NextJS: Pass string via context from input into getStaticProps - javascript

I´m new to NextJS and React at all so I ask for your forgiveness.
I want to know how to pass an users written text from an input field (inside of Header) into the getStaticProbs function of a specific page via the react context api.
I tried the following source but it doesn`t work - it throws out an error that my way to build leads to an invalid hook call.
Here is my context source:
import React, { createContext, useState } from 'react';
export const SearchContext = createContext();
export const SearchProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [keyword, setKeyword] = useState('');
return (
to fetch the written string of SearchBar.js:
import React, { useContext, useState } from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import Image from 'next/image';
import loupe from '../public/images/loupe.png';
import { SearchContext } from '../lib/searchCtx';
const SearchBar = () => {
const search = useContext(SearchContext);
const router = useRouter();
const submitAction = (e) => {
return (
<div className={styles.searchBar}>
onChange={(e) => search.setKeyword(}
<button className={styles.searchBtn} type='submit' onClick={submitAction}>
<Image src={loupe} alt='' />
export default SearchBar;
and pass it over _app.js:
import Header from '../components/Header';
import Footer from '../components/Footer';
import { SearchProvider } from '../lib/searchCtx';
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<Header />
<Component {...pageProps} />
<Footer />
export default MyApp;
to get the value into getStaticProbs of searchResults.js:
import { useEffect, useState, useContext } from 'react';
import { fetchData } from '../lib/utils';
import styles from '../styles/Playlist.module.scss';
import Image from 'next/image';
import { SearchContext } from '../lib/searchCtx';
export default function SearchResults({ videos }) {
const sortedVids = videos
.sort((a, b) =>
new Date(b.snippet.videoPublishedAt) -
Number(new Date(a.snippet.videoPublishedAt))
return (
<div className={`${styles.playlist_container} ${}`}>
<h1>Search results</h1>
.map((vid, id) => {
return (
<div className={styles.clip_container}>
<div className={styles.details_container}>
export async function getStaticProps() {
const search = useContext(SearchContext);
const { YOUTUBE_KEY } = process.env;
const uploadsURL = `${YOUTUBE_KEY}&q=${search.keyword}`;
async function getData() {
const uploadsData = fetchData(uploadsURL);
return {
videos: await uploadsData,
const { videos } = await getData();
return {
revalidate: 86400,
props: {
videos: videos.items,
Would you help me by 1) telling me the main failure I did and 2) providing me a working source?
How can I achieve it to get the keyword from SearchContext into the uploadsURL (inside of getStaticProbs) or isn`t it possible?
Thanks in advance!!

You can create a dynamic pages under your page folder one called say index.js and one called [slug].js (all under one folder) In the index page you can have your normal search input, when the users submit the query you can do
onClick={() =>
.then(() => window.scrollTo(0, 0))}>
and in your [slug].js page you can retrieve that information like so
export async function getServerSideProps(pageContext) {
const pageQuery = pageContext.query.slug;
const apiCall= await fetch(
const results = await apiCall.json();
return {
props: {
data: results,
I don't know if this will work for you but is a solution


React useContext returns undefined before requested object resulting in an error when trying to use .map(). How can I get rid of undefined?

I can't render props from useContext because it returns undefined before desired object. I can't seem to find any solution to my problem.
This is the child element I'm trying to render:
const Reviews = ({reviews}) => {
return (
<div className={styles['review__card']}>
{ => {
<div className={styles['review__card__item']}>
<div className={styles['card__item__meta']}>
<span><StarRating rating={review.rating}/></span>
<div className={styles['card__item__p']}>
export default Reviews
This is Parent Element:
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from 'react'
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'
import { RestaurantsContext } from '../context/RestaurantsContext';
import Wrapper from '../components/Wrapper'
import Header from '../components/Header'
import Reviews from '../components/Reviews'
import AddReview from '../components/AddReview'
import RestaurantFinder from '../apis/RestaurantFinder';
const RestaurantDetailPage = () => {
const {id} = useParams()
const {selectedRestaurant, setSelectedRestaurant} = useContext(RestaurantsContext)
useEffect(()=> {
const fetchDate = async () => {
try {
const response = await RestaurantFinder.get(`/${id}`)
catch (err) {console.log(err)
}, [])
return (
<Header title={ 'RestaurantDetailPage' }/>
<div>{selectedRestaurant && (
<Reviews reviews={}/>
export default RestaurantDetailPage
Whenever I console.log( it gives me undefined and then it gives me object query. I assume that .map() is getting an error because it is trying to render that first argument which is undefined
Here is Context js
import React, {useState, createContext} from 'react';
export const RestaurantsContext = createContext();
export const RestaurantsContextProvider = props => {
const [restaurants, setRestaurants] = useState([])
const [selectedRestaurant, setSelectedRestaurant] = useState([])
const addRestaurants = (restaurant) => {
setRestaurants([...restaurants, restaurant]);
return (
<RestaurantsContext.Provider value={{restaurants, setRestaurants, addRestaurants, selectedRestaurant, setSelectedRestaurant }}>
I have found the issue and solved it though I'm not entirely sure how it works.
const [selectedRestaurant, setSelectedRestaurant] = useState([])
default useState value should be null using useState(null)

after passing a state to my useState hook, it is undefined, why?

I am using google youtube api to stream some video. Unfortunately I got stuck on passing video details, when a users clicks on a video.
(I am aware of the warning, will fix this soon by adding of an index to the thumbnail).
The question is (it is also in the middle of the post, but am afraid, that it will get lost): why hss my searchedValue.videos changed to undefined?
I got a working version:
When I click on a thumbnail of a video, I get the expected result.
Here is the code for it:
import React, { useState, createContext } from "react";
import NavBar from "./NavBar";
import youtube from "../apis/youtube";
import VideoList from "./VideoList";
import VideoDetail from "./VideoDetail";
export const VideoContext = createContext();
function App() {
const [ searchedValue, setSearchedValue ] = useState({ videos: [], selectedVideo: null });
const API_KEY = process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY;
const handleSearch = async (inputText) => {
const response = await youtube.get("/search", {
params: {
q: inputText,
part: "snippet",
type: "video",
maxResults: 5,
key: API_KEY
setSearchedValue({ videos: });
const handleSelectedVideo = (singleRenderedVideo) => {
console.log("from App.js: ", singleRenderedVideo);
// setSearchedValue({ selectedVideo: singleRenderedVideo });
return (
<div className="ui container">
<NavBar handleSearch={handleSearch} />
<VideoContext.Provider value={handleSelectedVideo}>
<p>I got {searchedValue.videos.length} results.</p>
{/* <VideoDetail video={searchedValue.selectedVideo} /> */}
<VideoList handleSelectedVideo={handleSelectedVideo} listOfVideos={searchedValue.videos} />
export default App;
import React, { useState } from "react";
const NavBar = (props) => {
const [ inputText, setInputText ] = useState("");
const handleSearch = (event) => {
const handleChange = (event) => {
return (
<div className="search-bar ui segment">
<form onSubmit={handleSearch} className="ui form">
<div className="field">
<label>Video Search</label>
placeholder="Type in to search for videos"
export default NavBar;
import React from "react";
const VideoDetail = ({ video }) => {
if (!video) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
return <div>{video.snippet.title}</div>;
export default VideoDetail;
import "./VideoItem.css";
import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { VideoContext } from "./App";
const VideoItem = ({ singleRenderedVideo }) => {
const videoContext = useContext(VideoContext);
return (
<div onClick={() => videoContext(singleRenderedVideo)} className="video-item item">
<img className="ui image" src={singleRenderedVideo.snippet.thumbnails.medium.url} alt="img" />
<div className="content">
<div className="header">{singleRenderedVideo.snippet.title}</div>
export default VideoItem;
import React from "react";
import VideoItem from "./VideoItem";
const VideoList = ({ listOfVideos }) => {
const renderedListOfVideos = => {
return <VideoItem singleRenderedVideo={video} />;
return <div className="ui relaxed divided list">{renderedListOfVideos}</div>;
export default VideoList;
But in App.js, when I try to set the state of selectedVideo:
const handleSelectedVideo = (singleRenderedVideo) => {
// console.log("from App.js: ", singleRenderedVideo);
setSearchedValue({ selectedVideo: singleRenderedVideo });
I get the following error:
The whole App.js, where the code is changed.
import React, { useState, createContext } from "react";
import NavBar from "./NavBar";
import youtube from "../apis/youtube";
import VideoList from "./VideoList";
import VideoDetail from "./VideoDetail";
export const VideoContext = createContext();
function App() {
const [ searchedValue, setSearchedValue ] = useState({ videos: [], selectedVideo: null });
const API_KEY = process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY;
const handleSearch = async (inputText) => {
const response = await youtube.get("/search", {
params: {
q: inputText,
part: "snippet",
type: "video",
maxResults: 5,
key: API_KEY
setSearchedValue({ videos: });
const handleSelectedVideo = (singleRenderedVideo) => {
// console.log("from App.js: ", singleRenderedVideo);
setSearchedValue({ selectedVideo: singleRenderedVideo });
return (
<div className="ui container">
<NavBar handleSearch={handleSearch} />
<VideoContext.Provider value={handleSelectedVideo}>
<p>I got {searchedValue.videos.length} results.</p>
<VideoDetail video={searchedValue.selectedVideo} />
<VideoList handleSelectedVideo={handleSelectedVideo} listOfVideos={searchedValue.videos} />
export default App;
In class components, if you set state and provide only a partial object, react will do a shallow merge with the full state. This does not happen in function components. Whatever you set the state to, that's the state. So this code:
setSearchedValue({ selectedVideo: singleRenderedVideo })
...will set the state to an object with a selectedVideo property only. It no longer has a videos property.
You have two options:
do a shallow merge yourself
setSearchedValue(previous => ({
selectedVideo: singleRenderedVideo
Have two separate state variables. For a case like yours, i recommend doing it this way.
const [ videos, setVideos ] = useState([]);
const [ selectedVideo, setSelectedVideo ] = useState(null);
// ...
The searchedValue is set to {selectedVideo:...}. The other property because the new value does not have that property. You should include your videos property when you set searchedValue. It should be setSearchedValue ({...searchedValue, selectedVideo: newValue})

Why is useEffect being triggered without dependency change when working with modals?

I'm having trouble working with useEffect to fetch comments when using a modal. I have a PostMain component that is displayed inside a modal, as seen below. Inside this, there is a CommentsList child component that fetches comments left under the post from the server. I have created a custom hook to handle this, as seen below. The problem I'm facing is whenever I exit the modal, then reopen it, useEffect is triggered even though its dependencies (pageNumber, postId) haven't changed. A server request similar to the initial one is sent, with the same comments being added to the list, as seen in the screenshots below. Obviously, this is not ideal. So, what am I doing wrong? How do I fix this?
Fetch Comments Custom Hook
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { fetchComments } from '../store/comments/actions';
function useFetchComments(pageNumber, commentsPerRequest = 5, postId) {
const { error, hasMoreComments, isLoading, commentList } = useSelector(
({ comments }) => ({
error: comments.error,
hasMoreComments: comments.hasMoreComments,
isLoading: comments.isLoading,
commentList: comments.commentList,
const currentCommentListLength = commentList.length || 0;
const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
dispatch(fetchComments(pageNumber, commentsPerRequest, currentCommentListLength, postId));
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [pageNumber, postId]);
return {
export default useFetchComments;
Post Component
import React from 'react';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { Image, Modal } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import CommentForm from '../../forms/comment';
import CommentList from '../../shared/comment-list';
function PostMain({ post }) {
const { isLoggedIn } = useSelector(({ auth }) => ({
isLoggedIn: auth.isLoggedIn,
return (
<Modal size="tiny" trigger={<Image src={post.url} />}>
<Image src={post.url} />
<CommentList postId={post._id} />
{isLoggedIn && (
<CommentForm postId={post._id} />
export default PostMain;
Comment List Component
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useFetchComments } from '../../../hooks';
function CommentList({ postId }) {
const [pageNumber, setPageNumber] = useState(1);
const { error, isLoading, commentList, hasMoreComments } = useFetchComments(
const handleFetchMoreComments = () => {
setPageNumber((previousNumber) => previousNumber + 1);
return (
{ => (
<div key={comment._id}>{comment.body}</div>
{hasMoreComments && (
<p onClick={handleFetchMoreComments}>View More</p>
{isLoading && <p>Loading...</p>}
{error && <p>{JSON.stringify(error)}</p>}
export default CommentList;
First instance of opening modal
Second instance of opening modal

React context not updating

I have set a basic sample project that use Context to store the page title, but when I set it the component is not rerendered.
Principal files:
import React from 'react'
const Context = React.createContext({})
export default Context
import React from 'react'
import App from './App'
import Context from './Context'
function AppWrapper () {
return (
<Context.Provider value={{page: {}}}>
<App />
export default AppWrapper
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import Context from './Context';
import Home from './Home';
function App() {
const { page } = useContext(Context)
return (
<h1>Title: {page.title}</h1>
<Home />
export default App;
import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import Context from './Context'
function Home () {
const { page } = useContext(Context)
page.title = 'Home'
return (
<p>Hello, World!</p>
export default Home
full code
What am I doing wrong?
Think about React context just like you would a component, if you want to update a value and show it then you need to use state. In this case your AppWrapper where you render the context provider is where you need to track state.
import React, {useContext, useState, useCallback, useEffect} from 'react'
const PageContext = React.createContext({})
function Home() {
const {setPageContext, page} = useContext(PageContext)
// essentially a componentDidMount
useEffect(() => {
if (page.title !== 'Home')
setPageContext({title: 'Home'})
}, [setPageContext])
return <p>Hello, World!</p>
function App() {
const {page} = useContext(PageContext)
return (
<h1>Title: {page.title}</h1>
<Home />
function AppWrapper() {
const [state, setState] = useState({page: {}})
const setPageContext = useCallback(
newState => {
setState({page: {, ...newState}})
[state, setState],
const getContextValue = useCallback(
() => ({setPageContext, ...state}),
[state, updateState],
return (
<PageContext.Provider value={getContextValue()}>
<App />
Edit - Updated working solution from linked repository
I renamed a few things to be a bit more specific, I wouldn't recommend passing setState through the context as that can be confusing and conflicting with a local state in a component. Also i'm omitting chunks of code that aren't necessary to the answer, just the parts I changed
export const updatePageContext = (values = {}) => ({ page: values })
export const updateProductsContext = (values = {}) => ({ products: values })
export const Pages = {
help: 'Help',
home: 'Home',
productsList: 'Products list',
shoppingCart: 'Cart',
const AppContext = React.createContext({})
export default AppContext
const getDefaultState = () => {
// TODO rehydrate from persistent storage (localStorage.getItem(myLastSavedStateKey)) ?
return {
page: { title: 'Home' },
products: {},
function AppWrapper() {
const [state, setState] = useState(getDefaultState())
// here we only re-create setContext when its dependencies change ([state, setState])
const setContext = useCallback(
updates => {
setState({ ...state, ...updates })
[state, setState],
// here context value is just returning an object, but only re-creating the object when its dependencies change ([state, setContext])
const getContextValue = useCallback(
() => ({
[state, setContext],
return (
<Context.Provider value={getContextValue()}>
import AppContext, { updateProductsContext } from './AppContext'
function App() {
const [openDrawer, setOpenDrawer] = useState(false)
const classes = useStyles()
const {
page: { title },
} = useContext(Context)
useEffect(() => {
.then(items => {
setContext(updateProductsContext({ items }))
}, [])
this is a new component that you can use to update your page names in a declarative style reducing the code complexity/redundancy in each view
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from 'react'
import Context, { updatePageContext } from '../Context'
export default function DocumentMeta({ title }) {
const { page, setContext } = useContext(Context)
useEffect(() => {
if (page.title !== title) {
// TODO use this todo as a marker to also update the actual document title so the browser tab name changes to reflect the current view
setContext(updatePageContext({ title }))
}, [title, page, setContext])
return null
aka usage would be something like <DocumentMeta title="Whatever Title I Want Here" />
each view now just needs to import DocumentMeta and the Pages "enum" to update the title, instead of pulling the context in and manually doing it each time.
import { Pages } from '../Context'
import DocumentMeta from '../components/DocumentMeta'
function Home() {
return (
<DocumentMeta title={Pages.home} />
Note: The other pages need to replicate what the home page is doing
Remember this isn't how I would do this in a production environment, I'd write up a more generic helper to write data to your cache that can do more things in terms of performance, deep merging.. etc. But this should be a good starting point.
Here is a working version of what you need.
import React, { useState, useContext, useEffect } from "react";
import "./styles.css";
const Context = React.createContext({});
export default function AppWrapper() {
// creating a local state
const [state, setState] = useState({ page: {} });
return (
<Context.Provider value={{ state, setState }}> {/* passing state to in provider */}
<App />
function App() {
// getting the state from Context
const { state } = useContext(Context);
return (
<h1>Title: {}</h1>
<Home />
function Home() {
// getting setter function from Context
const { setState } = useContext(Context);
useEffect(() => {
setState({ page: { title: "Home" } });
}, [setState]);
return <p>Hello, World!</p>;
Read more on Hooks API Reference.
You may put useContext(yourContext) at wrong place.
The right position is inner the <Context.Provider>:
// Right: context value will update
<yourComponentNeedContext />
// Bad: context value will NOT update
<yourComponentNeedContext />

React: Context to pass state between two hierarchies of components

I am developing a website in which I want to be able to access the state information anywhere in the app. I have tried several ways of implementing state but I always get following error message:
Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.
Check the render method of SOS.
Here is my SOS->index.js file:
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
import CONST from '../utils/Constants';
import { Grid, Box, Container } from '#material-ui/core';
import { styled } from '#material-ui/styles';
import { Header } from '../Layout';
import ListItem from './ListItem';
import SOSButton from './SOSButton';
import FormPersonType from './FormPersonType';
import FormEmergencyType from './FormEmergencyType';
import StateContext from '../App';
import Context from '../Context';
export default function SOS() {
const { componentType, setComponentType } = useContext(Context);
const timerOn = false;
const ambulance = false;
const fire_service = false;
const police = false;
const car_service = false;
//static contextType = StateContext;
const showSettings = event => {
const handleComponentType = e => {
//this.setState({ componentType: 'type_of_emergency' });
const handleEmergencyType = new_emergency_state => {
// this.setState(new_emergency_state);
const onSubmit = e => {
console.log('in OnSubmit');
.post(CONST.URL + 'emergency/create', {
id: 1,
data: this.state //TODO
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
let component;
if (componentType == 'type_of_person') {
component = (
<FormPersonType handleComponentType={this.handleComponentType} />
} else if (componentType == 'type_of_emergency') {
component = (
return (
<Header title="Send out SOS" />
<StateContext.Provider value="type_of_person" />
<Container component="main" maxWidth="sm">
{/*component = (
I would really appreciate your help!
Just for reference, the Context file is defined as follows:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
export const Context = React.createContext();
const ContextProvider = props => {
const [componentType, setComponentType] = useState('');
setComponentType = 'type_of_person';
//const [storedNumber, setStoredNumber] = useState('');
//const [functionType, setFunctionType] = useState('');
return (
export default ContextProvider;
EDIT: I have changed my code according to your suggestions (updated above). But now I get following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'componentType' of undefined
Context is not the default export from your ../Context file so you have to import it as:
import { Context } from '../Context';
Otherwise, it's trying to import your Context.Provider component.
For your file structure/naming, the proper usage is:
// Main app file (for example)
// Wraps your application in the context provider so you can access it anywhere in MyApp
import ContextProvider from '../Context'
export default () => {
return (
<MyApp />
// File where you want to use the context
import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import { Context } from '../Context'
export default () => {
const myCtx = useContext(Context)
return (
Got this value - { myCtx.someValue } - from context
And for godsakes...rename your Context file, provider, and everything in there to something more explicit. I got confused even writing this.

