How to attach Media to a Facebook Post using the API - javascript

I have followed the Facebook documentation to request access token and post to a Facebook Page.
Now, I wish to create a post and attach some photos to that post but Facebook is only posting the text body and not including the photo files.
Here is how I did it:
let mediaIds = [];
for (let photoUrl of photoUrls) {
let mediaUploadUrl = `${pageId}/photos?url=${photoUrl}&access_token=${pageAccessToken}`;
let response = await;
let { id } =;
if (id) {
// Now that we have the mediaIds, let's attach them to the post as below:
let urlParams = new URLSearchParams();
urlParams.append("access_token", pageAccessToken);
urlParams.append("message", "Hello World");
let postUrl = `${pageId}/feed`;
if (mediaIds.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < mediaIds.length; i++) {
let mediaId = mediaIds[i];
let mediaIdObject = { media_fbid: mediaId };
urlParams.append(`attached_media[${i}]`, mediaIdObject);
try {
let { data } = await, urlParams);
let postId =;
} catch (e) {
done = false;
console.log(e); //An unknown error has occurred is the error message I keep getting
All I keep getting in return is
An unknown error has occurred
But if I go to the Facebook Page, I noticed the text body was posted but not the photo attachments.
Any ideas on fixing this would be really appreciated.

Appending an object to urlParams, as you do in
let mediaIdObject = { media_fbid: mediaId };
urlParams.append(`attached_media[${i}]`, mediaIdObject);
produces a URL parameter like
attached_media[0]=[object Object]
urlParams.append(`attached_media[${i}]`, JSON.stringify(mediaIdObject));


Javascript working in Chrome, working in firefox locally, but not after deployment

This is part of a Spark Java app, but the error is happening in this JS part. The relevant code is as follows:
const addErrBox = async () => {
const controls = document.querySelector(".pure-controls");
const errBox = document.createElement("p");
errBox.setAttribute("id", "errBox");
errBox.setAttribute("style", "color:red");
errBox.innerHTML = "Short URL not valid or already in use!";
const submitForm = () => {
const form = document.forms.namedItem("new-url-form");
const longUrl = form.elements["longUrl"];
const shortUrl = form.elements["shortUrl"];
const url = `/api/new`;
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: `${longUrl.value};${shortUrl.value}`
.then((res) => {
if (!res.ok) {
if (document.getElementById("errBox") == null) {
else {
longUrl.value = "";
shortUrl.value = "";
(async () => {
await refreshData();
const form = document.forms.namedItem("new-url-form");
form.onsubmit = e => {
Basically, "/api/new" checks for validity of input, adds the data to database if valid and prints error otherwise. Now, when the input is valid, it seems to work. The "/api/new" code is in Java, which seems to work properly as well since I do get a 400 error. All of it works properly when built inside a docker locally, but when accessed over internet using Nginx reverse proxy, it stops working inside firefox. Chrome still works. I'm not sure what's happening.
The code for "/api/new" is this:
public static String addUrl(Request req, Response res) {
var body = req.body();
if (body.endsWith(";")) {
body = body + "$";
var split = body.split(";");
String longUrl = split[0];
if (split[1].equals("$")) {
split[1] = Utils.randomString();
String shortUrl = split[1];
shortUrl = shortUrl.toLowerCase();
var shortUrlPresent = urlRepository
if (shortUrlPresent.isEmpty() && Utils.validate(shortUrl)) {
return urlRepository.addUrl(longUrl, shortUrl);
} else {
return "shortUrl not valid or already in use";
Update: it suddenly started working, without any change on the server side. I think it was some kind of issue with caching, either in firefox, cloudflare or Nginx's part.

How to make react stop duplicating elements on click

The problem is that every time I click on an element with a state things appear twice. For example if i click on a button and the result of clicking would be to output something in the console, it would output 2 times. However in this case, whenever I click a function is executed twice.
The code:
const getfiles = async () => {
let a = await documentSpecifics;
for(let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var wrt = document.querySelectorAll("#writeto");
var fd = document.querySelector('.filtered-docs');
var newResultEl = document.createElement('div');
var writeToEl = document.createElement('p');
newResultEl.classList.add("result"); = "writeto";
wrt[i].textContent = a[i].data.documentName;
The code here is supposed to create a new div element with a paragraph tag and getting data from firebase firestore, will write to the p tag the data. Now if there are for example 9 documents in firestore and i click a button then 9 more divs will be replicated. Now in total there are 18 divs and only 9 containing actual data while the rest are just blank. It continues to create 9 more divs every click.
I'm also aware of React.Strictmode doing this for some debugging but I made sure to take it out and still got the same results.
Firebase code:
//put data in firebase
createFileToDb = () => {
var docName = document.getElementById("title-custom").value; //get values
var specifiedWidth = document.getElementById("doc-width").value;
var specifiedHeight = document.getElementById("doc-height").value;
var colorType = document.getElementById("select-color").value;
parseInt(specifiedWidth); //transform strings to integers
documentName: docName,
width: Number(specifiedWidth), //firebase-firestore method for converting the type of value in the firestore databse
height: Number(specifiedHeight),
docColorType: colorType,
creation: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp() // it is possible that this is necessary in order to use "orderBy" when getting data
}).then(() => {
console.log("file in database");
}).catch(() => {
//get data
GetData = () => {
return firebase.firestore()
.orderBy("creation", "asc")
.then((doc) => {
let custom = => {
var data =;
var id =;
return { id, data }
return custom;
}).catch((err) => {console.error(err)});
waitForData = async () => {
let result = await this.GetData();
return result;
//in render
let documentSpecifics = this.waitForData().then((response) => response)
.then((u) => {
if(u.length > 0) {
for(let i = 0; i < u.length; i++) {
try {
} catch(error) {
return u;
Edit: firebase auth is functioning fine so i dont think it has anything to do with the problem
Edit: This is all in a class component
Edit: Clicking a button calls the function createFileToDb
I think that i found the answer to my problem.
Basically, since this is a class component I took things out of the render and put some console.log statements to see what was happening. what i noticed is that it logs twice in render but not outside of it. So i took the functions out.
Here is the code that seems to fix my issue:
contain = () => {
const documentSpecifics = this.waitForData().then((response) => {
var wrt = document.getElementsByClassName('writeto');
for(let i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
wrt[i].textContent = response[i].data.documentName;
return response;
docs: documentSpecifics,
docDisplayType: !this.state.docDisplayType
As for creating elements i put them in a function so i coud reuse it:
setNewFile = () => {
const wrt = document.querySelector(".writeto");
const fd = document.querySelector("#filtered-docs");
var newResultEl = document.createElement('div');
var wrtEl = document.createElement('p');
The firebase and firestore code remains the same.
the functions are called through elements in the return using onClick.

Get all items or data from API where they need to meet a condition to be fetched

I want to display a list of all items or data from an API source where the VirtualOrganization (or some other data) is the one i specify (like ATCclub). I use Axios to get the data.
Baicicly I only want to only fetch the JSON data from the API where the VirtualOrganization is the right one, and then display it.
Here is my code:
let data;
axios.get(URLBASE + '/flights/' + expert + '?apikey=' + APIKEY, {
params: {
virtualOrganization: "ATCclub"
.then(response => {
if ( === "ATCclub") {
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
document.getElementById("username").innerHTML =;
document.getElementById("aircraftId").innerHTML =;
document.getElementById("heading").innerHTML =;
document.getElementById("latitude").innerHTML =;
document.getElementById("longitude").innerHTML =;
document.getElementById("speed").innerHTML =;
document.getElementById("altitude").innerHTML =;
.catch(error => console.error(error));
NOTE: I have managed to display one row from the JSON.
I found a solution after someone sent me a answer to "filter it after".
Then I came up with this:
// resF (result of flights)
const resF = (e){
return e.virtualOrganization === "ATCclub";

How to fetch and display a specific index in a JSON file using a Javascript loop

I am currently using fetch in javascript to obtain information from another site into my own. The issue I am having is, I am using a loop to display all of the indexes of the JSON file into my site. I actually want to get specific indexes to show, not all of them, for example, index 2,4 and 6.
Here is my code so far:
window.addEventListener("load", (event)=>{
const requestURL = '';
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
.then(function (jsonObject) {
const towns = jsonObject['towns'];
for (let i = 0; i < towns.length; i++ ) {
let towninfo = document.createElement('section');
let townname = document.createElement('h2');
townname.textContent = towns[i].name;
This displays all of the towns in reference, but I only want to display the title of 3 specific ones. Any suggestions on how to proceed with this?
something like that
window.addEventListener("load", (event)=>
const requestURL = ''
, divWeathertowns = document.querySelector('div.weathertowns')
.then( response=>response.json() )
.then( jsonObject=>
const towns = jsonObject['towns']
for ( let i of [2,4,6] )
let towninfo = document.createElement('section')
, townname = document.createElement('h2')
townname.textContent = towns[i].name;
<div class="weathertowns"></div>

How does one parent a channel to a category with a discord bot?

Basically there is no errors in the output but at the same time it's not doing what I'm trying to achieve.
Ive been tinkering with the script for 5 hours straight mixing up line positioning and now I got it to where it gives me the promise (my initial issue) but I cant parent the channel.
I've tried discord.js server and site, youtube, 2 other sites i forgot the name of but i cant crack it.
function setup(arguments, message){
var server = message.guild;
var name =;
let searchquery = arguments.join("")
let cat = server.createChannel("Important", "category");
async function Channelmaker(Sent, obj){
try {
let chan = await server.createChannel(Sent, "Text");
return chan
} catch(prom){
var chan2 = await server.createChannel(Sent, "Text");
return new Promise(resolve => {
var chan2 = server.createChannel(Sent, "Text", parent = obj);
var holding
var chan = Channelmaker("⚖️ rules ⚖️", cat).then(value => {
holding = value
value.parentID = cat
}).catch(error => {
// s
The category is not the parent of the "⚖️ rules ⚖️" channel that is created which is the opposite of what I'm trying to achieve
In Guild.createChannel(), use the options parameter including ChannelData, like so:
await server.createChannel(Sent, {
// You can omit the 'type' property; it's 'text' by default.
parent: obj

