Using map function to create React components - javascript

I want to map over values and return an instance of my <FirstRepeatAttributeLabelAssistant /> for every label (basically to render an label above each input, number of inputs can vary).
I've started off with this:
{ => (
<FirstRepeatAttributeLabelAssistant />
The output of the map above is like so:
[StringAttributeModel, MemoAttributeModel, LabelAttributeModel, MemoAttributeModel, StringAttributeModel, StringAttributeModel] I only care about the "StringAttributeModel" as each of those 3 include 3 different labels (the part I care about). Their structure is like so:
How can I update my logic to ensure all of the potential labels are covered and a <FirstRepeatAttributeLabelAssistant /> component is rendered for each of them?

Suppose all your elements are a component, then you can simply do.
{ => {
return <Comp label="..." />
You can fill whatever your custom logic in the ... area.


react-admin ReferenceField label not showing when used in a custom component

So I need a ReferenceField to access data from another table. Since I am doing this often i extracted this in a custom component
const CustomField = (props: any) => {
const record = useRecordContext();
return (
label="some label"
<TextField source="name" />
now when i use the component:
everithing is working fine, data is displayed fine, except no label is shown.
So I am expecting some form of label at the top but no signs.
If I do it without creating a custom field, everything is working just fine, the label and sorting is there. But when I extract the code into a separate component it doesn't seem to work.
Looks like the attributes lose their default values and behavior when extracted to a separate component.
My current workaround
<OrganisationField label="Some label" sortBy="something" />
that is fine, it works but it's not practical (and it's annoying) to do this everytime I or someone else wants to use the component, since that should already be defined inside it.
When you say "no label is shown", I assume that's when you use your custom Field inside a Datagrid.
Datagrid inspects its children for their label prop to display the column header. To make your label inspect-able, declare it as defaultProp:
CustomField.defaultProps = {
label: "someId"
This is explained in the react-admin "writing a custom field" documentation:

Create a custom Show Layout component

I'm trying to create a custom layout component, so I can design my Show page better.
I'm not sure why some things work and some don't. My plan is to use the Material-UI <Grid> component. I know that the Grid component doesn't pass the props, then I'm extending to my own:
export default function OrderShow(props) {
return (
<Show {...props}>
<TextField source="shortId" label="Short ID" />
My CustomGrid component, which is just a draft yet, is cloning its children to pass the props:
function CustomGrid(props) {
return, (child) => React.cloneElement(child, props));
When I use it, the TextField receives the source, and renders it correctly. However the label is gone. I'm not sure why this happens.
Another problem is that when I try to use the CustomGrid with a ReferenceField, it doesn't work at all:
<Show {...props}>
<ReferenceField source="user" reference="users" label="Name" link="show">
<FunctionField render={(record) => `${record.firstName} ${record.lastName}`} />
I can see that the props are passed until the ReferenceField, but it's lost before reaching the FunctionField:
Is there a better way to customize the SimpleShowLayout and continue using the TextField and other components from react-admin?
Yes, there is a way. Simply put react-admin's SimpleShowLayout is a little bit more coplex then just passing the props to the children fields. That's why you have to recursively iterate until you reach a field and perform the stuff the react-admin does.
Finally I have decided to share some privately developed components in a new package I am building. I have added layouts which work both with Box and Grid material-ui's components. You can have a look here: ra-compact-ui

Render props method without nesting dom element

In essence I have the following inside a react functional component:
<div className="content">
<div className="filters">
<MyFilter1 data={data}>
{(filter1Data) => {
return <MyFilter2 data={filter1Data}>
{(finalData) => {
return <div className="final-data">{finalData}</div>
<div className="filtered" />
I am using multiple filters with the render children paradigm to get the final data. But for (admittedly frustrating) styling reasons, I would like to render the final data in a div outside of the filters location (inside the 'filtered' div in this case). How can I do this? Is my approach wrong? Is the 'filter with render children' the wrong approach?
I have tried:
React portal with createRef(), in essence the problem ends up being that the ref is not available yet when the 'finalData' function is called.
The filter components themselves are very complicated but I can give a couple examples. The data I'm filtering is a simple object with 12ish properties. One of the filters is implemented as a series of checkboxes determining which properties of the data I want to display (necessary as a separate component because of the number of fields). One of the properties on the data is a price, and another filter is a price range 'dialer', that specifies the price range to display ( aka exclude data points outside the range).

transfer data from components in react

I have 2 components. In one component I render map of table rows =>
this is place, where is rendered =>(
<tr onClick={()=>{it.selected_=!it.selected_;this.forceUpdate()}} value={it} key={}>
{ => fnc(it,this.hide,this))}
dataOld is array of 2 objects
tDs is array like
function(it,hide,a){return ! ? <td>{}</td> : null},
function(it,hide,a){return !hide.category3 ? <td>{it.category3}</td> : null},
function(it,hide,a){return !hide.edit ? <td>
<Button onClick={() => a.setState({edit:!a.state.edit,element:it})}>
</td> : null}
the thing i interested in is a.setState({edit:!a.state.edit,element:it})}
I render another component inside of first
<Edit isOpen={this.state.edit} editBack={this.editBack} th={this} element={this.state.element}/>
I transfer my this.state.element to Edit, inside Edit component I'm doing something like this:
elem = {};
this.elem = this.props.element
<Input onChange={ e => {this.elem.packagingType =; console.log(} } ... />
so, the problem is: I transfer this.state.element to Edit component, then in Edit component I make new variable elem and make it be equal to this.props.elem I transferred
the problem starting here, the first, (original, natural) this.state.element is changing, but I dont change dataOld, I dont change any element that has been rendered, I really dont undestand, how it works here.
My guess was about this place
<Edit isOpen={this.state.edit} editBack={this.editBack} th={this} element={this.state.element}/>
I think that when I'm doing element={this.state.element} I somehow connect this 2 things and when I change element inside of Edit, the natural this.state.element is changing too.
Codesandbox example:
when you press a button near every row, then change data and press cancel, the original data is changing, I dont understand why
I think I understood the question.
When I put an object to the Edit component, and then change an object inside of component, the original object is changing too because I didn't make a new version of this object, but I gave to Edit a link to this object.

ReactJS Dynamically Replace Children

I have a fancy UI in which have a few 'panes' with dividers in between that let you change what each one does. Say I have two different components - a to-do list and a simple text editor. I want you to be able to change the component present in each pane to make a flexible UI. For example, I might want to change the pane on the left from a text editor to a to-do list. Assuming I have a parent element Pane, how could I replace one of its children with another?
<TextEditor /> /* I want to replace that with a <ToDoList /> when I press a button */
<SomeOtherComponentOnTheRight />
I've tried storing React.Children.toArray(this.props.children) in the <Pane />'s state (as this.state.currentChildren), and replacing the element there, but for some reason I can't find a way to get the index of <TextEditor /> in the <Pane />'s this.state.currentChildren because for some reason this.props.children does not preserve children's props, and so I can't transmit data through it.
Sorry if I've overcomplicated this, but I simply want to know how to change a component's children dynamically.
You could check the state in your JSX to change what is displayed such as:
{ this.state.showEditor ? <TextEditor/> : <ToDoList /> }
<SomeOtherComponentOnTheRight />
Elsewhere in your code you would have some button that invokes an onClick event handler that would set the state of 'showEditor' to true/false depending on the previous state.
You can store the selected components in an array or object, then assign the selected component to a variable (just make sure it starts with an uppercase letter) and then use it as a component:
const routes = {
a: TextEditor,
b: ToDoList
const ChosenComponent = routes['a']; // select your component and store in variable
return (
<ChosenComponent />
<SomeOtherComponentOnTheRight /> {/* render selected variable as component */}

