Firebase Storage emulator does't support getSignedUrl - javascript

I have the line
onst [url] = await blob.getSignedUrl({ action: 'read', expires: + 60 * 1000, contentType: mimetype })
When I run my unit-tests with the Firebase storage emulator I got the error:
Could not load the default credentials. Browse to for more information
How can I use getSignedUrl with Firebase emulator?

When using a blob signed url, use service account credentials instead of the default ADC. Having been said that, you have two options:
You can create a service account that will use the command using the Cloud SDK: gcloud iam service-accounts keys create FILE_NAME.json; which you can use to call Firebase server APIs from your app server or trusted environment. After creating your service account, you must initialize with a service account key file.
Here's an example java code for initializing:
FileInputStream serviceAccount = new FileInputStream("path/to/serviceAccountKey.json");
FirebaseOptions options = FirebaseOptions.builder()
You can also check the Firebase Service Accounts to help you identify which service account you will use in your project.
Another option is to set the service account key in an environment variables.
For Linux or macOS:
Example is:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/user/Downloads/service-account-file.json"
For Windows (using powershell):
Example is:
Just note that this variable only applies to your current shell session, so if you open a new session, set the variable again.
In Google Cloud Platform environments, such as Cloud Functions and App Engine, you usually don't provide a keyFilename or credentials during instantiation. In those environments, we call the signBlob API to create a signed URL. As was stated here. In that case, the service account used must have Service Account Token Creator Role.
The Service Account Token Creator Role enables impersonation of service accounts to create OAuth2 access tokens, sign blobs, or sign JWTs. Provide your service account when initializing the client. If using default credentials, then make sure that the Cloud Functions service account must have Service Account Token Creator Role, as it is required when calling the signBlob API if the app is deployed within GCP.
You can further check this github issues comment.


How to call Google Drive API from Cloud Function for Firebase on behalf of a user?

I want to interact with the Google's Drive API from a Cloud Function for Firebase. For authentication / authorization, I am currently relying on getClient, which I believe uses the Service Account exposed in the Cloud Function environment:
import { google } from 'googleapis';
// Within the Cloud Function body:
const auth = await google.auth.getClient({
scopes: [
const driveAPI ={ version: 'v3', auth });
// read files, create file etc. using `driveAPI`...
The above approach works, as long as target directories / files list the email address of the service account as an editor.
However, I'd like to interact with the Drive API on behalf of another user (which I control), so that this user becomes (for example) the owner of files being created. How can I achieve this?
To set the user you want to deligate as in your code just add a subject to the client, with user being the email of the user on your workspace domain.
const client = await auth.getClient();
client.subject = user;
I was able to achieve calling the Drive API on behalf of another user thanks to the suggestions made by #DalmTo.
The first step is to configure domain-wide delegation of authority in Google Workspace for the default AppEngine Service Account.
Next, the code in my question can be extended to receive a subject with the email of the user to impersonate via the clientOptions:
import { google } from 'googleapis';
// Within the Cloud Function body:
const auth = await google.auth.getClient({
scopes: [
clientOptions: {
subject: 'email#to.impersonate',
keyFile: './serviceAccountKey.json',
const driveAPI ={ version: 'v3', auth });
// read files, create file etc. using `driveAPI`...
Now, the truly odd thing is that this only works when also passing the service account key via the keyFile option in addition. I.e., relying on the key being automatically populated (as it is in Cloud Functions for Firebase) does NOT work when also trying to impersonate a request. There are ongoing discussions of this bug on GitHub, specifically see this comment.
To make domain-wide delegation work without having to provide the keyFile option (which will likely require you to manage the sensitive key file in some way), another option is to sign a JWT and use it to obtain an Oauth token. The approach is outlined by Google, and I found this SO answer providing a code-example very helpful.

Single flow: sign user in via Google oAuth AND grant offline/server access?

I'm trying to implement Google sign-in and API access for a web app with a Node.js back end. Google's docs provide two options using a combo of platform.js client-side and google-auth-library server-side:
Google Sign-In with back-end auth, via which users can log into my app using their Google account. (auth2.signIn() on the client and verifyIdToken() on the server.)
Google Sign-in for server-side apps, via which I can authorize the server to connect to Google directly on behalf of my users. (auth2.grantOfflineAccess() on the client, which returns a code I can pass to getToken() on the server.)
I need both: I want to authenticate users via Google sign-in; and, I want to set up server auth so it can also work on behalf of the user.
I can't figure out how to do this with a single authentication flow. The closest I can get is to do the two in sequence: authenticate the user first with signIn(), and then (as needed), do a second pass via grantOfflineAccess(). This is problematic:
The user now has to go through two authentications back to back, which is awkward and makes it look like there's something broken with my app.
In order to avoid running afoul of popup blockers, I can't give them those two flows on top of each other; I have to do the first authentication, then supply a button to start the second authentication. This is super-awkward because now I have to explain why the first one wasn't enough.
Ideally there's some variant of signIn() that adds the offline access into the initial authentication flow and returns the code along with the usual tokens, but I'm not seeing anything. Help?
(Edit: Some advice I received elsewhere is to implement only flow #2, then use a secure cookie store some sort of user identifier that I check against the user account with each request. I can see that this would work functionally, but it basically means I'm rolling my own login system, which would seem to increase the chance I introduce bugs in a critical system.)
To add an API to an existing Google Sign-In integration the best option is to implement incremental authorization. For this, you need to use both google-auth-library and googleapis, so that users can have this workflow:
Authenticate with Google Sign-In.
Authorize your application to use their information to integrate it with a Google API. For instance, Google Calendar. 
For this, your client-side JavaScript for authentication might require some changes to request
offline access:
$('#signinButton').click(function() {
In the response, you will have a JSON object with an authorization code:
After this, you can use the one-time code to exchange it for an access token and refresh token.
Here are some workflow details:
The code is your one-time code that your server can exchange for its own access token and refresh token. You can only obtain a refresh token after the user has been presented an authorization dialog requesting offline access. If you've specified the select-account prompt in the OfflineAccessOptions [...], you must store the refresh token that you retrieve for later use because subsequent exchanges will return null for the refresh token
Therefore, you should use google-auth-library to complete this workflow in the back-end. For this,
you'll use the authentication code to get a refresh token. However, as this is an offline workflow,
you also need to verify the integrity of the provided code as the documentation explains:
If you use Google Sign-In with an app or site that communicates with a backend server, you might need to identify the currently signed-in user on the server. To do so securely, after a user successfully signs in, send the user's ID token to your server using HTTPS. Then, on the server, verify the integrity of the ID token and use the user information contained in the token
The final function to get the refresh token that you should persist in your database might look like
const { OAuth2Client } = require('google-auth-library');
* Create a new OAuth2Client, and go through the OAuth2 content
* workflow. Return the refresh token.
function getRefreshToken(code, scope) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Create an oAuth client to authorize the API call. Secrets should be
// downloaded from the Google Developers Console.
const oAuth2Client = new OAuth2Client(
// Generate the url that will be used for the consent dialog.
await oAuth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
access_type: 'offline',
// Verify the integrity of the idToken through the authentication
// code and use the user information contained in the token
const { tokens } = await client.getToken(code);
const ticket = await client.verifyIdToken({
idToken: tokens.id_token!,
audience: keys.web.client_secret,
idInfo = ticket.getPayload();
return tokens.refresh_token;
At this point, we've refactored the authentication workflow to support Google APIs. However, you haven't asked the user to authorize it yet. Since you also need to grant offline access, you should request additional permissions through your client-side application. Keep in mind that you already need an active session.
const googleOauth = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
const newScope = ""
googleOauth = auth2.currentUser.get();
googleOauth.grantOfflineAccess({ scope: newScope }).then(
console.log(JSON.stringify({ message: "success", value: success }));
alert(JSON.stringify({message: "fail", value: fail}));
You're done with the front-end changes and you're only missing one step. To create a Google API's client in the back-end with the googleapis library, you need to use the refresh token from the previous step.
For a complete workflow with a Node.js back-end, you might find my gist helpful.
While authentication (sign in), you need to add "offline" access type (by default online) , so you will get a refresh token which you can use to get access token later without further user consent/authentication. You don't need to grant offline later, but only during signing in by adding the offline access_type. I don't know about platform.js but used "passport" npm module . I have also used "googleapis" npm module/library, this is official by Google.
Check this:
EDIT: You have a server side & you need to work on behalf of the user. You also want to use Google for signing in. You just need #2 Google Sign-in for server-side apps , why are you considering both #1 & #2 options.
I can think of #2 as the proper way based on your requirements. If you just want to signin, use basic scope such as email & profile (openid connect) to identify the user. And if you want user delegated permission (such as you want to automatically create an event in users calendar), just add the offline access_type during sign in. You can use only signing in for registered users & offline_access for new users.
Above is a single authentication flow.

How to Get a valid access token for my API and Microsoft Graph from Azure Active Directory?

I am trying to set up a spa javascript app which logs the user into our azure active directory tenant and then retrieves profile information from microsoft graph and calls an azure function written in c# core (my API).
I have separate application registrations set up for my website and the api in azure active directory.
I'm using the MSAL.js library in the javascript spa website and I'm using the newer microsoft identity / v2.0 endpoints.
The SPA app signs into active directory as expected and is able to use the access token to make the call to graph for the profile information. In my azure function I validate the token and this fails with the error "IDX10511: Signature validation failed. Keys tried: ....."
Now if I remove Microsoft graph from the scopes when requesting a token I get a token that when passed to the azure function validates perfectly well but I can no longer retrieve profile data in the spa app?
How do I get both to work?
Its also worth noting that ive tested the tokens with and it is also unable to verify the signature when graph is used.
Heres how I'm getting my token:
var msalConfig = {
auth: {
redirectUri: window.location.origin, // forces top level instead of specific login pages - fixes deep link issues.
clientId: "Client ID of the website app", //This is your client ID
"" //This is your tenant info
cache: {
cacheLocation: "localStorage",
storeAuthStateInCookie: true
const msalUserAgent = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(msalConfig);
var requestObj = {
scopes: ["User.Read", "api://MyApi/Access"]
//when the spa starts up I login using redirects
//then before calling an api I request a token using this method
acquireTokenSilent() {
var promise = msalUserAgent.acquireTokenSilent(requestObj);
return promise;
Try specifying the scopes as scopes: ["User.Read"] in the acquireTokenSilent() function.
Since an access token is only valid for one API.
If you need two, call acquireTokenSilent twice with different scopes.
It's okay to specify scopes for two APIs when signing in, but not when getting tokens. A token has an audience that specifies the target API. So you can't use a token for one API against another. And that's why it's only valid for one API.

Okta integration with JavaScript

I have been tasked with integrating an existing JavaScript application with Okta.
This application requires access to certain resources on Amazon's AWS API Gateway. The API-Gateway-generated SDK requires an access key and a secret access key for which we would prefer to use temporary credentials.
According to AWS documentation, an assertion is required to make a call to AWS's AssumeRoleWithSAML in order to retrieve temporary credentials.
I've tried the following Okta resources, but have been unable to determine how to obtain an assertion using JavaScript:
AWS SAML Integration with Okta:
This setup allows for logging in to the AWS Console.
The Okta Sign-in Widget: Using the widget, I've been unable to find an assertion in what is being returned.
Okta API/SDK: A JavaScript API/SDK is not listed.
I have found a few Python implementations that return temporary access keys, but haven't found any examples or documentation describing a JavaScript approach with Okta.
Thank you.
Here is an example application showing how to integrate Okta with Amazon S3 in JavaScript, using the Okta Sign-In Widget:
This example application is based on Amazon's JavaScript in the Browser sample application, but authenticates against Okta using OpenID Connect instead of using Facebook, as Amazon's sample application does.
Please note that the current version of the Okta Sign-In Widget (1.7.0) includes the xhr library which conflicts with Amazon's JavaScript SDK. This will be fixed in version 1.9.0 of the Okta Sign-In Widget, which removes xhr. In the meantime, the example in the okta-oidc-aws repo ships with a custom version of the widget that has xhr disabled.
The GitHub repository for the okta-oidc-aws sample has full details on getting the example working.
At a high level, the important parts are as follows:
Get an OpenID Connect id_token from Okta.
Use the WebIdentityCredentials class to exchange the Okta id_token for an AWS IAM Role. This is known as "Web Identity Federation".
The code that does this is below, and is copied straight from the sample.html file in the example:
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.WebIdentityCredentials({
WebIdentityToken: res.idToken
AWS.config.credentials.get(function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error creating AWS Web Identity: " + err);
bucket = new AWS.S3({
params: {
}); = 'none'; = 'block';

Firebase Custom Authentication: Security of Firebase Secret in JavaScript

I would like to use Firebase Custom Authentication in my Angular app. This action is realy simple:
var FirebaseTokenGenerator = require("firebase-token-generator");
var tokenGenerator = new FirebaseTokenGenerator("<YOUR_FIREBASE_SECRET>");
var token = tokenGenerator.createToken({ uid: "uniqueId1", some: "arbitrary", data: "here" });
But there is a warning about security of Firebase Secret in the doc page:
Firebase JWTs should always be generated on a trusted server so that
the Firebase app secret which is needed to generate them can be kept
I am wondering how can I keep my Firebase Secret private if everyone can view my JavaScript source code and read the Firebase Secret there? Am I missing something or there is no possibility to do this in JavaScript?
The code you quote is to be run on the your nodejs server (hence - server-side javascript).
The server component FirebaseTokenGenerator takes care for generating the token and sending it back to the JS client, after the client has authenticated to your server, with whatever method you want. That's why it's named custom authentication.

