I have a problem, where I try to find the number of hours and minutes after I had last collected the item. For example, if I had collected the item 1 minute ago, the code should be able to print out the remaining time left to collect the item again(23 h and 59 m) in this format. Till now, I have worked out this much:
UserJSON is a JSON file with the user's name and the time of their last claim
let deltaHour = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() - UserJSON[message.author.id].lastclaim) / (60 * 60 * 24)
let deltaRealHour = Math.floor(deltaHour)
let deltaMin = ((deltaHour % 1) / 100) * 60
Please help me out.
Here is a possible solution.
You can use the function I wrote before (timeUntilNextClaim()), supply it with the last time that your user claimed the item (in epoch seconds) and it will return to you the delta milliseconds until the item can be claimed.
You can then use the second funciton I wrote for you (toHrsAndMinutes) to turn milliseconds into hours and minutes (rounded down of course).
Please let me know if you have any questions or would like any more help with this. I'd be happy to help.
function timeUntilNextClaim(LastClaim) {
/* this function takes an epoch time of the
last time the user claimed the item as an argument and
returns (in ms) the time until they can pick up the
item again */
let now = new Date();
// add 24 hours to last claim time to calculate next claim time
let timeTilClaim = (LastClaim + 8.64e7) - now;
if (timeTilClaim <= 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return timeTilClaim;
function toHrsAndMinutes(duration) {
// this function will return an array of [hours, minutes] of a duration specified in ms
var hours, minutes;
hours = Math.floor(duration / 3.6e6);
minutes = Math.floor((duration % 3.6e6) / 60000);
return [hours, minutes];
function test() {
// tests / Example Usage
let usrLastClaimTime = new Date() - 20160000; // lets pretend they claimed it last 5.6 hours ago
let now = new Date();
let msTilNextClaim = timeUntilNextClaim(usrLastClaimTime);
let hoursTilClaim, minsTilClaim;
[hoursTilClaim, minsTilClaim] = toHrsAndMinutes(msTilNextClaim);
console.log(`The current time is ${now}`);
console.log(`The item was last claimed at ${Date(usrLastClaimTime)}`);
console.log(`You can claim again in ${hoursTilClaim} Hours and ${minsTilClaim} Minutes`);
getTime() is milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00.000 GMT
let lastclaim = 1632196398605;
let delta = (new Date() - new Date(lastclaim)) / (60 * 1000 * 60);
let deltaHrs = Math.floor(delta);
let deltaMins = Math.floor((delta % 1) * 60);
console.log(`deltaHrs:`, deltaHrs);
console.log(`deltaMins:`, deltaMins);
I would like to create a countdown timer for my resource. An example for this I took from Quasimodo's clone answer of this page.
From the code, I took some elements, since I only need minutes and seconds. And I don't need a 30 minute mark.
The code works great, but unlike the author of the question, I need the start to start and end at 1 minute of the next hour.
The changes that I made did not lead to the desired result:
secsRemaining = 3600 - (time.getUTCMinutes()+1)%60 * 60 - time.getUTCSeconds(),
mins = (Math.floor(secsRemaining / 60)+60),
This gave a result, but not the one that is needed. When the time on the clock becomes 00 minutes, then the code becomes 60 minutes and 00+ seconds. I need, for example, at 14:00:59 the timer has the values 00:01, and when 14:01:01 the timer has the values 59:59.
Please let me know how it can be changed to achieve the desired result. Perhaps you have a link to solutions. I couldn't find it on the Internet.
Code I am using:
var byId = document.getElementById.bind(document);
function updateTime() {
var time = new Date(),
secsRemaining = 3600 - (time.getUTCMinutes()) % 60 * 60 - time.getUTCSeconds(),
mins = (Math.floor(secsRemaining / 60)),
secs = secsRemaining % 60;
byId('min-part').textContent = mins;
byId('sec-part').textContent = secs;
setTimeout(updateTime, 1000 - (new Date()).getUTCMilliseconds()).toLocaleString();
<div>Time left before update: <span id="min-part"></span>:<span id="sec-part"></span></div>
Here is how I would do it
Generating a date at the next hour and 1 minutes
Calculating the number of millisecond between the current date and the next date
Display the time remaining
const minutes = document.getElementById('minutes')
const seconds = document.getElementById('seconds')
setInterval(() => {
const now = new Date()
const nextHours = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), now.getHours() + 1, 1)
const nbMilisec = (nextHours - now)
const nbMinutes = parseInt((nbMilisec / 1000 / 60) % 60)
const nbSeconds = parseInt((nbMilisec / 1000) % 60)
minutes.innerHTML = String(nbMinutes).padStart(2, '0')
seconds.innerHTML = String(nbSeconds).padStart(2, '0')
}, 1000)
<div id="time">
Time left before update : <span id="minutes"></span> : <span id="seconds"></span>
If I understood well your needs, this should be the code you need:
var byId = document.getElementById.bind(document);
function updateTime()
time = new Date(),
// You need an hour of countdown, so 30 becomes 60
secsRemaining = 3600 - (time.getUTCMinutes()+60)%60 * 60 - time.getUTCSeconds(),
// integer division
// you want the timer to "end" at minute 1, so add 1 minute to the minutes counter
mins = (Math.floor(secsRemaining / 60) + 1) % 60,
secs = secsRemaining % 60
byId('min-total').textContent = secsRemaining;
byId('min-part').textContent = mins;
byId('sec-part').textContent = secs;
// let's be sophisticated and get a fresh time object
// to calculate the next seconds shift of the clock
setTimeout( updateTime, 1000 - (new Date()).getUTCMilliseconds() );
I am trying to convert milliseconds to ...(sec/min/hours/day) ago,
I have tried like the below code but I am not getting the expected result, the output is showing that 19143.4 Days. It should be 2 or 3 days.
function msToTime(ms) {
let seconds = (ms / 1000).toFixed(1);
let minutes = (ms / (1000 * 60)).toFixed(1);
let hours = (ms / (1000 * 60 * 60)).toFixed(1);
let days = (ms / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)).toFixed(1);
if (seconds < 60) return seconds + " Sec";
else if (minutes < 60) return minutes + " Min";
else if (hours < 24) return hours + " Hrs";
else return days + " Days"
In fact here your code seems to work fine.
Reading the Date documentation :
JavaScript Date objects represent a single moment in time in a platform-independent format. Date objects contain a Number that represents milliseconds since 1 January 1970 UTC.
So when you're doing new Date(1653991056493) it's 1653991056493ms after Jan 1st 1970 which is 19143.4 days.
If you want the ms between a date and the current date, you can just substract the current date with the timestamp
new Date() - 1653991056493
function msToTime(ms) {
let seconds = (ms / 1000).toFixed(1);
let minutes = (ms / (1000 * 60)).toFixed(1);
let hours = (ms / (1000 * 60 * 60)).toFixed(1);
let days = (ms / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)).toFixed(1);
if (seconds < 60) return seconds + " Sec";
else if (minutes < 60) return minutes + " Min";
else if (hours < 24) return hours + " Hrs";
else return days + " Days"
console.log(msToTime(new Date() - 1653991056493))
I interpretted the question slightly differently to the accepted answer and am posting this as it might help people seeking to do what I though was being asked:
namely to reduce an elapsed period of milliseconds to either (rounded) days OR (rounded) hours OR (rounded) minutes OR (rounded) seconds - dependent on which fits the scale of the elapsed duration (as one might want to do where, for example, a page is to report "comment made 2 days ago" or "comment made 10 seconds ago" etc. - just like SO does when reporting when answers or comments were made.
As with the accepted answer, the elapsed time has to first be calculated by subtracting the passed ms value from a new date value (and, since units smaller than seconds will never be needed, the elapsed value converted to seconds by dividing by 1000):
const now = new Date();
const secondsPast = Math.round((now-pastMs)/1000);
This value is then filtered down a series of if checks, each containing a conditional return statement if the relevant time unit has been reached. Thus, if the 'scale' is seconds (i.e the elapsed duration is less than a minute), the function returns the seconds value and exits immeadiately:
if (secondsPast<60) {return `${secondsPast} seconds`} // terminates here if true;
If the seconds value is greater than 60, minutes are checked and a return made if they are less than sixty. The process repeats until larger values are eventually returned as days if no other unit was appropriate. Note the use of Math.floor to only return whole numbers for the relevant unit.
(this is, I think, what the original question was trying to achieve).
function elapsedTime(pastMs) {
const now = new Date();
const secondsPast = Math.round((now-pastMs)/1000);
if (secondsPast<60) {return `${secondsPast} seconds`} // terminates here if true;
const minutesPast = Math.floor(secondsPast/60);
if (minutesPast<60) {return `${minutesPast} minutes`} // terminates here if true;
const hoursPast = Math.floor(minutesPast/60);
if (hoursPast<24) {return `${hoursPast} hours`} // terminates here if true;
return `${Math.floor(hoursPast/24)} days`;
} // end function elapsedTime;
I am trying to make a JavaScript countdown timer to UTC midnight that works in a browser (which typically converts to local time).
It seems to work most of the time, but for some reason it will go negative sometimes. I want it to always display time until midnight UTC.
-3 hours 23 minutes 34 seconds
I'm pretty sure I tested this on crossing midnight, but lately it's been going negative like it isn't pulling a new date.
Here is what I am using now on my website.
setInterval(() => {
let toDate = new Date()
let tomorrow = new Date()
tomorrow.setHours(24, 0, 0, 0)
let diffMS =
tomorrow.getTime() / 1000 -
toDate.getTime() / 1000 -
toDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60
let diffHr = Math.floor(diffMS / 3600)
diffMS = diffMS - diffHr * 3600
let diffMi = Math.floor(diffMS / 60)
diffMS = diffMS - diffMi * 60
let diffS = Math.floor(diffMS)
let result = diffHr + ' hours '
result += diffMi + ' minutes '
result += diffS + ' seconds '
this.timeRemaining = result
}, 1000)
Not sure exactly where your issue is from, but using local time adjusted by offset is somewhat fraught. Also the offset changes over a DST boundary so that might be an issue too (or not) so the countdown will jump the equivalent of the change in offset (either + or -).
It's very much simpler to set the end using UTC methods and count down to that, e.g.
// Return time to next UTC midnight as x hours x minutes x seconds
function toMidnightUTC(date = new Date()) {
let d = new Date(+date);
let diff = d - date;
return `${diff/3.6e6 |0} hours ` +
`${diff%3.6e6 / 6e4 |0} minutes ` +
`${diff%6e4 / 1000 |0} seconds`;
// Run 20ms after next full second
let runIt = ()=> {
document.getElementById('s0').textContent = toMidnightUTC();
let lag = 1020 - new Date() % 6e4;
setTimeout(runIt, lag);
// Start the process…
<span id="s0"></span>
Note that setInterval isn't a good way to do a countdown as the interval is not guaranteed to run every second and typically slowly drifts so it doesn't tick with the system clock and drifts, so skips a second from time to time.
Better to use setTimeout and get the time to the next full second each time so it runs very close to the system clock tick and rarely skips (though it still might if the system is working hard).
I am creating a countdown website. I want it to count down from the current time the my celebration date 2019-11-29 00:00:00. I want the timezone to be in Australia Brisbane time zone. However, it seems to be that it keeps calculating the amount of time left till my celebration date wrong. Could someone tell me what I did wrong? And once the time hits 0, how can I get rid of the countdown and replace it with Its celebration time
function dateDiff(a, b) {
// Some utility functions:
const getSecs = dt => (dt.getHours() * 24 + dt.getMinutes()) * 60 + dt.getSeconds();
const getMonths = dt => dt.getFullYear() * 12 + dt.getMonth();
// 0. Convert to new date objects to avoid side effects
a = new Date(a);
b = new Date(b);
if (a > b) [a, b] = [b, a]; // Swap into order
// 1. Get difference in number of seconds during the day:
let diff = getSecs(b) - getSecs(a);
if (diff < 0) {
b.setDate(b.getDate()-1); // go back one day
diff += 24*60*60; // compensate with the equivalent of one day
// 2. Get difference in number of days of the month
let days = b.getDate() - a.getDate();
if (days < 0) {
b.setDate(0); // go back to (last day of) previous month
days += b.getDate(); // compensate with the equivalent of one month
// 3. Get difference in number of months
const months = getMonths(b) - getMonths(a);
return {
years: Math.floor(months/12),
months: months % 12,
hours: Math.floor(diff/3600),
minutes: Math.floor(diff/60) % 24,
seconds: diff % 60
// Date to start on
var celebrationDate = new Date("2019-11-29 00:00:00").toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "Australia/Brisbane"});
// Update the count every 1 second
!function refresh () {
const diff = dateDiff(new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "Australia/Brisbane"}), celebrationDate);
document.getElementById("day-val").innerHTML = diff[Object.keys(diff)[2]];
document.getElementById("hour-val").innerHTML = diff[Object.keys(diff)[3]];
document.getElementById("min-val").innerHTML = diff[Object.keys(diff)[4]];
document.getElementById("sec-val").innerHTML = diff[Object.keys(diff)[5]];
setTimeout(refresh, 1000)
<div id="day-val"></div><div>Days</div><br>
<div id="hour-val"></div><div>Hours</div><br>
<div id="min-val"></div><div>Minutes</div><br>
<div id="sec-val"></div><div>Seconds</div>
IF you are using moment.js
What you can do is use the diff and duration functions like so:
const now = moment();
const celebrationDate= moment("2019-11-30 00:00:00");
// this will get the difference between now and celebrationDate
const celebrationDateDiff = expiration.diff(now);
// convert it into duration
const duration = moment.duration(celebrationDateDiff);
You can then access the countdown like:
duration.days() // will return the number of days
duration.hours() // will return the number of remaining hours
duration.minutes() // will return the number of remaining minutes
Solution with plain javascript:
Get the clients time zone offset
Calculate the diff between client offset and "Australian/Brisbane" offset
Calculate time left by targetDate - currentDate - offsetDiff
Format the result to display it
const minToMS = min => min * 60 * 1000
const getCountDownFromMS = diff => {
const milliseconds = diff % 1000
diff = (diff - milliseconds) / 1000
const seconds = diff % 60
diff = (diff - seconds) / 60
const minutes = diff % 60
diff = (diff - minutes) / 60
const hours = diff % 24
diff = (diff - hours) / 24
const days = diff
return {
const targetDate = new Date('2019-11-29 00:00:00')
// Getting offset with getTimezoneOffset is not reliable, using a database to get time zone offset is needed, like IANA Time Zone Database.
// moment.js internally uses IANA db
const tzOffset = targetDate.getTimezoneOffset() // Client browsers timezone offset in minutes
const target_tzOffset = -600 // Australia Brisbane timezone offset in minutes
const offset = minToMS(tzOffset - target_tzOffset)
const msLeft = targetDate - new Date() - offset
const result = getCountDownFromMS(msLeft)
You should also check moment.js as it has many useful features.
Example with moment.js:
const now = moment()
const target = moment.tz('2019-11-29 00:00:00', 'Australia/Brisbane')
const result = moment.duration(target.diff(now))
Having two strings (start and end time) in such form "16:30", "02:13" I want to compare them and check if the gap is greater than 5 mins.
How can this be achieved in Javascript in an easy way?
function parseTime(time) {
var timeArray = time.split(/:/);
// Using Jan 1st, 2010 as a "base date". Any other date should work.
return new Date(2010, 0, 1, +timeArray[0], +timeArray[1], 0);
var diff = Math.abs(parseTime("16:30").getTime() - parseTime("02:13").getTime());
if (diff > 5 * 60 * 1000) { // Difference is in milliseconds
alert("More that 5 mins.");
Do you need to wrap over midnight? Then this is more difficult. For example, 23:59 and 00:01 will produce a difference of 23 hours 58 minutes and not 2 minutes.
If that's the case you need to define your case more closely.
You can do as following:
if (((Date.parse("16:30") - Date.parse("02:13")) / 1000 / 60) > 5)
// time is a string having format "hh:mm"
function Time(time) {
var args = time.split(":");
var hours = args[0], minutes = args[1];
this.milliseconds = ((hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60)) * 1000;
Time.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.milliseconds;
// converts the given minutes to milliseconds
Number.prototype.minutes = function() {
return this * (1000 * 60);
Subtracting the times forces the object to evaluate it's value by calling the valueOf method that returns the given time in milliseconds. The minutes method is another convenience method to convert the given number of minutes to milliseconds, so we can use that as a base for comparison throughout.
new Time('16:30') - new Time('16:24') > (5).minutes() // true
This includes checking whether midnight is between the two times (as per your example).
var startTime = "16:30", endTime = "02:13";
var parsedStartTime = Date.parse("2010/1/1 " + startTime),
parsedEndTime = Date.parse("2010/1/1 " + endTime);
// if end date is parsed as smaller than start date, parse as the next day,
// to pick up on running over midnight
if ( parsedEndTime < parsedStartTime ) ed = Date.parse("2010/1/2 " + endTime);
var differenceInMinutes = ((parsedEndTime - parsedStartTime) / 60 / 1000);
if ( differenceInMinutes > 5 ) {
alert("More than 5 mins.");