How to get first element of array inside an object - javascript

I have an object that looks like this
const array_eps = {
episode3: ["https:\/\/\/embed\/kzZ6KXDM1RI","https:\/\/\/embed\/T8y_RsF4TSw","https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c","https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c","https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c","https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c"],
episode2: ["https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c"],
episode1: ["https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c"],
What i want to do here is get the first element of array that act as value in a object.
I'm already do something like this
But it's return the whole array not only the first element.

const array_eps = {
episode3: ["https:\/\/\/embed\/kzZ6KXDM1RI","https:\/\/\/embed\/T8y_RsF4TSw","https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c","https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c","https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c","https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c"],
episode2: ["https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c"],
episode1: ["https:\/\/\/embed\/qrtKLNTB71c"],


UseState how to set an Array back to empty?

I'm trying set clickFavIconArray back to an empty array with the hook.
Basically, the setClickFavIconArray has a list of IDs the showFavIcon() checks that ID and if it contains the same ID I want to remove it from the array and update the setClickFavIconArray to the new Array.
However, it just seems to be adding on to the original clickFavIconArray no matter what. Is there a way to clear the clickFavIconArray state back to an [] empty array?
Some help here would be awesome.
const [clickFavIconArray, setClickFavIconArray] = useState([]);
function showFavIcon(id){
if (clickFavIconArray.includes(id)) {
const newArray = clickFavIconArray.filter(item => !id.includes(item))
setClickFavIconArray([...clickFavIconArray, id])
Simply pass the new value of empty array to setClickFavIconArray():
To make sure that the id is not immediately added to the array again, add a return statement inside the if-statement.
const [clickFavIconArray, setClickFavIconArray] = useState([]);
function showFavIcon(id){
if (clickFavIconArray.includes(id)) {
const newArray = clickFavIconArray.filter(item => !id.includes(item));
return; // make sure that the next line is not executed
setClickFavIconArray([...clickFavIconArray, id])
There are two issues with the code
filter function seems to be invalid it should be replaced with
clickFavIconArray.filter(item => id != item)
You are adding id again to the array with this
setClickFavIconArray([...clickFavIconArray, id])
If you want to remove id, there is no need for this line in your code.
However you can always set clickFavIconArray to an empty array state using this code:

The value of one input is affecting another

I have a simple app which allows someone to add a numbers into an input, and have those numbers render onto the page (as inputs) which can be edited.
addSiblingValue(evt) {
currentObject: {
add() {
const array = [...this.state.array, this.state.currentObject];
siblingCountChange(rowIndex, event) {
const array = [...this.state.array];
array[rowIndex].numberOfSiblings =;
this.setState({ array });
So when I add a number it renders a new input with the value set to the number I've just added, but when I go to change that value, it now is affecting the first input.
The first row of inputs are using their own object currentObject which pushes to to the this.state.array, so I'm not sure why editing anything in that array would affect the currentObject?
Expected behaviour:
User enters a number into the input and clicks add
That input is rendered and can be edited independently
How do I achieve this or what is it I'm doing wrong here?
Thank you
When you add this.state.currentObject to the array, it works as an reference, so that the added object in the array and this.state.currentObject are the same object. You can prevent that by adding not the object itself, but a copy of the object into the array:
add() {
const array = [...this.state.array, {"numberOfSiblings": this.state.currentObject.numberOfSiblings}];
siblingCountChange(rowIndex, event) {
const array = [...this.state.array];
array[rowIndex].numberOfSiblings += parseInt(;
this.setState({ array });
You were not adding the actual number to the current state. I also removed the value from the add like so:
onChange={this.siblingCountChange.bind(this, rowIndex)}
You will need to put error handling on the state as a string plus a number leads to NaN error. As you can see the number is parsed before addition.
Thanks to dieckie for pointing me in the right direction. Unfortunately that particular solution did not work, but using Object.assign to create a reference and pushing that to the array did?
Posting here so it helps others/myself in future:
add() {
let copyOfCurrentObject = Object.assign({}, this.state.currentObject);
const array = [...this.state.array, copyOfCurrentObject];
This question was also helpful.

Check location path/search/hash for matching value

I have an array of strings like so: ['foo', 'bar', 'foo/*/test'] and a random URL like this:
The URL may or may not contain a query or a hash prop.
Is there a regex or simple functionality to check the URL, in the URL contains any of those values in the array?
I am aware of the String.prototype.includes function so we could just do:
let path = location.pathname and then path.includes('foo'), but I want strings that contain the structure of foo/*/bar/ to be of higher importance.
For example if the URL is like this:, the function should only return for the value foo/*/test instead of directly return with the foo value inside of the array.
So as soon as I have a string inside of the array which contains a / or something, I want this value to check first or give this the top prio so to speak.
Since the formatting inside a reply is all messed up, I have to post it like this:
#VincentDecaux totally understand.My first thoughts would have been sth like this:
function checkUrl(url, arr) {
const checkForPaths = arr.filter(val => val.match(/[\/](\w+)/ig));
if (checkForPaths.length) {
return true;
const filteredArray = arr.filter(val => url.includes(val));
if (filteredArray.length) {
return true;
return false;
This might already work since I only want the function to return true/false in order to display sth. on the page depemding on this.

Read html's elements attributes like an array?

I'm thinking for develop a web component form, so... I was wondering my self if it's possible read attributes from a html elements. For example:
<my-component input="3" data-input='"name", "address", "email"' textarea="1" data-textarea='"mensaje"'></my-component>
while i <= elementattributes.length{
I know that I can access through .getAttribute, but this way will take more code... I just want to be something smart :P
Sorry, my english is poor... I hope you can understand what I want to do :P
If you want to get all of the attributes and their values, you can do something like this:
function getElementAttrs(el) {
var attributes = [];
return {
return {
value: attr.value
var allAttrs = getElementAttrs(document.querySelector('my-component'));
<my-component input="3" data-input='name,address,email' textarea="1" data-textarea='"mensaje"'></my-component>
The function getElementAttrs returns an array of objects to you with attribute name-value pairs as keys on the object so that you can loop over it, or just pull by key.
You can use dataset to get specific data attribute
var data = document.querySelector('my-component').dataset.input.split(',');
data.forEach(function(e) {
<my-component input="3" data-input='name,address,email' textarea="1" data-textarea='"mensaje"'></my-component>
If you want to return all attributes from element you can use attributes which return array-like object, but you can create object with name-value from that
var data = document.querySelector('my-component').attributes, attr = {};
Array.from(data).forEach(function(e) {
attr[] = e.value;
<my-component input="3" data-input='name,address,email' textarea="1" data-textarea='mensaje'></my-component>
You can just use .attributes:
This will return an object containing each attribute with its associated value. You can then index the attributes array for specific attributes and use .value for it's corresponding value.

Conversion of JSON String to add parent

How can I change this
return {
businessSummary: d[0].GeneralInformation.BusinessSummary,
businessUrl: d[0].GeneralInformation.WebSites.HomePage
to show output which is like this. Just want to add a parent data node on top
At the moment its like this
You are returning an object with the properties businessSummary and businessUrl at the moment. What you want to do is to return an object with the property data which contains the object with your other properties. Like this:
return { data: {
businessSummary: d[0].GeneralInformation.BusinessSummary,
businessUrl: d[0].GeneralInformation.WebSites.HomePage

