How do I restructure an API response? - javascript

Here is my back end route, is there something obvious that im missing when it comes to the returned data? I'm more experience with array manipulation, so when dealing with objects rather than forcing it into an array after returning data, how can I restructure this to return an array?
router.get('/caseDetail/:caseName', (req,res) => {
include : [db.Part,db.Fault,db.Disposition,db.Contact,db.Site],
where : {
[]: [req.params.caseName]}
}).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Currently I'm returning an Object rather than an array of objects, which is what im looking for,

you forget to use return in res.json(response)
try return res.json(response)

The issue here was a syntax error on my front end route,
After changing
let items = await axios.get(`/api/caseDetail/:${caseName}`);
let items = await axios.get(`/api/caseDetail/${caseName}`);
Everything fell into place and my use of [] worked like a charm. Thank you all for the help!


Unable to perform a Firebase query on a timestamp and receiving an empty body in response

Can someone explain to me why I am not able to perform a simple Firebase query checking for a specific timestamp in a subcollection?
The code below works if I try to retrieve the whole document, but if I add the where query it just returns a 200 response with an empty body.
I have also tried to replace db.collection with db.collectionGroup and in this case I get a 500 response with the following message Collection IDs must not contain '/'.
Here you can see how I have structured my data and my code:
try {
const reference = db.collection(`/data/10546781/history`).where("timestamp", "==", 1659559179735)
const document = await reference.get()
res.status(200).json(document.forEach(doc => {
} catch(error) {
It seems you are looking for map() that creates a new array and not forEach() loop that returns nothing. Try:
const reference = db.collection(`/data/10546781/history`).where("realtimeData.timestamp", "==", 1659559179735)
const snapshot = await reference.get()
const data = => ({
Additionally, you need to use the dot notation if you want to query based on a nested field.
#Dharmaraj Thanks for the help. Your answer was part of the solution. The other part concerned how my data was structured. The timestamp needed to be at the parent level of the subcollection document. So either outside the realTimeData object or the whole object needs to be flattened at the parent level.

Why is Firebase Query [ ] despite async/await?

I'm still struggling to understand how to extract values from a Firestore Query and put them into a global variable. I (now) understand that the asynchronous nature means that code isn't executed in the order that it is written. But, why is user still undefined in the following code block despite the await keyword inside of an async function? I understand (based on this question) that await should be applied only up to get(), otherwise there may not be values to iterate over.
My question is similar to this, but I run into the same issue as the comment and it looks like the question was never marked as answered. It is also similar to this, but pushing all gets to a Promise and then resolving that promise still didn't assign the data to a variable. It just printed an empty array.
I can print the variable, so my question is about assignment, I think. This function is a handler for an Intent in DialogFlow. I strongly prefer to have the data available outside of the call to the db. Adding to agent responses in a call to firestore doesn't always add the text to the agent, so I'd like to avoid that.
async function loginHandler(agent){
username =;
password = agent.parameters.password;
const user = await db.collection("users")
.then(querySnapshot =>{
querySnapshot.forEach(docSnapShot =>{
//console.log.(; //prints correct contents, so error is in programming logic
agent.add("Response"); // Would prefer to avoid this, but could refactor if I am fundamentally misunderstanding how to access Firebase data
.catch(error => console.log);
Picture of Firestore to demonstrate that the correct data do exist:
You might be able to split the code up. Return the data from the database first, then map over the data to extract the details, and then assign that result to the user variable.
async function loginHandler(agent) {
username =;
password = agent.parameters.password;
// `await` the promise and assign it to
// `querySnapshot`
const querySnapshot = await db.collection('users')
.where('name', '==', username)
.where('password', '==', password)
.catch(error => console.log);
const user = => {
forEach iterates the results but doesn't return anything, so your return inside there isn't doing what you'd expect (forEach returns void so you're returning the snapshot to a function that is returning void). You can create a local variable to hold the results you iterate and then return that:
const user = await db.collection("users")
.then(querySnapshot =>{
// Set up an empty array to return later
let data = []
querySnapshot.forEach(docSnapShot =>{
// Add each snapshot's data object to the array
data = [,]
// Return `data` which will populate `user`
return data
.catch(error => console.log);
Have you checked what the correct answer is?
Please clarify whether you mean undefined as you say in the title, or empty array as you say in the text.
Your code looks correct to me. I would not expect the output of console.log(user) to be undefined. However, an empty list [ ] would be a perfectly reasonable answer.
Perhaps there is nobody in that collection with that username and password?
Have you tried removing the condition of equality of username and password? That should get you an element of the collection, if it is not entirely empty.

Async/Await variable affectation in javascript for loop

I would like to achieve the following thing in JS but I've got the feeling that I don't have the right approach.
I'm doing a first request giving me a list of objects
For each object I'm doing another request to an API to get matching values
Apply a specific logic to the result
Finally call a function that uses the data provided by the API and modified
My code looks like this :
async function processData(){
const models = await fetch('/api/models').then(response => response.json());
for(let m in models){
for(let i of models[m].items){
if(i.type == 1){
i.values = await fetch('/api/main/' => response.json());
i.values = await fetch('/api/custom/' => response.json());
// + additionnal specific code on values
console.log(i.values);//<--- NOT WHAT EXPECTED
My problem is that display function is called before i.values is updated.
I think the whole for(let i models[m].items){} loop should be asynchronous and the display function should be called only once all fetch requests for each i item have been resolved.
But I'm struggling to write the code and I'm not sure this is the good way of doing this.

Catching part of a JSON response and saving into a variable?

I have a question I've spent the past few days with my friend google trying to answer. This is the code from a project I'm currently working on and I'm trying to interface with two API's.
What you see here is a call to the first API using the GOT library formatting to receive a JSON response.
var products
//Printify call for products list
(async () => {
const list = await redd('shops/shopId/products.json');
//Catch the Data array and save it into the variable products
var obj = new JSONObject(response);
products = obj.getJSONArray("data");
catch(error) {
//Print the variable products to the console
I create a new JSONObject from the response and grab the Data Array from that response and put it in the Variable products which was defined outside this function. Finally I'm trying to print the variable to the console.
Eventually I will need to take that "data" Array and parse for specific items inside it (i.e. title: , description: , images:) and pass it as a value into the next API.
Currently I'm getting a "undefined" response from the console. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, hoping that I can get some help or direction. Anything is appreciated, thank you all in advance!
I was finally able to get it all working. It's actually been a minute since I solved, but wanted to make sure it worked. Here is the final code that ended up working for me:
//Config for a new GOT instance, to use redd as the variable with the attached headers and options
const redd = got.extend({
prefixUrl: '',
responseType: 'json',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey
var productsParsed //Setting up global variable to accept the array from the JSON response body
//Printify call for products list
getProducts = async () => {
const response = await redd('shops/' + shopId + '/products.json');
productsParsed =; //Data is the array in the body I need access to, and saving that into the var productsParsed
//Returning the var with the new value
return productsParsed
catch(error) {
getProducts().then(console.log); //Printing the return value from getProducts() which verifies the var contains the needed value
So the solution ended up being fairly simple. I just didn't fully understand the GOT structure. I had to use dot notation to pin down my return statement. After figuring that out I was able to use my global variable that I had set up to accept the value of the JSON response body. Thank you all for your suggestions and assistance. I hope this post is able to help any others in a similar situation to myself.
You've defined an async function, but you haven't awaited its result.
I think adding await in front of the call site would fix that.
Because it's an async function the console.log is called before the async function is finished. Move it inside the async function and it should work.
var products
//Printify call for products list
(async () => {
const list = await redd('shops/shopId/products.json'); // we wait for the response here
//Catch the Data array and save it into the variable products
var obj = new JSONObject(response);
products = obj.getJSONArray("data");
//Print the variable products to the console will work here
catch(error) {

How to get the right answer form in axios

I use axios, the answer to my query comes in the form of How can I get an answer without immediately response.object??
You cannot achieve what you want like that, axios returns the body of the response from within the data object.
Although, you can do this:
let response =;
And then you can use response.object
EDIT: As stated in the other answer, this is definitely doable, although I would advise against manipulating the structure in which axios sends its response as this makes assumptions about the structure of the JSON response. (especially if being setup as a global setting)
axios.defaults.transformResponse = [function (data) {
// Do whatever you want to transform the data
return JSON.parse(data).response.object;
then now you can access to your object by just typing:
It's work
export function name(param) {
return axios.get(`URL`,
{transformResponse: axios.defaults.transformResponse.concat((response) => {
return response.response

