Scroll to individual mapped header names in React - javascript

I have a tab list of 4 names which I am mapping over the data for in the first map and I am trying to implement a link for each one so that it scrolls to the same header name in the second mapping.
The current anchor link seems to just take me to the first heading when I click on each of the tab names at the moment. I am not sure if I possibly need to use a ref to somehow get each data name to link to individually.
{ => {
return (
{ => {
return (
<h1 id="heading">{group.displayNames}</h1>


changing selected state of fetched item from API

I have an API that returns me arrays. I implemented the code to search 3 of them like this:
{response !== undefined &&
search !== "" &&
response.InsuranceServiceList.filter((insurance) =>
insurance.Name.replace(/ي/g, "ی", /ا/, "آ").includes(search)
.slice(0, 3)
.map((filtered, i) => (
whenever user types something in search box, 3 of these matching arrays will get rendered.
but I have two problems with selecting them.
this is each insurance component:
borderRight: `${selectInsurance ? "20px" : "1px"} solid #fcc4de`,
onClick={() => {
setSelectInsurance((prev) => !prev);
<p className={styles.NameService}>{filtered.Name.replace(/ي/g, "ی")}</p>
whenever user clicks on element. it will have pinkish border with the width of 20px.
the problem is, when I type another thing to search another item. it shows that Item selected.
just like the clicked div is still there but the content inside of it has changed.
how can I prevent this problem?
I thought it would render a new div per each array. but it wasn't.
the second problem is search itself. if you delete what you've write completely (emptying search bar). everything you have selected before will get removed and you will need to reselect it again.
I want to prevent this too.
You need to pass the id from your back end to your front end. then add a border based on the ids you pass to the selectInsurance, in that way you will know if the element change the border will be gone.
I think for your second problem you can add a new state that will reserve the whole object of the insurance and you first render from that array so every time you re-render your search array your selected insurance array will stay the same so they will remain in your page

Multiple Row Edit Functionality in React

I am trying to implement an edit row functionality in a react grid. I have attached 2 links. Link 1 is the GIF which shows the functionality that I have implemented using the below code.(For privacy reasons I cannot publish the actual code)
Link 2 is the functionality I am trying to achieve! How shall I do that?
return (
<p>Sample Row Field</p>
{editId === Id && editRow === true ? (
<select options={options} handleChange={handleChange} />
) : (
Link 1 - The Functionality I have (Individual Row)
Link 2 - The Functionality I want (Multiple Rows)
I'd assume editId is a local state variable, same for editRow
So what you'd need to do is change editId into a state called editIds as an array (because you want to edit multiple rows, not just one), and replace editId === Id with editIds.includes(Id)
onEditClick: should add the rowId into this state, like setEditIds(...editIds, rowId)
onSave/CancelClick: should remove the id from the state, like: setEditIds(editIds.filter((id) => id !== rowId))
I think following code sample will give you an idea of how you can achieve this when you move your editId to a local component state.

Can I display only the first N rows in ReactSelect when I have 1000 items?

I use ReactSelect ( to render select boxes. In my specific case, each item rendered in the list of the react select is a "complex" component with CSS and HTML elements:
const User = ({ user }) => {
return (
<div className="xxxx">
// ...
When I click on the react select to start searching, it displays all my records (2000). It's super slow. Is there a way to limit the number of displayed items to let's say 100?
Side note: the data is frontside so I don't need to call an API.

How to navigate to a specific users profile page after selecting him/her from a list of multiple users?

How do I code this functionality in react-native?
eg. In Instagram when you go to your followers' page, you can view a whole list. You can tap on any of them and you will navigate to that user's specific profile.
I was wondering if it has something to do with React-Navigation like passing some unique id or code, but I am still unclear, please help me out.
P.S I am using cloud firestore from firebase as my database.
The way I would do this is as follows:
1) Create a FlatList:
data={//list of users}
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
2) Every element in the FlatList is a custom component. Navigation props is also passed to the component along with the data. The handler function for renderItem is given below:
renderList = ({ item }) => (
<UserSummary data={item} navigation={this.props.navigation} />
3) UserSummary is in fact a Touchable element (say Touchable Opacity) and the onPress event handler for that is given below:
onPress={() =>
props.navigation.navigate("UserDetailsScreen", {
Note that I have also passed some data along with the navigation. Let's say, it's some userID that is unique. This information can be used in the UserDetailsScreen to render the details of the user.
Hope this will give you an idea.
you can refer this link. You can pass id as parameter as this.props.navigation.navigate('RouteName', { /* params go here */ }) .

search results highlight results using reactjs

I was trying to achieve search results like YouTube. Just trying, but there are some problems I'm encountering. I have made the working application in codesandbox here.
I am having a search box when you type anything it will show search results like a dropdown, for an example when you search in youtube you will be able to see results below, same thing/
The problems I'm facing are:
Assume i type "a", now you will be able to see total 6 results in the searched results div having a scroll.
1) So the 1st result itself will show the highlighted css. When i hover or when i navigate with key only the higlight css should come how can i achieve this.
2) so now if i hover on the second or result highlight css will show in the second or third but the 1st result also will show the css. i just want the higlight css at a time only one. (The same feature is there in youtube search)
3) right now only three elements are visible the remaining three are you need to scroll, when i navigate through arrow keys, the scroll is not happening how can i achieve this with scrollIntoView API
4) In 6 results the search string is "a", how can i make that string to be strong so it remains as highlighted so whatever you search it should be highlighted
Any help is appreciated! Please let me know if you have any queries
With consideration of the code that we updated in this sandbox:
All you really need is a onMouseEnter() event-handler to get everything working.
handleMouseEnter = index => {
cursor: index,
{, index) => {
return (
ref={ref => (this.itemRefs[index] = ref)}
onClick={() => this.goToItem(index)}
className={cursor === index ? 'active' : null}
onMouseEnter={() => this.handleMouseEnter(index)}
<label className="first-lb">{}</label>
<label className="second-lb">{}</label>
<label className="third-lb">{item.address}</label>
With this, only one of hover-over or arrow-down/arrow-up will take effect at a time. So only one list-item will ever be highlighted.

