Random 500 internet error on MVC application - javascript

I have some 500 errors on the website that I deployed. They are very random - from browser inspect, I can see some image or javascript are not loaded. When I refresh the website, they sometimes come back. Or they are all good but when I refresh the site, some image or Js are missing. Since they come back sometime, I will think they are not permission or missing file issue. Could be the application pool not behave consistently? What can be the reason? Can someone advise. Thanks in advance!

If they sometimes work, then it's not a permissions problem, assuming that everything is hosted locally. This sounds more like a memory, network timeout, or hardware failure issue to me.


Blank Screen Coming into My website after applying http2

I am facing blank page issues into my website, and I am unable to crack it from where is throwing like this. Let me tell you I have developed this website in PHP and it is not by any kind of server issue. There is no message in error log or access log.
Most probably it is happening in India Region. I have confirmed with my foreign colleague they didn't faced this issue. Strange.
May be it is from cloudifier CDN, HTTP2 request,
My website URL : https://www.hozpitality.com/
Please help me.
Blank Screen

Deployed React App Shows a Blank Page and Console Returns Error 404

I am a beginner in React JS. I deployed a React app to Github Pages and apparently it was successful, but the site shows only a blank white page. The console says ‘Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()’. I’d appreciate any help with this. I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.
Here is my repo: https://github.com/toyosicodes/memory-game/tree/master/src. The link to the site itself is https://toyosicodes.github.io/memory-game/
I know questions like mine have been asked; I've spent hours poring over them and trying out the recommended solutions, but they haven't worked in my case.
i apologise if this post isn't perfect - it's my first.
I just tried to access your website at https://toyosicodes.github.io/memory-game/ and it seems to be loading fine for me, with the default React template. Would you try clearing cache or waiting some time for DNS updates. github.io is a little slow for deployments and takes some time for changes to be visible. I have sometimes waited 30+ minutes for new changes to be visible.
If you like speedy deployments, I would recommend using a service like Vercel or Heroku.

Script keeps timing WP site out. Any ideas where it comes from

enter image description here
This script is generated by chrome. It runs till it times out the site. Any idea where it is coming from? or what is causing?
Do you have any extensions installed? If you do, that's probably why. Looking at how the page is loading a url from the chrome resource, it's probably a corrupted chrome extension. Try disabling each extension you have one by one, to see which one is causing the problem.

analytics.js net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Could anyone help me understand why this happens with google analytics code?
This is the error which then gives me to load the tracking code:
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Is there any solution to this? I was trying to fix it all morning.
My situation:
If this error occurs, the tracking code does not work.
So if events are monitored and callback functions specified in hitCallback property are never executed. When the causes a deficiency in the functionality of the website and also in tracking statistics.
Types of events that have failed me: behavioral events, events advanced electronic commerce (step forward cart).
My attempts:
I have disabled antivirus, antivirus firewall, Windows firewall and defend unsuccessfully thinking that could be.
I installed the extention to debug google analytics. Googled for hours. I tried loading the code directly in the browser and on any pc I can get it. I could only get https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js making a wget from my server console.
It could be a problem with the ISP?
Thank you very much!
Confirmed is the ISP.
Although they have not solved in my case because the technician went on vacation.
If someone would come to have this problem, it occurs to me as a solution, edit the code tracking Analitycs to call a url eg "mydomain.com/analytics.js" it processor by modrewrite, and direct this request php file to download the actual file Js www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js and return in the response. As a proxy php. It's just an idea I have not tested.
Thank you all, and may close this question if you want.
It can be that you are using a VPN(Virtual private network) which analytics blocks. Try loading https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js
If it does not work, try disabling the VPN and try again
Check your hosts file (on mac go finder > go > go to folder and paste there /etc/hosts | on windows search), in my case www.google-analytics.com was blocked in hosts file.

page doesn't load css and js files after refresh

I have the problem that my site does not load some css and js files when refreshing the site. When I first call the site everything is fine, its just after refreshing.
Its a bit hard to debug, since on my local host everything works fine, its just a problem on the server. I am using the free tier on AWS, but I can't find any discussion about such a problem in connection with AWS, so I guess its my site. Has anybody have seen such a problem before and can give me some tips how to resolve it?
I use chrome Version 45.0.2454.101 (64-bit) when I get the error, but I seem to get similar errors on firefox.
The error will modify the website, since the css files are not loaded, but you can also seem them if you go to
View > Developer > Javascript console... you should see something like that
GET http://www.benty-fields.com/static/css/popbox.css 500 (Internal Server Error)
(index):192 GET http://www.benty-fields.com/static/js/spin.min.js
(index):185 GET http://www.benty-fields.com/static/js/moments.min.js 500 (Internal Server Error)
(index):191 GET http://www.benty-fields.com/static/js/bootstrap-select.min.js
It seems that website is working fine for me, please have a look into attached image and let us know your thoughts,
This is not a real solution to the problem, since I guess there is a solution on AWS itself, but for me the problem was solved by moving to digital ocean...
If you're running Cloudflare, remember to clear its cache and enable development mode. This is something that used to nail me and waste hours of time when I first started running my sites through Cloudflare. Hope this helps someone.

