Javascript object coming through empty on server side - javascript

I have a client-side script running to send the string "Y" to the server. I set up a console.log on the client-side (which you can see below) and another on the server-side. The one on the client-side works, but the one logs an "empty" object.. it just shows "{}".
How do I get my data to stay in the object?
const status = "Y";
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json'
body: status
fetch('/events/<%- %>/prompt', options)
Here's my route for context:
And my controller:
module.exports.checkIn = async(req, res) => {
How do I get the object to come through to the server?

For sending "y" as the content and receiving that in Express, you need two things:
You need to make sure the content-type is set to text/plain on the request.
You need the appropriate middleware that will read that text/plain body.
Then, you will find the body in req.body within any express request handler registered after the above middleware.
You could pick different content-types also such as application/json, the corresponding middleware for that content-type app.use(express.json())` and then format the body data in that format.
It's important to realize that Express does not by itself read the body of an incoming request. It reads the headers, but not the body by default. If you want the body to be read, then you need middleware that is looking for whatever content-type the incoming request has, reads the body, parses it from whatever it's format is and puts the resulting parsed data into req.body. Express comes with a number of built-in middleware for popular content-types.

Status is a string. However body have to take a object with key-value pair. If send like with like below, then you get object which contains status on the backend side.
body: {status: status}

Problem from :
Client : you choose Content-type': 'application/json' , so your body must be json format , something like body : { status } . Make sure you sent exact object with browser debug , because some call api package can change value of request.
Server : Some nodejs framework need parse the value is sent from client before read it (Exp : app.use(express.json()) with Express)


How to detect if request body was sent or not?

I'm working with express + json body parser. For validation purposes I need to distinguish between
empty object request body was sent by the user ({})
no request body was sent by the user
as I'm trying to provide reasonable error messages, and in one case I need to instruct the user to add missing fields, while in the other case they might not even be aware that the request body should be sent, and the priority is warning them about this.
This to me seems impossible currently, as the json body parser sets request.body to {} in case no request body was provided, reference:
My question is, while using the json body parser, is it possible to detect if the request body was actually sent by the client or not? So how would I implement a function like this:
import { Request } from 'express'
function didTheUserSendRequestBody(request: Request): boolean {
// What do?
Which returns true when my endpoint is hit like this:
curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/foo
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{}'
And false for this:
curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/foo
Body-parser json has option verify . It can check raw data at here.
app.use(express.json({ verify: (req, res, buf, encoding) => {
// check buff is empty ? and attach result to req ?
} }))
with verify is function with 4 argument : "where buf is a Buffer of the raw request body"
maybe you can just check the submitted content type, if the user doesn't attach it then the default value will be "undefined".
function didTheUserSendRequestBody(request: Request): boolean {
if (!request.get('Content-Type')) {
// return any message
The easiest way I'm aware of is by checking if req.body is truthy
function didTheUserSendRequestBody(request: Request): boolean {
// Do stuff
According to MDN, an empty object '{}' is truthy. If there is no body sent, it should be undefined when you try to access req.body, which is falsy.
See for more details

GET request working through Postman but the browser tells me GET request cannot have body

I'm simply trying to send some urlencoded parameters via a GET request using fetch. I'm just trying to print the parameters using Express at the moment, like so:
app.get('/api', function (req, res) {
This works just fine in Postman using a GET request and x-www-form-urlencoded key-value pairs. The webserver will print all the key-value pairs just fine.
But when I try and use fetch to do the exact same thing I get nothing but problems. I've tried two different methods:
fetch(`http://localhost:3000/api?user=test&password=123`, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
The request does go through using this method, but the webserver only prints {} - an empty object.
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
var urlencoded = new URLSearchParams();
urlencoded.append("user", "test");
urlencoded.append("password", "123");
var requestOptions = {
method: 'GET',
headers: myHeaders,
body: urlencoded,
fetch("localhost:3000/api", requestOptions)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(error => console.log('error', error));
The request does not go through using this method, and the browser gives me the error TypeError: Window.fetch: HEAD or GET Request cannot have a body.
This code was generated using the request that works in Postman using the generate code snippets option.
What am I doing wrong?
The parameters in this URL:
are in the query string, not in the body and thus the content-type does not apply to them - they are properly encoded to be in a URL. In Express, you would access these with req.query. You should see a value for req.query.user and req.query.password in your Exprss request handler.
Note, it is not recommended that you send user credentials in a URL like this because URLs are often present in log files at your ISP, at the recipient server, in proxies, in your browser history, etc... User credentials like this should be sent in POST request over https where the credentials would go encoded in the body (where it won't be logged or saved by intermediaries).
The fetch error is accurate. GET requests do not have a body sent with them. That would be for POST or PUT requests. A GET request is a "get" request for a resource that you specify only with a URL.
You're confusing request body with a query string.
Your second request (you don't need a Content-Type for it)
would be handled by the following Express function:
app.get('/api', function (req, res) {
console.log(req.query); // Note that query, not body is used.
You can access fields from the query object as req.query.user && req.query.password.
As for having a request body in a GET request: while RFC doesn't explicitly fordbid it, it requires server to not change response based on the contents of the body, i.e. the body in GET has no meaning in the standard, so JS HTTP APIs (both fetch & XmlHttpRequest) deny it.
firstly if you are trying to get some data from your API or others API you should do GET request in order to get your desired data from server for example, if you want to get a specific things like a user or something else you can pass your data in GET request URL using query string or route params.
secondly, if you want to authenticate and send your credentials to the server its not recommended to use GET request as i said earlier GET request simply is for fetching some data from server, so if you want to send your credential or anything else you are better off using POST request to send data to the server and you can't do POST request in the browser, so you have to use something like postman or insomnia in order to send your POST request to the server. i hope it could help you to solve your issue.

Change content-type on $http.delete in Angular.js

In my Angular app, I am sending a config object with an $http.delete request using the following method:
return $http.delete('projects/' + projectID + '/activityTypes', {data: [{id: 2}]})
This appends the value of my data key to the body of the request as you can see in the picture below:
However, Angular seems to be setting the content-type as text/plain by default, and I need to be JSON.
How can I change the content type of this $http.delete request?
EDIT: I posted a screenshot with the wrong Network tab open (Response Headers instead of Request Headers) by mistake. Here is the correct version:
#charlietfl, thank you for pointing that out.
After some research I found out you can pass multiple options (such as Content-Type) within the config object that I was already passing, like so:
$http.delete('projects/' + id + '/activityTypes',
{data: activitiesToDelete, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}});
The above is working exactly as intended, so it is indeed possible to send a body with an $http.delete using Angular, and further customize the http request using that same config object.
From Angular's $http documentation:
data – {string|Object} – Data to be sent as the request message data.
headers – {Object} – Map of strings or functions which return strings representing HTTP headers to send to the server. If the
return value of a function is null, the header will not be sent.
Functions accept a config object as an argument.

Sending two objects as response to a single GET request using Express and Node.js

I have the following piece of code -
var status="SELECT * from where status='0'";
var toSend=rows[0].id
// var details={"pictureId":toSend}
// response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
// response.send(JSON.stringify(details));
Essentially I, first, want to send a file as identified by toSend. The file is successfully sent using response.sendFile. But I also want to provide some identification of the file for the client for future responses. How do I send that too?
To send an id for the image (ressource) that you are responding with, you should use a HTTP header such as ETag. Do not try to send JSON and binary data in one response body.

How to send data in request body with a GET when using jQuery $.ajax()

The service API I am consuming has a given GET method that requires the data be sent in the body of the request.
The data required in the body is a list of id's separated by hypen and could potentially be very large and thus it must be sent in the body otherwise it will likely foobar somewhere in the browsers/proxies/webservers etc chain. Note I don't have control over the service or API so please don't make suggestions to change it.
I am using the following jQuery code however observing the request/response in fiddler I can see that the "data" I am sending is ALWAYS converted and appended to the query string despite me setting the "processData" option to false...
url: "htttp://$body)",
type: "GET",
data: "id1-id2-id3",
contentType: "text/plain",
dataType: "json",
processData: false, // avoid the data being parsed to query string params
success: onSuccess,
error: onError
Anyone know how I can force the "data" value to be sent in the body of the request?
In general, that's not how systems use GET requests. So, it will be hard to get your libraries to play along. In fact, the spec says that "If the request method is a case-sensitive match for GET or HEAD act as if data is null." So, I think you are out of luck unless the browser you are using doesn't respect that part of the spec.
You can probably setup an endpoint on your own server for a POST ajax request, then redirect that in your server code to a GET request with a body.
If you aren't absolutely tied to GET requests with the body being the data, you have two options.
POST with data: This is probably what you want. If you are passing data along, that probably means you are modifying some model or performing some action on the server. These types of actions are typically done with POST requests.
GET with query string data: You can convert your data to query string parameters and pass them along to the server that way.
url: ',2,3'
we all know generally that for sending the data according to the http standards we generally use POST request.
But if you really want to use Get for sending the data in your scenario
I would suggest you to use the query-string or query-parameters.
1.GET use of Query string as.
here the some_id is mendatory parameter to send and can be used and req.params.some_id at server side.
2.GET use of query string as{{url}}admin/recordings?durationExact=34&isFavourite=true
here the durationExact ,isFavourite is optional strings to send and can be used and req.query.durationExact and req.query.isFavourite at server side.
3.GET Sending arrays
and you can access those array values at server side like this
let osValues = JSON.parse(req.query.os);
if(osValues.length > 0)
for (let i=0; i<osValues.length; i++)
//do whatever you want to do here
Just in case somebody ist still coming along this question:
There is a body query object in any request. You do not need to parse it yourself.
E.g. if you want to send an accessToken from a client with GET, you could do it like this:
const request = require('superagent');
request.get(`http://localhost:3000/download?accessToken=${accessToken}`).end((err, res) => {
if (err) throw new Error(err);
The server request object then looks like {request: { ... query: { accessToken: abcfed } ... } }
You know, I have a not so standard way around this. I typically use nextjs. I like to make things restful if at all possible. If I need to make a get request I instead use post and in the body I add a submethod parameter which is GET. At which point my server side handles it. I know it's still a post method technically but this makes the intention clear and I don't need to add any query parameters. Then the get method handles a get request using the data provided in the post method. Hopefully this helps. It's a bit of a side step around proper protocol but it does mean there's no crazy work around and the code on the server side can handle it without any problems. The first thing present in the server side is if(subMethod === "GET"){|DO WHATEVER YOU NEED|}

