Put variable name in JSON Array (fetched by an api) - javascript

I am very new to Javascript but I will try to put this in convenient way. I am having this api where I am fetching the rank of a crypto (Ripple; currently ranked 7 and is subject to change overtime ), code below:
function myFunction() {
var url = "https://api.coinpaprika.com/v1/coins/xrp-xrp";
var XRPresponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var XRPjson = XRPresponse.getContentText();
var XRPdata = JSON.parse(XRPjson);
var XRPrank = XRPdata.rank;
Now this is another function for an api where I extract other infos (having 5000+ crytos listed, including ripple)
function myXRP() {
var url = "https://api.coinpaprika.com/v1/tickers";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var json = response.getContentText();
var data = JSON.parse(json);
var XRP = data[7].symbol;
// Here instead of [7], I need to put the value extracted from XRPrank above so that whenever the rank is changed I get the latest value on data.[].
If someone could please advise.

In JavaScript there are several ways to achieve what you are looking for. The following is an adaptation of your current code with what I think are the minimal changes that you have to do, 1. use return followed by XRPrank 2. Call myFunction from myXRP and replace the data index by XRPrank.
function myFunction() {
var url = "https://api.coinpaprika.com/v1/coins/xrp-xrp";
var XRPresponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var XRPjson = XRPresponse.getContentText();
var XRPdata = JSON.parse(XRPjson);
var XRPrank = XRPdata.rank;
return XRPrank; // add this
function myXRP() {
var url = "https://api.coinpaprika.com/v1/tickers";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var json = response.getContentText();
var data = JSON.parse(json);
var XRPrank = myFunction(); // add this
// var XRP = data[7].symbol; instead of this
var XRP = data[XRPrank].symbol; // use this


How to Load CSV to array with object names

I want to be able to store the the data in my CSV files so I can read it easier and serve it to a webpage.
The CSV is in the following format, probname1:"meat1", probename2:"meat2".......
If I paste the data in manual like https://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_array_object
it works,
I also tried setting up my array dirrentely and using MGot90's method from Read CSV headers using Javascript
But I can only ever call 1 full value of each object e.g settings[0], and not call the object by its name e.g settings["ProbeName1"]
I want the following to beable to output meat1 with the following in the CSV file.
updatevalues.csv = probname1:"meat1", probename2:"meat2"
function loadData() {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
xmlhttp.open("GET", "js/updatevalues.csv", true);
function parseCSV(string) {
var allTextLines = string;
var settings = [];
var settings = allTextLines.split(",");
document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = settings["ProbeName1"];
currently I can only get id=demo1 to output ProbeName1:"meat1" using settings[0].
If I use settings["ProbeName1"] it will display undefined.
This function will convert your csv into a JSON object:
function parseCSV(str) {
var allTextLines = str;
var settings = [];
var settings = allTextLines.split(",");
var results = {};
var name, val, idx;
for (var i = 0; i < settings.length; i++) {
idx = settings[i].indexOf(':');
name = settings[i].substring(0, idx);
val = settings[i].substring(idx+2, settings[i].length-1);
results[name] = val;
return results;
Working in fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/p3t7Lv28/
That code strips the quotes off the values by using idx+2, length-1
Why you need that i dont know but may be you can use SheetJS tool.Its for showing the excel on the web.

How to update multiple fields in Firebase Web?

I have the following code where I want to update some simple values in my Firebase database using the JavaScript, Web SDK.
However, it doesn't run/update my database. What's wrong here?
var dbRef = firebase.database().ref().child('feeds').child(selectedFeed).child('audio');
var uid = dbRef.push().key;
var data = {
"downloadURL": uploadTask.snapshot.downloadURL,
"fileName": file.name,
"timeStamp": selectedDateUnix
var updates = {};
updates["mostRecentKey"] = uid;
updates[uid] = data;
alert("Successfully Uploaded. This is now available to be listened to by your users.");
While it doesn't ever specify in the Firebase docs and actually I felt indicated it wasn't required; You MUST cast your data. For example:
This does not work. Directly accessing the variable.
var myNum = 10;
var data = {};
data["myNum"] = myNum;
This does work, but doesn't allow a dynamic use of a var.
var data = {};
data["myNum"] = 10;
Finally, this works and was my solution using a variable reference. Cast your data.
var myNum = 10;
var data = {};
data["myNum"] = Number(myNum);

How to update HTML table When updating Firebase?

I'm using child_added and child_changed. The child added works perfectly fine, but the child_changed makes a duplicate in my table. Please help me overcome this. Here is my code:
var rootRef = firebase.database().ref().child("REPORTS").child(date);
rootRef.on("child_added", function(snapshot){
var date = snapshot.child("dateAndTime").val();
var lat = snapshot.child("latitude").val();
var long = snapshot.child("longitude").val();
var link = snapshot.child("link").val();
var report = snapshot.child("report").val();
var status = snapshot.child("status").val();
var needs = snapshot.child("needs").val();
$("#table_body").append("<tr><td>" +date+"</td><td>"+report+"</td><td>"+lat+"</td><td>"+long+"</td><td>"+status+"</td><td>"+needs+"</tr>");
rootRef.on("child_changed", function(snapshot){
var date = snapshot.child("dateAndTime").val();
var lat = snapshot.child("latitude").val();
var long = snapshot.child("longitude").val();
var link = snapshot.child("link").val();
var report = snapshot.child("report").val();
var status = snapshot.child("status").val();
var needs = snapshot.child("needs").val();
$("#table_body").append("<tr><td>" +date+"</td><td>"+report+"</td><td>"+lat+"</td><td>"+long+"</td><td>"+status+"</td><td>"+needs+"</tr>");
How can I update my table when a certain value was updated in firebase
Instead of appending a new HTML element, the code that handles child_changed should update the existing HTML element. The easiest way to do this is by ensuring you give the HTML element an id based on snapshot.key in child_added:
var rootRef = firebase.database().ref().child("REPORTS").child(date);
rootRef.on("child_added", function(snapshot){
var date = snapshot.child("dateAndTime").val();
var lat = snapshot.child("latitude").val();
var long = snapshot.child("longitude").val();
var link = snapshot.child("link").val();
var report = snapshot.child("report").val();
var status = snapshot.child("status").val();
var needs = snapshot.child("needs").val();
$("#table_body").append("<tr id='"+snapshot.key+"'><td>" +date+"</td><td>"+report+"</td><td>"+lat+"</td><td>"+long+"</td><td>"+status+"</td><td>"+needs+"</tr>");
Then you can look the element up by its id/key in child_changed and update it:
rootRef.on("child_changed", function(snapshot){
var date = snapshot.child("dateAndTime").val();
var lat = snapshot.child("latitude").val();
var long = snapshot.child("longitude").val();
var link = snapshot.child("link").val();
var report = snapshot.child("report").val();
var status = snapshot.child("status").val();
var needs = snapshot.child("needs").val();
$("#"+snapshot.key).replaceWith("<tr id='"+snapshot.key+"'><td>" +date+"</td><td>"+report+"</td><td>"+lat+"</td><td>"+long+"</td><td>"+status+"</td><td>"+needs+"</tr>");

Get String Value of Blob Passed to e.parameter in Apps Script

I'm using this code to get a blob passed to a function:
function submit(e){
var arrayBlob = e.parameter.arrayBlob;
Logger.log("arrayBlob #2 = " + arrayBlob.getDataAsString());
This is the error I get:
Execution failed: TypeError: Can not find getDataAsString function in
the Blob object.'arrayBlob'
How do I get the string value of this blob?
Here is my code:
function showList(folderID) {
var folder = DocsList.getFolderById(folderID);
var files = folder.getFiles();
var arrayList = [];
for (var file in files) {
file = files[file];
var thesesName = file.getName();
var thesesId = file.getId();
var thesesDoc = DocumentApp.openById(thesesId);
for (var child = 0; child < thesesDoc.getNumChildren(); child++){
var thesesFirstParagraph = thesesDoc.getChild(child);
var thesesType = thesesFirstParagraph.getText();
if (thesesType != ''){
var newArray = [thesesName, thesesType, thesesId];
var result = userProperties.getProperty('savedArray');
arrayList = JSON.stringify(arrayList);
var arrayBlob = Utilities.newBlob(arrayList);
Logger.log("arrayBlob #1 = " + arrayBlob.getDataAsString()); // Here it`s OK
var mydoc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setWidth(550).setHeight(450);
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel()
panel.add(app.createHidden('arrayBlob', arrayBlob));
var label = app.createLabel("Selecione os itens desejados").setStyleAttribute("fontSize", 18);
arrayList = JSON.parse(arrayList);
panel.add(app.createHidden('checkbox_total', arrayList.length));
for(var i = 0; i < arrayList.length; i++){
var checkbox = app.createCheckBox().setName('checkbox_isChecked_'+i).setText(arrayList[i][0]);
Logger.log("arrayList[i][0] = " + arrayList[i][0]);
Logger.log("arrayList[i] ====> " + arrayList[i]);
var handler = app.createServerHandler('submit').addCallbackElement(panel);
panel.add(app.createButton('Submit', handler));
var scroll = app.createScrollPanel().setPixelSize(500, 400);
function submit(e){
var arrayBlob = e.parameter.arrayBlob;
Logger.log("arrayBlob #2 = " + arrayBlob.getDataAsString());
// Continues...
I'd like the solution worked with more than one user simultaneous using the script.
Add a global variable OUTSIDE of any function:
var arrayBlob = Utilities.newBlob("dummy data");
function showList(folderID) {
Code here ....
Check that the code has access to the blob:
function submit(e){
Logger.log("arrayBlob.getDataAsString(): " + arrayBlob.getDataAsString());
//More Code . . .
This solution eliminates the need of embedding a hidden element in the dialog box with a value of the blob.
You won't need this line:
panel.add(app.createHidden('arrayBlob', arrayBlob));
There are other changes I'd make to the code, but I simply want to show the main issue.
Old Info:
In the function showList(), the method getDataAsString() works on the blob named arrayBlob.
Logger.log("arrayBlob #1 = " + arrayBlob.getDataAsString()); // Here it`s OK
In the function, submit(), the same method does not work.
var arrayBlob = e.parameter.arrayBlob;
In the function showList(), the code is assigning a newBlob to the variable arrayBlob. So arrayBlob is available to have the getDataAsString() method used on it.
var arrayBlob = Utilities.newBlob(arrayList);
In the function, submit(), you are trying to pass the arrayBlob blob variable into the submit() function, and reference it with e.parameter.
If you put a Logger.log() statement in the submit() function.
function submit(e){
Logger.log('e: ' + e);
Logger.log('e.parameter` + e.parameter);
var arrayBlob = e.parameter.arrayBlob;
Those Logger.log statements should show something in them. If there is nothing in e.parameter, then there is nothing for the .getDataAsString() to work on.
It looks like you are putting the arrayBlob into a hidden panel.
panel.add(app.createHidden('arrayBlob', arrayBlob));
But when the object is getting passed to the submit(e) function, the arrayBlob might not be getting put into that object.
So, what I'm saying is, the:
Logger.log("arrayBlob #2 = " + arrayBlob.getDataAsString());
Line may be perfectly good, but there is no arrayBlob there to work on. This hasn't fixed your problem, but do you think I'm understanding part of what is going on?
I'm not sure why you are using Blob's here at all, you could simply work with JSON instead.
However, if you have a reason to use Blobs, you can pass the JSON data through your form and create the Blob in your handler, as the modified code below does:
function showList(folderID) {
var folder = DocsList.getFolderById(folderID);
var files = folder.getFiles();
var arrayList = [];
for (var file in files) {
file = files[file];
var thesesName = file.getName();
var thesesId = file.getId();
var thesesDoc = DocumentApp.openById(thesesId);
for (var child = 0; child < thesesDoc.getNumChildren(); child++){
var thesesFirstParagraph = thesesDoc.getChild(child);
var thesesType = thesesFirstParagraph.getText();
if (thesesType != ''){
var newArray = [thesesName, thesesType, thesesId];
var result = UserProperties.getProperty('savedArray');
//get JSON data pass through form.
var arrayBlob = JSON.stringify(arrayList);
var mydoc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setWidth(550).setHeight(450);
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel()
//include JSON Data in the form.
panel.add(app.createHidden('arrayBlob', arrayBlob));
var label = app.createLabel("Selecione os itens desejados").setStyleAttribute("fontSize", 18);
panel.add(app.createHidden('checkbox_total', arrayList.length));
for(var i = 0; i < arrayList.length; i++){
var checkbox = app.createCheckBox().setName('checkbox_isChecked_'+i).setText(arrayList[i][0]);
Logger.log("arrayList[i][0] = " + arrayList[i][0]);
Logger.log("arrayList[i] ====> " + arrayList[i]);
var handler = app.createServerHandler('submit').addCallbackElement(panel);
panel.add(app.createButton('Submit', handler));
var scroll = app.createScrollPanel().setPixelSize(500, 400);
function submit(e){
var arrayBlob = Utilities.newBlob(e.parameter.arrayBlob);
Logger.log("arrayBlob #2 = " + arrayBlob.getDataAsString());
// Continues...
In the method you were using originally, the Blob itself was never included in the form, you were simply passing the string "Blob" around.
This is because the function createHidden(name, value); expects two strings as parameters, so it calls ".toString()" on the arrayBlob object, which returns the string "Blob".

Display output of Javascript function

I have a javascript function that outputs the date modified of a sharepoint list.
Here is my code:
var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = ctx.get_web();
var lists = web.get_lists();
var list = lists.getByTitle("Tasks");
ctx.load(list, "LastItemModifiedDate");
function() {
var lastmodified = list.get_lastItemModifiedDate();
function() {}
Which I got from this link. But I am unsure of how to display the output from the function. I tried to display the output in the html tag but still no luck.
Have you tried something like this after you capture the lastmodified date?
// Names are generic and can be changed
var displayElement = document.getElementById("lastModifiedDisplay");
displayElement.innerHTML = lastmodified

