Google Rich Text Editor Demo not running on localhost - javascript

I'm trying to run the google editor demo on my local machine to see if I can use it in my project.
I've downloaded the latest stable source code:
Unzipped the source code on my local machine and went to folder closure\goog\demos\editor
And Opened editor.html without changing any source code.
I get an incomplete editor with no buttons and not working as per the demo on github, maybe I'm missing something.

This is a node.js project and not a single HTML page.
You should follow the official tutorial to use it.


Weird behaviour in localhost:3000 after publishing the site on Github Pages?

I've a trouble after publishing my portfolio website online into the Github pages.
Before the published it works just fine but when I publish this and then I want to update some data into website I see all the website visual-effect fully spoiled.
I also create another folder and bring the all files and code into new folder but it also looks like the same.
local host:3000
error into the "console" localhost broken img-1, fully broken styles and fonts.
Error while trying to use the following icon from the Manifest: http://localhost:3000/portfolio/logo192.png (Download error or resource isn't a valid image)
Here the published website link here it looks like fine into github how that should be look like
Source code
on github
I rechecked my code and remove the styles.css from public folder and also delete the link of css in html.
And import it into "index.js" and works just fine.

Custom control(Rich Text Editor) - theme.min.js - 404 not found error

I am working on openUI5 application which has a custom control rich text Editor(Tiny MCE Version: 5.10.0). When I run my application locally I do not find any error and Editor works fine as expected. But when I deploy my code in pipeline and checked in my QA environment it gives 404 - not found error. Also, my generated request looks like it is mentioned below in the screenshot.
Request on Deployed Environment
Request on Local setup
As per my understanding when you deploy your code it gets minified by application cache buster file. And when we try to access the same request removing the highlighted number you can easily access the required file.
My rich text editor structure looks same as it is described in the mentioned screenshot which is similar to the standard SDK setup given on Tiny MCE site for reference - (
Any help would be much appreciated for future references.

Setting up p5.js on Atom

I am a newbie to p5.js.I was wondering how do I set it up in atom using the atom live server .I cant figure out a way around it .Most of the tutorials on YouTube uses the p5.dom.js file which unfortunately is not present in the complete p5.js package provided in their website .Please do help.
When you open the web editor behind the scenes there is actually an index.html file hidden. That file references p5.js (and in the older days of p5. it also linked to p5dom).
To replicate a live server with your sketch, make sure you have a project folder with your index.html file linking to p5.js as well as your sketch.js.
The Getting Started tutorial demonstrates an example of this in the Setting up p5.js with an editor on your own computer section.
The live server in Atom is primitive! To use it with a p5.js project, go to File > Add Project Folder and choose the folder holding your p5.js project. This should contain your index.html, sketch.js and p5.js library for example, at minimum. And make sure your index.html is structured like in the Getting Started tutorial above. Now that this is opened, you can go to Packages > Atom Live Server > Start Server. It should launch a browser window and let you preview.
Note that if you have several projects open, the one you want to see as a preview must be the topmost project in the file viewer on the left. If it's not, drag your project folder to the top.

Symfony asset cache not working in production

I have been working on a Symfony application which is hosted on AWS. It seems that my image cache is not working properly. The system setup is using VichUploaderBundle, Assetic. I would like to mention I have this application working perfectly (no errors at all) locally on my MacBook.
The cache directory is in /var/www/myapp/shared/web/media/cache, this folder is 755 (same for its children), and the folder has the owners nginx:ec2-user. When an image is attempted to be loaded, eg. it does not load the image, nor does it create a directory in the cache to contain the image.
A similar issue is happening with the javascript for the application. Although it looks like the javascript is being loaded (the js is included on the webpages), it seems that most javascript features do not work on production only. Some examples of JS packages that are not working are Zenstruck and Swiftmailer. I am not sure if this is related to the other error we have.
There are a number of other issues also caused from javascript errors. The javascript is working perfectly on the version I have running on my MacBook.
Thanks for you help and suggestions in advance.

OpenLayers3 examples offline

I'm trying to get the following example to work on my own webserver:
It works fine from the link, but if I checkout the OpenLayers3 git repository:
cd www
git clone
But if I then go to the examples in Firefox (Debian) I only see a gray back where the map should be. What do I need to do to get the examples working? I tried removing loader.js and referencing static-image.js directly. But that didn't work. I'm slightly at a loss.
Using directly Git repository with git clone is for advanced users or core developers (See
You should better make things simple for getting started.
Go to
Click on the green button named ""
unzip the downloaded file in a webserver
open the browser with an url similar to http://serverurl/path/to/examples/static-image.html
And it works.
PS: If you are really offline, download image from and change this same url in static-image.js file to the local downloaded file.

