ReferenceError: navigator is not defined (mxgraph with next.js) [duplicate] - javascript

Trying to create an xterm react component in Next.js I got stuck as I'm not able to get over an error message I've never got before.
I'm trying to import a npm client-side module called xterm, but if I add the import line the application crashes.
import { Terminal } from 'xterm'
The error reads Server Error... ReferenceError: self is not defined
and then shows this chunk of code as Source
module.exports = require("xterm");
According to some research I did, this has to do with Webpack and could be helped if something like this was done:
output: {
globalObject: 'this'
Would you know how to fix this?

The error occurs because the library requires Web APIs to work, which are not available when Next.js pre-renders the page on the server-side.
In your case, xterm tries to access the window object which is not present on the server. To fix it, you have to dynamically import xterm so it only gets loaded on the client-side.
There are a couple of ways to achieve this in Next.js.
#1 Using dynamic import()
Move the import to your component's useEffect, then dynamically import the library and add your logic there.
useEffect(() => {
const initTerminal = async () => {
const { Terminal } = await import('xterm')
const term = new Terminal()
// Add logic with `term`
}, [])
#2 Using next/dynamic with ssr: false
Create a component where you add the xterm logic.
// components/terminal-component
import { Terminal } from 'xterm'
function TerminalComponent() {
const term = new Terminal()
// Add logic around `term`
return <></>
export default TerminalComponent
Then dynamically import that component when using it.
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
const TerminalComponent = dynamic(() => import('<path-to>/components/terminal-component'), {
ssr: false
As an alternative, you could add the logic directly when dynamically importing the library with next/dynamic to avoid having an extra file for it.
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
const Terminal = dynamic(
loader: () => import('xterm').then((mod) => mod.Terminal),
render: (props, Terminal) => {
const term = new Terminal()
// Add logic with `term`
return <></>
ssr: false


ReactJS/NextJS - npm run build fails - SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' [duplicate]

Trying out Next.js but I'm struggling with the following. Just tried to install react-hook-mousetrap and imported it like I normally would:
import useMousetrap from "react-hook-mousetrap";
This gives me the following error:
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
1 > module.exports = require("react-hook-mousetrap");
I am not sure what this means? I then thought it might be a problem with Nextjs's SSR, since my library enables hotkeys and will use some browser APIs. If you already know that I am on the wrong track here you can stop reading now.
What I did next however was this, I tried dynamic imports:
1. Dynamic import with next/dynamic
First thing I came across was next/dynamic, but this seems to be for JSX / React Components only (correct me if I'm wrong). Here I will be importing and using a React hook.
2. Dynamic import with await (...).default
So I tried dynamically importing it as a module, but I'm not sure how to do this exactly.
I need to use my hook at the top level of my component, can't make that Component async and now don't know what to do?
const MyComponent = () => {
// (1) TRIED THIS:
const useMousetrap = await import("react-hook-mousetrap").default;
//can't use the hook here since my Component is not async; Can't make the Component async, since this breaks stuff
// (2) TRIED THIS:
(async () => {
const useMousetrap = (await import("react-hook-mousetrap")).default;
// in this async function i can't use the hook, because it needs to be called at the top level.
Any advice here would be appreciated!
The error occurs because react-hook-mousetrap is exported as an ESM library. You can have Next.js transpile it using next-transpile-modules in your next.config.js.
const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['react-hook-mousetrap']);
module.exports = withTM({ /* Your Next.js config */});
I don't know if my answer is actual, but i'm facing whith this problem today, and what that i done:
//test component for modal
const Button: React.FC<{close?: () => void}> = ({ close }) => (
<button type="button" onClick={ close }>Close</button>
// async call import react custom hook in next js whithout a dynamic
let newHook;
(async () => {
const { hookFromNodeModules } =
await import('path/to/hook');
newHook = hookFromNodeModules;
export default function Home() {
// check if hook is available
const openModal = newHook && newHook();
const { t } = useTranslation('common');
// useCallback for update call function when hook is available
const handleOpen = React.useCallback(() => {
openModal?.openModal(Button, {});
}, [openModal]);
return ( ...your code )
hope this help!)
screen from next.js app

nextjs 12 and react 17+ with react compound timer v2 causing import module statement error [duplicate]

Trying out Next.js but I'm struggling with the following. Just tried to install react-hook-mousetrap and imported it like I normally would:
import useMousetrap from "react-hook-mousetrap";
This gives me the following error:
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
1 > module.exports = require("react-hook-mousetrap");
I am not sure what this means? I then thought it might be a problem with Nextjs's SSR, since my library enables hotkeys and will use some browser APIs. If you already know that I am on the wrong track here you can stop reading now.
What I did next however was this, I tried dynamic imports:
1. Dynamic import with next/dynamic
First thing I came across was next/dynamic, but this seems to be for JSX / React Components only (correct me if I'm wrong). Here I will be importing and using a React hook.
2. Dynamic import with await (...).default
So I tried dynamically importing it as a module, but I'm not sure how to do this exactly.
I need to use my hook at the top level of my component, can't make that Component async and now don't know what to do?
const MyComponent = () => {
// (1) TRIED THIS:
const useMousetrap = await import("react-hook-mousetrap").default;
//can't use the hook here since my Component is not async; Can't make the Component async, since this breaks stuff
// (2) TRIED THIS:
(async () => {
const useMousetrap = (await import("react-hook-mousetrap")).default;
// in this async function i can't use the hook, because it needs to be called at the top level.
Any advice here would be appreciated!
The error occurs because react-hook-mousetrap is exported as an ESM library. You can have Next.js transpile it using next-transpile-modules in your next.config.js.
const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['react-hook-mousetrap']);
module.exports = withTM({ /* Your Next.js config */});
I don't know if my answer is actual, but i'm facing whith this problem today, and what that i done:
//test component for modal
const Button: React.FC<{close?: () => void}> = ({ close }) => (
<button type="button" onClick={ close }>Close</button>
// async call import react custom hook in next js whithout a dynamic
let newHook;
(async () => {
const { hookFromNodeModules } =
await import('path/to/hook');
newHook = hookFromNodeModules;
export default function Home() {
// check if hook is available
const openModal = newHook && newHook();
const { t } = useTranslation('common');
// useCallback for update call function when hook is available
const handleOpen = React.useCallback(() => {
openModal?.openModal(Button, {});
}, [openModal]);
return ( ...your code )
hope this help!)
screen from next.js app

How can I use emailjs with NextJS correctly? [duplicate]

Trying out Next.js but I'm struggling with the following. Just tried to install react-hook-mousetrap and imported it like I normally would:
import useMousetrap from "react-hook-mousetrap";
This gives me the following error:
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
1 > module.exports = require("react-hook-mousetrap");
I am not sure what this means? I then thought it might be a problem with Nextjs's SSR, since my library enables hotkeys and will use some browser APIs. If you already know that I am on the wrong track here you can stop reading now.
What I did next however was this, I tried dynamic imports:
1. Dynamic import with next/dynamic
First thing I came across was next/dynamic, but this seems to be for JSX / React Components only (correct me if I'm wrong). Here I will be importing and using a React hook.
2. Dynamic import with await (...).default
So I tried dynamically importing it as a module, but I'm not sure how to do this exactly.
I need to use my hook at the top level of my component, can't make that Component async and now don't know what to do?
const MyComponent = () => {
// (1) TRIED THIS:
const useMousetrap = await import("react-hook-mousetrap").default;
//can't use the hook here since my Component is not async; Can't make the Component async, since this breaks stuff
// (2) TRIED THIS:
(async () => {
const useMousetrap = (await import("react-hook-mousetrap")).default;
// in this async function i can't use the hook, because it needs to be called at the top level.
Any advice here would be appreciated!
The error occurs because react-hook-mousetrap is exported as an ESM library. You can have Next.js transpile it using next-transpile-modules in your next.config.js.
const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['react-hook-mousetrap']);
module.exports = withTM({ /* Your Next.js config */});
I don't know if my answer is actual, but i'm facing whith this problem today, and what that i done:
//test component for modal
const Button: React.FC<{close?: () => void}> = ({ close }) => (
<button type="button" onClick={ close }>Close</button>
// async call import react custom hook in next js whithout a dynamic
let newHook;
(async () => {
const { hookFromNodeModules } =
await import('path/to/hook');
newHook = hookFromNodeModules;
export default function Home() {
// check if hook is available
const openModal = newHook && newHook();
const { t } = useTranslation('common');
// useCallback for update call function when hook is available
const handleOpen = React.useCallback(() => {
openModal?.openModal(Button, {});
}, [openModal]);
return ( ...your code )
hope this help!)
screen from next.js app

"Cannot use import statement outside a module" error when importing react-hook-mousetrap in Next.js

Trying out Next.js but I'm struggling with the following. Just tried to install react-hook-mousetrap and imported it like I normally would:
import useMousetrap from "react-hook-mousetrap";
This gives me the following error:
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
1 > module.exports = require("react-hook-mousetrap");
I am not sure what this means? I then thought it might be a problem with Nextjs's SSR, since my library enables hotkeys and will use some browser APIs. If you already know that I am on the wrong track here you can stop reading now.
What I did next however was this, I tried dynamic imports:
1. Dynamic import with next/dynamic
First thing I came across was next/dynamic, but this seems to be for JSX / React Components only (correct me if I'm wrong). Here I will be importing and using a React hook.
2. Dynamic import with await (...).default
So I tried dynamically importing it as a module, but I'm not sure how to do this exactly.
I need to use my hook at the top level of my component, can't make that Component async and now don't know what to do?
const MyComponent = () => {
// (1) TRIED THIS:
const useMousetrap = await import("react-hook-mousetrap").default;
//can't use the hook here since my Component is not async; Can't make the Component async, since this breaks stuff
// (2) TRIED THIS:
(async () => {
const useMousetrap = (await import("react-hook-mousetrap")).default;
// in this async function i can't use the hook, because it needs to be called at the top level.
Any advice here would be appreciated!
The error occurs because react-hook-mousetrap is exported as an ESM library. You can have Next.js transpile it using next-transpile-modules in your next.config.js.
const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['react-hook-mousetrap']);
module.exports = withTM({ /* Your Next.js config */});
I don't know if my answer is actual, but i'm facing whith this problem today, and what that i done:
//test component for modal
const Button: React.FC<{close?: () => void}> = ({ close }) => (
<button type="button" onClick={ close }>Close</button>
// async call import react custom hook in next js whithout a dynamic
let newHook;
(async () => {
const { hookFromNodeModules } =
await import('path/to/hook');
newHook = hookFromNodeModules;
export default function Home() {
// check if hook is available
const openModal = newHook && newHook();
const { t } = useTranslation('common');
// useCallback for update call function when hook is available
const handleOpen = React.useCallback(() => {
openModal?.openModal(Button, {});
}, [openModal]);
return ( ...your code )
hope this help!)
screen from next.js app

Webpack-bundled code crashes when both `import` and `require` instructions are present in the ES6 code

Our Webpack bundle contains placeholders for the dynamic import of icons. An example dynamic import is as follows:
const { icon: iconName } = this.props;
const faIconName = `fa${iconName.replace(/./, c => c.toUpperCase())}`;
/* webpackInclude: /\.js$/ */
).then(faIcon => {
if (this.mounted) {
this.setState({ faIcon });
We decided for this strategy in order to prevent Webpack from bundling up the whole collection of FontAwesome icons.
Most recently we've realised the need to have internal builds where the dynamic import does not occur and pay the price of the larger bundle. The following code has been placed in our icon code (alongside the dynamic import above):
const faIconName = `fa${iconName.replace(/./, c => c.toUpperCase())}`;
let faIcon;
try {
faIcon = require(`#fortawesome/pro-light-svg-icons/${faIconName}.js`)[faIconName];
} catch (e) {}
Both loading strategies work fine when used one at a time. The issue comes when they coexist in the icon component.
I have verified that the import instruction leads Webpack to create in the bundle what to me seems a synthetic JS file generated with the command:
webpack:/// ./node_modules/#fortawesome/pro-light-svg-icons lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ namespace object
When both import and require instructions are present in the Icon component, the synthetic file is different from when the sole import is encountered.
In detail, the object called map in the synthetic file contains values that are arrays with 3 elements in the import case and with 2 elements in the import+require case; the synthetic code tries to access the third element and everything crashes.
Can anyone comment on this issue?
I found an answer, you may check my full answer here
To make long story short i imported basing on the list and put all the imported components to Component's state. Afterwards i've created the React.createElememt's from the stored imported components and pulled all of them to Render
componentDidMount = () => {
//we get elements list from any source to redux-store
//access redux-store to the list
const forms = this.props.configBody.sets;
//make deep object copy
const updatedState = { ...this.state };
updatedState.modules = [];
if (forms) {
//here is the very dynamic import magic: we map the import list and prepare to store the imports in Component`s state
const importPromises = =>
.then(module => {
//wait till all imports are getting resolved
.then(res =>
//then run setState
this.setState({ ...updatedState }, () => {

