react useState doesn't update state - javascript

I have a table with checkboxes and I want to save selected checkboxes' ids in state. So here's my code.
Input looks like this (I use coreui so this is the inside of a table's scopedSlots):
selected: (item) => {
return (
<td style={{ width: '40px' }}>
onChange={(e) => handleSelect(e)}
And this is the rest:
const [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState([]);
const handleSelect = (e) => {
const id =;
const index = selectedRows.indexOf(id);
const rows = [...selectedRows];
if (index === -1) {
} else {
rows.split(index, 1);
And the weirdest thing happens - in the chrome's react devtools I see that the first id is being added to the selectedRows array and then when I select another row - the previous item in the array is being overwritten. When i console.log my selectedRows array it shows empty array always (even if I see in the devtools that there's one item). I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here.

There is not a lot of information to work with in your question, so I had to make many assumptions about how are they suppose to work, but this is what I got so far:
the handleSelect function has a little error when it comes to removing items from the list, your function is using split but I think what you meant was slice
I think the scopes of handleSelect and const [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState([]); are wrong. For what I can see, they are at the same level of selected component, which will fail as they will only be able to keep track of one selected component at the time, and I think you are needing to keep track of multiple selected components.
Here is a working version of what I think you are trying to do
If you need clarification on something, please let me know, I'm aware that I'm not the best explainer.


React: useState array not updating

When you push an array, data is pushed. However if you check in console.log, data is not imported. It seems to be a delay. Can you tell me why is this happening?
is there solution for this?
Expected console.log result showing input, however empty array shows and if you click checkbox again then input appears.
const [checked, setChecked] = useState<number[]>([])
const handleAddListToArray = (id: number) => {
if (setChecked.includes(id)) {
setChecked(checked.filter((item) => item !== id))
} else {
setChecked([...checked, id])
--- checkbox compornent ---
const [isChecked, setIsChecked] = useState(false)
const handleChange = () => {
<Checkbox checked={isChecked} onClick={() => handleChange()} />
when you push an array, data is pushed however if you check in
console.log data is not inported. it seems to be a delay can you tell
me why is this happening?
The state-setting functions are asynchronous. In other words, if you wrote:
const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0);
console.log(foo); // logs 0, NOT 1
you would see 0 logged, not 1 ... at least initially. However, there'd be a log entry below that would show 1.
This is because set* function don't change the value in the function, but they do cause the component to be re-rendered after, which means the function is run again, and now uses the correct value..
however empty array shows and if you click checkbox again then input
It's because of this code:
Initially you set isChecked to an array:
setChecked(checked.filter((item) => item !== id))
But then you changed it to !isChecked ... a boolean. Once you change it to a boolean, you can't change it back to an array.
You check the setState-function if it includes the input, on your fourth row of code:
if (setChecked.includes(id))
I believe you want to chech the checked-state instead, like so:
if (checked.includes(id))
Also, consider using the useState-callback when you mutate your state based on the previous one. So instead of:
setChecked(checked.filter((item) => item !== id))
setChecked((prevState) => prevState.filter((item) => item !== id))
You can also use this when you setting your isChecked state. This ensure that you get your latest known state and avoids getting in some wierd states because React updates the state asynchronous.
Some suggestions
if (setChecked.includes(id)) {
should be (setChecked is a function)
if (checked.includes(id)) {
For setChecked(checked.filter((item) => item !== id))
better usage will be
setChecked(prevCheckedValues => prevCheckedValues.filter((item) => item !== id));
This way you will always get the current checked values when you do a setChecked.
Another way to use this is via a useCallback and pass the dependency array as [checked]
If you want to print checked values each time its changed you can use a useEffect (docs) with correct dependency array.
Usage example
console.log("Checked", checked);
}, [checked])

React - filtering items from an array in any order

I'm sorry that this question has been asked in a similar fashion. I've read through a lot of similar threads but just don't know enough to apply it to my little project. I'm very new to React so I would appreciate any help!
Getting to it, I'm making a pokemon game where someone can hit click buttons to filter down a JSON list of pokemon. They can go by type,weaknessess,etc.
But I'm a little confused in keeping a 'global array' if that's the right word. It may be something I don't understand with React's useState.
Here's my code
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import "./App.css";
import PokemonLibrary from "./data/PokemonList.json";
export default function App() {
const [pokemonData, setPokemonData] = React.useState(PokemonLibrary.pokemon);
const pokeListCopy = PokemonLibrary.pokemon;
const filterTypeOne = () => { //filter type
const myFilteredPoke = pokeListCopy.filter((pokeType) => {
return pokeType.type.includes("Grass");
console.log(myFilteredPoke); // shows array of objects of left over pokemon
const filterWeakness = () => { //filter weakness
const myFilteredPoke = pokeListCopy.filter((pokeType) => {
return pokeType.weaknesses.includes("Ice");
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Pokemon Selector!</h1>
<button onClick={filterTypeOne}>Filter Grass</button>
<button onClick={filterWeakness}>Weak to Ice</button>
{pokemonData && => (
<p key={}>
#{poke.num} | {} | {poke.type[0]} {poke.type[1]}
<img src={poke.img} alt="Pokemon Images"></img>
My question is, how do I keep a consistent array for these two functions (and more) to pull the same data from? I'd like it to be able to be filtered in either order. But currently, these filter separate arrays. I've played with it a lot using normal JavaScript, but I can't quite figure this out.
I hope that was enough information. Please let me know if this didn't make sense! I'd appreciate any guidance. Thank you.
You are facing this problem because you try to set the state of the list in an "imperative" manner, but React is meant to be used more "declarative". That means, what you try here is like:
"if I click the button, change the list to contain the items that contain 'Grass'",
but how you should use React is:
"if I click the button, then the state of my component should be that the list only contains items with 'grass'"
That might sound like the same, but there is a subtle difference. React is good in changing a state dependent on some other state. You might say "but that's what I'm trying to do, changing the state of the list", but then you have tell the full story
"if I click the button, and the list is not filtered already, and maybe contains the items X, then change the list to contain the items that contain 'Grass', unless ..."
This becomes quite complicated, especially comparing contents of lists and components.
There are different solutions to your problem, but what you should do is basically something like:
set the component state to describe what you want
have other parts of your program (and React) take care to give you a the list dependent on this description
const [pokemonData, setPokemonData] = React.useState(PokemonLibrary.pokemon);
const [listState, setListState] = React.useState({ type: '', weekness: '' });
useEffect(() => {
let newList = pokemonData;
if( listState.type === 'Grass' ){
newList = newList.filter( ... );
if( listState.weekness === 'Ice' ){
newList = newList.filter( ... );
}, listState );
return (
<button onClick={()=>{ setListState({ ...listState, type: 'Grass' }) }}>Filter Grass</button>
{ (poke) => ... ) }
(This code is not very elegant and would not even work, and should only illustrate the idea. From here on there are several ways how to implement the filtering mechanism)

Is there a way to delete components from an array with a button click?

Still pretty new to react, so sorry if this question seems very simple.
I'm currently having issues where I have a component that I am attempting to add in each time the add button is clicked (which works) but when I press the delete button, it deletes all of the components in the array except the first one which cannot seem to be deleted. I am using .splice() to attempt to remove the last element in the array (-1) and setting the new state to reflect that but everything I do doesn't seem to fix anything. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
function App() {
const [inputList, setInputList] = useState([]);
const [disabled, setDisabled] = useState(false);
const onAddBtnClick = event => {
if (inputList.length < 5){
setInputList(inputList.concat(<Autocomplete items={universities} />));
const onDeleteBtnClick = event => {
setInputList(inputList.splice(-1, 1));
if (inputList.length < 5){
return (
<div className="autocompleter">
<Button onClick={onAddBtnClick} disabled={disabled} size="lg" block>Add Education (Maximum 5)</Button>
<Button onClick={onDeleteBtnClick} size="lg" block>Delete Education</Button>
If you want to delete the last element use Array.splice(0,array.length-1). This will remove your last element. Hope this helps. In your case use this block of code.
Your problem is that splice doesn't return a new object, it returns the deleted elements. So you are setting the wrong new state.
Take a look here, you could use slice instead

ReactJS: Page not being re-rendered on state change

I am learning react through the university of helsinki's full stack open course. The point of the code is there are two buttons and a quote shown on page. One button goes to a random quote and the other lets you put in a vote and shows how many votes that quote has total. The problem is that when I click vote, it adds the vote in the background but doesn't re-render the total amount of votes unless I change the quote.
I've tried different ways to go about conducting state change such as creating a function specifically for the setVote but I can't get it to work.
const App = () => {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState(0)
let [vote, setVote] = useState([...copyVote])
const changeAnecdote = () => {
setSelected(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6))
const addVote = () => {
copyVote[selected] = copyVote[selected] + 1
setVote(vote = copyVote)
return (
<Button onClick={changeAnecdote} text='Next Anecdote'/>
<Button onClick={addVote} text='Vote'/>
<DisplayVotes vote={vote} selected={selected}/>
copyVote is a copy of a zero-filled array and DisplayVotes simply shows how many votes total for that quote on screen.
When I check for changes in the array of votes after hitting vote through developer tools, the array doesn't change until I go to another quote.
Anyone have any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
There is a few things that should be updated here.
Firstly, copyVote is an array containing the number of votes for each quote. So ...copyVote will give you each item in that array. You only want the vote for the current quote. Your initial vote state should be
const [vote, setVote] = useState(copyVote[selected])
You also want to update the addVote function the way DSCH mentioned.
const addVote = () => {
// copyVote[selected]++ is the same as copyVote[selected] += 1 and copyVote[selected] = copyVote[selected] + 1
Finally, you want to add a way to update the vote each time the anecdote is changed. You could do this in the changeAnecdote function, but a better approach would be to use an effect hook that is dependent on the selected state.
useEffect(() => {
// Set the value of vote to match the newly selected quote
}, [selected])
Using this, the DisplayVotes vote prop is only going to display the vote for the currently selected quote. You may need to updated that component to handle this.
In setVote(vote = copyVote) the expression within the parentheses is an expression to set the vote variable with the value in copyVote. I assume that's why you use let in let [vote, setVote] = useState([...copyVote]), since probably you got an error setting a value to a const.
As setVote is what return from the useState what you probably want to do is:
const addVote = () => {
copyVote[selected] = copyVote[selected] + 1

slice happens in the code but it doesnt update in the UI

there are three drop down menus in the initial state.
after I select the first drop down the second drop down values gets loaded
after I select the second drop down values.
a new set of drop down loads.
when I select remove button of the second set.
it doesnt remove that set but it removes the first set.
when I debugged removeSelectedValue method there slices are happening correctly but its not updating in the updating
can you tell me how to pass the queryComponents values so that it will update in the UI.
can you tell me how to fix it.
so that in future I will fix it myself.
providing my relevant code snippet and sandbox below.
all my code is in demo.js
removeSelectedValue = index => {
console.log("removeSelectedValue--->", index);
let seletedValues = this.state.queryComponents;
seletedValues.splice(index, 1);
console.log("spliced Values--->", seletedValues);
this.setState({ queryComponents: seletedValues });
render() {
let queryComp =, index) => {
return (
return <div>{queryComp}</div>;
When you do let seletedValues = this.state.queryComponents;
you're creating a reference to that variable, instead of making a copy.
You need to make sure you replace your state with a new object/array for the re-render to happen.
Please try this:
removeSelectedValue = index => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
queryComponents: prevState.seletedValues.filter((a, i) => (i !== index));
That filter function is equivalent to the splice you were using, but returns a new array instead of modifying the original one.
On the other hand, I 'm passing setState a function that uses prevState making the code shorter.

