nativeElement.value is NaN if there is a comma - javascript

I'm trying to set the number of decimals at 2 in an input. When I type a comma in it, the value becomes NaN so I would like get my number instead of this.
#ViewChild('number') input;
limitNbOfDecimals() {
var regex =^(\d+(?:[\.\,]\d{0,2})?)$/) == 0
? true
: false;
if (regex == false) {
// Convert the value to a number
var nb: number = +this.input.nativeElement.value;
//set decimals at 2
this.input.nativeElement.value = nb.toFixed(2);
<input class="form-control" type="text" [(ngModel)]="form.number"
I manage to add a comma in the number but if I try to add more than 2 decimals after it removes the numbers after the comma like 1,11 -> 1

This isn't a full answer, in the sense of having a total solution, but hopefully helps you get to one (and it's too long for a comment).
The spec at states:
This specification does not define what user interface user agents
are to use; user agent vendors are encouraged to consider what would
best serve their users' needs. ..... a user agent designed for the
French market might display the value with apostrophes between
thousands and commas before the decimals, and allow the user to enter
a value in that manner, internally converting it to the submission
format described above.
It would seem that the only sure way - if you don't have control over what browsers your users have - of ensuring they can type numbers in the format they are used to in their local setting is to take input as type text and on each keystroke check that they have typed something valid (as you have defined it) and when they submit it convert to a decimal number.
Searching provides code for doing this, depending on exactly what your requirement is for the number formats though you may be better off coding it from scratch.

To add more than 2 decimal values, you need to tell like .toFixed(4) etc..


Integer/decimal user input: how to serialize/store the value

Our stack is currently: React SPA/Apollo/GraphQL/Rails/PostgreSQL.
We have a web form with a number input that maybe (or not) be used to entry decimal values (dynamic/user-created form).
We want the form to be lenient (it has an autosave feature). If user types ,3 or 17,, that is considered a valid number value. But not too lenient, the number should by parseable as a float and be able to display in graphs...
Also, when the user visit the form again, we want to make sure to init the number input with the exact same value he typed initially (I mean, ,3 does not become magically 0,3)
I'd like to know, for our stack, how to serialize (sending as GraphQL payload) and store (in PostgreSQL) and manipulate (in JS/Ruby) such number without loosing the initial user input value.
I'm thinking it would be simpler to send/store a string, as long as it's validated that it can be parsed.
Just wondering if there is a "proper" solution, for example using number libs, custom GraphQL scalar type, decimal SQL type... that seems complicated to me, anyone did something similar before?
Create two fields. One for user input and other with parsed value. I do not think this will be different for any stack.
The challenge is how to show to a user how you understood entered value. This could be solved with a hint with a parsed value under the text field.
you should choose type of the input as "text" instead of number, so you can create a specific format for your input. first, add a property to your state
input section for amount in your form should be like this:
onAmountChange = e => {
const amount =;
if (!amount || amount.match(/^-?[0-9]\d*(\.\d{0,2})?$/)) {
this.setState(() => ({ amount }));
regexp in above function means start with any number with optional -, and optionally u can end with 2 decimal number. you can change it for your form.
if you want to add only positive numbers if your form is for price you can use this regexp:

formating UK mobile to international number with Zapier Code Javascript function

The scenario is...
A visitor comes to my landing page and completed the form, which included a telephone number.
Using Zapier I then pass that form data to using a "ZAP".
However as ActiveCampaign is in USA, they require the phone number formatting to international standard, instead of local UK.
Most numbers in UK are 07788990022
But it needs to be presented as +447788990022
So I need to use this built in function of Zapier listed below
And need some Javascript code writing that will check the number
Is it valid UK mobile number? I.e. 11 digits
Remove all spaces, and trim
If 2nd character is a 7 then replace 1st character (which should be a 0) with +44
I really dont have any idea how to do this! I was hoping for a built in function on Zapier, but apparently not. Any ideas would be awesome!!!
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
This seems like a pretty straightforward js question! This will be pretty "dumb" validation, but will work assuming the input is correct.
You'll have a code (javascript) step and set the input to be phone: input from step 1. Your code will look like this:
var ph =\s+/g, '') // remove all whitespace from string
if (ph.length !== 11) {
// invalid phone number. do nothing?
return []
if (ph[1] === '7') {
ph = '+44' + ph.substr(1)
return {formattedNumber: ph}

angularjs convert 0 to 1 in number (html5) field

its an odd behavior. m using input field field where type is number
and if i enter 1230 model value remains -> 1230
but as i type 01 its becomes -> 1
where as i can see 01 in input value . so this something to do with angular js
i need 00 in model because its user phone number and number type is to stop user from entering text
any help will be appreciated
test can be run at angular site
The type number allows you to enter +-,.. So you cannot achieve your goal of preventing the user from entering "invalid" numbers in the first place.
It's also not very user friendly, as telephone numbers are often formatted using spaces and braces. A user can no longer copy and paste such values into the input field. Digits in phone numbers can also be represented by letters btw. 123-HELLO is equal to 12343556.
Please note that there's also an input type tel. It's not particularly useful but semantically more appropriate.
If you only want to save and display the value then use the input as is. It doesn't make much sense to force a user to adhere to your preferred pattern. Adding pattern or ngPattern allows you to use regular expressions to limit the possible characters. If you need the plain number then strip all non-numeric characters - and possibly convert roman letters to numbers - before usage.

Regex - creating an input/textarea that correctly interprets numbers

Im designing a conversion website where i perform calculations on inputted numbers and i need my input or textarea to receive and interpret numbers entered in different fashions
Entry = 3,000,000.1111
Interpreted value = 3000000.1111
Entry = 3000000.1111
Interpreted value = 3000000.1111
and I want to include a second input for European decimal notation
(or if possible have the same input do both)
Entry = 3.000.000,1111 (comma acts a decimal, decimal as separator)
Interpreted value = 3000000.1111
I wonder how I could do this. I suspect from some of my research that I could use regex.
Also should i use an input or a textarea? I want to limit the size of the number to 40 places.
It seems the textarea Im currently using won't recognize any values after a comma when a comma is used. I realized this is due to parseFloat. So I need to remove the commas using .replace() before parsing. But what do I do in the instance of European notation where the comma IS the decimal point? I suspect I should use regex to identify if a number is in comma decimal notation or standard decimal point notation and then outline the appropriate replacement behavior based on that. Any ideas how to write regex to identify a number between .0000000001 and 1,000,000,000,000,000 by only the separator and decimal point? What about when the entry doesn't use either? 12000 for example. Any help with this would be appreciated. Using HTML5 and Javascript. I am not using a form and am new at this. This is my first web page so please be patient with my questions.
I was thinking about this:
input = //value from textarea as a string
if(/REGEX which determines that the structure of the number is N,NNN.NN/.test(input)){
input = input.replace(/\,/,""); //replace the commas with nothing
else if(/REGEX which determine that structure of the number is N.NNN,NN/.test(input){
input = input.replace(/\./,""); //replace the decimal point separators with nothing
input = input.replace(/\,/,".");//replace the comma decimal with a point decimal
//input unchanged assuming is NNNN without decimal
number = parseFloat(input);
I want to keep the possibility open for them to enter large numbers and also to use numbers less than one to 10 decimal places. Thanks to those who contributed.
I believe this should handle everything:
You're treading on complicated territory here. Also, the above RegEx does not allow for values less than "1".
Basically, the RegEx does the following:
Allows for no thousandths separators ("," or ".") but ensures if they are used that they occur in the correct places.
Allows for either "," or "." to be used as both thousandths/cents separators, but ensures that the cents separator is not the same as the thousandths separator.
Requires the string equivalent number to begin with any digit other than "0".
To implement this you could attach an event listener to your form element(s) and use JS to do a simple .test.
After reading further, I think I misinterpreted your goal originally. I assumed you simply wanted to validate these values with a RegEx. I also assumed you're trying to work with currency (ie. two decimal places). However, fret not! You can still utilize my original answer if you really want.
You mentioned input and textarea which are both form elements. You can attach a listener to these element(s) looking for the input, change, and/or keyup events. As a part of the callback you can run the .test method or some other functionality. Personally, I would rethink how you want to handle input. Also, what's your actual goal here? Do you really need to know the thousandths separator or keep track of it? Why not just disallow any characters other than the one decimal point/comma and digits?
Also, parsing numbers like .0000000001 as a float is a terrible idea. You will lose precision very quickly if you do any sort of calculations such as multiplication, division, power, etc. You're going to have to figure out a different method to do this like storing the number to the right separately and as integers instead then go from there.
I can help you if you describe what you're trying to do in better detail.

Decimal Field Validation in Textbox with Jquery or Javascript

I searched on the forum but didn't find the correct answer.
What I am trying is
Textbox which accepts decimal numbers, so user should be able
to enter either 0 or 1 decimal point ie. dot(.)
at the max 5 digits before the dot and at the max 5 digits after the dot
no other character should be allowed, but arrow keys and other keys like f1 f2 should work
eg. it should be valid for following
Need help in making this textbox.
Try this:
function isFloat(s) {
return s ? /\d{1,5}(?:\.\d{1,5})?/.test(s) : true;
$('input.float').on('change', function() {
if (!isFloat($(this).val())) {
alert('not a float');
And here's the fiddle:
The code doesn't make the field required. If it's empty, it'll just pass. If you can change that by changing true in the ternary conditional to false (line 2).
Oh, and if you want to restrict input to certain keys, you should reconsider. It's not a very good user experience. People are used to typing just about anything. It's best to just warn them. It's cheaper to do and it's effective enough:

