Laravel 8-Can i add data into form inputs without JavaScript? - javascript

I got data from Restapi and These data obtained controller class . I want to insert, update, delete data with buttons on click button. I want to use 4 button in same tab so I need to do them dynamically. Can I do it without using JavaScript ?
my getHost function:
public function getHost(){
$api= new ApiAuthController();
$response = Http::withHeaders($headers)->post($url,[
$decode=json_decode( $response->getBody());
return view('',$data);


How can I succssefully acces an Global Variable from PHP in HTML

Pre Info:
In the PHP I declare a global array ($GLOBALS[]), in it I stow the data for the blade.
On the Blade i have a dropdown. If the dropdown changes, i send via AJAX the value to the Controller.
With the new data i calculate the new information, i want to show on the Blade.
But when I try to get the data in HTML like {{$GLOBALS['MyNumber']}} I only get the initialization value.
$GLOBALS = array(
'MyNumber' => 1,
'companyCode' => 0
class MyClass extends Controller
public function getData(){
$GLOBALS['companyCode'] = #$_POST['companyCode'];
if ($GLOBALS['companyCode'] == 902){
$GLOBALS['MyNumber'] = 100; //for the example, I set the data fix
$GLOBALS['MyNumber'] = 20; //for the example, I set the data fix
return response()->json(array('AJAX succses' => $response), 200);
In HTML i wanna show an dashboard-card with the new data like this:
I have 4 Cards and 7 Tables with data from SQL.
<div class="card #if($GLOBALS['MyNumber'] >95) dashboard-card-success #else card-anger-#endif" id="bkfI">
<div class="dashboard-title">
{{ __('bkf_usage') }} {{ today()->year }}
<div class="dashboard-content">
<div class="dashboard-number" id="bkf_usage">{{$GLOBALS['MyNumber'] }} %</div>
<div class="dashboard-description"></div>
But every time i reload the div (so the color can change) the $GLOBALS['MyNumber'] stays on the init of 1.
But the internal use (if $GLOBALS['companyCode']) works fine. How can i solve this issue? Or can you help me to find a work-around?
Maybe pass all the Vars back via ajax to JS and store tem in an JS variable? So i can still access from HTML to them?
Thank You!

Populate data from groovy controller in pop up

I have a gsp page with a delete button for each row of a table. On the button click I want a pop up which tells the consequences of the delete. These consequences depends on the data present in the row and a few other constraints known to the grails service which is called from the grails controller associated to the gsp page. If the user confirms these consequences the row should be deleted from the table, else the table remains unchanged.
How should i go about to achieve this behavior?
Currently, I have in my gsp
<g:link action="deleteRow" params="${[name:, parentName: row.parentName]}">
<button class="deleteSnapshot">Delete</button>
and in my .js file
$(document).on('click', ':button', function (e) {
var btn = $(;
btn.attr("disabled", "disabled"); // disable button
alert('getting deletion details');
//var deletionDetails -->not sure how to get these
//var deletionDetails will get data from controller action:"getDetails"
if (confirm('/*print deletion details and ask*/ Do you want to proceed?')) {
alert('will delete')
return true
else {
btn.removeAttr("disabled"); // enable button
return false
and in my controller
class DeleteController{
DeleteService deleteService
def index() {
def getDeletionDetails(string name, String parentName){
return deleteService.getDetails(name,parentName)
def deleteRow(String name, String parentName){
service.deleteRow(name, parentName)
redirect controller:"DeleteController", action:"index"
I know the deletion works fine, because it works even with in the current state. Just that the confirmation box asks Do you want to proceed, without displaying the details.
Any help on how i could achieve what I am looking for will be appreciated.
P.S. I am new to stackoverflow, so if i missed out on certain convention do let me know.
Thanks in advance.
I can think of two ways of doing it:
The first one is using ajax to both get deletion details and delete the row
Assuming that deleteService.getDetails(name, parentName) returns a String,
first you need to change an getDeletionDetails action so it renders the response:
def getDeletionDetails(String name, String parentName){
render deleteService.getDetails(name, parentName)
and change g:link-s to buttons in gsp:
<button data-name="${}" data-parent-name="${row.parentName}">
In your .js then put:
$(document).on('click', ':button', function (e) {
var btn = $(;
btn.attr("disabled", "disabled"); // disable button
var name ='name');
var parentName ='parentName');
url: "/delete/getDeletionDetails",
data: {
name: name,
parentName: parentName
success: function (data) {
if (confirm(data + '\nDo you want to proceed?')) {
url: '/delete/deleteRow',
data: {
name: name,
parentName: parentName
success: function (d) {
console.log("Success: " + d);
} else {
btn.removeAttr("disabled"); // enable button
What this code does is it sends an ajax call to /delete/getDeletionDetails, then uses its response (rendered by getDeletionDetails action in DeleteController) to show a confirmation alert. If user confirms the question, another ajax call is sent - now to deleteRow action of DeleteController - with parameters taken from data attributes of clicked button. If user cancels - nothing happens, except for reenabling a button.
Your deleteRow should only change the return statement - it also must render the response:
def deleteRow(String name, String parentName){
service.deleteRow(name, parentName)
render "You deleted an item $name - $parentName."
You don't need redirect here, because - thanks to using ajax - user will never leave delete/index. You can just display some kind of confirmation on page after successful ajax call.
The second option is to put deletion details in hidden fields or data- attributes in each row and then just retrieve them in js:
You can create a method getDeletionDetails() in row's domain class (presumably Row) that returns the details (using services in domain classes is not perfect, but is should work ok if the service is not very complex). Then, in your .gsp place:
<g:link action="deleteRow" params="${[name:, parentName: row.parentName]}">
<button class="deleteSnapshot" data-details="${row.deletionDetails}">Delete</button>
You should then be able to get details in .js like this:
var deletionDetails ='details');

How to get backData from sap.m.NavContainer

According to doc API we can send the data from another page to previous page as below
dataToSend: data
I have attached the event as below
<NavContainer id="navContainer" afterNavigate ="afterSelectedReferenceLayers">
in XML View, and in the controller the following method is added but data is not coming:
afterSelectedReferenceLayers : function(oControlEvent) {
if (oControlEvent.getParameter('direction') === 'back') {
Please help me how to get this data
As per the API, afterNavigate does not contain data sent from and Nav.back. But its the onBeforeShow method of the the view which contains the data.
So in the onBeforeShow method, there are 2 parameters which contains data sent via .to and .back:
data: The "beforeShow" event on the target page will contain data object as "data" property sent with .to() method.
backData: The "beforeShow" event on the target page will contain data object as "backData" property sent with .back() method.
So, I would modify your code as below:
Step : Add onBeforeShow to pages ( where I need back handling)
//this.byId('p1') here refers to my page where I want onBeforeShow associated.
'onBeforeShow':function(evt) {
if (evt.direction == 'to') {
var oData =;
} else if (evt.direction === 'back') {
var oData = evt.backData;
Let me know if you need additional information.

how to load the content of a show method in laravel on the index method using jquery

i have two methods show and index
i have a list of items on the index method that when a user clicks it takes her to another page containing some data that belongs to that id. instead of doing it such way i want to use jquery to achieve this, to make the data load on the same page. i have the following on my index.blade.php view, please how do i achieve this in laravel
#foreach ($categories as $category)
<div class="body">
<h4><a style="text-decoration: none; " href="{{ URL::route('', $category->id) }}">{{$category->name}}</a></h4>
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use illuminate\HttpResponse;
use App\Http\Requests\todolistRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\CreateCategoryRequest;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Companylist;
use App\Category;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
class CategoryController extends Controller
public function create(){
return view('category.create');
public function index(){
return view('category.index',compact('categories'));
public function store(CreateCategoryRequest $request){
$category = new Category($request->all());
return \Redirect::route('category.create')->with('message', 'Your list has been created!');
public function show($id)
$category = Category::findOrFail($id)->companylist()->get();
// this my route
return view('')->with('category', $category)->with('cat',$cat);
To show details data on index page without page refreshing , you should use ajax , in ajax return data and show it in index page ( i.e. under each list )
In ajax you have to pass the id and depending on id return corresponding data.
Hope it helps

AngularJS Voting System - Preventing Multi-Votes

I'm trying to create a voting system using AngularJS with the Ionic Framework. I'm using ng-repeat to loop over a series of user posts from a JSON array. Each post has an upvote and a downvote button. After one is selected, I have the button on that post disabled. The problem I'm currently experiencing is keeping that button disabled regardless if the user reopens the app. My goal is to prevent multi-voting. Currently, I'm using this method to disable the button after it's been clicked:
<button class="button button-small button-light" ng-click="upThread({{}})" ng-disabled="upDisabled[]">
<i class="icon ion-thumbsup"></i>
<button class="button button-small button-light" ng-click="downThread({{}})" ng-disabled="downDisabled[]">
<i class="icon ion-thumbsdown"></i>
$scope.upDisabled = {};
$scope.downDisabled = {};
$scope.upThread = function(id) {
$scope.upDisabled[id] = true;
$scope.downDisabled[id] = false;
$scope.downThread = function(id) {
$scope.downDisabled[id] = true;
$scope.upDisabled[id] = false;
And this works great for disabling the buttons. Now, the problem is, I require Cache for the controller to be false, otherwise my new posts do not update in the view when added. This means, when reloading the app or switching between routes/views, the buttons become enabled again, which is not what I want. Additionally, setting cache to true doesn't keep the buttons disabled after the app has been reopened either.
I have tried using localstorage to store the $scope.upDisabled and $scope.downDisabled, but it ruins the JSON formatting. I have tried remote storage and received the same result. For example, the $scope.upDisabled and $scope.downDisabled store data like so:
{"2":true, "3":false, "4":true}
and so on. But because storing in localstorage or a database requires me to use JSON.stringify, you can guess that those quotes cause trouble and I end up with nested JSON as well. So, the data from localstorage does not return the correct format.
My known problems/options are twofold.
Is there a better solution to persistently disabling those
How would I correctly format the JSON coming out of
Something else to note: Since this is a mobile/hybrid app using Ionic, I am not using cookies, but I did create a token system to act similarly.
Edit: Thanks to those who replied and your suggestions. I am currently using a MySQL database to keep track of the votes (May switch to SQLite later) #aorfevre: I've taken a look at the SQLite plugin before and will probably use it down the road. I finally got everything working how I want it to.
$scope.upDisabled = {};
$scope.downDisabled = {};
$scope.upCheck = {};
$scope.downCheck = {};
...Votes Loading function up here
...Thread loading Function up here
if( == value2.threadID)
$scope.upDisabled[] = true;
$scope.downDisabled[] = false;
if( == value2.threadID)
$scope.downDisabled[] = true;
$scope.upDisabled[] = false;
As for the server side (PHP with Laravel Framework):
public function upvoteThread($id, $token)
$thread = Thread::find($id);
$score = $thread->score;
$score = $score + 1;
$thread->score = $score;
$voted = ThreadVote::where('threadID','=',$id)->where('token','=',$token)->get();
$upVote = new ThreadVote;
$upVote->threadID = $id;
$upVote->token = $token;
$upVote->upVote = 'true';
$upVote->downVote = 'false';
->where('threadID', '=', $id)
->update(array('upVote' => 'true', 'downVote' => 'false')
return Response::json(array('status'=>1))->setCallback(Input::get('callback'));
public function getUpVotes($token)
$votes = ThreadVote::where('token','=',$token)
return Response::json($votes)->setCallback(Input::get('callback'));
...Similar downVote Function...
So as it stands. When the button is pushed, it saves the user's token, threadID, and vote to the database. When the view is loaded, that information, based on the token and threadID is loaded as a JSON array, associated with the Thread array and if a threadID and matches, it's pushed into the up/downdisabled scope as "threadID":bool ("1":true for example).
I'll recommand you to implement a DB if you manage huge volume of post.
I personnaly use localStorage for several preferences not for storing a db.
Therefore, if you target only for ios / android, I recommand you
If you target windows phone 8.1, the implementation is not trivial and I'm facing some issues regarding the structure of WindowsPhone & C++ compilation librairy ( more details here : )

