How to optimize Google Spreadsheet function execution time? - javascript

function findAgentRow(){
let row = 2;
let emailCell;
let maxRow = sheet.getLastRow();
emailCell = sheet.getRange(row, findColumn(sheet, "Agent"));
if(emailCell.getValue() == agentEmail){
return row
}else if(row == sheet.getLastRow()){
return 0;
row = row + 1;
I have written a google spreadsheets function that locates a row containing information about a person. It checks whether the row contains the person's email. The issue is that when the spreadsheet contains more than 700 rows the execution time is more than 2 minutes.
Is there a way to optimize it?

Try not to use findColumn in each loop.
You should also aim at using only one getValues.
function findAgentRow(agentEmail) {
// const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const row = 2;
const col = findColumn(sheet, 'Agent');
const values = sheet.getRange(row, col, sheet.getLastRow() - 1, 1).getValues().flat();
return values.indexOf(agentEmail) + row;
function findColumn(sheet, value) {
const row = 1;
const values = sheet.getRange(row, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
return values.indexOf(value) + 1;


How to delete rows fast if they have empty values at specific columns in Google App Script

below is a code that checks if the cells at columns [G, H, J] are empty and delete the row where the the condition is true.
Nevertheless, the runtime of the code below is extremely slow, needs approx 15 minutes per 1500 table entries.
is there any way to optimise it ?
can I hash the rows that meet the condition below and then delete them all at once?
P.S: the original code can be found here which I adapted it to my use case.
function deleteRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rows = sheet.getDataRange();
var lastRow =sheet.getRange(1,1).getDataRegion(SpreadsheetApp.Dimension.ROWS).getLastRow() + 1;
var values = rows.getValues();
var row;
var rowsDeleted = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lastRow; i++) {
row = values[i];
if (row[9] == '' && row[7] == '' && row[6] == ''
) {
sheet.deleteRow((parseInt(i)+1) - rowsDeleted);
function DeleteEmptyRows() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
const values = sheet.getDataRange()
.filter(row => row[9] !== '' && row[7] !== '' && row[6] !== '')
return sheet.getRange(1, 1, values.length, values[0].length)
If you have any background colors attached to rows, let me know and I can make an adjustment for you.
This code will filter out all rows with the empty cells specified, clear the sheet, and then set the values.
Delete rows
function deleteRows() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh = ss.getActiveSheet();
const rg = sh.getDataRange();
const vs = rg.getValues().filter(r => !(!r[6] || !r[7] || !r[9]));
sh.getRange(1, 1, vs.length, vs[0].length).setValues(vs);

Get Google sheets column by name in Google Scripts

I have a script that allows me to get the contents of a column from my Google Sheet and display it in my HTML form while removing any duplicates of the same name.
Example: red, red, yellow, yellow, blue, green would show in the dropdown menu as red, yellow, blue, green.
The thing is, I would like to get the column contents by name and not by number i.e 1.
Here is my script:
function getColors() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1czFXXQAIbW9IlAPwHQ0D5S_a-Ew82p-obBEalJFNJTI").getSheetByName("Vinyl Costs");
var getLastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var return_array = [];
for(var i = 2; i <= getLastRow; i++)
if(return_array.indexOf(sheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue()) === -1) {
return_array.push(sheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue());
return return_array;
I've found a similar question and the accepted answer was this:
function getByName(colName, row) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var col = data[0].indexOf(colName);
if (col != -1) {
return data[row-1][col];
But I can't seem to make that work with mine? This is my first ever Google Script so I don't really understand it 100% yet.
I changed the functions a bit.
For one thing, getByName now gets not all values of the sheet, but only the first row.
function getColors() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1czFXXQAIbW9IlAPwHQ0D5S_a-Ew82p-obBEalJFNJTI").getSheetByName("Vinyl Costs");
const colName = 'your_column_name';
const colNum = getColNumberByName(colName);
if (colNum === null) {
Logger.log('Column ' + colName + ' was not found!');
return [];
const firstRow = 2;
const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
// get all values from column
const columnData = sheet.getRange(firstRow, colNum, lastRow).getValues().flat();
// filter values on duplicates
return columnData.filter((el, i) => i === columnData.indexOf(el) && el !== '');
function getColNumByName(colName, row = 1) {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1czFXXQAIbW9IlAPwHQ0D5S_a-Ew82p-obBEalJFNJTI").getSheetByName("Vinyl Costs");
const [data] = sheet.getRange(row, 1, row, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
const col = data.indexOf(colName);
// adding 1 because column nums starting from 1
return col === -1 ? null : col + 1;

Google sheet script auto add new rows with copied formulas

I need to create function which adds rows with copied formulas from above rows. After the script is launched it should result in accurate number (set 5 i this code) of blank rows at the end of the sheet.
The code I managed to create counts what number of rows should be added but adds only one row with copied formulas at the end.
Please help me edit this code to multiple the result of the function by "rowstoadd" parameter.
Sheet image
function autoaddRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Harmonogram');
var range = sheet.getRange("B2:B").getValues();
var lastRowB = range.filter(String).length + 2;
var lastRowA = sheet.getLastRow();
var blanknrows = sheet.getLastRow() - lastRowB;
if (blanknrows < 5) {
let rowstoadd = 5 - blanknrows;
let spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let lastRowIndex = sheet.getLastRow();
let existingRange = getRowRange(sheet, lastRowIndex);
let newRange = getRowRange(sheet, ++lastRowIndex);
function getRowRange(sheet, rowIndex) {
return sheet.getRange(rowIndex, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn());
I believe your goal is as follows.
You want to keep 5 new empty rows.
For example, when the last row of column "A" is 10 and the last row of column "B" is 9, you want to add 4 new rows.
Also, you want to put the formula to the column "B" of the inserted rows.
In this case, how about the following modified script?
Modified script:
function autoaddRows() {
var addRows = 5;
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Harmonogram');
var range = sheet.getRange("B2:B").getValues();
var lastRowB = range.filter(String).length + 1;
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var blanknrows = lastRow - lastRowB;
var diff = addRows - blanknrows;
if (diff > 0) {
sheet.insertRowsAfter(lastRow, diff);
// var range = sheet.getRange("B" + lastRowB);
// range.copyTo(range.offset(1, 0, diff + 1), SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_FORMULA, false);
var numberOfCol = sheet.getLastColumn() - 1;
var range = sheet.getRange(lastRowB, 2, 1, numberOfCol);
range.copyTo(range.offset(1, 0, diff + 1, numberOfCol), SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_FORMULA, false);
In this modification, the difference between the last rows between column "A" and column "B" is retrieved. And the empty rows are inserted using the difference.
In your script, newRange.clearNote(); is used. So, I also add range.clearNote();. If you want to remove it, please remove it.
insertRowsAfter(afterPosition, howMany)
copyTo(destination, copyPasteType, transposed)

Google sheets script - Strip extra data from a second line and add it to the first line

I'm trying to build a script in google sheets script that will iterate down a sheet, row by row, and if it encounters an ID number in the first cell of that row that is identical to the one above it, it strips out the data from every cell EXCEPT Column A and B, and appends it to the line above. Ideally, this would work with an indeterminate number of duplicate row IDs, might be 2, might be 3, might be 4.
After stripping out the data I want to keep (eg colums C and onward), I then want to delete the entire contents of the processed duplicate ID row, but I just haven't put that in my script until after it copies the data correctly.
In this example, sheet rows 6, 7 and 8 have identical ID numbers (Column A)
Here is the result I'm trying to get:
And here is the result I'm getting:
I've tried a number of different ways, and torn down and rebuilt my script a couple of times without getting the result I want:
function stripMiner() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1WDPoTICQvdruxfhAwHLtA51fz05DqyZ-NhNfpAyPO6Y");
var mainSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Main");
var startRow = 5;
var numRows = mainSheet.getLastRow();//obtains the last row in the sheet
var setrgh = mainSheet
var dataRange = mainSheet.getRange(startRow, 1,4,120); //rowStart, columnStart, row count, column count, the columncount needs to be large enough to encompass all your ancillary data
var data = dataRange.getValues();
var iter = 0;
var maxItRow = 4;
var prevIdNum = 0;
var dupCount = 1;
var cc1 = "P5"; //Cells to dump check values into
var cc2 = "P6";
var dumpRow = startRow;
//if (numRows >= maxItRow){var maxIter = maxItRow;}
for (i in data){
if (iter != maxItRow){ //making sure we haven't gone over the iteration limit
var row = data[i];
var idNum = (row[0]);
var jCount = 0; //resets icount if the id number is different icount is used to skip some cells in a row
if (idNum == prevIdNum){//only proceed if we've hit another line with the same ID number
dupCount = +1; //increment the dupcount value
mainSheet.getRange(cc2).setValue("dupCount"+dupCount); //dupcount check value
var rowIterStart = 5; //RowIterStart is used to add to rowiter, EG if your data is 20 columns wide, and you start transposing from column 4, then this will want to be about 17
var rowIter = 1;
for (j in row){
if (jCount >= 2){ //the integer here is the column where it will begin to transpose data
mainSheet.getRange(dumpRow-1,(rowIterStart*dupCount)+(rowIter)).setValue(row[j]); //startRow+(iter-dupCount)
jCount +=1;
var dupCount = 1;
dumpRow +=1;
prevIdNum = (row[0]); //sets the most recently processed rows ID number
iter +=1;
I'm not quite sure where I'm going wrong. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
(Also I'm still just a beginner with this so if I've overlooked anything obvious or taken the wrong approach to do this, I apologize!)
The results for the questioner's code in the case of copied data arise from a convoluted loop. In essence, though duplicates were identified, there was a mis-counting to assign the copied data to the correct rowID. So far as clearing data, no provision was included.
The following code works to meet the questioner's goals, though it is far from perfect.
At present, the recalculation of the "last column" after copy each duplicate is an absolute rather than than a row-based figure. So, if a duplicate was detected for, say, ID=3, the data would be copied to column 12 rather than column 6. This requires the addition of a simple dupID row counter.
The second factor is the calculation of the last column in the spreadsheet.
var dataRange = mainSheet.getRange(startRow, 1,Rowlast+1,120);
The questioner used 120 columns; and I have retained that number simply for the sake of consistency. The questioner should re-assess whether this is excessive.
function ejb_so_5284922701() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("<< insert questioners spreadsheet ID>>");
var mainSheet = ss.getSheetByName("<< insert questioner's sheet name >>");
var startRow = 5;
// calculate the last row containing data
var Rowvals = ss.getRange("A5:A").getValues();
var Rowlast = Rowvals.filter(String).length; //6
Logger.log("last row = " + Rowlast); // DEBUG
// calculate the last column containing data
var cell = mainSheet.getRange("A5"); //or however you determine "cell"
var drCol = mainSheet.getDataRange().getLastColumn();
Logger.log('getLastColumn = ' + drCol); //DEBUG
for (var i = drCol; i >= 1; i--) {
if (mainSheet.getRange(cell.getRow(), i).getValue() != "") {
var lastColumn = i;
Logger.log("Last column with data = " + lastColumn); //DEBUG
var setrgh = mainSheet
// numColumns neds to be reviewed
var dataRange = mainSheet.getRange(startRow, 1, Rowlast + 1, 120); //rowStart, columnStart, row count, column count, the column count needs to be large enough to encompass all your ancillary data
// start row = 5, 1= column A, 4, rows, 120, columns
Logger.log("startRow = " + startRow + ", and the datarange = " + dataRange.getA1Notation()); //DEBUG
var data = dataRange.getValues();
Logger.log("length of data =" + data.length); //DEBUG
var lastid = 0;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
// if this is the first row, then assign anything but zero to last id
lastid = 100;
Logger.log(" this is the first row; set last id to 100");
var thisid = data[i][0];
// evaluate whether this is a duplicate ID
if (thisid == lastid) {
// this is a dup
Logger.log("i=" + i + ". This is a dup" + ", name is " + data[i][2]); //DEBUG
var stufftocopyrange = mainSheet.getRange(startRow + i, 3, 1, 3);
var stufftocopy = stufftocopyrange.getValues();
Logger.log("the range to copy is " + stufftocopyrange.getA1Notation()); //DEBUG
var targetrange = mainSheet.getRange(startRow + lastid - 1, lastColumn + 1, 1, 3);
lastColumn = lastColumn + 3;
var duprange = mainSheet.getRange(startRow + i, 1, 1, 5);
Logger.log("the range to clear is " + duprange.getA1Notation()); //DEBUG
} else {
// no dup
//assign lastid value
var lastid = thisid;
Logger.log("i=" + i + ". No dup. Last id set to " + lastid); // DEBUG
} // if
} // end for loop
The solutions previously posted didn't quite get the result I needed, however I managed to cobble together something that works for my purposes. It expects to see data in the format like:
And turn it into something like this:
Where it uses duplicate ID numbers (with an indeterminite number of duplicates) to pull only certain columns of data from the duplicate lines and append it to the first line.
function stripMiner() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1WDPoTICQvdruxfhAwHLtA51fz05DqyZ-NhNfpAyPO6Y");
var mainSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Main");
var startRow = 5;
var numRows = mainSheet.getLastRow();//obtains the last row in the sheet
var setrgh = mainSheet
var dataRange = mainSheet.getRange(startRow, 1,3,120); //rowStart, columnStart, row count, column count, the columncount needs to be large enough to encompass all your ancillary data
var data = dataRange.getValues();
var iter = 0;
var maxItRow = 4;
var prevIdNum = 0;
var dupCount = 1;
var cc1 = "P5"; //Cells to dump check values into
var cc2 = "P6";
var dumpRow = startRow;
//if (numRows >= maxItRow){var maxIter = maxItRow;}
for (i in data){
if (iter != maxItRow){ //making sure we haven't gone over the iteration limit
var row = data[i];
var idNum = (row[0]);
var jCount = 0; //resets icount if the id number is different icount is used to skip some cells in a row
if (idNum == prevIdNum){//only proceed if we've hit another line with the same ID number
dupCount = +1; //increment the dupcount value
mainSheet.getRange(cc2).setValue("dupCount"+dupCount); //dupcount check value
var rowIterStart = 5; //RowIterStart is used to add to rowiter, EG if your data is 20 columns wide, and you start transposing from column 4, then this will want to be about 17
var rowIter = 1;
for (j in row){
if (jCount >= 2){ //the integer here is the column where it will begin to transpose data
mainSheet.getRange(dumpRow-2,(rowIterStart*dupCount)+(rowIter)).setValue(row[j]); //startRow+(iter-dupCount)
jCount +=1;
var dupCount = 1;
dumpRow +=1;
prevIdNum = (row[0]); //sets the most recently processed rows ID number
iter +=1;
Hopefully someone else who wants to do a similar thing can make use of this too.

How can I change the background color for only the rows that are "true"?

How can I change the background color for only the rows that were (true) as per function checkDate(row) on the originating sheet "Pasco"? Is this possible?
A little bit about the script:
A date range is inputted through function getDateRange(), all rows in sheet "Pasco" is checked for if they meet that date range through function checkDate(row). If it does meet the date range (true), function filterRows() essentially filters the rows from "Pasco" sheet, and moves them over to another sheet "Copy of Pasco".
Another way of asking my question, how can I get a range of all the rows that were "true" in sheet "Pasco". If "Pasco" wasn't sorted by date, this could mean multiple ranges, right? Once I have a range I'd be able to change background easy.
If you are to test the script, please create two sheets, 'Pasco' and 'Copy of Pasco'. In 'Pasco' Starting from row 2, place some dates down column I (column 8). To see the filtering in action. 'Copy of Pasco' will be deleted/created on each run.
Thank you for your time =)
var globalStartDate;
var globalEndDate;
function getDateRange(){
var startui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var startprompt = startui.prompt('Start Date', 'Enter a date in m/d/y format', startui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
var startdate = new Date(startprompt.getResponseText());
var startdatemilliseconds = startdate.getTime();
globalStartDate = startdatemilliseconds;
var endui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var endprompt = endui.prompt('End Date', 'Enter a date in m/d/y format', endui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
var enddate = new Date(endprompt.getResponseText());
var enddatemilliseconds = enddate.getTime();
globalEndDate = enddatemilliseconds;
function checkDate(row) {
Logger.log(row[8].getTime() <= globalEndDate && row[8].getTime() >= globalStartDate);
return (row[8].getTime() <= globalEndDate && row[8].getTime() >= globalStartDate); // Check column H
function filterRows() {
var Spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet1 = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Pasco');
var sheetdelete = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Copy of Pasco');
var headers = 1; // # rows to skip
var sheet2 = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Copy of Pasco');
var range = sheet1.getDataRange();
var data = range.getValues();
var headerData = data.splice(0,headers); // Skip header rows
var filteredData = data.filter( checkDate );
var outputData = headerData.concat(filteredData); // Put headers back
sheet2.clearContents(); // Clear content, keep format
// Save filtered values
sheet2.getRange(1, 1, outputData.length, outputData[0].length).setValues(outputData);
Sorry I don't have time to read through your code and give you a complete answer but you could just add a loop to go through the sheet and set the background colour of each row with 'true'.
In my script below I assume 'true' is in column A.
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getLastRow()).getValues();
var lastCol = sheet.getMaxColumns();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i ++){
if(data[i][0] == true){
sheet.getRange(i + 1, 1, 1, lastCol).setBackground('Yellow');
Insert this code after you call getDateRange() in the filter rows function.
var lastCol = sheet1.getMaxColumns();
for(var i = headers; i < data.length ; i++){
if(data[i][8].getTime() <= globalEndDate && data[i][8].getTime() >= globalStartDate){
sheet1.getRange(i, 1, 1, lastCol).setBackground('Yellow');
Your filter rows function should now look like this:
function filterRows() {
var Spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet1 = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Pasco');
var sheetdelete = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Copy of Pasco');
var headers = 1; // # rows to skip
var sheet2 = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Copy of Pasco');
var range = sheet1.getDataRange();
var data = range.getValues();
var headerData = data.splice(0,headers); // Skip header rows
var lastCol = sheet1.getMaxColumns();
for(var i = headers; i < data.length ; i++){
if(data[i][8].getTime() <= globalEndDate && data[i][8].getTime() >= globalStartDate){
sheet1.getRange(i + headers, 1, 1, lastCol).setBackground('Yellow');
var filteredData = data.filter( checkDate );
var outputData = headerData.concat(filteredData); // Put headers back
sheet2.clearContents(); // Clear content, keep format
// Save filtered values
sheet2.getRange(1, 1, outputData.length, outputData[0].length).setValues(outputData);

