Update a element inside object in aobject array with Immutability helper js - javascript

I need to add or subtract a value of a element in object array using Immutability helper
const selectedFood= [
{id: uuidv4(), name: "pizza", price: 1700, amount: 3},
{id: uuidv4(), name: "cheese", price: 600, amount: 10},
{id: uuidv4(), name: "fried rice", price: 500, amount: 4},
{id: uuidv4(), name: "coke", price: 100, amount: 5}]
const [foodArray, setFoodArray] = useState(selectedFood);
This code works flawlessly and this is what i want except the index
setFoodArray((prev) => {
return update(prev, {2: {amount: {$apply: function(x) {return x -1}}}})
the number 2 here should be the index
so i used this to get the index
const index = foodArray.indexOf(foodArray.find((single) => {
return single.id === id
putting this index variable there dosn't work
setFoodArray((prev) => {
return update(prev, {index: {amount: {$apply: function(x) {return x -1}}}})
Picture for understanding better
can anyone help

Use bracket notation:
setFoodArray((prev) => {
return update(prev, {[index]: {amount: {$apply: function(x) {return x -1}}}})


Javascript Algorithm for inventory

I have a problem, which I solved already but I feel like my implementation is very basic and could definitely learn a better way to do this.
Given 2 array of objects, one for the sales that my customers are demanding, and one for the purchases that I'm doing to my provider, I need to be able to place the orders and know when I will be able to satisfy them. I will only work with one product, to make it simpler.
I'm very new at coding this case of problems, so I would really apreciate a point in the right direction. Maybe there's a data structure that I haven't used that could help here.
'created': when the sales order was created
'quantity': how many items the customer wants
const sales= [{
'id': 'S1',
'created': '2020-01-02',
'quantity': 6
}, {
'id': 'S2',
'created': '2020-11-05',
'quantity': 2
}, {
'id': 'S3',
'created': '2019-12-04',
'quantity': 3
}, {
'id': 'S4',
'created': '2020-01-20',
'quantity': 2
}, {
'id': 'S5',
'created': '2019-12-15',
'quantity': 9
'receiving': when we expect to receive the product
'quantity': how many we will be receiving
const purchases= [{
'id': 'P1',
'receiving': '2020-01-04',
'quantity': 4
}, {
'id': 'P2',
'receiving': '2020-01-05',
'quantity': 3
}, {
'id': 'P3',
'receiving': '2020-02-01',
'quantity': 5
}, {
'id': 'P4',
'receiving': '2020-03-05',
'quantity': 1
}, {
'id': 'P5',
'receiving': '2020-02-20',
'quantity': 7
My code so far. I'm returnign an array that for reach sales, it shows when I will be able to satisfy it. The problem that I'm running with the current implementation is that I cannot cover all the cases.
function allocate(salesOrders, purchaseOrders) {
//ordering sales and purchases by date
const orderedSales = salesOrders.sort((a, b) => a.created.localeCompare(b.created));
const orderedPurchases = purchaseOrders.sort((a, b) => a.receiving.localeCompare(b.receiving));
let stock = 0;
const result = [];
purchaseIndex = 0;
orderedSales.forEach((sale, index) => {
const order = orderedPurchases[purchaseIndex];
if (order) {
console.log("Processing order", sale.id)
console.log(`Leftover stock = ${stock}`)
stock += order.quantity
console.log(`new stock = ${stock}`)
stock = stock - sale.quantity;
console.log(`Sustracting = ${sale.quantity}`)
console.log(`Remaining = ${stock}`)
while (stock < 0) {
console.log(`Demand NOT satified, moving to next purchase order with index ${purchaseIndex}`)
stock += order.quantity
console.log(`Current stock = ${stock}`)
increaseOrder = false;
//demand has been satisfied
console.log(`Demand for ${sale.id} was satified with purchase ${order.id}, time is ${order.receiving}, moving to next purchase order`)
id: sale.id,
availabilityDate: order.receiving
console.log("Next sale ++++++++")
console.log(" ++++++++")
allocate(salesOrders, purchaseOrders)
I think your approach is mostly ok. I would just have some remarks/questions:
is it ok to always have stock start at 0? They are never left over? According to me, it should be one of the parameters of the allocate function
you should handle the case where the purchases are not enough to satisfy the sales (which is the case in your example data set) => with your current code your while loop could go over the max allowed index of the purchases array and throw an exception
if a sale can be satisfied before its creation date, should the availability date be before the creation date or should it be forced to the creation date? (if sales are always in the past and purchases in the future, this question doesn't make sense)
Here is how I would tackle the problem:
console.log(allocate(salesOrders, purchaseOrders));
function allocate(_sales, _purchases) {
const sales = structureData(_sales, "created");
const purchases = structureData(_purchases, "receiving");
const LAST_PURCHASE_INDEX = purchases.length - 1;
let stock = 0; // in real life, maybe this should be an input as well since it might not always start from 0?
let availabilityDate = sales[0].date; // timestamp of stock availability, initialized to first sale timestamp
let availabilityDateString = sales[0].created; // date in string format of stock availability, initialized to first sale created date
let purchaseIndex = 0; // index of the next purchase to process
const result = [];
// loop on sales
for (let sale of sales) {
const requiredQuantity = sale.quantity;
const saleId = sale.id;
// As long as we don't have enough stock, process the next purchase if there is any
while (stock < requiredQuantity && purchaseIndex <= LAST_PURCHASE_INDEX) {
const purchase = purchases[purchaseIndex];
stock += purchase.quantity;
availabilityDate = purchase.date;
availabilityDateString = purchase.receiving;
if (stock >= requiredQuantity) { // we have enough stock and push the availability date
id: saleId,
availabilityDate > sale.date ? availabilityDateString : sale.created, // It could be simplified to availabilityDate if it's ok to have an availabilityDate before the sales creation
stock -= sale.quantity;
} else { // we don't have enough stock and there are no purchases left, so we need more purchases
result.push({ id: saleId , availabilityDateString: "Not anytime soon, need more purchases"});
return result;
// utils to sort orders and add a date timesteamp for easier date comparison
function structureData(orders, dateField) {
return orders
.map((order) => ({ ...order, date: new Date(order[dateField]).getTime() }))
.sort((o1, o2) => o1.date - o2.date);
I would do it like this. First I would create a collection of events that have type, date, id, and quantity fields, then sort them by date. This intermediate format might look like this:
{type: "sale", date: "2019-12-04", id: "S3", quantity: 3},
{type: "sale", date: "2019-12-15", id: "S5", quantity: 9},
{type: "sale", date: "2020-01-02", id: "S1", quantity: 6},
{type: "purchase", date: "2020-01-04", id: "P1", quantity: 4},
{type: "purchase", date: "2020-01-05", id: "P2", quantity: 3},
{type: "sale", date: "2020-01-20", id: "S4", quantity: 2},
{type: "purchase", date: "2020-02-01", id: "P3", quantity: 5},
{type: "purchase", date: "2020-02-20", id: "P5", quantity: 7},
{type: "purchase", date: "2020-03-05", id: "P4", quantity: 1},
{type: "sale", date: "2020-11-05", id: "S2", quantity: 2}
Then I would fold this list of events into a structure with onHand, completed and open properties by checking each event. If it's a purchase, then we add its quantity to onHand. Then we loop through the existing open events (plus the current one if it's a sale), creating new entries to add to the existing completed array if the quantity is not bigger than onHand, and adding to a new open array if it's too large. The code could look like this:
const process = (initial) => (sales, purchases) => [
...sales.map (({created, ...rest}) => ({type: 'sale', date: created, ...rest})),
...purchases.map (({receiving, ...rest}) => ({type: 'purchase', date: receiving, ...rest})),
] .sort (({date: d1}, {date: d2}) => d1 < d2 ? -1 : d1 > d2 ? 1 : 0) .reduce ((
{onHand, open: o, completed},
{type, date, quantity, id, open = [...o, ... (type == 'sale' ? [{quantity, date, id}] : [])]}
) => open .reduce (
({onHand, open, completed}, {quantity, date: saleDate, id}) => quantity <= onHand
? {onHand: onHand - quantity, open, completed: completed .concat ({date, id, quantity})}
: {onHand, open: open .concat ({quantity, date: saleDate, id}), completed},
{onHand: onHand + (type == 'purchase' ? quantity : 0) , open: [], completed}
), initial)
const allocate = process ({onHand: 0, open: [], completed: []})
const salesOrders = [{id: "S1", created: "2020-01-02", quantity: 6}, {id: "S2", created: "2020-11-05", quantity: 2}, {id: "S3", created: "2019-12-04", quantity: 3}, {id: "S4", created: "2020-01-20", quantity: 2}, {id: "S5", created: "2019-12-15", quantity: 9}]
const purchaseOrders = [{id: "P1", receiving: "2020-01-04", quantity: 4}, {id: "P2", receiving: "2020-01-05", quantity: 3}, {id: "P3", receiving: "2020-02-01", quantity: 5}, {id: "P4", receiving: "2020-03-05", quantity: 1}, {id: "P5", receiving: "2020-02-20", quantity: 7}]
console .log (allocate (salesOrders, purchaseOrders))
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This structure we folded to serves as our overall output, something like this:
onHand: 0,
completed: [
{date: "2020-01-04", id: "S3", quantity: 3},
{date: "2020-01-20", id: "S4", quantity: 2},
{date: "2020-02-01", id: "S1", quantity: 6},
{date: "2020-03-05", id: "S5", quantity: 9}
open: [
{date: "2020-11-05", id: "S2", quantity: 2}
But that suggests an improvement. We could make this function reentrant. We could save the output, then next time we need to add events, we could simply pass that back through the function with new sales and purchases. This would give you an updated list. It seems like a handy feature, and it's not any more difficult to add. The only real API change is that you now pass the current value in every call, with some default values for the initial call. Here is one version:
const process = (initial, sales, purchases) => [
...sales.map (({created, ...rest}) => ({type: 'sale', date: created, ...rest})),
...purchases.map (({receiving, ...rest}) => ({type: 'purchase', date: receiving, ...rest})),
] .sort (({date: d1}, {date: d2}) => d1 < d2 ? -1 : d1 > d2 ? 1 : 0) .reduce ((
{onHand, open: o, completed},
{type, date, quantity, id, open = [...o, ... (type == 'sale' ? [{quantity, date, id}] : [])]}
) => open .reduce (
({onHand, open, completed}, {quantity, date: saleDate, id}) => quantity <= onHand
? {onHand: onHand - quantity, open, completed: completed .concat ({date, id, quantity})}
: {onHand, open: open .concat ({date: saleDate, id, quantity}), completed},
{onHand: onHand + (type == 'purchase' ? quantity : 0) , open: [], completed}
), initial)
const salesOrders = [{id: "S1", created: "2020-01-02", quantity: 6}, {id: "S2", created: "2020-11-05", quantity: 2}, {id: "S3", created: "2019-12-04", quantity: 3}, {id: "S4", created: "2020-01-20", quantity: 2}, {id: "S5", created: "2019-12-15", quantity: 9}]
const purchaseOrders = [{id: "P1", receiving: "2020-01-04", quantity: 4}, {id: "P2", receiving: "2020-01-05", quantity: 3}, {id: "P3", receiving: "2020-02-01", quantity: 5}, {id: "P4", receiving: "2020-03-05", quantity: 1}, {id: "P5", receiving: "2020-02-20", quantity: 7}]
const initialValues = {onHand: 0, open: [], completed: []}
const currentState = process (initialValues, salesOrders, purchaseOrders)
console .log ('initial load: ', currentState)
const additionalSalesOrders = [{id: "S6", created: "2021-03-07", quantity: 3}, {id: "S7", created: "2021-04-21", quantity: 10}, {id: "S3", created: "2021-06-14", quantity: 5}]
const additionalPurchaseOrders = [{id: "P6", receiving: "2021-05-20", quantity: 8}]
const nextState = process (currentState, additionalSalesOrders, additionalPurchaseOrders)
console .log ('after new events: ', nextState)
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}

Summing object values per each key and converting the result into a map [duplicate]

I have something like this:
$scope.traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 },
Now to have a total Amount of this array I'm doing something like this:
$scope.totalAmount = function(){
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.traveler.length; i++) {
total = total + $scope.traveler[i].Amount;
return total;
It's easy when is only one array, but I have others arrays with a different property name that I would like to sum.
I would be happier If I could do something like this:
$scope.traveler.Sum({ Amount });
But I don't know how to go through this in a way that I could reuse it in the future like this:
$scope.someArray.Sum({ someProperty });
I know that this question has an accepted answer but I thought I'd chip in with an alternative which uses array.reduce, seeing that summing an array is the canonical example for reduce:
$scope.sum = function(items, prop){
return items.reduce( function(a, b){
return a + b[prop];
}, 0);
$scope.travelerTotal = $scope.sum($scope.traveler, 'Amount');
Just another take, this is what native JavaScript functions Map and Reduce were built for (Map and Reduce are powerhouses in many languages).
var traveler = [{description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{description: 'Infant', Amount: 25}];
function amount(item){
return item.Amount;
function sum(prev, next){
return prev + next;
// => 235;
// or use arrow functions
traveler.map(item => item.Amount).reduce((prev, next) => prev + next);
Note: by making separate smaller functions we get the ability to use them again.
// Example of reuse.
// Get only Amounts greater than 0;
// Also, while using Javascript, stick with camelCase.
// If you do decide to go against the standards,
// then maintain your decision with all keys as in...
// { description: 'Senior', Amount: 50 }
// would be
// { Description: 'Senior', Amount: 50 };
var travelers = [{description: 'Senior', amount: 50},
{description: 'Senior', amount: 50},
{description: 'Adult', amount: 75},
{description: 'Child', amount: 35},
{description: 'Infant', amount: 0 }];
// Directly above Travelers array I changed "Amount" to "amount" to match standards.
function amount(item){
return item.amount;
// => [{description: 'Senior', amount: 50},
// {description: 'Senior', amount: 50},
// {description: 'Adult', amount: 75},
// {description: 'Child', amount: 35}];
// Does not include "Infant" as 0 is falsey.
Updated Answer
Due to all the downsides of adding a function to the Array prototype, I am updating this answer to provide an alternative that keeps the syntax similar to the syntax originally requested in the question.
class TravellerCollection extends Array {
sum(key) {
return this.reduce((a, b) => a + (b[key] || 0), 0);
const traveler = new TravellerCollection(...[
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 },
console.log(traveler.sum('Amount')); //~> 235
Original Answer
Since it is an array you could add a function to the Array prototype.
traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 },
Array.prototype.sum = function (prop) {
var total = 0
for ( var i = 0, _len = this.length; i < _len; i++ ) {
total += this[i][prop]
return total
The Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9BAmj/
Use reduce with destructuring to sum Amount:
const traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50 },
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50 },
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75 },
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35 },
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 },
console.log(traveler.reduce((n, {Amount}) => n + Amount, 0));
I always avoid changing prototype method and adding library so this is my solution:
Using reduce Array prototype method is sufficient
// + operator for casting to Number
items.reduce((a, b) => +a + +b.price, 0);
Alternative for improved readability and using Map and Reduce:
const traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', amount: 50 },
{ description: 'Senior', amount: 50 },
{ description: 'Adult', amount: 75 },
{ description: 'Child', amount: 35 },
{ description: 'Infant', amount: 25 },
const sum = traveler
.map(item => item.amount)
.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr, 0);
Re-useable function:
const calculateSum = (obj, field) => obj
.map(items => items.attributes[field])
.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr, 0);
It's working for me in TypeScript and JavaScript:
let lst = [
{ description:'Senior', price: 10},
{ description:'Adult', price: 20},
{ description:'Child', price: 30}
let sum = lst.map(o => o.price).reduce((a, c) => { return a + c });
I hope is useful.
I thought I'd drop my two cents on this: this is one of those operations that should always be purely functional, not relying on any external variables. A few already gave a good answer, using reduce is the way to go here.
Since most of us can already afford to use ES2015 syntax, here's my proposition:
const sumValues = (obj) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, value) => acc + obj[value], 0);
We're making it an immutable function while we're at it. What reduce is doing here is simply this:
Start with a value of 0 for the accumulator, and add the value of the current looped item to it.
Yay for functional programming and ES2015! :)
You can do the following:
I'm not sure this has been mentioned yet. But there is a lodash function for that. Snippet below where value is your attribute to sum is 'value'.
_.sumBy(objects, 'value');
_.sumBy(objects, function(o) { return o.value; });
Both will work.
From array of objects
function getSum(array, column)
let values = array.map((item) => parseInt(item[column]) || 0)
return values.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
foo = [
{ a: 1, b: "" },
{ a: null, b: 2 },
{ a: 1, b: 2 },
{ a: 1, b: 2 },
getSum(foo, a) == 3
getSum(foo, b) == 6
can also use Array.prototype.forEach()
let totalAmount = 0;
$scope.traveler.forEach( data => totalAmount = totalAmount + data.Amount);
return totalAmount;
Here is a one-liner using ES6 arrow functions.
const sumPropertyValue = (items, prop) => items.reduce((a, b) => a + b[prop], 0);
// usage:
const cart_items = [ {quantity: 3}, {quantity: 4}, {quantity: 2} ];
const cart_total = sumPropertyValue(cart_items, 'quantity');
After going through these answers I think that actually a for (or forEach or for of with await) loop is much more readable that than reduce or even map and reduce.
Think of:
coming back to this code after 6 months or maintaining this by someone else. I think your approach of using a loop is good enough.
extending this function in the future, in case you might want to add a currency conversion or similar. Doing this in a one-liner is not a great idea.
var traveler = [
{Amount: 50, description: 'Senior'},
{Amount: 50, description: 'Senior'},
{Amount: 75, description: 'Adult'},
{Amount: 35, description: 'Child'},
{Amount: 25, description: 'Infant'}
var sumFromArray = (propertyName, array) => {
let sum = 0;
array.forEach(item => {
sum += item[propertyName] ?? 0;
return sum;
var sumOfTraveler = sumFromArray('Amount', traveler);
Using types your function definition might look like:
const sumFromArray = (propertyName: string, array: Array<{[propertyName: string]: number}>) => { ... };
See here for more details: TypeScript A computed property name in a type literal must directly refer to a built-in symbol
I have nothing against map, reduce or one-liners, this is just food for thought.
How to sum array of object using Javascript
const traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 }
const traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 },
function sum(arrayData, key){
return arrayData.reduce((a,b) => {
return {Amount : a.Amount + b.Amount}
Here's a solution I find more flexible:
function sumOfArrayWithParameter (array, parameter) {
let sum = null;
if (array && array.length > 0 && typeof parameter === 'string') {
sum = 0;
for (let e of array) if (e && e.hasOwnProperty(parameter)) sum += e[parameter];
return sum;
To get the sum, simply use it like that:
let sum = sumOfArrayWithParameter(someArray, 'someProperty');
You can use Array.prototype.reduce:
const sum = traveler.reduce((acc , val)=>{
return acc + val.amount;
} ,0);
I was already using jquery. But I think its intuitive enough to just have:
var total_amount = 0;
$.each(traveler, function( i, v ) { total_amount += v.Amount ; });
This is basically just a short-hand version of #akhouri's answer.
You can use jscollection library for database like query job easily in just one line
var total = List.extend(traveler).select('Amount').sum();
i honestly got frustrated while reading all the code that where posted as a solution to this cus i'm a new be and i'n trying to add a functionality to a simple app for practice. The simple way to solve this is
let testArray = [5, 7, 8, 4];
sum = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < testArray.length; i++){
sum += testArray[i];
// will give you the sum of the array

2 arrays with json problem (Node.js, Discord.js)

The first array is:
id: "megaphone",
name: "Megaphone",
kind: "Consumable",
description: "Unmutes you if you are currently muted",
price: 10,
id: "expcharge",
name: "Exp Charge",
kind: "Consumable",
description: "Double exp for an hour",
price: 50,
id: "commonlootbox",
name: "Common Lootbox",
kind: "Consumable",
description: "Chance for a random amount of coins or an item",
price: 1,
The second part of the JSON I need is into a JSON file.
I tried to add the data of the json like this:
arr.forEach((a) => {
no.push(shop.find((i) => i.id === a.name));
And this is perfect, because i get only the data i need.
But the result is that i have two arrays now.
The second is:
{ name: "megaphone", quantity: 5 },
{ name: "expcharge", quantity: "3" },
{ name: "commonlootbox", quantity: "3" },
Now, what I need to do is basically for Each object in the array, I need to do
"array1.name - array2.quantity (array1.description)"
I need to post it like
Megaphone - 5 (Unmutes you if you are currently muted)
Common Lootbox - 3 (Double exp for an hour)
Hope this is clear.
Maybe my method is wrong?
well, you need to itirate over the second array and make strings of the result that you want, like so
const secondArray = [
{name: 'megaphone', quantity: 5}
{name: 'expcharge', quantity: '3'}
{name: 'commonlootbox', quantity: '3'}
const desiredarray = secondArray.map(item => {
const matchedItem = data.find(({ id }) => id == item.name)
return `${matchedItem.name} - ${item.quantity} (${matchedItem.description})`
I think you could store one or both arrays in a Map or directly in an object.
You could try something like this:
obj = array.reduce((obj, element) => {
obj[element.id] = element;
return obj;
}, {});
Now you can iterate one of the arrays and access the corresponding value in the other one directly.
Ciao, you could do something like this:
Solution with array of JSON:
const arr1 = [{id: 'megaphone', name: 'Megaphone', kind: 'Consumable', description: 'Unmutes you if you are currently muted', price: 10},
{id: 'expcharge', name: 'Exp Charge', kind: 'Consumable', description: 'Double exp for an hour', price: 50},
{id: 'commonlootbox', name: 'Common Lootbox', kind: 'Consumable', description: 'Chance for a random amount of coins or an item', price: 1}];
const arr2 = [{name: 'megaphone', quantity: 5},
{name: 'expcharge', quantity: '3'},
{name: 'commonlootbox', quantity: '3'}];
let arr3 = arr1.map(item1 => {
let ok_el = {};
arr2.map(item2 => {
if (item1.id === item2.name) {
ok_el.id = item1.id;
ok_el.name = item1.name;
ok_el.quantity = item2.quantity;
ok_el.description = item1.description;
return ok_el;
return ok_el;
let result = arr3.map(el => {
return el.name + " - " + el.quantity + " (" + el.description + ")";
Solution with JSON of JSONs:
const arr1 = {0:{id: 'megaphone', name: 'Megaphone', kind: 'Consumable', description: 'Unmutes you if you are currently muted', price: 10},
1:{id: 'expcharge', name: 'Exp Charge', kind: 'Consumable', description: 'Double exp for an hour', price: 50},
2:{id: 'commonlootbox', name: 'Common Lootbox', kind: 'Consumable', description: 'Chance for a random amount of coins or an item', price: 1}};
const arr2 = {0:{name: 'megaphone', quantity: 5},
1:{name: 'expcharge', quantity: '3'},
2:{name: 'commonlootbox', quantity: '3'}};
let arr3 = Object.values(arr1).map(item1 => {
let ok_el = {};
Object.values(arr2).map(item2 => {
if (item1.id === item2.name) {
ok_el.id = item1.id;
ok_el.name = item1.name;
ok_el.quantity = item2.quantity;
ok_el.description = item1.description;
return ok_el;
return ok_el;
let result = arr3.map(el => {
return el.name + " - " + el.quantity + " (" + el.description + ")";

Create Javascript Object Having Nested Parent Objects

I am working on a Nodejs project. I have to create a function which takes an object (a child category) like:
id: 65,
name: 'Outdoor',
parent_id: 2
Now I want my function to check for the parent category by using parent_id from database and return an array/object like this:
id: 2,
name: 'Furniture',
parent: {
id: 1,
name: 'Residential',
parent: {
id: ...,
name: ...,
parent: {
and so on..
This is what I have done so far:
* _get_category_parents(category, _array) {
if(_array === undefined) _array = []
if( category.parent_id !== 0 ) {
const c_parent = yield this.Database.from('categories').where('id', '=', category.parent_id)
_array.push({id: c_parent[0].id, name: c_parent[0].name})
yield this._get_category_parents(c_parent[0], _array)
return _array
And calling this function like this:
const parents = yield this._get_category_parents(category)
This returns me an array of parents like this:
"id": 2,
"name": "Furniture"
"id": 1,
"name": "Residential"
I want Residential object to be appended in Furniture's parent node.
I have spent too much time on this but not getting what I want. Any help would be deeply appreciated.
What you want to think about is a recursive solution.
Since you're calling a database, it's probably unlikely, but if the lookup by id is synchronous, you might do it with code something like the following (note that I'm faking a db here):
const getHierarchy = (lookup, child) => {
const {id, name, parent_id} = lookup(child) ||
{id: null, name: null, parent_id: 0}
return parent_id == 0
? {id, name, parent_id}
: {...{id, name}, ...{parent: getHierarchy(lookup, {parent_id})}}
const items = [
{id: 1, name: 'Residential', parent_id: 5},
{id: 2, name: 'Furniture', parent_id: 1},
{id: 3, name: 'Other', parent_id: 0},
{id: 4, name: 'FooBar', parent_id: 3},
{id: 5, name: 'Stuff', parent_id: 0}
const lookup = child => items.find(item => item.id == child.parent_id)
const item = {id: 65, name: 'Outdoor', parent_id: 2}
console.log(getHierarchy(lookup, item))
You would have to write an appropriate lookup function, presumably using this.Database.from(...). You might also want to simplified version that bakes in your lookup function, in which case, you might write
const getAncestry = (item) => getHierarchy(lookup, item)
If, as seems more likely, your lookup is asynchronous, then that will affect getHierarchy and how you call it. Here's one possibility:
const getHierarchy = async (lookup, child) => {
const {id, name, parent_id} = await lookup(child) ||
{id: null, name: null, parent_id: 0}
return parent_id == 0
? {id, name, parent_id}
: {...{id, name}, ...{parent: await getHierarchy(lookup, {parent_id})}}
const items = [
{id: 1, name: 'Residential', parent_id: 5},
{id: 2, name: 'Furniture', parent_id: 1},
{id: 3, name: 'Other', parent_id: 0},
{id: 4, name: 'FooBar', parent_id: 3},
{id: 5, name: 'Stuff', parent_id: 0}
const lookup = async child => new Promise(
(resolve, reject) => setTimeout(
() => resolve(items.find(item => item.id == child.parent_id)),
const getAncestry = async item => getHierarchy(lookup, item)
const item = {id: 65, name: 'Outdoor', parent_id: 2}
Note the change in how you call the function. You need to call .then() on the resulting promise to get any useful behavior.

Better way to sum a property value in an array

I have something like this:
$scope.traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 },
Now to have a total Amount of this array I'm doing something like this:
$scope.totalAmount = function(){
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.traveler.length; i++) {
total = total + $scope.traveler[i].Amount;
return total;
It's easy when is only one array, but I have others arrays with a different property name that I would like to sum.
I would be happier If I could do something like this:
$scope.traveler.Sum({ Amount });
But I don't know how to go through this in a way that I could reuse it in the future like this:
$scope.someArray.Sum({ someProperty });
I know that this question has an accepted answer but I thought I'd chip in with an alternative which uses array.reduce, seeing that summing an array is the canonical example for reduce:
$scope.sum = function(items, prop){
return items.reduce( function(a, b){
return a + b[prop];
}, 0);
$scope.travelerTotal = $scope.sum($scope.traveler, 'Amount');
Just another take, this is what native JavaScript functions Map and Reduce were built for (Map and Reduce are powerhouses in many languages).
var traveler = [{description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{description: 'Infant', Amount: 25}];
function amount(item){
return item.Amount;
function sum(prev, next){
return prev + next;
// => 235;
// or use arrow functions
traveler.map(item => item.Amount).reduce((prev, next) => prev + next);
Note: by making separate smaller functions we get the ability to use them again.
// Example of reuse.
// Get only Amounts greater than 0;
// Also, while using Javascript, stick with camelCase.
// If you do decide to go against the standards,
// then maintain your decision with all keys as in...
// { description: 'Senior', Amount: 50 }
// would be
// { Description: 'Senior', Amount: 50 };
var travelers = [{description: 'Senior', amount: 50},
{description: 'Senior', amount: 50},
{description: 'Adult', amount: 75},
{description: 'Child', amount: 35},
{description: 'Infant', amount: 0 }];
// Directly above Travelers array I changed "Amount" to "amount" to match standards.
function amount(item){
return item.amount;
// => [{description: 'Senior', amount: 50},
// {description: 'Senior', amount: 50},
// {description: 'Adult', amount: 75},
// {description: 'Child', amount: 35}];
// Does not include "Infant" as 0 is falsey.
Updated Answer
Due to all the downsides of adding a function to the Array prototype, I am updating this answer to provide an alternative that keeps the syntax similar to the syntax originally requested in the question.
class TravellerCollection extends Array {
sum(key) {
return this.reduce((a, b) => a + (b[key] || 0), 0);
const traveler = new TravellerCollection(...[
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 },
console.log(traveler.sum('Amount')); //~> 235
Original Answer
Since it is an array you could add a function to the Array prototype.
traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 },
Array.prototype.sum = function (prop) {
var total = 0
for ( var i = 0, _len = this.length; i < _len; i++ ) {
total += this[i][prop]
return total
The Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9BAmj/
Use reduce with destructuring to sum Amount:
const traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50 },
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50 },
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75 },
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35 },
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 },
console.log(traveler.reduce((n, {Amount}) => n + Amount, 0));
I always avoid changing prototype method and adding library so this is my solution:
Using reduce Array prototype method is sufficient
// + operator for casting to Number
items.reduce((a, b) => +a + +b.price, 0);
Alternative for improved readability and using Map and Reduce:
const traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', amount: 50 },
{ description: 'Senior', amount: 50 },
{ description: 'Adult', amount: 75 },
{ description: 'Child', amount: 35 },
{ description: 'Infant', amount: 25 },
const sum = traveler
.map(item => item.amount)
.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr, 0);
Re-useable function:
const calculateSum = (obj, field) => obj
.map(items => items.attributes[field])
.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr, 0);
It's working for me in TypeScript and JavaScript:
let lst = [
{ description:'Senior', price: 10},
{ description:'Adult', price: 20},
{ description:'Child', price: 30}
let sum = lst.map(o => o.price).reduce((a, c) => { return a + c });
I hope is useful.
I thought I'd drop my two cents on this: this is one of those operations that should always be purely functional, not relying on any external variables. A few already gave a good answer, using reduce is the way to go here.
Since most of us can already afford to use ES2015 syntax, here's my proposition:
const sumValues = (obj) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, value) => acc + obj[value], 0);
We're making it an immutable function while we're at it. What reduce is doing here is simply this:
Start with a value of 0 for the accumulator, and add the value of the current looped item to it.
Yay for functional programming and ES2015! :)
You can do the following:
I'm not sure this has been mentioned yet. But there is a lodash function for that. Snippet below where value is your attribute to sum is 'value'.
_.sumBy(objects, 'value');
_.sumBy(objects, function(o) { return o.value; });
Both will work.
can also use Array.prototype.forEach()
let totalAmount = 0;
$scope.traveler.forEach( data => totalAmount = totalAmount + data.Amount);
return totalAmount;
From array of objects
function getSum(array, column)
let values = array.map((item) => parseInt(item[column]) || 0)
return values.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
foo = [
{ a: 1, b: "" },
{ a: null, b: 2 },
{ a: 1, b: 2 },
{ a: 1, b: 2 },
getSum(foo, a) == 3
getSum(foo, b) == 6
Here is a one-liner using ES6 arrow functions.
const sumPropertyValue = (items, prop) => items.reduce((a, b) => a + b[prop], 0);
// usage:
const cart_items = [ {quantity: 3}, {quantity: 4}, {quantity: 2} ];
const cart_total = sumPropertyValue(cart_items, 'quantity');
After going through these answers I think that actually a for (or forEach or for of with await) loop is much more readable that than reduce or even map and reduce.
Think of:
coming back to this code after 6 months or maintaining this by someone else. I think your approach of using a loop is good enough.
extending this function in the future, in case you might want to add a currency conversion or similar. Doing this in a one-liner is not a great idea.
var traveler = [
{Amount: 50, description: 'Senior'},
{Amount: 50, description: 'Senior'},
{Amount: 75, description: 'Adult'},
{Amount: 35, description: 'Child'},
{Amount: 25, description: 'Infant'}
var sumFromArray = (propertyName, array) => {
let sum = 0;
array.forEach(item => {
sum += item[propertyName] ?? 0;
return sum;
var sumOfTraveler = sumFromArray('Amount', traveler);
Using types your function definition might look like:
const sumFromArray = (propertyName: string, array: Array<{[propertyName: string]: number}>) => { ... };
See here for more details: TypeScript A computed property name in a type literal must directly refer to a built-in symbol
I have nothing against map, reduce or one-liners, this is just food for thought.
You can use Array.prototype.reduce:
const sum = traveler.reduce((acc , val)=>{
return acc + val.amount;
} ,0);
How to sum array of object using Javascript
const traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 }
const traveler = [
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount: 35},
{ description: 'Infant', Amount: 25 },
function sum(arrayData, key){
return arrayData.reduce((a,b) => {
return {Amount : a.Amount + b.Amount}
Here's a solution I find more flexible:
function sumOfArrayWithParameter (array, parameter) {
let sum = null;
if (array && array.length > 0 && typeof parameter === 'string') {
sum = 0;
for (let e of array) if (e && e.hasOwnProperty(parameter)) sum += e[parameter];
return sum;
To get the sum, simply use it like that:
let sum = sumOfArrayWithParameter(someArray, 'someProperty');
I was already using jquery. But I think its intuitive enough to just have:
var total_amount = 0;
$.each(traveler, function( i, v ) { total_amount += v.Amount ; });
This is basically just a short-hand version of #akhouri's answer.
You can use jscollection library for database like query job easily in just one line
var total = List.extend(traveler).select('Amount').sum();
i honestly got frustrated while reading all the code that where posted as a solution to this cus i'm a new be and i'n trying to add a functionality to a simple app for practice. The simple way to solve this is
let testArray = [5, 7, 8, 4];
sum = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < testArray.length; i++){
sum += testArray[i];
// will give you the sum of the array

