ApexChart 100% touches the bar, though I have offsetY as -30 - javascript

Iam using Apexchart, If I gave offset value as -30 , which means above the bar. It works fine, until I have the value of 100%. If I have 100% value, data labels touches the bar.
I don't want the datalabels to touch the bar, it should always be above the bar.
chart: {
type: 'column',
background: 'transparent',
toolbar: {
show: false
colors: [
function ({ value }) {
if (value >= minimumProfilePercentage) {
return theme.palette.warning.main;
return theme.palette.info.main;
xaxis: {
categories: ["A","B","C","D","E","F"],
axisBorder: {
show: false
grid: {
show: false
plotOptions: {
bar: {
columnWidth: '35%',
dataLabels: {
orientation: 'horizontal',
position: 'top'
tooltip: {
enabled: false
dataLabels: {
style: {
colors: [theme.palette.text.primary]
formatter(value) {
return `${value}%`;
offsetY: -30
annotations: {
yaxis: [
strokeDashArray: 5,
const chartSeries = [
data: [100, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 97]

Ran into the same issue. For now I customized the y axis, showing 1 tick more.
In my case:
yaxis: {
tickAmount: 5,
min: 0,
max: 100


Highcharts React: Menu button doesn´t change from "view full screen" to "exit full screen" when fullscreen mode is on

We are having some issues when working with highcharts in React. When I change to full screen mode using the menu button I am not able to see the option "Exit from full screen". Instead, the option stills "View in full screen".... However, if I click this option it actually exit full screen mode. I want to be able to see the text "exit full screen". I think the problem is in the event declared on the last lines of this code (exporting.chartOptions.chart).
useEffect(() => {
const chart = chartRef?.current?.chart;
if (!chart?.renderer) return;
setChartOptions(({ chart, credits, legend, xAxis, yAxis, plotOptions, ...currentOptions }) => ({
chart: {
credits: {
position: {
legend: {
xAxis: {
title: { text: undefined },
plotLines: [
value: ((chartData?.xAxis?.max ?? 0) + (chartData?.xAxis?.min ?? 0)) / 2,
color: "#84acbc",
yAxis: {
title: { text: undefined },
plotLines: [
value: ((chartData?.yAxis?.max ?? 0) + (chartData?.yAxis?.min ?? 0)) / 2,
color: "#84acbc",
series: chartData?.series,
exporting: {
chartOptions: {
chart: {
events: {
load: function (this) {
chartAxesTitles.current.forEach((element) => {
const { args, attr, css } = element.svg.userOptions;
// Use updated x and y positions
const newArgs = [args[0], element.svg.x, element.svg.y];
createLabel(this.renderer, { args: newArgs, attr, css });
renderWatermarkLabels(this, true);
// console.log(this);
but i have no idea why!!! Any ideas? Thanks!
I add the config for the charts in case it helps:
import { WATERMARK } from "constants/chartCommons";
export const OPTIONS: Highcharts.Options = {
chart: {
className: "IndividualPositioningChart",
type: "scatter",
spacing: [0, 0, 0, 0],
credits: {
href: "#",
position: {
align: "left",
style: {
fontSize: "8px",
title: {
text: undefined,
xAxis: {
startOnTick: false,
lineWidth: 0,
tickColor: "transparent",
gridLineColor: "transparent",
labels: {
enabled: false,
yAxis: {
gridLineColor: "transparent",
labels: {
enabled: false,
legend: {
verticalAlign: "bottom",
itemWidth: 150,
margin: 20,
tooltip: {
snap: 1,
enabled: true,
backgroundColor: "black",
borderWidth: 0,
borderRadius: 2,
padding: 4,
shadow: false,
useHTML: true,
style: {
color: "white",
fontSize: "11px",
headerFormat: undefined,
plotOptions: {
series: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
y: 13,
x: 8,
align: "left",
useHTML: true,
padding: 5,
style: {
fontWeight: "normal",
fontSize: "14px",
color: "#515151",
width: 250,
stickyTracking: false,
series: [],
Finnaly, I solved my problem removing the load event from the useEffect hook. The load event is declared now in the chart config file and passed as a parameter to the getOption function.
It looks like this:
export const getOption = (load: Highcharts.ChartLoadCallbackFunction): Highcharts.Options => {
return {
chart: {
className: "TeamCompetitiveChart",
spacing: [0, 0, 0, 0],
type: "scatter",
credits: {
href: "#",
position: {
align: "left",
style: {
fontSize: "8px",
title: {
text: undefined,
xAxis: {
title: undefined,
startOnTick: false,
lineWidth: 0,
tickColor: "transparent",
gridLineColor: "transparent",
labels: {
enabled: false,
yAxis: {
title: undefined,
gridLineColor: "transparent",
labels: {
enabled: false,
legend: {
verticalAlign: "bottom",
itemWidth: 150,
margin: 20,
tooltip: {
enabled: false,
plotOptions: {
series: {
marker: {
radius: 8,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
y: 13,
x: 8,
align: "left",
useHTML: true,
padding: 5,
style: {
fontWeight: "normal",
fontSize: "14px",
color: "#515151",
width: 250,
stickyTracking: false,
point: {
events: {
click: undefined,
series: [],
exporting: {
chartOptions: {
chart: {
events: {
...and this in the hook:
const chartAxesTitles = useRef<IChartAxisTitle[]>([]);
const chartRef = useRef<IRefObjectForHighchartsReact>(null);
const load: Highcharts.ChartLoadCallbackFunction = function (this: Highcharts.Chart) {
chartAxesTitles.current.forEach((element: IChartAxisTitle) => {
const { args, attr, css } = element.svg.userOptions;
// Use updated x and y positions
const newArgs = [args[0], element.svg.x, element.svg.y];
createLabel(this.renderer, { args: newArgs, attr, css });
renderWatermarkLabels(this, true);
const [chartOptions, setChartOptions] = useState<Highcharts.Options>(getOption(load));
const { renderWatermarkLabels } = useRenderWatermarkLabels(chartData);

How to show xAxis categories up to the each chart in Bar-Highcharts library?

I want to show my categories on the top of each bar chart. like the image.
for this i set bar-chart option as below without any xAxis categories label.
options: {
title: null,
chart: {
type: 'bar'
colors: ['#9696b2', '#ff058d'],
xAxis: {
categories: ['Tokyo', 'Fukuoka', 'Hiroshima', 'Osaka', 'Nagoya'],
visible: false,
yAxis: {
visible: false,
tooltip: {
valueSuffix: ' '
plotOptions: {
bar: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true
legend: {
enabled: false
credits: {
enabled: false
series: [{
name: 'Compliant',
data: [1300, 1121, 1700, 1121, 700]
}, {
name: 'Non-Compliant',
data: [60, 30, 50, 20, 0]
how can i make this one with stacked horizontal bars?
You can align labels to left and position them by x and y properties:
xAxis: {
lineWidth: 0,
labels: {
align: 'left',
x: 0,
y: -24
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/6m4e8x0y/4767/
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/gantt/xAxis.labels

Set size of PolarLine Chart

is there any way to set specific size of PolarLine Chart (not the ChartArea, the chart)
In the image it can be seen the "space reserver to I don't know what"
So there is two options, determine the size of Chart, or equalize the size of chart to the ChartArea.
chartArea: {
border: {
width: 2,
color: "green"
visible: false
seriesDefaults: {
type: "polarLine",
style: "smooth"
series: [{
data: [
startAngle: 90,
majorUnit: 10,
reverse :true,
majorGridLines: {
max: 360,
min: 0,
visible: true
visible: false,
template:"#: value # º"
max: 100,
min :0,
majorUnit: 10,
visible: false
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: "{0}",
template: "#: value #"
White space problem
The solution was creating a function that rezise chart once is calculated depending the cointainer size, in my case was:
function reziseChart(ParentDiv)
var clientHeight = document.getElementById(ParentDiv).clientHeight;
var c = $("#chart2").data("kendoChart");
c.options.chartArea.margin = - clientHeight * 0.425;

Want to move y-axis scrollbar with mouse wheel in highcharts/highstock

Referring to the question i want to move my y-axis scrollbar with mouse wheel
Is there any way to do it ?
scrollbar: {
enabled: true,
showFull: false
Updated Code
Bellow is my updated code
var chart1 = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container1',
type: 'column',
zoomType: 'xy',
panning: true,
panKey: 'shift',
//type: 'column',
//zoomType: 'xy',
//panning: true,
//pankey: 'shift',
resetZoomButton: {
position: {
//align: 'right', // by default
//verticalAlign: 'top', // by default
x: -10,
y: 350,
//height: 25
relativeTo: 'chart'
enabled: true
navigator: {
//xAxis: {
// tickWidth: 0,
// lineWidth: 0,
// gridLineWidth: 1,
// tickPixelInterval: 200,
// labels: {
// align: 'left',
// style: {
// color: '#888'
// },
// x: 3,
// y: -4
// }
//yAxis: {
// gridLineWidth: 0,
// startOnTick: false,
// endOnTick: false,
// minPadding: 0.1,
// maxPadding: 0.1,
// labels: {
// enabled: false
// },
// title: {
// text: null
// },
// tickWidth: 0
//series: {
// //data: arry_kwh_2,
// type: 'column',
// color: '#4572A7',
// fillOpacity: 0.05,
// dataGrouping: {
// smoothed: true
// },
// lineWidth: 1,
// marker: {
// enabled: true
// }
enabled: true,
height: 30,
rangeSelector: {
buttonTheme: { // styles for the buttons
fill: 'none',
stroke: 'none',
'stroke-width': 0,
r: 8,
style: {
color: '#039',
fontWeight: 'bold'
states: {
hover: {
select: {
fill: '#039',
style: {
color: 'white'
enabled: true,
inputBoxWidth: 160,
inputStyle: {
color: '#039',
fontWeight: 'bold'
labelStyle: {
color: 'black',
fontWeight: 'bold'
buttons: [{
type: 'minute',
count: 60 * 6,
text: '6h'
}, {
type: 'day',
count: 1,
text: '1d'
}, {
type: 'day',
count: 7,
text: '7d'
type: 'day',
count: 14,
text: '2w'
type: 'day',
count: 21,
text: '3w'
type: 'month',
count: 1,
text: '1m'
type: 'all',
text: 'All'
plotOptions: {
column: {
turboThreshold: 50000
title: {
text: 'Energy vs Date & Time',
style: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
//min: 0,
//max: 100000
scrollbar: {
enabled: true,
showFull: false
alternateGridColor: '#FDFFD5',
title: {
text: 'Energy (kWh)',
style: {
//color: '#FF00FF',
fontSize: '12px',
//sfont: 'bold 200px Verdana, sans-serif',
name: 'Energy kWh',
color: 'green',
data: arry_kwh,
The data in the series is in array format
Any help would be highly appreciated
There is no such feature in Highcharts nor in Highstock. You could add a mouse wheel event and bind it with a setExtremes function for yAxis.
(function(H) {
//internal functions
function stopEvent(e) {
if (e) {
if (e.preventDefault) {
if (e.stopPropagation) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
//the wrap
H.wrap(H.Chart.prototype, 'render', function(proceed) {
var chart = this,
mapNavigation = chart.options.mapNavigation;
// Add the mousewheel event
H.addEvent(chart.container, document.onmousewheel === undefined ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel', function(event) {
var delta, extr, step, newMin, newMax, axis = chart.yAxis[0];
e = chart.pointer.normalize(event);
// Firefox uses e.detail, WebKit and IE uses wheelDelta
delta = e.detail || -(e.wheelDelta / 120);
delta = delta < 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - chart.plotLeft, e.chartY - chart.plotTop)) {
extr = axis.getExtremes();
step = (extr.max - extr.min) / 5 * delta;
axis.setExtremes(extr.min + step, extr.max + step, true, false);
stopEvent(event); // Issue #5011, returning false from non-jQuery event does not prevent default
return false;

How to set a Maximum yAxis range for HighChart graph?

Below is a bar graph where the green bars never go over 100 and the red bars never go below -100.
However in the graph's yAxis you can see -150%.
I found this fix here, however it did not work. yAxis: {min: 0, max: 100}
Is there another way to accomplish this?
Here is the area where I add those bar graphs
function addSentimentSeries(name, data) {
var index = findTheIndex(name);
var color = name === 'Positive sentiment' ? '#009900' : '#FF0000';
if (index) {
showInLegend: false,
yAxis: 2,
type: 'column',
name: name,
color: color,
data: data,
dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
}, true);
} else {
showInLegend: false,
yAxis: 2,
type: 'column',
name: name,
color: color,
data: data,
dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
}, true);
This is the 'fix' I implemented from the answer I found above, it did not do anything, my bar graphs still display -150%
height: '30%',
top: '70%',
gridLineWidth: 0,
title: {
text: 'Sentiment',
style: { color: '#BFBFBF' }
yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100 },
offset: 0,
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return this.value + '%';
style: { color: '#BFBFBF' }
opposite: false
You should set the minPadding and maxPadding parameters as 0, then you reduce the spacing on a axis.
yAxis: {
minPadding: 0,
maxPadding: 0

