How to change the scrollbar styling via javaScript - javascript

I have implemented a customized scrollbar (code is provided below).
I want to use the javaScript event "onScroll" to change the scrollbar thumb styling while scrolling, but I don't know the right way to do so.
Is there a way to access the scrollbar style, perhaps as a JavaScript object, i.e.: = 'black';?
Here is some code to demonstrate how my scrollbar is implemented:
#container::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 10vw;
#container::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: grey;
border-radius: 50px;
border: 5px solid black;
#container::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
border: 2px solid black;
background-color: grey;
#container::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background-color: black;
border-bottom-left-radius: 12px;
border-top-left-radius: 12px;
elementsContainer.addEventListener("scroll", function wheelStyle() {

Here is my solution:
The idea is to create a CSS stylesheet rule dynamically and update it while scrolling.
Here is the snippet I used to test in stackoverflow itself (by running it from the console directly):
// Based on
appendRule = (sheet) => {
const len = sheet.cssRules.length;
sheet.insertRule('body{}', len);
return sheet.cssRules[len];
ruleForScroll = appendRule(Array.from(document.styleSheets).slice(-1)[0]);
randomColor = () => Math.floor(255 * Math.random());
component = document.querySelector('.left-sidebar--sticky-container.js-sticky-leftnav');
component.addEventListener("scroll", function wheelStyle() {
ruleForScroll.selectorText = '.left-sidebar--sticky-container.js-sticky-leftnav::-webkit-scrollbar-track';["background"] = `rgb(${randomColor()},${randomColor()},${randomColor()})`;
This specifically affects the side menu of stackoverflow, changing the scrollbar's color randomly while scrolling.
Here is an independent solution in a CodePen. Note that an important prerequisite for the style to apply is the following css rule:
.test::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
background-color: transparent;


JS code to change parameter 'top' on click

Here is the pen I've created.
<div class = 'cc'>
<div class = 'bb'><div class = 'aa'> Some word </div></div>
.cc {
width: 100%;
min-height: 90px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 1px solid #999999;
border-radius: 3px;
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
font-family: "Calibri";
font-size: 17px;
color: #666666;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.0);
.bb {
height: 100px;
width: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
.aa {
position: relative;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
Now I want to create a clickable event such that when user click on class bb, page will check the top parameter of class aa - if it is 50% then smoothly change that to 10% and vice versa.
I want to use JavaScript code to achieve that. How can I do that?
hey just tried to gave shot at it , seems its working please look into this
let bb = document.querySelector('.bb');
let aa = document.querySelector('.aa');
bb.addEventListener('click',e => {
let top = window.getComputedStyle(aa).getPropertyValue('top');
if(top === '50px'){ = '10%';
}else{ = '50%';
Got it. It is tested and it seems to work.
let bb = document.querySelector('.bb');
let aa = document.querySelector('.aa');
bb.addEventListener('click', function(){
if(window.getComputedStyle(aa).getPropertyValue('top') === '50px'){ = '10%';
}else{ = '50%';
First, I used querySelector to get .bb and .aa.
Then, I added a event listener to bb.
Next, in the event listener I used window.getComputedStyle(), got the value of top from it and checked if it is 50px.
Last of all, if it is, change that to 10%, else change it to 50%.
I did this on CodePen, you can check it here (notice I changed the style from gray to white because gray is hard to read inside a black box).

How to change an ID depending on the color of an element with Javascript

I'm trying to learn javascript on my own, so I'm lacking a lot. I'm trying to change the color of multiples elements depending on the color in the css of another element.
I want the javascript to detect the <div id> with a specific color, and then change the id of another <div id2>
I tried this :
if (document.getElementById("name").css('color') == "#7a5cd4") {
document.getElementById('border').setAttribute('id', 'red');
document.getElementById('line').setAttribute('id', 'linered');
#name {
font-size: 35px;
color: #7a5cd4;
#border {
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
border: 3px solid black;
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
border-radius: 100%
#red {
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
border: 3px solid red;
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
border-radius: 100%
#line {
width: 200px;
height: 20px;
border: 1px solid black
#linered {
width: 200px;
height: 20px;
border: 1px solid red
<div id="name">name</div>
<div id="border"></div>
<div id="line"></div>
window.getComputedStyle is a function that takes an element as a parameter and returns an object containing all of the styles that are being used on that object. We can then call getPropertyValue on the result to get the value of a css property.
These functions return colours in the form rgb(r, g, b), so we will need to compare the value to rgb(122, 92, 212), instead of #7a5cd4., however, would not work in your case as it only gets the inline style, which is when you specify the style in your html, like <div style="color: red">.
Also, it is recommended to use classes for selecting elements, instead of ids, as you can place multiple of them on the same element.
const element = document.getElementById('name');
const styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
if (styles.getPropertyValue('color') == 'rgb(122, 92, 212)') {
document.getElementById('border').setAttribute('id', 'red');
document.getElementById('line').setAttribute('id', 'linered');
In order to change the id of element you:
document.getElementById('oldid').id = 'newid'
This rest of this answer fit to inline style (element style="color: value") while #BenjaminDavies answer fit more to your original question:
In order to check/change color property you:
var divOldColor = document.getElementById('oldid').style.color; // get the color to variable
if (divOldColor == '#7a5cd4') { // do something }
Put it all together we get something like this:
if (document.getElementById('name').style.color == '#7a5cd4') {
document.getElementById('border').id = 'red';
document.getElementById('line').id = 'linered';
.css() is not a vanilla JS function. Use .style.cssPropertyName instead.
if (document.getElementById("name").style.color === "#7a5cd4") {
document.getElementById('border').setAttribute('id', 'red');
document.getElementById('line').setAttribute('id', 'linered');

I can't use CSS "hover" feature when I set properties on Javascript

In my website I set background color with Javascript but I can't use "hover" feature after that.
titles.forEach(titles => {
document.getElementById(titles).style.backgroundColor = "#7dd5f8";
document.getElementById(titles).style.color = "black";
that's my Javascript code.
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: #a0e1fa;}
and that's my CSS code.
Try it please. It should work.
I added just one class in css.
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: #a0e1fa !important;}
.bg_7dd5f8 { background-color: #7dd5f8; }
And js code is here;
titles.forEach(titles => {
document.getElementById(titles).classList.add('bg_7dd5f8 ');
document.getElementById(titles).style.color = "black";

Javascript only on scroll events?

Is it possible to create a minimalist javasript only on-scroll function to hide my menu bar, so only the menu button shows and the button itself gains a white backgroud colour? I have been looking into this and I believed to have the code fairly down. But I am very new to javasript and cannot fully understand the syntax of it yet. Below is what I have now in a jsfiddle:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1><span id="tstscroll">0</span></h1>
<div class="MenuButton" id="mobMenu"></div>
<!--<p>as you can see, this is the header for the website. Here will also be contained all of the links to anywhere on the support system. this and the footer will both be FIXED and will move with the page.</p>-->
header {
top: 0px;
position: fixed;
max-height: 100px;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 3.5px;
color: green;
animation: max-height-header;
animation-duration: 1.5s;
header h1 {
position: relative;
float: left;
margin-left: 3px;
header .MenuButton {
width: 28px;
height: 6px;
border-top: 6px solid;
border-bottom: 18px double;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-top: 2px;
var mobilemenu = document.getElementById('mobMenu');
var testscroller = document.getElementById('tstscroll');
var x = 0;
document.mobilemenu.addEventListener("scroll", menuScrolMob);
function menuScrolMob(mobilemenu.onscroll) {
testscroller.innerhtml = x += 1;
You'll need to run that script either last in your body, or after page been loaded, or else it won't be able to access the elements.
Also, your script code is wrong, so here is a solution showing how to solve both those issues
(function(w, d) { /* this is a closure and will keep its variables
from polluting the global namespace and it also
declare 2 variables (w, d) to be used inside it */
w.addEventListener("load", function() {
var mobilemenu = d.getElementById('mobMenu');
var testscroller = d.getElementById('tstscroll');
var x = 0;
mobilemenu.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
testscroller.innerhtml = x += 1;
}(window, document)); /* here I pass the window and document object into the
closure's variables (w, d) to make the code slimmer */

ReCaptcha API v2 Styling

I have not had much success finding how to style Google's new recaptcha (v2). The eventual goal is to make it responsive, but I am having difficulty applying styling for even simple things like width.
Their API documentation does not appear to give any specifics on how to control styling at all other than the theme parameter, and simple CSS & JavaScript solutions haven't worked for me.
Basically, I need to be able to apply CSS to Google's new version of reCaptcha. Using JavaScript with it is acceptable.
Sorry to be the answerer of bad news, but after research and debugging, it's pretty clear that there is no way to customize the styling of the new reCAPTCHA controls. The controls are wrapped in an iframe, which prevents the use of CSS to style them, and Same-Origin Policy prevents JavaScript from accessing the contents, ruling out even a hacky solution.
Why No Customize API?:
Unlike reCAPTCHA API Version 1.0, there are no customize options in API Version 2.0. If we consider how this new API works, it's no surprise why.
Excerpt from Are you a robot? Introducing “No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA”:
While the new reCAPTCHA API may sound simple, there is a high degree of sophistication behind that modest checkbox. CAPTCHAs have long relied on the inability of robots to solve distorted text. However, our research recently showed that today’s Artificial Intelligence technology can solve even the most difficult variant of distorted text at 99.8% accuracy. Thus distorted text, on its own, is no longer a dependable test.
To counter this, last year we developed an Advanced Risk Analysis backend for reCAPTCHA that actively considers a user’s entire engagement with the CAPTCHA—before, during, and after—to determine whether that user is a human. This enables us to rely less on typing distorted text and, in turn, offer a better experience for users. We talked about this in our Valentine’s Day post earlier this year.
If you were able to directly manipulate the styling of the control elements, you could easily interfere with the user-profiling logic that makes the new reCAPTCHA possible.
What About a Custom Theme?:
Now the new API does offer a theme option, by which you can choose a preset theme such as light and dark. However there is not presently a way to create a custom theme. If we inspect the iframe, we will find the theme name is passed in the query string of the src attribute. This URL looks something like the following.
This parameter determines what CSS class name is used on the wrapper element in the iframe and determines the preset theme to use.
Digging through the minified source, I found that there are actually 4 valid theme values, which is more than the 2 listed in the documentation, but default and standard are the same as light.
We can see the code that selects the class name from this object here.
There is no code for a custom theme, and if any other theme value is specified, it will use the standard theme.
In Conclusion:
At present, there is no way to fully style the new reCAPTCHA elements, only the wrapper elements around the iframe can be stylized. This was almost-certainly done intentionally, to prevent users from breaking the user profiling logic that makes the new captcha-free checkbox possible. It is possible that Google could implement a limited custom theme API, perhaps allowing you to choose custom colors for existing elements, but I would not expect Google to implement full CSS styling.
As guys mentioned above, there is no way ATM. but still if anyone interested, then by adding in just two lines you can at least make it look reasonable, if it break on any screen. you can assign different value in #media query.
<div id="recaptchaContainer" style="transform:scale(0.8);transform-origin:0 0"></div>
Hope this helps anyone :-).
I use below trick to make it responsive and remove borders. this tricks maybe hide recaptcha message/error.
This style is for rtl lang but you can change it easy.
.g-recaptcha {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
background: #f9f9f9;
overflow: hidden;
.g-recaptcha > * {
float: right;
right: 0;
margin: -2px -2px -10px;/*remove borders*/
display: block;
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
background-color: #f9f9f9;
clear: both;
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="Your Api Key"></div>
<script src=''></script>
Unfortunately we cant style reCaptcha v2, but it is possible to make it look better, here is the code:
Click here to preview
text-align: center;
border-radius: 2px;
background: #f9f9f9;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #37474f;
border-width: 1px;
border-bottom-width: 2px;
width: 154px;
height: 82px;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0 auto;
left: -2px;
top: -1px;
<div class="g-recaptcha-outer">
<div class="g-recaptcha-inner">
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-size="compact" data-sitekey="YOUR KEY"></div>
Add a data-size property to the google recaptcha element and make it equal to "compact" in case of mobile.
Refer: google recaptcha docs
What you can do is to hide the ReCaptcha Control behind a div. Then make your styling on this div. And set the css "pointer-events: none" on it, so you can click through the div (Click through a DIV to underlying elements).
The checkbox should be in a place where the user is clicking.
You can recreate recaptcha , wrap it in a container and only let the checkbox visible. My main problem was that I couldn't take the full width so now it expands to the container width. The only problem is the expiration you can see a flick but as soon it happens I reset it.
See this demo
function recaptchaReady () {
grecaptcha.render('myrecaptcha', {
'sitekey': '6Lc7JBAUAAAAANrF3CJaIjt7T9IEFSmd85Qpc4gj',
'expired-callback': function () {
.recaptcha-wrapper {
height: 70px;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #F9F9F9;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);
height: 70px;
position: relative;
margin-top: 17px;
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
color: #000;
.recaptcha-info {
background-size: 32px;
height: 32px;
margin: 0 13px 0 13px;
position: absolute;
right: 8px;
top: 9px;
width: 32px;
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.rc-anchor-logo-text {
color: #9b9b9b;
cursor: default;
font-family: Roboto,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 10px;
margin-top: 5px;
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
right: 10px;
top: 37px;
.rc-anchor-checkbox-label {
font-family: Roboto,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 17px;
left: 50px;
top: 26px;
position: absolute;
color: black;
.rc-anchor .rc-anchor-normal .rc-anchor-light {
border: none;
.rc-anchor-pt {
color: #9b9b9b;
font-family: Roboto,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 8px;
font-weight: 400;
right: 10px;
top: 53px;
position: absolute;
a:link {
color: #9b9b9b;
text-decoration: none;
g-recaptcha {
// transform:scale(0.95);
// -webkit-transform:scale(0.95);
// transform-origin:0 0;
// -webkit-transform-origin:0 0;
.g-recaptcha {
width: 41px;
/* border: 1px solid red; */
height: 38px;
overflow: hidden;
float: left;
margin-top: 16px;
margin-left: 6px;
> div {
width: 46px;
height: 30px;
background-color: #F9F9F9;
overflow: hidden;
border: 1px solid red;
transform: translate3d(-8px, -19px, 0px);
div {
border: 0;
<script src=''></script>
<div class="recaptcha-wrapper">
<div id="myrecaptcha" class="g-recaptcha"></div>
<div class="rc-anchor-checkbox-label">I'm not a Robot.</div>
<div class="recaptcha-info"></div>
<div class="rc-anchor-logo-text">reCAPTCHA</div>
<div class="rc-anchor-pt">
<span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> - </span>
Now here is styling available for reCaptcha..
I just use inline styling like:
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" style="transform: scale(1.08); margin-left: 14px;"></div>
whatever you wanna to do small customize in inline styling...
Hope it will help you!!
I came across this answer trying to style the ReCaptcha v2 for a site that has a light and a dark mode. Played around some more and discovered that besides transform, filter is also applied to iframe elements so ended up using the default/light ReCaptcha and doing this when the user is in dark mode:
.g-recaptcha {
filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
The hue-rotate(180deg) makes it so that the logo is still blue and the check-mark is still green when the user clicks it, while keeping white invert()'ed to black and vice versa.
Didn't see this in any answer or comment so decided to share even if this is an old thread.
Just adding a hack-ish solution to make it responsive.
Wrap the recaptcha in an extra div:
<div class="recaptcha-wrap">
<div id="g-recaptcha"></div>
Add styles. This assumes the dark theme.
// Recaptcha
.recaptcha-wrap {
position: relative;
height: 76px;
padding:1px 0 0 1px;
> div {
position: absolute;
bottom: 2px;
// Hides top border
.recaptcha-wrap:after {
display: block;
background-color: #222;
height: 2px;
width: 100%;
top: -1px;
left: 0px;
position: absolute;
// Hides left border
.recaptcha-wrap:before {
display: block;
background-color: #222;
height: 100%;
width: 2px;
top: 0;
left: -1px;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
// Makes it responsive & hides cut-off elements
#g-recaptcha {
overflow: hidden;
height: 76px;
border-right: 60px solid #222222;
border-top: 1px solid #222222;
border-bottom: 1px solid #222;
position: relative;
box-sizing: border-box;
max-width: 294px;
This yields the following:
It will now resize horizontally, and doesn't have a border. The recaptcha logo would get cut off on the right, so I am hiding it with a border-right. It's also hiding the privacy and terms links, so you may want to add those back in.
I attempted to set a height on the wrapper element, and then vertically center the recaptcha to reduce the height. Unfortunately, any combo of overflow:hidden and a smaller height seems to kill the iframe.
in the V2.0 it's not possible. The iframe blocks all styling out of this. It's difficult to add a custom theme instead of the dark or light one.
Late to the party, but maybe my solution will help somebody.
I haven't found any solution that works on a responsive website when the viewport changes or the layout is fluid.
So I've created a jQuery script for django-cms that is dynamically adapting to a changing viewport.
I'm going to update this response as soon as I have the need for a modern variant of it that is more modular and has no jQuery dependency.
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{site_key}" data-size={size}>
.g-recaptcha { display: none; }
.g-recaptcha.g-recaptcha-initted {
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
.g-recaptcha.g-recaptcha-initted > * {
transform-origin: top left;
window.djangoReCaptcha = {
list: [],
setup: function() {
$('.g-recaptcha').each(function() {
var $container = $(this);
var config = $;
djangoReCaptcha.init($container, config);
$(window).on('resize orientationchange', function() {
$(djangoReCaptcha.list).each(function(idx, el) {
djangoReCaptcha.resize.apply(null, el);
resize: function($container, captchaSize) {
scaleFactor = ($container.width() / captchaSize.w);
$container.find('> *').css({
transform: 'scale(' + scaleFactor + ')',
height: (captchaSize.h * scaleFactor) + 'px'
init: function($container, config) {
grecaptcha.render($container.get(0), config);
var captchaSize, scaleFactor;
var $iframe = $container.find('iframe').eq(0);
$iframe.on('load', function() {
captchaSize = captchaSize || { w: $iframe.width() - 2, h: $iframe.height() };
djangoReCaptcha.resize($container, captchaSize);
djangoReCaptcha.list.push([$container, captchaSize]);
lateInit: function(config) {
var $container = $('.g-recaptcha.g-recaptcha-late').eq(0).removeClass('.g-recaptcha-late');
djangoReCaptcha.init($container, config);
window.djangoReCaptchaSetup = window.djangoReCaptcha.setup;
With the integration of the invisible reCAPTCHA you can do the following:
To enable the Invisible reCAPTCHA, rather than put the parameters in a div, you can add them directly to an html button.
a. data-callback=””. This works just like the checkbox captcha, but is required for invisible.
b. data-badge: This allows you to reposition the reCAPTCHA badge (i.e. logo and
‘protected by reCAPTCHA’ text) . Valid options as ‘bottomright’ (the default),
‘bottomleft’ or ‘inline’ which will put the badge directly above the button. If you
make the badge inline, you can control the CSS of the badge directly.
In case someone struggling with the recaptcha of contact form 7 (wordpress) here is a solution working for me
clear: both;
float: left;
margin-right: 6px;
width: 206px;
height: 65px;
overflow: hidden;
border-right: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
.wpcf7-recaptcha iframe{
padding-bottom: 15px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
background: #F9F9F9;
border-left: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
if you use scss, that worked for me:
.recaptcha > div{
transform: scale(0.84);
transform-origin: 0;
If someone is still interested, there is a simple javascript library (no jQuery dependency), named custom recaptcha. It lets you customize the button with css and implement some js events (ready/checked). The idea is to make the default recaptcha "invisible" and put a button over it. Just change the id of the recaptcha and that's it.
<script src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">
#captcha {
float: left;
margin: 2%;
background-color: rgba(72, 61, 139, 0.5); /* darkslateblue with 50% opacity */
border-radius: 2px;
font-size: 1em;
color: #C0FFEE;
#captcha.success {
background-color: rgba(50, 205, 50, 0.5); /* limegreen with 50% opacity */
color: limegreen;
<div id="captcha" data-sitekey="your_site_key" data-label="Click here" data-label-spacing="15"></div>
See for more information.
I am just adding this kind of solution / quick fix so it won't get lost in case of a broken link.
Link to this solution "Want to add link How to resize the Google noCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA | The Geek Goddess" was provided by Vikram Singh Saini and simply outlines that you could use inline CSS to enforce framing of the iframe.
// Scale the frame using inline CSS
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-theme="light"
transform-origin:0 0;
-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;
// Scale the images using a stylesheet
#rc-imageselect, .g-recaptcha {
transform-origin:0 0;
-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;
You can use some CSS for Google reCAPTCHA v2 styling on your website:
– Change background, color of Google reCAPTCHA v2 widget:
.rc-anchor-light {
background: #fff!important;
color: #fff!important; }
background: #000 !important;
color: #000 !important; }
– Resize the Google reCAPTCHA v2 widget by using this snippet:
.rc-anchor-light {
-webkit-transform:scale(0.9); }
– Responsive your Google reCAPTCHA v2:
#media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.rc-anchor-light {
-webkit-transform:scale(0.85); }
All elements, property of CSS above that’s just for your reference. You can change them by yourself (only using CSS class selector).
Refer on OIW Blog - How To Edit CSS of Google reCAPTCHA (Re-style, Change Position, Resize reCAPTCHA Badge)
You can also find out Google reCAPTCHA v3's styling there.
A bit late but I tried this and it worked to make the Recaptcha responsive on screens smaller than 460px width. You can't use css selector to select elements inside the iframe. So, better use the outermost parent element which is the class g-recaptcha to basically zoom-out i.e transform the size of the entire container. Here's my code which worked:
#media(max-width:459.99px) {
.modal .g-recaptcha {
-webkit-transform:scale(0.75); }
Incase someone wants to resize recaptcha for small devices.
I was using recaptcha V2 with primeng p-captcha (for angular). The issue was that for smaller screens it would go out of the screen.
Although you can't actually resize it (the external thing and all everyone has explained it above) but there is a way with transform property (scaling the the container)
this was my code below the way, I achieved it
p-captcha div div {
transform:scale(0.9) !important;
-webkit-transform:scale(0.9) !important;
transform-origin:0 0 !important;
-webkit-transform-origin:0 0 !important;
Other than p-captcha you can use this code snippet below
.g-recaptcha {
transform-origin:0 0;
Topic is old, but I also wanted to scale the reCAPTCHA widget -- but to make it bigger for phone users, unlike many others who wanted it smaller. The only way that worked was transform: scale(x), but that seemed to make the widget too wide for my page, thus shrinking the rest of the form on the page. Using a container div as shown below fixed my problem, and hopefully it will help someone else who thinks a bigger version is better on a small screen.
:root {
/* factor to scale the Google widget in potrait mode (on a phone) */
--recaptcha-scale: 2;
#media screen and (orientation: portrait) {
/* needed to rein in the width of inner div when it is scaled */
#g_recaptcha_div_container {
width: calc(100vmin / var(--recaptcha-scale));
#g_recaptcha_div {
transform: scale(var(--recaptcha-scale));
transform-origin: 0 0;
#submit_button {
width: 65vmin;
height: 9vmin;
font-size: 7vmin;
/* needed to scoot the button out from under the scaled div */
margin-top: 10vmin;
<!-- top of form with a bunch of fields to create an acct -->
<div id="g_recaptcha_div_container">
<div id="g_recaptcha_div" class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="foo">
<input id="submit_button" type="submit" value="Create Account">
<!-- bottom of form -->
You can try to color it with this css filter hack:
.colorize-pink {
filter: brightness(0.5) sepia(1) hue-rotate(-70deg) saturate(5);
.colorize-navy {
filter: brightness(0.2) sepia(1) hue-rotate(180deg) saturate(5);
and for the size, use transform css hack
.captcha-size {
transform:scale(0.8);transform-origin:0 0
Lets play a little with JavaScript:
First at all, we know that recaptcha badget include all the shit from the most crazy people on Google, so you can only make changes with theme "dark" and "light" on your web.
Take a look to my website
let recaptcha = document.querySelector('.g-recaptcha');
With this, you only can touch simple settings of the badge, like z-index and size, but no much more...
So far, i made two functions that set data-theme to light or dark mode at innit. Note that its neccessary assign the "light" because Google not include that by default.
function reCaptchaDark() {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
recaptcha.setAttribute("data-theme", "dark");
function reCaptchaLight() {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
recaptcha.setAttribute("data-theme", "light");
Then, for example, my web looks if user prefers a dark or a light theme, and set that configurations to the recaptcha bag:
(theme.onLoad = function() {
if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) {
else {
Note that my code for toggle from dark to light is on the toggleTheme() function.
Keep doing magic: You should configure a class on the html tag or something else on your web for made the change between dark and light theme, and with that we now modify the src on the iframe so when we toggle dark/light mode ,with our button it changes:
theme.onclick = function() {
if (html.classList.contains('dark')) {
recaptcha.setAttribute("data-theme", "dark");
setTimeout(function() {
let iframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe');
iframes[0].src = iframes[0].src.replace('&theme=light', '&theme=dark');
}, 0);
else {
recaptcha.setAttribute("data-theme", "light");
setTimeout(function() {
let iframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe');
iframes[0].src = iframes[0].src.replace('&theme=dark', '&theme=light');
}, 0);
And here you go, the recaptcha badge change from dark to light "preassigned" themes by Google bad guys.
And last but not least, a function that updates the page to change if your theme is dark by default.
This update the LocalStorage
(function() {
if( window.localStorage ) {
if( !localStorage.getItem('firstLoad') ) {
localStorage['firstLoad'] = true;
You can use the class .grecaptcha-badge for some css changes, like opacity and box-shadow, -> (use !important)
Thats all, hope you can implement on your site

