PDF annotation in browser and save to database [closed] - javascript

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Closed last month.
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I would like direction on how to display the content of a PDF in the web browser and allow the user to annotate the content and save the position(coordinates) of the annotation in a database so it can be re-used when the page is reloaded.
Display the PDF is not an issue. However how do I go about drawing a circle or any other shape and save these annotations into a database?
I found some licensed products such as PDFTron but its very expensive.
I've been doing some research on this topic but it doesn't seems to be a very straight forward thing to do. Maybe I am missing something here.
Not concerned about the tech-stack here, javascript, node, ruby or python it doesn't matter. Even if the pdf will have to be converted to HTML or something else that is fine too. The end goal is to allow the user to annotate the content and save.
Can someone point me on the right direction to achieve this?


Render image if it exists [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Say, instead of saving Boolean in database, i'll just make client side of webapp check if image exists and if so, then display it, otherwise - default image.
Are there any negative consequences? For SEO?
What if i'll not even bother about "check if exists requests"? I'll just put default image beneath the desired one and if image is not exists, then client-side js will remove the remains of the image tag.
Default image behind broken image linke: I can't find a reference but I suspect Google might give a tiny penalty for broken image links.
A good way to do your "show default image if ideal image doesn't exist" is lazy-loading, and there are libraries to do it: you set all your images to start out as your default image, and then tell the library to go and fetch the real image. So just pick a library that fails gracefully and does nothing if the real image doesn't exist. Here's one that looks promising:
(Don't be put off by all the bells and whistles - for your case, implementation will be very simple. There's bound to be other simpler libraries out there.)
As to SEO penalties/benifits of lazy-loading, see: https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/61761/lazy-loading-images-and-effects-on-seo However note that the answer is outdated. These days google runs scripts, so should be able to index the images.
Lazy loading and SEO: see also: http://dinbror.dk/blog/lazy-load-images-seo-problem/

HTML Generated image link? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a web designer and i'm currently designing a website that includes images. I was wonder if anyone can tell me what it is called or if you can guide me the right way so i can do some research on my own and learn it.
Basically what i need to know is how can you lets say if the user click on the image it will bring them to another html with that image plus that image information
A current example... wallhaven.cc if you go there and if you click a wall paper.. every wallpaper has a specific link. is that generated or does that mean that literally EVERY image on that website has a web page of its own?
Yes it is possible to do it both ways you can use what is called dynamically generated web pages or you can create each page manually.
So if you were to go with the dynamically generated web pages you would probably want to consider looking around a JavaScript Template Engine. I currently am using this one while I build my own. http://idangero.us/template7/. That is the best JavaScript Template Engine you can get. Plus it is free and Open-Source. But if you go with creating each page manually you will have a lot of work on you hand! So personally I would choose using the JavaScript Template Engine!
Have a great day.
Joseph Shenton
There is one page for image details, the number at the end of the link is the image id, which tells the server which data to output.

Moving button in screen [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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We have a feature on our website to prove us that the user is an actual human.
Here is how it's working.
After registering a button is shown and told to users to click on it ro prove that you are a human.
Once being mouseovered it start to move randomly all over the screen.
We use jquery to do this.
The main problem is that users are stopping javascript on their browser or edit the js with browser developer.
Some have created html forms to bypass this (yes we have csrf protection on all our forms they simply edit their form to the new csrf values)
This cheat is causing us to loose money.
We would appreciate help..
Best regards
P.S: We are familiar with captcha(google, solvemdia etc etc) but our proving system has to be this
The button will have the same ID therefor it's simple for someone to programmatically click it even if it does move on the screen.
The best way you could prove that the user is human would be to use a proven method such as a CAPTCHA(http://www.captcha.net/)
You can use the freely available reCAPTCHA(https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/index.html) from Google as suggested by #A.Wolff.

Facebook TimeLine's cover system code [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to do a web page with the same system that Facebook TimeLine's cover . I want users to be able to upload a picture and reposition it.
I know how to upload picture with PHP but i don't know how to display it without reload the page. In my opinion I need to use AJAX. Is it right?
The last problem is : How does the reposition system works?(I know that Javascript is needed) If anybody can give me some help because I have no idea of what to search on google.
Thank you
PS: Sorry for my bad english .
See if this helps?
Ajax Image Upload without Refreshing Page using Jquery.

Need to Find A JQuery solution similar to app for Ipad [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I had a meeting with our president this morning who was wanting to have our team page function similar to the following app for her Ipad:
There is a lot of movement and I am not sure where to really begin. In our case the thumbnails would be pictures of our people and when you clicked the photo a pop up box with description and contact information would be available for the user. I am wondering if anyone has seen a JQuery plugin I could use to simulate this affect or something else I could build on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For anyone that is interested, here is what I wound up doing.
I used a JQuery plugin called "quicksand" for the animation part of it, then set up some an AJAX request on a timer to call a php page with a list of all employees in random order. Give a similar effect to what we were looking for, thanks for all the help.
One way i could think is to just have the thubnail images and then load the appropriate profiles in a fancy box
Or do it all manually, by having a hidden, absolute positioned Overlay and then present it on click

