how can i use PHP functions (Gutenberg WordPress) inside JavaScript - javascript

sorry for asking a very basic question...
i am new at WordPress/Gutenberg, and I am not familiar with PHP. trying to write a custom block with javascript at Gutenberg, but I found most of the functions available only work at PHP. how I can use these functions in javascript ..
like .. get_post_meta() , or get_the_tags()
thank you

Yes, PHP functions can be used inside Gutenberg blocks by creating a dynamic block which calls a PHP function to render the content. This enables use of all the available PHP & WordPress functions like get_post_meta() etc.
The Developer documentation has an example block code that shows how this is implemented and is a great place to get started. Also, the <ServerSideRender> is a useful component that enables rendering of live PHP inside the block editor.
Reviewing the source code of an existing core block (eg. latest posts) that uses PHP to render may also help you get started with building your own block.

There is a workaround since PHP outputs text you can use it to write Javascript code that will be executed on the page load or triggered by an event. Just don't forget to surround your js code with script tags


Making processing.js sketch get value from external JS variable

I have a game written in Javascript with the Processing.js library. I want to make highscores for that game, and for that I want the user to be able to type a name in an input tag in the page HTML.
How can I make my Processing.js sketch "see" the variable containing the value of the input field?
You should check out the Processing.js documentation, specifically the JavaScript Quick Start, specifically the Writing Documents that Combine Processing and JavaScript Code section.
There are three main ways to approach this: you can write Processing code that accesses an external JavaScript variable, or you could write JavaScript code that does something like call a setter function in your Processing code, or you could write JavaScript code directly in your Processing code.
Any of those approaches would work fine for what you're trying to do. If you still can't get it working, please post a MCVE of what you tried in a new question, and we'll go from there. Good luck.

Using gsp layout declared variable in javaScript file that is being loaded in the same page

I recently started learning grails and I am trying to use a gsp variable declared in the layout of the page as:
<g:set var="abtestType" value="newSearchBar" />
in the js file that is being loaded on the same page. Things that I have tried:
but its showing error as variable is not defined. Probably I am trying to fetch it in wrong way, need help regarding this.
Even thinking about doing so neither makes sense nor applicable.
Reason for such statement is that when a gsp page is rendered to an html page, it replace grails tags with appropriate html tags or value. Similarly it replaces the ${} or <%%> with html or javascript or whatever that goes on front-end.
Hence the code that you have tried could have worked fine if you were having those javascript code lines in the gsp itself but as you have called externalised js file it actually don't know anything about gsp or jsp or any other Language's front-end support.
The one way of doing that if using global variable in javascript. e.g.
declare abtestType above like below:
var abtestType = "${abtestType}"
Now you have access to global variable abtestType in your javascript.
Use it in your javascript but remember now you need to have this variable iff the code using it is called otherwise very same error would you get i.e. variable is not defined
There is another way that I found in this post but is a manipulation actually.
Is there any analogue in Javascript to the __FILE__ variable in PHP?
Also, another good links is
Pass vars to JavaScript via the SRC attribute
Hope it helps!

How to have an action respond to javascript in PHP?

I'm currently working with a Kohana project and am trying to implement endless scrolling. I'm trying to use the method Ryan Bates shows in the following Ruby on Rails video:
At 3:21 he says the action won't respond to javascript and proceeds to create a js.erb file. What is the PHP equivalent to this step going forward? Where would I place the php file equivalent to his index.js.erb?
To copy what he did, just create a PHP file that generates Javascript with the content you want to append like he did with render(). You can call this file whatever you want, but following his convention, it would be index.js.php.
So for example:
$('#products').append('<?php render_elements(); ?>');
$('#pagination').replaceWith('<?php render_pagination(); ?>');
Since you're already this far in his tutorial, I assume that you have the code to render the elements you want to display already.
It may be easier however to use other AJAX methods to achieve the same thing though.

How/when/where to include external javascript

I'm looking for some advice on the best way to hold my JavaScript (jQuery) functions.
I am developing in MVC/razor and therefore have a layout page. I include my jQuery library and an external JavaScript file in here so it's available in every single page.
This is working well, but I am now becoming very aware of the fact that I am adding almost 300 lines of JS to EVERY page, where maybe half of that is used in any one of these pages.
One function is not in the external file and instead sits inside the HTML because I need to use variables set in my razor code.
I have a couple of questions around this arrangement:
Is placing JS inside the HTML generally acceptable when variables set using razor are used? There does not appear to be a clean way of passing a variable into an external js file
Should I split my functions down in to individual JS files and just include what is needed for each page in the site?
If I were to split them into multiple files, how would that work with jQuery's (document).ready ? Do I need to use that if all the JavaScript I am including is to be used?
I'm sure this will more a matter of opinion than a black and white answer, but I want to consider all my options before moving on. Even though it works fine as is, I can't help but feel there is a better/cleaner way.
Remember once a user lands on your homepage and loads the javascript file it will be cached in their browser so subsequent pages will not download the Javascript again.
I would definitely keep the js separate, you could have a snippet on each page that initialise the JS that that particurlar view needs. Put something like the below in the views that need to run JS
$(document).ready(function() {
Then the function mysite.mypage() can be defined in the external JS file.
300 lines isnt the end of the world, I would say its probably too early to be worryign about optimisation.
You could always look at minifying that JS file to decrease the size. A quick and easy way to do this is here:
Have you ever heard of require.js? I find it really useful.
It's a module loader so you are able to split all of your JS code into individual files and load only the ones you need on each page.
I don't know about passing a variable to an external JS file, I don't think its possible / the 'right' way.
You can make each external JS file into a function that accepts and returns parameters. Then in the page you need to use it:
- include the file dependancy
- call the function
Thats what I do, seems like your 2nd suggestion.
for the $(document.ready) question its really up to you. You don't have to use it but its useful for some things , check out this overview:$(document).ready()

What is the best way to organize JS code in webapps where the main "meat" is still server side?

When building webapps with MVC web framworks like Django, Kohana, Rails and the like, I put together the application without JS-driven components initially, and then add them afterwards as "improvements" to the UI.
This approach leads to non-intrusive JS, but I don't have a good "standard" way of how to go about organizing the JS work. Most of the JS I write in apps like these are 10-30 line JQuery snippets that hook into some very specific part of the UI.
So far I often end up inlining these things together with the part of the UI they manage. This makes me feel dirty, I'd like to keep the JS code as organized as the python / php / ruby code, I'd like for it to be testable and I'd like for it to be reusable.
What is the best way to go about organizing JS code in a setup like this, where we're not building a full-blown JS client app, and the main meat is still server side?
I am also very interested in what other people have to say about this. The approach I've taken is to use object literal notation to store the bulk of the function, and store these in one file included on all pages (the library)
uiHelper = {
// function to swap default text into input elements
// loads new page using ajax instead of refreshing page
// apply jQuery UI sortable properties to list and remove non javascript controls
Then I include a .js file on any page that needs to use the library that ties the elements on that page to the function in the library. I've tried to make each function as reuseable as possible and sometimes the event binding function on the page calls several of my library functions.
//more complicated helper
edit: using jsDoc notation for commenting for these functions can produce documentation for the 'library' and helps keep your code easy to read (functions split by comments).
The following question is along similar lines to your own - you should check it out...
Commonly accepted best practices around code organization in JavaScript
When dealing with JS code, you should first analyze whether it will be used right away when the page loads. If it's not used right away (meaning the user must do something to invoke it) you should package this into a JS file and include it later so the load time is perceived faster for the user. This means that anything that the user will sees should go first and JS related to the functionality should be imported near the end of the file.
Download this tool to analyze your website:
If the JS code is small enough, it should just be inline with the HTML.
Hope that helps a bit.
For quick little user interface things like that I put everything into a single javascript file that I include on every page. Then in the javascript file I check what exists on the page and run code accordingly. I might have this in UIMagic.js for example. I have jQuery, so excuse those jQuery-isms if they aren't familiar to you.
function setupMenuHover() {
if ($("").length) { // The page has a menu
$("").hover(function() { ... }, function() { ... });
function setupFacebookWizbang() {
if (typeof FB != "undefined") { // The page has Facebook's Javascript API
I've found this to be a sane enough approach.
My preferred method is to store inline javascript in it's own file (so that I can edit it easily with syntax highlighting etc.), and then include it on the page by loading the contents directly:
'<script type="text/javascript">'+open('~/js/page-inline.js').read()+'</script>'
This may not perform well though, unless your templating library can cache this sort of thing.
With Django you might be able to just include the js file:
<script type="text/javascript">
{% include "js/page-inline.js" %}
Not sure if that caches the output.
If you are still worried about being 'dirty', then you could check out the following projects, which try to bridge the server/client side language mismatch: (Python generating JavaScript) (Java generating JavaScript) (JavaScript all the way!)

