undefined error when fetching weather forecast api javascript - javascript

I am trying to fetch the weather forecast api json like I did with the current weather api, but it does not seem to work any way I try.
let inOneDay = {
fetchWeather: function(){
).then(resp => resp.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));
I have no idea where I went wrong. I used the same logic to make the code below work:
let weather = {
fetchWeather: function(){
).then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => this.displayWeather(data));
displayWeather: function(data){
const{icon,description} = data.weather[0];
const{temp} = data.main;
document.querySelector(".icon").src = "https://www.openweathermap.org/img/wn/" + icon + ".png";
document.querySelector(".celsius").innerText = Math.round(temp) + "°C";
document.querySelector(".desc").innerText = description;
Grateful for any ideas!

Examining the json reply from that API, it looks like the OP code expects different fields than the service provides.
const result =
{"cod":"200","message":0,"cnt":1,"list":[{"dt":1631577600,"main":{"temp":13.31,"feels_like":13.05,"temp_min":13.31,"temp_max":15.87,"pressure":1018,"sea_level":1018,"grnd_level":1007,"humidity":90,"temp_kf":-2.56},"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04n"}],"clouds":{"all":95},"wind":{"speed":1.42,"deg":94,"gust":2.29},"visibility":10000,"pop":0,"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2021-09-14 00:00:00"}],"city":{"id":2935517,"name":"Dortmund","coord":{"lat":51.5167,"lon":7.45},"country":"DE","population":588462,"timezone":7200,"sunrise":1631595820,"sunset":1631641686}};
const result0 = result.list[0]; // notice .list[0]
const weather0 = result0.weather[0]; // notice weather[0]
const main = result0.main; // notice main is a sibling prop to weather
const temp = main.temp
console.log(`weather is ${JSON.stringify(weather0)}`);
console.log(`main is ${JSON.stringify(main)}`);
console.log(`temp is ${temp}`);
Be sure to check for errors before dereferencing the result. It also looks like the api provides a cnt prop which might indicate the number of elements in the list.


Unable to set data for Highcharts

I try to set data to my highchart with a fetch function but the dta is not displayed or even set to my chart element.
Here is my fetch function
.then(response => response.text())
.then((response) => {
function csvToArray(str, delimiter = ",") {
let array = str.split("\n").map(function (line) {
return line.split(delimiter);
return array;
let array = csvToArray(response);
array.splice(0, 1);
let string =JSON.stringify(array);
let stringnew = string.replaceAll("\"","");
.catch(err => console.log(err))
as well as my data.csv file
I also see in the console the right output
its corrosponding to the Highcharts doku as I understood. But the data is not loaded.
Any help appreciated :)
stringnew is a string not a JSON object.
The issue is solved by using

API call undefined

Hello guys im trying to use the API from HAPPi using axios, i get the data in the console but when i try to get the values i want, i get allways undefined (i also tried with vanilla and ajax but i get the same thing).
im newbie so i can't find out what im doing wrong.
axios .get("https://api.happi.dev/v1/music/artists?apikey=here_goes_the_api_key&page=1")
.then(response => {
const artistName = response.data.result.artist;
const artistCover = response.data.result.cover;
const artistInfo = response.data.result.api_artist;
const artistAlbums = response.data.result.api_albums;
document.getElementsByClassName('artistName').innerText = artistName;
document.getElementsByClassName('artistCover').innerHtml = artistCover;
document.getElementsByClassName('artistInfo').innerHtml = artistInfo;
document.getElementsByClassName('artistAlbums').innerHtml = artistAlbums;
.catch(error => console.error(error));
you need to register at https://happi.dev/ using your email address and you will get an api-key which needs to be inserted in the api call url
like this, hopefully this will fix the issue you are facing and if you still face issue try using double quotes when calling below method.
document.getElementsByClassName("artistName").innerText = artistName;
ok i found the problem, i wasn't indexing the object like this:
const artistName = response.data.result[0].artist;
const artistCover = response.data.result[0].cover;
const artistInfo = response.data.result[0].api_artist;
const artistAlbums = response.data.result[0].api_albums;
thanks for all the help

Create global variable in utils.js file in node.js

Hi I'm currently trying to figure it out how to properly define global variable in node.js. I know it is not a good practice to do this, but in this particular screnario it's the only way to do this without using connection to database.
I'm getting data from github API to display some information, I'm trying to store them in the global variable. It should allow me to e.g pass specific object from first global list to new global list that display only chosen items.
I have file called utils.js that have this two empty arrays that should be global:
let repoItems = [];
let bookmarkedItems = [];
exports.repoItems = repoItems;
exports.bookmarkedItems = bookmarkedItems;
Then I have another file that fetch and should assign items to the first global variable, but it looks like it doesn't. Because in the moment I'm trying to chose one item & push it into second empty array it's impossible, I'm getting empty array. I'm not sure if the mistake is taken because of bad implementation of global variable from other file, or something else :/
Below I include the fetching part of code, with bold part that I'm confused with:
let utils = require('../utils');
let {
} = utils;
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
try {
const result = await fetchGithubAPI(`searching word`);
const urls = result.map(url => url);
res.render('repositories.ejs', {
'data': urls
} catch (e) {
async function fetchGithubAPI(search) {
const response = await fetch(`https://api.github.com/?q=${search}`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
const data = await response.json();
**repoItems = data.items.map(item => item);**
return repoItems;
let repoItems = require('./utils').repoItems
instead of
let {
} = utils;
if you remove
let {
} = utils;
you can try using
utils.repoItems = data.items.map(item => item)
I tried an example setup for it
module.exports.someValue = 3;
module.exports.setSomeValue = (value) => {someValue = value}
const utils = require('./utils');
console.log(utils.someValue);// 3
utils.someValue = 5
console.log(utils.someValue);// 5
Update after knowing about getter and setter methods in Js
You can refer to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/set
this is another way to change value of any private properties in JS

Images not populating when using Unsplash API

I am learning how to use fetch APIs and I can't seem to figure out why only 1 image is showing up when using the Unsplash API. I think it has something to do with map, but I'm not sure. Any help our guidance is appreciated.
document.getElementById("search").addEventListener("click", () => {
const searchTerm = document.getElementById("searchBox").value;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
let searchResults = data.results
.map(searchResults => {
return (document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `<img src="${
Code Sandbox here: https://codesandbox.io/s/yq918mok29
The default 10 images should appear but only 1 shows up. How can I map through the images and show them on the page?
You're overwriting the element's content in each map iteration, so you only see the last one. Use map to build the markup, then drop it into the document.
Something like this:
.then(data => {
let imagesMarkup = '';
.map(searchResults => {
return (imagesMarkup += `<img src="${searchResults.urls.small}">`);
}); // note that the join was removed here
document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = imagesMarkup;

Get the ChildrenCount of a child in Firebase using JavaScript

I have been doing this for an hour. I simply want to get the number of children in the child "Success" in the database below. The answers in similar stackoverflow questions are not working. I am new in Javascript Programming.
So far I have tried this
var children = firebase.database().ref('Success/').onWrite(event => {
return event.data.ref.parent.once("value", (snapshot) => {
const count = snapshot.numChildren();
and also this
var children = firebase.database().ref('Success/').onWrite(event => {
return event.data.ref.parent.once("value", (snapshot) => {
const count = snapshot.numChildren();
Where might I be going wrong.
As explained in the doc, you have to use the numChildren() method, as follows:
var ref = firebase.database().ref("Success");
.then(function(snapshot) {
If you want to use this method in a Cloud Function, you can do as follows:
exports.children = functions.database
.onWrite((change, context) => {
return null;
Note that:
The new syntax for Cloud Functions version > 1.0 is used, see https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/beta-v1-diff?authuser=0
You should not forget to return a promise or a value to indicate to the platform that the Cloud Function execution is completed (for more details on this point, you may watch the 3 videos about "JavaScript Promises" from the Firebase video series: https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/video-series/).
const db = getDatabase(app)
const questionsRef = ref(db, 'questions')
const mathematicalLiteracy = child(questionsRef, 'mathematicalLiteracy')
onValue(mathematicalLiteracy, (snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.val()
const lenML = data.length - 1
This method worked for me. I wanted to get the children's count of the mathematicalLiteracy node in my database tree. If I get its value using .val() it returns an array that contains that node's children and an extra empty item. So, I subtracted that one empty item's count. Finally, I get my needed children's count.

