chrome extension call specific function - javascript

I have a popup.js:
function registerButtonAction(tabId, button, action) {
// clicking button will send a message to
// content script in the same tab as the popup
button.addEventListener('click', () => chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, { [action]: true }));
function setupButtons(tabId) {
// add click actions to each 3 buttons
registerButtonAction(tabId, document.getElementById('start-btn'), 'startSearch');
registerButtonAction(tabId, document.getElementById('deals-btn'), 'startDeals');
function injectStartSearchScript() {
chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) {
// Injects JavaScript code into a page
// chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[0].id, { file: 'main.js' });
// dd click handlers for buttons
// document.getElementById('inject-btn').addEventListener('click', injectStartSearchScript);
Which I use to inject my script into the page with the "start-btn" inside my popup.html.
This is my main.js which includes my functions I would like to call on a page:
function pong() {
// do something
function ping() {
// do something else
my manifest.json:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "test app",
"description": "test desc",
"version": "1.0",
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png",
"default_popup": "popup.html"
"permissions": ["tabs", "<all_urls>"],
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["<all_urls>"],
"js": ["main.js"]
So basically my setup is that I have a popup.html which includes 3 buttons and they should call one of the functions inside my main.js dpending on what button i press.
But I can not get that working. Currently I only can make at least one function call if I directly call pong() inside main.js on load. But I would need to call one of the functions after I click on a button inside my popup.html.
EDIT: I have updated the code as far as I understood. I am very sorry but I don't understand what would be needed to be changed else to fulfill your proposal. I mean how to write it to be more correct.
EDIT 2: I have removed the line chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[0].id, { file: 'main.js' }); as well as document.getElementById('inject-btn').addEventListener('click', injectStartSearchScript)and added injectStartSearchScript()into the popup.js file. Is that what you meant?

Updated and complete example with explanation (you are almost there!)
You manifest looks good, no changes needed there.
This configuration says to load the content script in each tab. So before popup even opens each tab will have "main.js" injected into it (exactly once).
Popup script looks good, no changes needed there.
The tab lookup is still necessary, since to send a message to a specific tab, must know its id. The popup looks for the currently active tab in current window (same as the popup is in) and sets up the button click actions to send a message to the tab.
Will need minor changes here
Make sure to register the onMessage listener, as included in the example below.
note the conditions: message.startSearch and message.startDeals -- these must match the messages sent from the popup, i.e. when popup sends a message with content {startDeals: true}, the if condition is startDeals. It is matching by a key in the sent message and if the key does not match any condition, the message is going to be ignored.
function pong() {
// do something
function ping() {
// do something else
// register listener to receive messages
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(message => {
// what to do on each received message:
if (message.startSearch) pong();
else if (message.startDeals) ping();
// sanity check: content has loaded in the tab
console.log('content loaded');
One more note as it relates to debugging extensions (and perhaps a source of some of these debugging issues) when the content script has been configured to be injected in the manifest, Chrome will inject main.js into tabs, in a separate extension context. If, after this injection, the developer reloads the extension (circular arrow in chrome://extensions or other tool), this will invalidate the context of the content script in the tab. The tab has to be reloaded to reactivate the content script. This is not an issue with a real user, but it does happen during debugging, so double check this is not the cause of issues while debugging.


How do you detect changes in url with a chrome extension?

I am learning to make chrome extensions. I ran into a problem where context scripts that I want to run, even just alert("test");, are unable to when onload is not activated. This also occurs when you press the back arrow to visit the last visited page. I notice that the url changed, but nothing activates. How do I detect this? If the answer is with service workers, a detailed explanation would be greatly appreciated.
maifest version 2.0
Try using chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((id, change, tab)=>{}). This should run every time the URL changes! Here is a minimalistic example of some code that injects js to a site when the URL changes.
// inject code on change
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((id, change, tab) => {
// inject js file called 'inject.js'
chrome.tabs.executeScript(id, {
file: 'inject.js'
mainfest version 3.0
You can do it by using chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => {}). However, this will actually trigger multiple times when a page URL is changed So you need to add a check for the URL in the changeInfo variable, so it only triggers once!
"name": "URL change detector",
"description": "detect a URL change in a tab, and inject a script to the page!",
"version": "1.0",
"manifest_version": 3,
"permissions": [
"host_permissions": [
"background": {
"service_worker": "background.js"
// function that injects code to a specific tab
function injectScript(tabId) {
target: {tabId: tabId},
files: ['inject.js'],
// adds a listener to tab change
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => {
// check for a URL in the changeInfo parameter (url is only added when it is changed)
if (changeInfo.url) {
// calls the inject function
// you can write the code here that you want to inject
alert('Hello world!');

Detect page changes that'd don't refresh in Chrome Extension Javascript + Clay.js

I am trying to write a Google Chrome extension to detect whenever a user scrolls down on Facebook, and if they successfully load a new set of posts, change the icon for one of the reaction options for all posts. I am using clay.js to detect if the div that contains the Facebook feed has resized, which means more posts have loaded / comments have been posted. This works fine.
The problem arises when you swap between pages on Facebook without refreshing. For example, if you start on your Home page, this will work fine. However, when you swap to your profile, the script no longer runs, until you refresh the page. Once refreshed, the script works perfectly again. I know I'm missing something about how my file is being loaded, so my question is: how do I run my script on every Facebook page, without having to refresh between each type of page?
Relevant Code (reaction-changer.js)
const fbContentId = "#content"
// on DOM load, watch for future feed scrolling
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', checkFeedUpdate(), false);
function checkFeedUpdate(){
let currFeed = new Clay(fbContentId)
// resize occurs whenever the user scrolls down or a comment loads
// on a prexisting post
currFeed.on('resize', function() {
Manifest (some elements omitted for simplicity, notated by ...). change-icons.js is the script that actually changes icons, which will run fine, if the reaction-changer.js script actually runs.
"version": "1.0",
"manifest_version": 2,
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*"],
"js": ["extension/clay.js", "change-icons.js", "reaction-changer.js"],
"all_frames": true
"web_accessible_resources": [
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I've read the Chrome Extension documentation, as well as a bunch of other stack overflow posts, but must have missed a solution somewhere.
Alrighty, I spent the last 2 hours working on this, and I found a solution that I'm happy with for now (albeit not content with -- but what'll ya do). Basically, the big question that I had in my OP was:
how do I run my script on every Facebook page, without having to refresh between each type of page?
Well, what I realized is that, yes, refreshing is the solution. So... what if we force a refresh on Facebook's end, allowing the DOM to refresh, and the code to run as expected? I believe that this PROBABLY is actually an underlying issue with how the Clay.js library I'm using is implemented. Anyway, I basically approached the solution by:
First, creating a background.js file that takes advantage of chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener -- this function basically let me detect if a tab changed or if the page status was "completed" indicating it has loaded.
If it loaded, then I run the function checkFeedUpdate() exactly as above.
If it changed to a new page (e.g., user clicked from Home to Profile), I force a reload, and then wait for point 2 above to fire.
'background.jsis detecting whether or not these states have happened yet, and relaying the information toreaction-changer.js`.
Here's the updated bit of reaction-changer.js (in place of document.addEventListener):
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
// listen for messages sent from background.js
if (request.message === 'reload') {
} else if (request.message === 'start'){
Here's the updated manifest:
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"]
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*"],
"js": ["extension/clay.js", "change-icons.js", "reaction-changer.js"],
"all_frames": true
"permissions": [
"web_accessible_resources": [
And here's what I created for background.js:
function(tabId, changeInfo) {
// read changeInfo data and do something with it
if (changeInfo.url) {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage( tabId, {
message: 'reload'
} else if (changeInfo.status === 'complete'){
chrome.tabs.sendMessage( tabId, {
message: 'start'
If anyone ends up facing a similar issue (it seems like refreshing does the trick, but you can't get it to work without refreshing), it seems that just forcing a refresh might be a good solution. If there's a better one, please let me know!

Cannot run my chrome extension in other broswer/machine except mine : some mismatch in unpacked distribution?

Sorry for my poor English, i hope you can understand the issue.
I'm new to chrome extension development,and for sure in my code there are a lot of
thing to change or optimize;
anyway i've written a simple code that, (seems) works at least from my chrome.
The code clicks a button every X minutes in specific page, then wait and parse the result in page.
I've :
a content script (loaded from manifest.json) which "inject" some button and text Input box in page, so user can sets some "filter params" before click a "start button"; the start button then sendMessage() to background.js to set Alarm Event for the click ;
an eventPage (which is set persistent true in actually ) which handle the request from tabs and set a countdown alarm for each tab; when X min are passed fire a message to the interested tab;
I also have a popup.html e popup.js not important here (i think).
I've to distribuite this extension manually, so i would distribuite a zip that user can load with "developer mode ".
*Now the issue is: why the code was working only on my Chrome ? *
I've tested with others 2-3 laptop with Chrome, the background script is loaded (i can see the background page printint console log)
but in webpage the contents.js seems no way executed .
In my chrome works well: i can see in console some initial output (i print the name of dir extension to check) and
the dynamic created element (button,input box ect.) in page.
And all is working, i can fire the start button and receive results of parsing.
During the development i've never run the extension on other machine. Yesterday i've succssfully tested on 2-3 laptop.. then i made only few change but nothing serious.
Today i can run only in my chrome.
In other pc nothing, neither the simple console.log output first line of script.
I can read in console log :
"Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist."
but this also in my working istance in my laptop chrome .
The zip file is the same and the extraction is good, in fact i can actually load the extension and i see the background page debug console.log() sentences
In some case, in laptop where it dosen't work, i've received a message relative jQuery and the fact that chrome.runtime.sendMessage() is not defined; and it points to code in webpage, not mine.
I've see that in webpage code there is something like:
var extid = "mcmhdskbnejjjdjsdkksmeadjaibo";
var extVer = "1.5";
var extStatus = 0;
$(document).ready(function () {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(extid, {message: "version"},
function (reply) {
if (reply) {
if (reply.version) {
if (reply.version == extVer) {
if (reply.gminfo != 'OK') {
extStatus = 1; /// ...
Seems that chrome.runtime is undefined, and the webpage can't call the sendMessage().
EDIT: this undefined occurs only when my extension is loaded
Maybe there is some conflict when i load my extension? But in my chrome browser works...
Can some expert indicate in where direction i've to investigate?
Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
My Manifest.json :
{"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "myAlarm",
"description": "This extension alerts.",
"version": "0.1",
"permissions": [
"web_accessible_resources": [
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [""],
"css": ["vanillaSelectBox.css"],
"js": ["jquery-3.3.1.min.js","vanillaSelectBox.js","taffy-min.js","content.js"],
"run_at": "document_end"
"background": {
"scripts": ["eventPage.js"],
"persistent": true
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png",
"default_popup": "popup.html"
"icons": {
My contents,js (stripped):
function(request, sender) {
// here i parse message "time'up" from background js
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
var pt=chrome.runtime.getURL('filterOff.wav');
var p=pt.split("/");
console.log("[myAlarm v0.1] started" );
console.log("[myAlarm v0.1] folder : ("+p[2]+")");
// here i start an active wait for the presence in page of button with ID= btntarget_id
waitForElementToDisplay("#btntarget_id", 500); //when function find button then create and add button and input text to webpage
My eventPage.js :
var curr_alarms =[];
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender)
{ /// here receive start countdown message from content.js and set alarm ...
chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(function(alarm) {
/// here i manage each alarm for each tab
chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(function(tabid, removed) {
// ...
(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
edit : in browser where it dosen't work i can read also :
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' (redirected from '') from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request.
The fact that the declared content script runs or not, should be verified by inspecting in devtools => sources sub-tab => content scripts sub-sub-tab. If it really doesn't run, there can be just two explanations: the URL is different (for example not https) or extensions are blocked by their domain admin via runtime_blocked_hosts which you can see in chrome://policy.
Your development mode extension's id will be different on a different machine unless you pin it by adding a "key" in manifest.json
To use chrome.runtime to send messages to your extension from a webpage code (not from a content script!) your extension's manifest should declare "externally_connectable" and use a different event onMessageExternal, see also sending messages from web pages.
The CORS error may be irrelevant to your code (you can investigate the source of the error by expanding the error's call stack in devtools console).

Can't successfully run executeScript from the background script unless I load the popup page/script first

I've trying to run execute script from my background script using keyboard shortcuts, it doesn't work and returns:
Error: No window matching {"matchesHost":[]}
But if I just open the popup page, close it, and do the same, everything works.
I've recreated the problem in using the Beastify example with minimal changes. Here's the code:
... (not interesting part, same as in beastify)
"permissions": [
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icons/beasts-32.png",
"default_title": "Beastify",
"default_popup": "popup/choose_beast.html"
"web_accessible_resources": [
My additions start here:
"background": {
"scripts": ["background_scripts/background_script.js"]
"commands": {
"run_content_test": {
"suggested_key": {
"default": "Alt+Shift+W"
popup/choose_beast.js (same as in original)
Given the name of a beast, get the URL to the corresponding image.
function beastNameToURL(beastName) {
switch (beastName) {
case "Frog":
return browser.extension.getURL("beasts/frog.jpg");
case "Snake":
return browser.extension.getURL("beasts/snake.jpg");
case "Turtle":
return browser.extension.getURL("beasts/turtle.jpg");
Listen for clicks in the popup.
If the click is on one of the beasts:
Inject the "beastify.js" content script in the active tab.
Then get the active tab and send "beastify.js" a message
containing the URL to the chosen beast's image.
If it's on a button wich contains class "clear":
Reload the page.
Close the popup. This is needed, as the content script malfunctions after page reloads.
document.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
if ("beast")) {
var chosenBeast =;
var chosenBeastURL = beastNameToURL(chosenBeast);
browser.tabs.executeScript(null, {
file: "/content_scripts/beastify.js"
var gettingActiveTab = browser.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true});
gettingActiveTab.then((tabs) => {
browser.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {beastURL: chosenBeastURL});
else if ("clear")) {
background_scripts/background_script.js (added by me)
browser.commands.onCommand.addListener(function(command) {
var executing = browser.tabs.executeScript(
{file: "/content_scripts/content_test.js"});
function (res){
console.log("started content_test.js: " + res);
function (err){
console.log("haven't started, error: " + err);
content_scripts/content_test.js (added by me)
I'm skipping the whole content_scripts/beastify.js cause it has nothing to do with it (IMO), but it can be found here.
Now, I know that the background script runs and receives the messages even when the popup page hasn't been opened before, because I see it failing executing the script. I have no idea what causes this behavior and if there's a way to fix it.
Note: I tried adding permissions such as "tabs" and even "all_urls", but it didn't change anything.
Note 2: I'm running the add-on as a temporary add-on from the about:debugging page, but I'm trying to execute the script on a normal non-restricted page (on this page for example I can recreate the problem).
Thanks a lot guys!
// in manifest.json
"permissions": [
DOES work for me (Firefox 50, Mac OS X 10.11.6).
I had gotten the exact same error message you described when I had used the original
"permissions": [
So the addition of "<all_urls>" seems to fix the problem. However, you said that you were still experiencing the issue when you included "all_urls" in your permissions, so I am not sure whether the way I did it fixes the issue in your own setup.
edit: Whether giving any webextension such broad permissions would be wise in terms of the security risks it might pose is a separate, important consideration, I would imagine.
(I would have posted this as a comment, but I don't have enough reputation yet to be able to add comments.)

Chrome extension tabs onUpdated event

I am building a chrome extension that should get notified every time a new tab has opened and load page, and for that purpose I'am using chrome.tabs.onUpdated event.
The problem is that in case an iframe is inserted on that page/tab that is hosted on some domain(has src), onUpdated event is trigered. Is there a way to differentiate these events for "real" tab load from those triggered for iframe load?
This question helped me with my extension, recognizing the difference between a new page and loading content on the same page, so thought I'd share my solution. First you need to call onUpdated in background.js:
"name": "My test extension",
"version": "1",
"manifest_version": 2,
"background": {
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["http://*/*", "https://*/*"],
"js": ["contentscript.js"]
"permissions": [
function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
// read changeInfo data
if (changeInfo.url) {
// url has changed; do something here
Then you can expand that script to send message data from background.js to your content script (using chrome.runtime.sendMessage):
background.js (con't)
function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
// read changeInfo data
if (changeInfo.url) {
// url has changed; do something here
// like send message to content script
chrome.tabs.sendMessage( tabId, {
message: 'hello!',
url: changeInfo.url
And finally listen for that data in your extension's content script to be used however:
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
// listen for messages sent from background.js
if (request.message === 'hello!') {
console.log(request.url) // new url is now in content scripts!
You can pass whatever data you'd like from background.js. Hope that helps someone! \ (•◡•) /
tabs.onUpdated triggers when state changes between loading to complete. Presumably, inserting an iframe puts the tab to loading state again.
You could see if details.url is defined in onUpdated listener - if not, you know that the document's URL did not change.
Perhaps you should use webNavigation API instead for your purpose. There, you get a TransitionQualifier that you can use to filter out subframe navigation.

