Issues with async/await - javascript

I'm trying to use async/await for a very basic promise, but I'm getting the error: SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function. However, I believe I'm using await for an async function.
function getNumber(mult) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
}).then((val) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve(val * mult)
}).then((val2) => val2);
}).catch((err) => {
return err;
const calculate = async (x) => await Promise.resolve(getNumber(x))
const val = await calculate(2)

You cannot have the initial function with an await at the top level... just a modification.
function getNumber(mult) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
}).then((val) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve(val * mult)
}).then((val2) => val2);
}).catch((err) => {
return err;
const calculate = (x) => Promise.resolve(getNumber(x));
const val = calculate(2).then(resp => {
console.log('do something with response: ', resp)

To only focus on why you're getting that error, the await in await calculate(2) isn't in an asynchronous function. If you can make it asynchronous function then do that but if not then you can use the .then() function like below:
calculate(2).then(val => {
//Your code here


using await within function of backend api

I have the code below:
module.exports = {
async function getUser({ data }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const id = data["id"];
const doc = await db.collection('users').where('id', '==', id).get();
if (!doc.exists) {
resolve('No such document!');
} else {
async function getUser(req, res, next) {
userService.getUser({ data: req.body }).then(function (val) {
This throws an error: SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and the top level bodies of modules. How can I retrieve the data from the await in an effective manner?
You can use await only inside async function.
function dummy() {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300)
let val = new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
let v = await dummy()
val.then(value => console.log(value))

How to get all promises in map with timeout inside

I am trying to get all the results from a map with time out.
I’ve tried to use promise.all() But it didn’t succeed because of the setTimeout function.
I will be happy if someone can look oh my code and suggest how to do it right.
Thank you very much.
new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
Promise.all( (item, i) => {
await setTimeout(async () => {
return await SendMail(item);
}, 5000 * i);
).then((mailsRes) => {
Simply loop through your items and sleep for x seconds (5 in this example) after sending each email.
const sleep = (milliSeconds) => {
return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, milliSeconds)
const sendEmails = async (items) => {
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const currentItem = items[i];
await SendMail(currentItem);
await sleep(5000)
as you see sendEmails is an async function then you can call it by:
await sendEmails(items)
Not sure what you are trying to achieve but you probably need this-
async function timeout(interval) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, interval);
new Promise( async (resolve, reject) => {
Promise.all( async (item, i)=>{
await timeout(5000 * i).then(() => {
return await SendMail(item);
.then(mailsRes => {
The problem is that setTimeout is resolved immediately and you get a timeout canceller in the next callback.
If I understand you correctly, that might do the trick:
function delayedSendMail(item, i) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(SendMail(item)), 5000 * i));
Promise.all(, i) => delayedSendMail(item, i)))
.then(mailResults => {
// handle results

What is the proper way to use Promise.reject with javascript

I have this following piece of code
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Both methods (resolve and reject) are being fired but I want to call reject only when something goes wrong.
How can I throw an error if something goes wrong on that case?
I checked that but it seems like I can not use an If statement to do that check.
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const printResult = apiRequest(data)
console.log(printResult) //Outputs Promise {<pending>}
resolve(printResult) //Then it works
What would be the correct approach to reject a promise?
The easiest way would be with an if condition. i.e
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// do something...
if(somethingGoodHappened) {
} else {
But usually when dealing with async requests, the thing you are calling will often be returning a promise, so you can attach the then and catch callbacks there.
.then((result) => {
// all good
.catch((err) => {
const mock_api = () => new Promise((res, rej) => {
const number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
setTimeout(() => {
if (number%2==0) return res('randomly RESOLVED')
return rej('randomly REJECTED')
}, 2000)
const async_promise = () => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
const resolvedPromise = await mock_api()
} catch (e) {
const classicPromise = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const makeAsyncRequest = async () => {
try {
const data = await async_promise()
console.log('ASYNC AWAIT RESOLVE', data)
} catch (e) {
console.log('ASYNC AWAIT ERR', e)
.then(r => console.log('PROMISE CHAIN RESOLVE', r))
.catch(e => console.log('PROMISE CHAIN ERR', e))
Because of you resolve before reject so it cannot run into reject,
You can use:
if (printResult) {
} else {
You can catch exceptions and return them as rejected Promises
function asyncFunc() {
try {
return doSomethingAsync()
.then(result => {
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
Always check for err if there is any err return a promise (example below)
// Return new promise
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Do async job
request.get(options, function(err, resp, body) {
if (err) {
} else {

nodejs how to use multiple await promises

how can i use multi promise await in my codes ? when i wanna use second await for second promise it throw an error
function ReadJSONFile() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile('import.json', 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
if (err) reject(err);
const Get_Image = async (Path) => {
Child_Process = exec('node get_image.js "'+Path+'",(err,stdout,stderr) =>
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
const Catch = async () => {
let get_json_file = await ReadJSONFile(); // this works perefectly
for(var i=0;i< Object.keys(get_json_file);i++) {
console.log(await Get_Image(get_json_file[i].image_path); //but this throw error
you didn`t return a promise that is why you got an error
const Get_Image = async (Path) => {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
Child_Process = exec('node get_image.js "'+Path+'",(err,stdout,stderr) =>

Wait for promises inside Promise.all to finish before resolving it

I have a Promise.all that executes asynchronous functions mapped on an array input if it's not null and then resolve data to a previously defined Promise:
Promise.all((inputs || []).map(input => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(intermediateOutput => {
someOtherAsyncFunc(intermediateOutput )
.then(output => {
return Promise.resolve(output )
.catch(reason=> {
return Promise.reject(reason)
.catch(reason => {
return Promise.reject(reason);
.then(outputs => {
.catch(reason => {
I only get empty outputs before even someAsyncFunc finishes its work. How can make Promise.all wait for the promises inside to finish their asynchronous work ?
Would not just
return Promise.all((inputs || []).map(input =>
work ?
You're not using Promise.all right the first time since it takes an array of promises as input, and not (resolve, reject) => { ... }
Promise.all is going to be rejected as soon as one of the underlying promises fails, so you don't need to try to do something around catch(error => reject(error)
const somePromiseFunc = (input) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (input === 0) { reject(new Error('input is 0')); }
resolve(input + 1);
}, 1000);
const someOtherPromiseFunc = (intermediateOutput) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (intermediateOutput === 0) { reject(new Error('intermediateOutput is 0')); }
resolve(intermediateOutput + 1);
}, 1000);
const f = inputs => {
const t0 =
return Promise.all((inputs || []).map(input => somePromiseFunc(input).then(someOtherPromiseFunc)))
.then(res => console.log(`result: ${JSON.stringify(res)} (after ${ - t0}ms)`))
.catch(e => console.log(`error: ${e} (after ${ - t0}ms)`));
// result: [] (after 0ms)
f([1, 0])
// error: Error: input is 0 (after 1001ms)
f([1, -1])
// error: Error: intermediateOutput is 0 (after 2002ms)
f([1, 2])
// result: [3,4] (after 2002ms)
See jfriend's comment.
someAsyncFunc and someOtherAsyncFunc are function that properly return a promise
with something like return new Promise(/*...*/);
this is useless:
.then(output => {
return Promise.resolve(output )
read the Promise documentation
.catch(reason=> {
return Promise.reject(reason)
the Promise is already rejecting, you don't need to catch and reject yourself
to make sure Promises are chainable you need to return the Promise
// ...
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(inputs == null)
else {
Promise.all( => {
return someAsyncFunc(input)
note I would rather not make the arry for Promise.all inline, it adds visual clutter:
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(inputs == null)
else {
const myPromises = => {
return someAsyncFunc(input)
it may still fail if you made other mistakes.

