Bind slug like the first URL segment - javascript

I'm developing react app use react-router-dom. I have unusual the app behavior. The app doesn't have home page. We can go to the app use 'slug'. For example: If my-subsite exist in our database We need to work with this slug.
My code snippet for routes:
const App = ({ isAuth, onSetSlug, slug}) => {
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
return (
<div className="App">
<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
<MainModal />
{!isAuth ? (
<Route path={'/:slug'} exact component={lazy(() => import('./containers/notAuth/home'))} />
<Route path={'/:slug/login'} exact component={lazy( () => import('./containers/notAuth/login'))} />
<Route path={'/:slug/signup'} exact component={lazy(() => import('./containers/notAuth/signup'))} />
<Redirect to={'/:slug'} />
<Redirect to={'/:slug'} />
There is a issue that :slug/login doesn't replace on my-subsite/login for example.By the way it's working only for my local machine. When I publish it to remote host it doesn't work completely.

Remove the exact prop on the outer/root route since it necessarily excludes matching any subroutes.
path={'/:slug'} // <-- want this path prefix to match
component={lazy(() => import('./containers/notAuth/home'))}
component={lazy( () => import('./containers/notAuth/login'))}
component={lazy(() => import('./containers/notAuth/signup'))}
<Redirect to={'/:slug'} />
<Redirect to={'/:slug'} />


How to redirect user to a diferent path if token is expired

I'm making a simple site for a project, and i want to redirect player to a login page if the token is expired, but I'm not really sure how to do it properly, here's what I've tried, im using react-jwt to check the token
function App() {
return (
<div style={{display:'flex', flexDirection:'column', height:'100vh'}}>
<div style={{display:'flex', flex:1}}>
<Route path="/login" element ={<LoginForm/>} />
<Route path="/signUp" element ={<SignUpForm/>} />
<Route path="/addMovie" element= {<AddMovie/>} />
<Route path="/" element={isExpired(localStorage.getItem('token') ? <FilmList/> : <LoginForm/> )} />
<Route path="/details" exact element ={<MovieDetails/>} />
or something like
<Route path="/"
return <Navigate to='/login'/>;
return <FilmList/>
The first one just returns nothing, and the second one gives a warning in console:
Matched leaf route at location "/" does not have an element. This
means it will render an with a null value by default resulting in an
"empty" page.
Is there a way to make it work ?
In react-router-dom v6 gone are custom route components, and the Route component must have a valid ReactElement on the element prop. A function is incorrect. Your second snippet is close.
Create an AuthWrapper to conditionally render an Outlet for a nested route or a redirect.
const AuthWrapper = () => {
return isExpired(localStorage.getItem('token')
? <Navigate to="/login" replace />
: <Outlet />;
Wrap any routes you want to protect into a Route rendering the AuthWrapper.
function App() {
return (
<div style={{display:'flex', flexDirection:'column', height:'100vh'}}>
<Navbar />
<div style={{display:'flex', flex:1}}>
<Route path="/login" element={<LoginForm />} />
<Route path="/signUp" element={<SignUpForm />} />
<Route path="/addMovie" element={<AddMovie />} />
<Route element={<AuthWrapper />}>
<Route path="/" element={<FilmList />} />
<Route path="/details" element={<MovieDetails />} />
One solution would be to use the Redirect component from react-router-dom.
Fo into your FilmList component and in the rendering part do the following check:
if (isExpired(localStorage.getItem('token')){
return <Redirect to='/login' />
before you return your 'normal' FilmList
FOR RRDv6 that doesn't support Redirect you can use the Navigate component:
if (isExpired(localStorage.getItem('token')){
return <Navigate to='/login' replace={true} />

React router not working on live production

I have built a UI amazon-clone with create-react-app
it only shows dummy data.
the problem is after publishing it to Vercel, the routing not working as expected! after clicking the links you see a blank page "URL params are correct", you have to manually reload the page to work!
also if you clicked a button no event trigger and you get a blank page!
I wrapped all my routes to MainRoute Component:
const MainRoute = withRouter(({ location }) => {
return (
{location.pathname !== "/login" && location.pathname !== "/signup" ? (
<Header />
) : null}
<Route exact path="/" render={() => <Home />} />
<Route exact path="/products" render={() => <Products />} />
render={() => <ProductPage />}
<Route path="/checkout" render={() => <Checkout />} />
<Route path="/payment" render={() => <Payment />} />
<Route path="/login" render={() => <Login />} />
<Route path="/signup" render={() => <Signup />} />
<Route render={() => <NotFoundPage />} />
{location.pathname !== "/login" && location.pathname !== "/signup" ? (
<Footer />
) : null}
export default withRouter(MainRoute);
my App Component:
function App() {
return (
<div className="app_wrapper">
<MainRoute />
export default App;
it works correctly (under Brave browser) the authentication routes, could you please specify which route the issue occurs.!
Thanks, everyone for the help.
I solved this problem by removing HOC withStyles and instead use react-jss.

Adding Redirects programmatically to React Router

I'm trying to add a bunch of redirects given an array of old routes and new routes so I came out with this component:
const redirectUrls = [
{ oldUrl: '/robin', newUrl: '/users' },
{ oldUrl: '/batman', newUrl: '/courses' }
export default Redirects = () => (, index) => <Route key={index} exact path={url.oldUrl} render={() => <Redirect to={url.newUrl} />} />)
Which works fine, but I wanted it to be simplier so I removed the Route and left only the redirect like this:
export default Redirects = () => (, index) => <Redirect key={index} exact from={url.oldUrl} to={url.newUrl} />))
But it won't work, all the redirects take me to the last route, which in this case is /courses, and its weird because if I do this:
<Route path='/users' exact component={users} />
<Route path="/courses" exact component={CoursesList} />
<Redirect from='/robin' to='/users' />
<Redirect from='/batman' to='/courses' /> // having them like this works fine
So it makes no sense for them fail when I create them with a map and I haven't found anything that leads to the cause nor to a solution.
You need to wrap the exported redirects in a switch:
const Redirects = () => {
return (
{ => (
<Redirect from={url.oldUrl} to={url.newUrl} />
export default Redirects;
That's only if you actually need to make a component out of them. It's not totally clear what you need and are looking for since export default Redirects = () => is invalid syntax. If you just want to bundle them as some variable you can do:
export const Redirects = => <Redirect from={url.oldUrl} to {url.newUrl} />);
// App.js
<Route path='/users' exact component={users} />
<Route path="/courses" exact component={CoursesList} />
Did you try this with exact props
<Route path='/users' exact component={users} />
<Route path="/courses" exact component={CoursesList} />
<Redirect exact from='/robin' to='/users' />
<Redirect exact from='/batman' to='/courses' /> // having them like this works fine

using Multiple header in react router

class App extends Component {
render() {
let pathName=window.location.pathname;
let loginhideheaderpath = pathName==="/" || pathName==="/login";
let securnetheaderpath = pathName==='/Contentlanding/Reports';
let gallerypath = pathName==='/Contentlanding/Gallerylanding'
return (
{ securnetheaderpath ? <Securnetheader /> : ( loginhideheaderpath) ? null :(gallerypath) ? <Galleryheading /> : <Header /> }
<Router history={history}>
<Route exact path="/" component={Login} />
<Route exact path="/login" component={Login} />
<Route exact path="/Contentlanding" component={Contentlanding} />
<Route exact path="/Contentlanding/Birthdaylist" component={Birthdaylist} />
<Route exact path="/Contentlanding/Reports" component={Reports} />
<Route exact path="/Contentlanding/Gallerylanding" component={Gallerylanding} />
<Route component={Nodocumentfound} />
In my project i am using mutiple headers, i am rendering the header for components based on URL.
my condition is working fine. the problem is when i use the browser back button the header are not changing. any solution to fix this Thanks in advance.

If condition to change route using React Router V4

I have two types of routes, countries and content:
When the user enters the application, I have to verify if he already chose a country, which I'm saving using localStorage.
If the user has the country already chosen, he needs to go to /industry/ranking, if don't, to /countries.
I'm receiving a warning about the route changing by code:
<Route> elements should not change from controlled to uncontrolled (or vice versa). You provided a "location" prop initially but omitted it on a subsequent render.
My code:
<Route exact path='/countries' component={Countries} />
current && (
<Route exact path='/industry/ranking' render={() => <IndustryRanking country={current} />} />
<Route path='/industry/audience' render={() => <IndustryAudience country={current} />} />
<Route path='/website/ranking' render={() => <WebsiteRanking country={current} />} />
<Route path='/website/audience' render={() => <WebsiteAudience country={current} />} />
<Route path='/website/device' render={() => <WebsiteDevice country={current} />} />
<Route path='/website/conversion-orders' render={() => <WebsiteConversionOrders country={current} />} />
{ !current ? <Redirect to='/countries' /> : <Redirect to='/industry/ranking' /> }
Is there a way to improve this using just the routes to verify my condition?
You can simply write a custom component that renders the Routes or redirects to the country instead of conditionally rendering the Routes which is causing this warning
const CustomRoute = (props) => {
const current = localStorage.getItem('country');
if(current) {
return <Route {...props} />
return <Redirect to='/countries' />
and use it like
<CustomRoute exact path='/countries' component={Countries} />
<CustomRoute exact path='/industry/ranking' render={() => <IndustryRanking country={current} />} />
<CustomRoute path='/industry/audience' render={() => <IndustryAudience country={current} />} />
<CustomRoute path='/website/ranking' render={() => <WebsiteRanking country={current} />} />
<CustomRoute path='/website/audience' render={() => <WebsiteAudience country={current} />} />
<CustomRoute path='/website/device' render={() => <WebsiteDevice country={current} />} />
<CustomRoute path='/website/conversion-orders' render={() => <WebsiteConversionOrders country={current} />} />
<Redirect to='/industry/ranking' />

