I almost would say I like it better than Grunt, which I used before. But now I'm quite confused how and or I should use it with my Express back-end?
See, I'm creating one app with a front-end (ReactJS) and a back-end (ExpressJS). The app will be published on Heroku. Now it seems like I should use Webpack with ExpressJS as well to get the app up and running with one single command (front-end and back-end).
But the guy who wrote this blogpost http://jlongster.com/Backend-Apps-with-Webpack--Part-I seems to use Webpack for bundling all back-end js files together, which is in my opinion really not necessary. Why should I bundle my back-end files? I think I just want to run the back-end, watch my back-end files for changes and use the rest of Webpack's power just for the front-end.
How do you guys bundle the front-end but at the same time run the back-end nodejs part? Or is there any good reason to bundle back-end files with Webpack?
Why to use webpack on node backend
If we are talking about react and node app you can build isomorphic react app. And if you are using import ES6 Modules in react app on client side it's ok - they are bundled by webpack on the client side.
But the problem is on server when you are using the same react modules since node doesn't support ES6 Modules. You can use require('babel/register'); in node server side but it transipile code in runtime - it's not effective. The most common way to solve this problem is pack backend by webpack (you don't need all code to be transpile by webpack - only problematic, like react stuff in this example).
The same goes with JSX.
Bundling frontend and backend at the same time
Your webpack config can have to configs in array: one for frontend and second for backend:
const common = {
module: {
loaders: [ /* common loaders */ ]
plugins: [ /* common plugins */ ],
resolve: {
extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx'] // common extensions
// other plugins, postcss config etc. common for frontend and backend
const frontend = {
entry: [
output: {
filename: 'frontend-output.js'
// other loaders, plugins etc. specific for frontend
const backend = {
entry: [
output: {
filename: 'backend-output.js'
target: 'node',
externals: // specify for example node_modules to be not bundled
// other loaders, plugins etc. specific for backend
module.exports = [
Object.assign({} , common, frontend),
Object.assign({} , common, backend)
If you start this config with webpack --watch it will in parallel build your two files. When you edit frontend specific code only frontend-output.js will be generated, the same is for backend-output.js. The best part is when you edit isomorphic react part - webpack will build both files at once.
You can find in this tutorial explanation when to use webpack for node (in chapter 4).
This is my second update to this answer, which is beyond outdated by now.
If you need full a stack web framework in 2023, I'd recommend nextjs (which is built on top of react). No need to go around setting up anything, it just works out of the box, and is full stack.
On the other hand, if you need to compile your nodejs project written in typescript (which you should use as much as you can for js projects), I would use tsup-node.
You don't need to be a genius to imagine that in 3-5 years I'll come back to this and say this is really outdated, welcome to javascript.
This answer is outdated by now since node now has better support for ES modules
There's only a couple of aspects I can redeem the need to use webpack for backend code.
ES modules (import)
import has only experimental support in node (at least since node 8 up to 15). But you don't need to use webpack for them work in node.
Just use esm which is very lightweight and has no build step.
Just use eslint, no need to use webpack.
Hot reloading/restart
You can use nodemon for this. It's not hot reloading but I think it's way easier to deal with.
I wished I could refer to a more lightweight project than nodemon, but it does do the trick.
The blog post you shared (which is dated by now) uses webpack for having hot reloading. I think that's an overkill, opens a can of worms because now you have to deal with webpack config issues and hot reloading can also lead to unexpected behaviour.
The benefits we get from using tools like webpack on the frontend don't really translate to backend.
The other reasons why we bundle files in frontend is so browsers can download them in an optimal way, in optimal chunks, with cache busting, minified. There's no need for any of these in the backend.
Old (and terrible, but maybe useful) answer
You can use webpack-node-externals, from the readme:
npm install webpack-node-externals --save-dev
In your webpack.config.js:
var nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals');
module.exports = {
target: 'node', // in order to ignore built-in modules like path, fs, etc.
externals: [nodeExternals()], // in order to ignore all modules in node_modules folder
to use Webpack for bundling all back-end js files together, which is in my opinion really not necessary.
I think you are absolutely right. It's not necessary at all. I've been researching on this topic for a while. I've asked lots of questions on this topic, and up to this day, I haven't found yet a single "real" reason for one to use webpack on a Node.js back-end.
I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't set up a webpack-dev-server to develop your back-end code locally. But you definitely don't need to bundle your backend code on your build process.
webpack bundles are meant for the browser. Take a look at its official docs: Why webpack?. Historically, browsers never had a built-in module system, that's the reason why you need webpack. It basically implements a module system on the browser. On the other hand, Node.js has a built-it module system out of the box.
And I do re-use all of my front-end code for SSR on my server. The very same front-end files are run on my server as-is without any bundling (they are just transpiled, but the folder structured and number of files is the same). Of course I bundle it to run on the browser, but that's all.
To run on your Node.js server, simply transpile it with babel, without webpack.
Just use ["#babel/preset-env", { targets: { node: "12" }}], on your babel config. Choose the Node version of your backend environment.
dist_app // BABEL TRANSPILED CODE FROM frontend/src
dist_service // BABEL TRANSPILED CODE FROM backend/src
public // WEBPACK BUNDLED CODE FROM frontend/src
You can perfectly render your frontend code on the server, by doing:
import { renderToString } from "react-dom/server";
import App from "../dist_app/App";
const html = renderToString(<App/>);
This would be considered isomorphic, I guess.
If you use path aliases on your code, you should use babel-plugin-module-resolver.

Building a Webpack 4 Config for SASS (Compilation, Minification in Prod), JS (Concat + Minification), and Multiple Vue Single Page Applications

Trying to setup a webpack setup for my entire resource generation workflow in our app. I don't need any hot reloading, browsersync, etc. Just needs to watch for changes, and rebuild depedent objects when changes are made. File structure looks like this:
(I apologize for the image I seriously looked up other methods to post structure, but nothing was working on the preview, I can post a fiddle-or-codepen with this output in a comment afterwards)
The only areas of note are:
1) Each folder underneath vue-spas each Single-Page Mini App (SPAs) generates it's own output file of the app.
2) All items in constructs underneath js are concat and minified into one output file (/dist/js/main.min.js) but every item underneath js/components/ just renders a minified and mangled version of that file
Lastly, I understand this is probably a difficult question to wrap around, but I have Gulp doing some of it now, and Webpack doing the Vue compilation, just trying to see if it's possible to consolidate into just webpack and let it do the work.
Thanks for any assistance.
There are a few approaches. The simplest would be to add a key for each app in the entry point configuration in your webpack.config.js file.
That would look like this in your webpack.config.js file:
module.exports = {
entry: {
app1: './vue-spa/vue-spa1/app.js',
app2: './vue-spa/vue-spa2/app.js'
// etc
This will output individual directories in your dist for each with a nicely bundled app file.
By default, if you pass in a production variable to your webpack build command it'll apply all the optimizations you're looking for. If it's lacking out-of-the-box, there's likely a loader that can handle whatever optimization you need.
For Sass, you can add sass-loader to your webpack file:
Your devServer can just watch your vue-spa directory recursively for changes.
Another approach is to use lerna -- though that would require additional configuration, and is only necessary in your situation if you're in an enterprise environment where each individual app is being shipped out to a private NPM registry, and require individual semver.

How to split code into several bundles with Vue CLI3

I have a Vue project using TypeScript and built by Vue-CLI3.
What I'm trying to achieve is to get Webpack to build separate bundles for my workers. I've read about Webpack Code Splitting and about configureWebpack in vue.config.js, but so far had no luck in putting them together.
The project setup is the standard vue create type. I have a ./src/main.ts as the main entry point and a bunch of TypeScript modules, I want as separate bundles with their own dependency trees (I'm fine with code duplication if it can't be avoided).
I'd like to get
./dist/js/all main stuff
So I could do new Worker(worker1.6e3ebec8.js) in the main code.
I could launch workers from the main package by generating javascript code, putting it into a blob and instantiating from that, but it looks rather awkward. Besides, my worker code import other modules, so it doesn't seem to be an option anyway.
I'm quite new to all of this, so maybe I'm not even heading in the right direction.
What is the usual way of doing that on this stack?
You can use import(), it will return a Promise and will resolve your module.
As you are using Vue-CLI 3, webpack is ready and it should split your bundle automatically.
const moduleName = 'coolModuleName'
import (
/* webpackChunkName: "[moduleName]" */
).then(moduleCode => {
// use your module
// load them in parallel
const getModuleDynamically(path, moduleName) => import(
/* webpackChunkName: "[moduleName]" */
getModuleDynamically(path, moduleName1),
getModuleDynamically(path, moduleName2),
getModuleDynamically(path, moduleName3)
Got there! #aquilesb's answer did help, although I've failed to get getModuleDynamically() from the answer working after plenty of experimenting.
Update: Looks like with this solution I'm not able to use imports of npm modules. I've tried experimenting with worker-loader but haven't got anywhere so far.
Here are a few takeaways:
Create a separate webpack config for packing workers. The target: 'webworker' must be there. Call it with webpack --config ./webpack.config.workers.js, as Vue wouldn't know about that.
Create a separate tsconfig.json for workers TypeScript. The lib setting for workers must be there: "lib": ["esnext","webworker","scripthost"] as well as the proper include:[...]/exclude:[...] settings.
You may need to tell Vue to use the main tsconfig.json that has it's own "lib":["esnext","dom","dom.iterable","scripthost"] and include/exclude. This is done in vue.config.js, you will probably need to create it. I use chainWebpack configuration option of Vue config.
Let Webpack know you have dynamic loading by making calls to import() with static (i.e. not variable) names. I haven't found a way to do so in config file, but it doesn't matter: you can't help hardcoding the names somewhere, how else Webpack would know it has to bundle and split the code?
Somehow get the name(s) of generated files, as you must have at least one of them at runtime to do new Worker(filename). I used the --json option of Webpack CLI for that.
There are many ways all of this can be achieved. This is what this ended up looking like in my project:
Folder structure:
src/main/tsconfig.json -- extends tsconfig.base.json
src/shared/ -- this code may be duplicated by the Vue app bundles and by workers bundle
src/workers/tsconfig.json -- extends tsconfig.base.json
webpack.config.workers.js: contains a single entry – the main worker file, that loads the other stuff.
entry: {
worker: './src/workers/worker.ts'
build.workers.sh: the script calls Webpack CLI and produces a JSON file with the resulting workers names (trivial actions on folders are omitted). The only one I need is called "worker". The rest is to be dynamically loaded by it.
# Map entry name -> bundle file name
# "assetsByChunkName":{"entryN":"entryN.[hash].js", ...}
json=$(webpack --config ./webpack.config.workers.js --json $#|tr -d "\n\r\t "|grep -Eo '"assetsByChunkName":.+?}')
# Remove "assetsByChunkName"
json=$(echo "${json:20}")
echo $json
echo $json > "$target/$folder/workers.json"
Load workers.json at runtime. The other option would be to use it at compile time by providing Vue config with const VUE_APP_MAIN_WORKER = require("path to/workers.json").worker and using this env constant.
Now that we have the name of the main worker file, we can do new Worker("main worker file path we've got from webpack").
The main worker file contains the function that statically references other modules and dynamically loads them. This way Webpack knows what to bundle and how to split the code.
enum WorkerName {
sodium = "sodium",
socket = "socket"
function importModule(name: WorkerName): Promise<any> {
switch (name) {
case WorkerName.sodium:
return import(
/* webpackChunkName: "sodium" */
case WorkerName.socket:
return import(
/* webpackChunkName: "socket" */
Use the postMessage/message event API to tell your main worker code what to load.
const messageHandler = (e: MessageEvent) => {
// here goes app-specific implementation of events
// that gets you the moduleName in the end
importModule(moduleName).then((work) => {
// do smth
Now, to the correct answer.
To achieve the following:
Using webworkers
Using both dynamic imports and normal imports in webworker code
Sharing code between webworkers and main app
I had to add a separate rule for worker-loader in vue.config.js and also to add babel-loader. It took me some time to find the correct solution, but I dropped the previous one (in my other answer) in the end. I still use separate tsconfig.js for main and for webworkers.
What I'm still not happy with, is that vue-cli–or rather fork-ts-checker plugin–doesn't seem to know the webworker-specific types in my worker classes (so I can't use DedicatedWorkerScope, for instance).

Attempting to load a JavaScript sdk into an Angular2 application. Can't find all dependencies

I'm attempting to make use of this library: https://github.com/MagicTheGathering/mtg-sdk-javascript in an Angular2 application.
Unfortunately, I've been going in circles trying to load it into my application.
Firstly, on the TypeScript side if I import it using:
import { } from 'mtgsdk';
there are no types to load into the {}.
If I attempt to load it using something similar to:
import * as mtg from 'mtgsdk'
I'm unable to because it says that it's unable to find a module named mtgsdk.
I've installed the module using
npm install --save mtgsdk
Also, npm installs work fine for other modules.
The application compiles fine if I load it in using require via something similar to this:
var mtg = require('mtgsdk');
Taking that approach, I'm able to compile and launch but in the browser I get a number of errors about modules that it can't find. I figure they are prerequisites for the sdk that didn't get loaded so I start bringing them in via package.json.
For every one that I bring in, I then have to go to systemjs.config.js and add an entry pointing to the module's entry point and often have to specify a default extension using blocks like this:
'mtgsdk': 'npm:mtgsdk/lib/index.js',
'request-promise': 'npm:request-promise/lib/rp.js',
'ramda': 'npm:ramda/dist/ramda.js',
'emitter20': 'npm:emitter20/index.js',
'bluebird': 'npm:bluebird/js/browser/bluebird.js',
'request': 'npm:request/index.js'
default extension
defaultExtension: 'js'
I'm not sure if that's the right approach though because the more dependencies I add, the more that I end up requiring. At one point I had literally gotten up to 50 extra dependencies added because every time I launched, the browser console would find more that were needed.
Is there any easier way to load all of these in?
Also, some of them (such as tough-cookie and request-promise-core) were very problematic to load and I couldn't get the browser console to stop complaining about them. Finally, some of them seemed very basic such as url, http, https. Those seem like they should already be present.
Using systemjs was utilized in the previous versions of Angular 2, However Angular 2 has evolved to Angular 4, with super new features like Angular CLI.
I recommend your use Angular CLI, with #angular/cli.
Importing Node modules
Since mtgsdk is a node-module, you can easily import it using
import * as mtg from 'mtgsdk'
However for your program to compile, you must install a type definition for it. or declare one for it in /typings.json or your app might not build.
Importing Client Scripts
For client scripts like firebase.js you won't need to add client scripts as entries in systemjs.config.js again.
Using #angular/cli, you would easily add them in the scripts[] array in your angular-cli.json for automatic compilation.
Then access them like this
declare const firebase: any;
Here is a quickstart tutorial to set up Angular with #angular/cli.

Aurelia: How to use a View/Viewmodel from an npm package?

We are using Aurelia for our application's frontend. As we will have several different projects based on it, I would like to be able to add all of our custom code to some npm packages that could be added by the developers.
This would allow us to create a new empty project, add the dependencies to our reusable code without including it in the project's code base (so it can be updated separately if needed).
For instance, I would like a tools package and a service package. This is of course quite easy.
But I can't figure out how to use a 'ui' package that would contain all our custom reusable components. Is that even possible? How would I require a component in an html template?
If this can't be done, does anyone have an idea of how to cleanly separate the reusable code from the application specific code?
thanks a lot!
of course you can, that's what a lot of the plugins available for aurelia doing.
One way is to register your components as global resources (in your package or plugin) and import them in your client app, CLI example:
// from your plugin
then import them in your app:
// aurelia.json
"name": "my-reusable-widgets",
"path": "../node_modules/my-reusable-widgets",
"main": "index",
"resources": [
"**/*.{css,html}" //to load them all or you can add individual files
then use your widgets:
if you don't want to use globalResources you can also use require:
<require from="my-reusable-widgets/jqm-header"></require>

