Bootstrap 5 with Grunt to bundle and optimise js - javascript

I have successfully used Grunt to bundle the bootstrap 5 scss together into a single file. I have it setup so I can add and remove the component scss to the needs of the project for optimisation.
I am now trying to do the same with the js.
I am using grunt-contrib-uglify with the following task:
uglify: {
site: {
options: {
sourcemap: false
files: {
'example/static/example/assets/js/example.min.js': [
// popper bs5 dependency
// bootstrap 5 core js
// component js
// note ordering of components can be important
// eg. popover relies on tooltip, therefore tooltip must therefore go first
// custom js
I include it in my html, then have a script below it eg.
var myOffcanvas = document.getElementById('offcanvasExample')
var bsOffcanvas = new bootstrap.Offcanvas(myOffcanvas)
I get the error:
ReferenceError: bootstrap is not defined
in the console. What am I missing from the bundle to make this work? I have used the npm bs5 starter on Github as a reference for the files eg. popper dependency, the core js and imported all other component files in the node_modules/bootstrap/js/dist folder.
Github Bootstrap 5 npm starter
Bootstrap 5.1
Popper 2.9.2
Edit: Works correctly with distributed bundle.

so using the same grunt uglify task above, you can:
var myOffcanvas = document.getElementById('offcanvasExample')
var bsOffcanvas = Offcanvas(myOffcanvas)
(Note the removal of new bootstrap. from the script). I think this is because when importing the component files separately you are not importing Bootstrap as a module. Therefore unlike the bundle it is not available.
However, the components as separate functions are imported and available (much like Offcanvas in the above example)
As bootstrap 5 uses rollup to bundle its javascript I have now looked into the 'grunt-rollup' task. I was not happy in the respect that my previous answer did not align with the bootstrap docs.
I have since got it working successfully with the grunt-rollup task with this configuration:
// gruntfile imports
const babel = require("#rollup/plugin-babel").default;
const path = require('path')
const {nodeResolve} = require("#rollup/plugin-node-resolve");
// rollup task
rollup: {
options: {
plugins: [
exclude: './node_modules/**',
babelHelpers: 'bundled',
globals: {
'#popperjs/core': 'Popper'
external: ['#popperjs/core'],
format: 'umd',
name: 'bootstrap',
files: {
src: path.resolve(__dirname, `path/to/bootstrap5/imports/file`),
dest: path.resolve(__dirname, `path/to/export/file`),
where the bootstrap imports file looks like:
import Alert from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/alert'
import Button from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/button'
import Carousel from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/carousel'
import Collapse from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/collapse'
import Dropdown from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/dropdown'
import Modal from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/modal'
import Offcanvas from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/offcanvas'
import Popover from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/popover'
import ScrollSpy from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/scrollspy'
import Tab from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/tab'
import Toast from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/toast'
import Tooltip from 'node_modules/bootstrap/js/src/tooltip'
export default {
now you can choose which components to have in the js.

I'm not a super expert and not sure if the question is clear enough, but I would not recommend concatenating Libraries like Boostrap into a single main file in together other JS files outside the framework, due to performance issues and possible crashes in between libs due to definitions, and the possibility to update without a build process and also your site might be penalized by google engine.
Besides that, Boostrap normally already provides .min.css and .min.js already compressed/minified/uglified ready to use if you are not gonna change anything from the original design patterns, avoid using uncompress files if you are not gonna customize it.
for the rest in regards to other custom libraries or vanilla's JS create by you, you can use grunt-contrib-concat also if you wanna check the performance you can use
PageSpeed Insights with the result will know what exactly needs to be applied to get better performance and optimization.


How to set up plotly.js in nuxt SSR?

I'm trying to set up plotly.js in nuxt but whatever I do I get this cryptic error
self is not defined
I tried to install plotly.js and plotly.js-dist same error shows.
I would prefer to make custom build so I tried like this in nuxt plugins:
// here we use custom partial bundle
import plotly from 'plotly.js/lib/core';
import barpolar from 'plotly.js/lib/barpolar';
export default function (_, inject) {
inject('plotly', plotly);
but whenever I register nuxt plugin site crashes with aforementioned error.
Even not going down custom bundle route, and using dist lib still fails just the same.
I also tried not to employ nuxt plugins system but to import manually and to set up, same things happen.
I also added ify-loader as recommended here:
and this is my nuxt.config.js in regards to webpack plugin:
build: {
extend(config, { isClient }) {
console.log('config :>> ', config);
test: /\.js$/,
use: [
still no luck.
I presume this is problem with webpack 5 and plotly.js not working well together in default setup but I have no idea how to solve this.
Help appreciated.
The reason why this wasn't working is that plotly tried to access document, and in SSR that would obviously fail.
So to fix this I just had to assign plugin in client only mode like this:
plugins: [
// other plugins
{ src: '~/plugins/plotly', mode: 'client' },
and it worked.

Ruby on Rails 6 Webpack with Javascript libraries

I am building a new project in Rails 6. I have a front-end library I want to use (#tarekraafat/autocomplete.js) that is installed by yarn and exists in my node_modules directory, but is not being made available to other JS code in the browser. Here is what I have set up currently:
"dependencies": {
"#tarekraafat/autocomplete.js": "^8.2.1"
import "#tarekraafat/autocomplete.js/dist/js/autoComplete.min.js"
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = () => {
new autoComplete({
I am getting an error in the browser pointing to the new autoComplete():
Uncaught ReferenceError: autoComplete is not defined
Some reading seems to indicate that I need to modify the /config/webpack/environment.js file, in which I have tried various versions of the following with no luck (including restarting the dev server):
const { environment } = require('#rails/webpacker')
const webpack = require('webpack')
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
autoComplete: 'autocomplete.js'
module.exports = environment
First, what do I need to do to add this library so it can be used correctly? Second, as someone who has not directly used webpack previously, what is the function of adding this definition to the environments.js file, and why don't I need to do it for some libraries (bootstrap, popper) but I do for others (jquery, and maybe autocomplete.js)?
In Webpacker, the usage of this library would be as follows:
// app/javascript/src/any_file.js
import autoComplete from "#tarekraafat/autocomplete"
new autoComplete(...)
// app/javascript/packs/application.js
import "../src/any_file"
This alone does not import the autoComplete variable into the global scope. To do that, the simplest thing is assign the variable to window from within your webpack dependency graph.
// app/javascript/src/any_file.js
import autoComplete from "#tarekraafat/autocomplete"
window.autoComplete = autoComplete
As an aside, you don't need to use the ProvidePlugin configuration for this library. The ProvidePlugin says: “add this import to all files in my dependency graph.” This might be helpful for something like jQuery to make legacy jQuery plugins work in webpack. It is not necessary to make your autocomplete lib work

vuejs - how to add vue-material theme

I am starting a vuejs project using vue-cli.
I want to use vue-material as the main look and feel but I am not sure how to change the theme color.
from vue-material:
To use custom themes you'll need SCSS/SASS support in your project.
Read more about Pre-Processors. In the near future you'll be able to
use themes with Plain CSS and Stylus too.
and provide with this code:
#import "~vue-material/dist/theme/engine"; // Import the theme engine
#include md-register-theme("default", (
primary: md-get-palette-color(green, A200), // The primary color of your application
accent: md-get-palette-color(pink, 500) // The accent or secondary color
#import "~vue-material/dist/theme/all"; // Apply the theme
which I created a style.scss to include them.
and from vuejs come with this code:
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
// ... other rules omitted
// this will apply to both plain `.scss` files
// AND `<style lang="scss">` blocks in `.vue` files
test: /\.scss$/,
use: [
// plugin omitted
First of all, there isn't any webpack.config.js. but there is a babel.config.js. So i created webpack.config.js and include the code too.
When I run npm run serve, nothing seems to happen. there isn't any error or warning too.
I am new with webpack and I really not sure how this all work.
vue-cli doesn't have a webpack.config.js file. You don't need to make one. Instead, you can put your options inside build/webpack.base.conf.js.

Resolving dynamic module with Webpack and Laravel Mix

Good time of the day,
Recently I've been trying to implement dynamic module loading functionality for my project. However, I'm failing for past few hours. To give you an idea of what I'm trying to achieve, here is the structure of the project
So, in order to get the available plugins, I've made the following function
* Get all plugins for specified developer
* which have 'assets' folder
* #param developerPath
* #param plugins
function getDeveloperPlugins(developerPath, plugins) {
if (fs.existsSync(developerPath)) {
fs.readdirSync(developerPath).forEach(entry => {
let pluginPath = path.resolve(developerPath, entry),
assetsPath = path.resolve(pluginPath, 'assets');
if (fs.existsSync(assetsPath))
plugins[entry] = assetsPath;
This function loads all the available plugins for the specified developer, then goes inside and looks for the assets folder, if it exists, then it returns it and we can work with the provided directory later.
The next step is to generate the reference for every plugin (direct path to the developer_name.js file) which later should be 'mixed' into one plugins.bundle.js file.
In order to achieve this, the following piece of code 'emerged'
_.forEach(plugins, (directory, plugin) => {
let jsFolder = path.resolve(directory, 'js'),
scssFolder = path.resolve(directory, 'scss');
if (fs.existsSync(jsFolder)) {
let possibleFile = path.resolve(jsFolder, plugin + '.js');
if (fs.existsSync(possibleFile))
pluginsBundle.js[plugin] = possibleFile;
if (fs.existsSync(scssFolder)) {
let possibleFile = path.resolve(scssFolder, plugin + '.scss');
if (fs.existsSync(possibleFile))
pluginsBundle.scss[plugin] = possibleFile;
And the last step before I'm starting to edit the configuration of the Webpack is to get the folders for both scss and js files for all plugins and all developers:
let jsPluginsBundle = _.values(pluginsBundle.js),
scssPluginsBundle = _.values(pluginsBundle.scss);
And here is where the problems start to appear. I've tried many solutions offered either here on GitHub (in respective repositories), but I've failed so many times.
The only error I'm having now is this one:
ERROR in F:/Web/Projects/TestProject/plugins/developer/testplugin/assets/js/testplugin.js
Module build failed: ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "transform-object-rest-spread" specified in "base" at 0, attempted to resolve relative to "F:\\Web\\Projects\\TestProject\\plugins\\developer\\testplugin\\assets\\js"
Yes, i know that webpack.mix.js file should be in the root folder of the project, however, i'm just developing theme, which uses modules developed by other members of the team.
So, idea was to:
Start build process: npm run dev|prod
Load plugins for all needed developers automatically
Use methods and html tags provided by the plugin (it is a mix of PHP for API routing and Vue.js for Components, etc) as follows: <test-component></test-component>
Any help is really appreciated, i just cant get my head around that error. If you need extra information, i'm ready to help since i myself need help to solve this issue =)
Update: The latest Webpack config used by mix.webpackConfig() (still failing though)
let webpackConfiguration = {
module: {
rules: [{
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
use: {
loader: require.resolve('babel-loader'),
options: {
presets: [
plugins: [
resolve: {
modules: webpackModules
And this is the content of the webpackModules variable:
Okay, after 7 hours I've decided to try the most obvious method to solve the problem, to create node_modules folder in the root of the project and install laravel-mix there, and it worked like a charm.
Looks like, if it cant find the module in the directory outside the root scope of the Webpack, it will go up the tree to find the node_modules folder.
Developers should allow us to set the root folder for Webpack to fetch all the modules i guess, but well, problem is solved anyways.

Using webpack with an existing requirejs application

I am working with an existing application (canvas-lms) that uses RequireJS in its build system. I'm working on a pseudo-standalone application that plugs into Canvas (a "client_app" in Canvas parlance). This is a fontend-only app that makes API calls back to the host Canvas app. The details aren't terribly important for my question - all a client_app needs to do is have a build script that spits out a JS file in a defined place within the Canvas app tree.
I'm trying to use Webpack to build my app instead of RequireJS. Everything works great if I keep all my dependencies self-contained (e.g. npm-install everything I need); however, Canvas already provides many of these dependencies (e.g. React, jQuery), and in jQuery's case, it provides a patched version that I'd like to use instead. This is where I start to have problems.
Getting React to work was easy; Canvas installs it with bower, so I was able to add an alias in my webpack config to point at it:
alias: {
'react': __dirname + '/vendor/canvas/public/javascripts/bower/react/react-with-addons',
(__dirname + /vendor/canvas is a symlink in my application tree to the host Canvas application's tree)
Where I'm having trouble is trying to load the provided copy of jQuery.
Canvas has the following jQuery structure:
define(['jquery.instructure_jquery_patches'], function($) {
return $;
define(['vendor/jquery-1.7.2', 'vendor/jquery.cookie'], function($) {
// does a few things to patch jquery ...
// ...
return $;
/public/javascripts/vendor/jquery.cookie.js -- looks like the standard jquery.cookie plugin, wrapped in an AMD define:
define(['vendor/jquery-1.7.2'], function(jQuery) {
jQuery.cookie = function(name, value, options) {
and finally, /public/javascripts/vendor/jquery-1.7.2.js. Not going to paste it in, since it's bog-standard jQuery1.7.2, except that the AMD define has been made anonymous -- reverting it to the stock behaviour doesn't make a difference.
I want to be able to do something like var $ = require('jquery') or import $ from 'jquery' and have webpack do whatever magic, poorly-documented voodoo it needs to do to use jquery.instructure-jquery-patches.
I've tried adding the path to resolve.root in my webpack.config.js file:
resolve: {
extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx'],
root: [
__dirname + '/src/js',
__dirname + '/vendor/canvas/public/javascripts'
alias: {
'react': 'react/addons',
'react/addons/lib': 'react/../lib'
This should mean that when I do a require('jquery'), it first finds /public/javascripts/jquery.js, which defines a module with instructure_jquery_patches as a dependency. That falls into instructure_jquery_patches, which defines a module with two dependencies ('vendor/jquery-1.7.2', 'vendor/jquery.cookie').
In my main entry point (index.js), I am importing jQuery (also tried a commonjs require, no difference), and trying to use it:
import React from 'react';
import $ from 'jquery';
if (__DEV__) {
window.React = window.React || React;
console.log('React: ', React.version);
console.log('jQuery:', $.fn.jquery);
Building the bundle with webpack seems to work; there are no errors. When I try to load the page in the browser, though, I'm getting an error from within jquery.instructure-jquery-patches.js:
It would seem that jQuery is not availble within jquery.instructure-jquery-patches.
It is, however, available in the global scope after the page loads, so jQuery is being evaluated and executed.
My guess is that I'm running into some sort of requirejs/amd asynchronicity problem, but that's a shot in the dark. I don't know enough about requirejs or amd to know for sure.
TobiasK's comment pointed me at needing to add amd: { jQuery: true } to my webpack config. Everything is working now.

