How to correctly GET an image file from server? - javascript

I created an API that connects to a MYSQL database and shows the following:
The urlDFF and urlTXD are the locations on the server where these files are stored. Wrapping this information in an img tag doesn't display any images. How would I go about actually displaying images and files for download? I am using node, JavaScript, Express and Sequelize. I am a beginner to this and I'm unable to figure out what I'm missing. Any tips are appreciated.

You need to provide the browser with a URL it can use to fetch the images over HTTP.
You can't provide a file path on the server's disk, browser's won't have access to that.
So first you need to present the images over HTTP in the first place. If you are using Node.js then the likelihood is that you are using Express (if you aren't, then you should start using it) and using the static module to expose the directory you are storing the images in.
Then you need to replace the front part of your file paths (up to the directory you exposed) with http://yourHostName/yourStaticRootPath.


Access to files on HDD from AngularJS application

I have AngularJS (1.2.16) application which works on Tomcat 8.0.x I need to add following feature: create a new tab in the application (no problem) and allows to user to select concrete from select box on previously implemented new tab, file from HDD (directory is given but outside from Tomcat) and preview (PDF file). How to connect those two worlds? I have backend also.
I have found very similar question- Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application but I do not understand how to get in UI a list of files from given dir. There are any best practices on that?
EDIT: I have found also possible duplicate, so you suggest to serve all files under URL? Is it safe? Is it the only one solution?
Security considerations
Providing read/write access to a filesystem folder from an application server is always a bad practice.
It should be considered if the web application will be accessed from internet.
In case we need to handle this kind of situation the better think to do is to understand which information we need to have and to modify, and wen wrap those information inside a specific API that allow to work on strictly what we need.
Or we could have an operation approach which consists in the hardening of the server and the folders that should be accessed in a way that any threat will be contained.
The solution part
This answer was proposed for duplicate of: Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application.
But this part just explain alf of the requested solution.
The answer here explain how to configure an extension of the default servlet from a custom folder in Tomcat:
You have to act on the conf/server.xml:
<Context docBase="/path/to/files" path="/files" />
Here you configure a folder in a way that Tomcat will access, and connect it to a path that could be requested on the HTTP requests (http://mytomcatserver/files/).
Now you need to configure the web.xml to connect a specific servlet to this path, to be able to handle the folder content.
Once you have your servlet and your Tomcat properly configured it's time to access the folder and files.
This could be done as explained int the answer Display list of files in webpage using servlet.
In short, you cold access the folder with plain java:
File filesFolder = new File(req.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/files"));
And then with the method File.listFiles() you could get the list of files in the folder.
With File.listFiles() you could also add filters that allow you to hide files you don't want the user could access.

How to get files above the server directory in Node.js

I am trying to serve audio files with a node.js server. The problem is, I want to be able to get any audio file in my computer but I don't know how to make audio elements in html to work with directories above the server. There is this question I found but since the files I want to be able to get always change it didn't really help.
The project is basically a media player on the browser. It will be on LAN so serving everything in the computer isn't really a problem. I am already using express' static function for images, javascript and css. The application is keeping path, name and other informations using nedb.
First off, you have to understand that node.js doesn't serve any files by default. As such, you must either code each individual request manually so that the /foo request generates content from some specific file or code. Or you must create some set of mappings where /content/foo tells your server to read some corresponding directory on your server like /myservercontent/foo.
And, there are various tools to help you create this mapping for entire directory hierarchies of files (such as express.static()). But, any mapping like this has an explicit root where all requests are relative to some root. You can define where you want this root to be on your server. It can even be the root directory of your server (though that is never recommended for a variety of reasons). Usually, this root is set to some parent directory on your hard disk that ONLY contains public web content below that parent directory. This is so that you NEVER create a situation where some random web user can get access to files on your system that you do not intend to be public (such as your HTTPs certificates, databases, server code, password files, etc...).
All that said, node.js allows you to do pretty much anything you want. If you want to give access to some random file on your hard drive in any random location (something I would never recommend), you can easily code node.js to do that. There are several ways to achieve it. One simple one would be to just construct a route that accepts a query parameter where the query parameter specifies the path to the desired file and then have that route handle go read that file and return it. This is a gaping security hole big enough to drive a truck through so I would never, ever recommend this.
Instead, what you really should do is to gather up all the files that you wish to make available via your server and put them into one safe directory hierarchy and then allow access to files in that specific directory hierarchy, not anywhere else on your hard drive.
Now that you've explained a little more about what you're doing, here's one idea:
Scan the local hard drive to identify all audio files that you think are safe to share. Be very, very careful what you decide to share as mistakes here could open big security holes. You will have to assess the security risks of what you're doing here since we don't understand the full context.
As you gather this list of audio files, save the list to some sort of data store that your server is using so you can quickly get access to the list at any future time. I'd suggest that you create a unique ID for each audio file that may make it easier to refer to in the future.
You can then offer your remote user a list of these audio files and they can pick one. The audio file they have picked can then be sent to the server as part of a request to play a specific audio file. I would suggest that files should be requested only by ID (for security reasons), though your user interface may choose to display the original path name if that is important or relevant.
When your server receives a request to play an audio file with a specific ID, it can then consult its data store to find out which audio file is the one with specific ID. This is an important step because forcing the client to request the file by ID (not by path) makes it so the client can only request audio files that you've previously scanned and found it was safe to make public. There would be no vulnerabilities where a remote client could request some other file that you did not intend to share.
Once your server looks in the data store and finds the audio file with that particular ID, it can then ge the local path from the data store and can then read the audio file and can send/stream it to the remote client.
As an example, in step 3 and 4, then client may send a URL that looks like this:
That would be a request to play the audio file with an id of 5934902. Your server would then have a route handler for /play/:id that would use the id to then carry out steps 4 and 5.

Can I create a directory in client PC?

I have multiple questions
Can we create a directory in client machine ?
Can we check the running browser's default download path?
My requirement is that the user will download a BLOB data from my DB that time I want to create a folder in client machine and use that folder to save the blob data.
Can this be done using javascript,jquery,ajax,php,angularjs ?
You can't create a folder in client PC using JS.(don't even bother looking with HTML and CSS)
The best way you could accomplish something as you describe is to give a .zip to your client, so while extracting it, it creates his own container (the folder). But you must be sure that the people who intend using your web application knows how a .zip works.
Using PHP you can't do anything in the client PC. PHP is a server side programming language. So, it is running only in the server. When you make any request to the server then only PHP performs. In the browser end or client side only HTML, CSS and JS works.

coordinating filesystem activity in nodejs

What is the best practice for coordinating access to files in node.js?
I'm trying to write an http based file uploader for very large files (10sGB) that is resumable. I'm trying to figure out what the best approach is to handle two people trying to upload the same file at the same time... I'm also trying to think ahead to the possibility where more than one copy of the node.js http server is running behind a load balancer, which means catching duplicate uploads can't rely on just the code itself.
In python, for example, you can create a file by passing the correct flags to the open() call to force an atomic create. Not sure if the default node.js open new file is atomic.
Another option I thought of, but don't really want to pursue, is using a database with an async driver that supports atomic transactions to track this state...
In order to know if multiple users are uploading the same file, you will have to identify the files somehow. Hashing is best for this. First, hash the entire file on the client side to identify it. Tell the server the hash of the file, if there is already a file on the server with the same hash, then the file has already been uploaded or is currently being uploaded.
Since this is an http file server, you will likely want users to upload files from a browser. You can get the contents of a file with a browser using the File Reader API. Unfortunately as of now this isn't widely supported. You might have to use something like flash to to get it to work in other browsers.
As you stream the file into memory with the file reader, you will want to break it into chunks and hash the chunks. Then send the server all of the file's hashed chunks. It's important that you break the file into chunks and hash those individual chunks instead of the contents of the entire file because otherwise the client could send one hash and upload an entire different file.
After the hashes are received and compared to other files' hashes and it turns out someone else is currently uploading the same file, the server then decides which user gets to upload which chunks of the file. The server then tells the uploading clients what chunks it wants from them, and the clients upload their corresponding chunks.
As each chunk is finished uploading, it is rehashed on the server and compared with the original array of hashes to verify that the user is uploading the correct file.
I found this on HackerNews under a response to someone complaining about some of the same things in node.js. I'll put it here for completeness. This allows me to at least lock some file writes in node.js like I wanted to.
IsaacSchlueter 4 hours ago | link
You can open a file with O_EXCL if you pass in the open flags as a
number. (You can find them on require("constants"), and they need to
be binary-OR'ed together.) This isn't documented. It should be. It
should probably also be exposed in a cleaner way. Most of the rest of
what you describe is APIs that need to be polished and refined a bit.
The boundaries are well defined at this point, though. We probably
won't add another builtin module at this point, or dramatically expand
what any of them can do. (I don't consider seek() dramatic, it's just
tricky to get right given JavaScript's annoying Number problems.)

Javascript / S3 multiple file upload

I'm looking for a way to select and upload multiple files to Amazon S3, something in the vein of Uploadify, but with the following constraints :
No flash or HTML 5 - but AJAX and iframe tricks are allowed.
Multiple selection must happen in a single dialog.
Files must be sent directly to Amazon (there is no intermediary server to handle them).
Also, Amazon S3 does not allow uploading multiple files in a single request, so this means every file will have to be sent with a distinct request to a distinct URL, so I need to specify what those URLs will be.
Are any components around that might do this, or any known techniques I could leverage to build my own? Thank you.
Plain HTML file uploads are limited to one file at a time.
Javascript is restricted from accessing the user's file system, and must depend on the HTML file upload mechanism.
Consequently, we are left only with the complex options such as Flash, Java applets, or browser plugins. If they are not acceptable, you will not be able to support multiple file uploads.

